Remember those $5 Huggies coupons I blogged about last month from Recycle Bank? Well, I know some of you didn’t have a chance to get them because Recycle Bank ran out of them. To make it up to at least one of you, I am giving away the two I got. One winner will win two $5 off one Huggies pack of diapers coupons. The coupons expire on 1/31/10. But there will be a good register rewards offer at Walgreens in a couple of weeks. The winner should be able to get a good deal before they expire. In addition to these two coupons the winner will win a potluck of baby coupons. Most of these coupons are home mailers I have received. A couple of them are $3/1 Huggies diapers coupons.
How do you enter to win this giveaway?
- Just leave me a comment sharing who you will be buying diapers for if you won these coupons.
If you are reading this entry via email updates or via RSS reader please CLICK HERE to visit my blog to enter. Emailing me is not a valid entry for this giveaway. This giveaway is open to residents of the United States only. Please enter only if you are 18 years or older. This giveaway ends on 1/6/10 at 9PM CST. At that time I will close the giveaway and select one winner randomly.
I would definitely have to buy diapers for my son if I won. Thanks for the tip about the huggies later on in the month. I’ll save saving coupons where I can too.
I would be buying diapers for my adorable 15 month old boy. Thanks for the giveaway – that’s very generous of you!
I have a 2 1/2 year old grandson and 1 1/2 year old granddaughter for whom I provide the diapers to help out their parents a little (they are also about to adopt an infant from Africa). I’m always scrounging for coupons and deals!
I would be buying the diapers for my son
My sister just had her first baby yesterday so I’d have to share with her!! Thanks!
I would buy for my son, who is 14 months old
I would LOVE to have these for my son! I can never afford the good diapers, so I’ve been buying the store brand diapers, and they definitely don’t stand up to Huggies! Thanks for the chance to win!
I will be buying the diapers for my 2 little girls, 3 month old and 2 years old. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would buy them for my 4 month old grandson, who just started belly laughing. I love it and I love him!
I would buy them for my 2 year old son. He eats half my paycheck and poops in the other.
What a GREAT giveaway! I have a 2 year old in diapers and a new baby girl due any time! I could def. use coupons!!
I could use these! I missed the Recycle Bank coupons (argh!) and I am still buying diapers for my 18 mo old as well as starting to buy for baby #5. Thanks so much!
I would use these coupons for my 2 year old. Thanks for the chance.
I will be using these on my 7 week old. It is so generous of you to offer these coupons.
Would be buying for my son who is 11 months old today. Love your site. Thanks for all the great deals.
I would be buying them as gifts.
I have two boys, one just turning 3 who is finishing up potty training and the other is 7 months and will be wearing diapers for quite awhile now. So I could defiently need them. Thanks!
I would buy them for my daughter and friends who are expecting. Thanks!
These will be used for 3 week old Maren…our newest little angel. Thanks!
I would get them for a very dear friend who had a baby in June.
I would be buying diapers for my daughters, I am getting induced tomorrow at 7!! Wish me luck!!
These coupons would be used to buy diapers for my two twin grandsons. Thanks.
I would be buying the diapers for one of my son’s. I have a baby & one who is potty training using the pull ups, or easy ups (whatever ceal I can get cheaper). Cheap diapers are always nice! =) Thanks for the giveaway & all of your hard work!
We have a baby shower on the 17th for our cousin’s 1st. grandchild.
I would use the coupons to buy diapers for my new little 5 week old. Thanks!
I would love these to buy diapers for my adorable son Tanner.
I’d be buying them for my daughter…she was born three days before Christmas, and while it turns out we had plenty of size 1 & 2 diapers already here, she can only fit into the newborn size, so we’ve been having to make frequent diaper runs at the drugstore! (I’ll stock up on more newborn-sized diapers for the next baby!)
I have 17 mo old twin girls and a little boy on the way in May. I will have 3 in diapers (again) and am always on the lookout for diaper coupons!!!!!
I would buy these for my (almost) 1 year old sweet little girl!
I would be buying diapers for my 8 month old son.
I will be buying diapers for a diaper shower for one of my coworkers. Thanks for the heads-up on the Huggies deal at Walgreens!
I will be buying diapers for my son who is 16 months. Thank you.
For my little baby girl
I would be buying either PullUps for one son of diapers for my 1 year old son! Thanks!!
Thanks for the chance to win! I would use these for my youngest as we are not quite ready for potty training.
I would be buying diapers for my great niece!! she has a 10 month old baby and one due April 1st. Great giveaway!!! thank you for all your hard work.
