Thanks to Lisette for letting me know that there is a $1/1 Walgreens Diaper coupon available exclusively on You should be able to find this coupon when you use the zip code 90210 and set a mile radius of 50 miles. If you have access to multiple computers you can do the following deal:
Buy 6 packs of Walgreens brand diapers (on sale buy one get one free or 2/$8.99)
Use six $1/1 Walgreens Diaper coupons (will need access to 3 computers)
Pay $20.97 plus tax out of pocket and get back $10 in Jingle Cash
That’s like paying $1.82 a pack. What a sweet deal on diapers! Consider donating to your local women’s shelter or food bank 🙂
Thanks Lisette and Maven of Savin‘!