I will buy for my son. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would be buying diapers for my daughter who has her first birthday next week!
I will be buying diapers for my son!
My son, Benjamin, would be the lucky recipient. Thanks for sharing!
I would buy for my baby due in August 2010!
I would be buying diapers for my first baby, due July 16!
I would be buying the diapers for my son(19months) and daughter(6months).
I would be buying them for my son who is 2 months old
You’re so sweet! I’d buy diapers for my daughter, Landry (9months).
The recipient of the diapers in our house is Mr. Reagan. At 2 years old, he does through plenty!!
My friend is due in a few months. I’ll be using the coupon to get some diapers for baby shower.
These coupons would sure come in handy now that my beautiful granddaughter is here!
The recipient of the diapers in our house is Mr. Reagan. At 2 years old, he goes through plenty!!
Hi! I would really like to win the coupons. My brother’s family just welcomed a premiee..They can use all the help they can get. I coupon for my own family but for theirs as well. With couponing, it has enabled me to feel generous and giving.
I would get them for my 11 month old daughter, who just happened to start walking today! Yay!
Great giveaway!
The diapers would be for my 5 month old girl!
My 18 month old daughter and my lil’ man coming Jan. 30!!!!!!!!!
I’m definitely in need of as many diaper coupons as possible!!!!
I would be buying diapers for my daughters. At the same time, I might buy some for the 5-7 baby showers I have coming up in the next few months too!!
The diapers will be great for my 16 month boy!
would love to win this for my co-worker : )
I would be using them for my 2 1/2 year old. I call her the Anti-potty!
I would be buying diapers for the cutest little boy in the whole wide world!!!
I would love to win these diaper coupons for my daughter who celebrates her first birthday in two weeks! What a blessing these diapers would be.
Both my sons are in diapers…so I’d buy them each a pack!
I would use the coupons to purchase Huggies diapers for my darling 1 year old grandson. I get to babysit quite often and it is so fantastic to be a part of his life! Thanks for the opportunity to win. It is very generous of you to offer us your 2 coupons.
i would be buying them for my dear daughter…
i was doing cloth for a while but while i am pregnant .i can’t handle the extra work/stink…everytime i change a paper diaper (that i bought w/coupons of course) i say outloud “i love paper diapers”… so easy one wipe and done!
no toilet dipping!
I would buy diapers for my first baby – a son, which we are expecting in a few months.
My little sister. She is in a rough way with her husband leaving her with 10 month old twin babies to support alone. She could really use them.
I would use them on my youngest daughter’s little tush.
If I won the diapers I would use them for my 10 month old twin boys… we need plenty of diapers these days!
I would love some great Qs for Huggies!
My 17month old daughter lives in Huggies Pure and Natural at the moment!
I would be using it on diapers for my baby girl!
I would give the coupons to my brother and sister n law that are expecting in Feb. The can use all the help they can get.
Thank you.
You are so generous! I would use the coupons to buy huggies for my adorable 14 month old son!
I would be using them for my adorable 5 month old son and my handsome 25 month old son
I have 2 under 2 so I could definitely use the diaper coupons! Thanks for doing this!
Hi! I would be buying diapers for my 20 month old little guy and my baby on the way in March! Thanks so much!
I will be buying them for my DD!
thanks for the giveaway opportunity – I’d be stocking up on some newborn diapers for #2 who is on the way!
I would buy them for my nephew
thank god mine are finally done with diapers 
Oh my goodness! What a great giveaway! My son could use some more diapers! Thanks for the great blog & giveaway!
My son still refuses to potty train even though I depleted my stock of pull-ups and diapers. These would definitely be useful to me.
Oh my! Our son is 11 years old… and after 11 years of trying, I am due with our second son next month! Checking out all the baby deals you have for me is really getting me pumped up for all this ‘baby-buying’ again! Diapers are a bit more expensive than I remember! Could use a few coupons! Thanks for all the great deals!
I would LOVE these coupons! Especially since Huggies coups are becoming hard to come by. My littlest one is still in diapers (18 mo.). My 3 yr old is refusing to be potty trained (eventhough I know she is ready!!!) so she is still in diapers, too! Ugh!
I’d buy diapers for my 19 mo. old son. Thanks for the give-away!
I have a newborn on the way – due in February! I will be buying diapers for him. Thanks for the chance to win the coupons!
I will be purchasing for my son, Ben. He is in size 6 diapers, but is 6 years old. He has special needs, but we are trusting God we won’t be buying diapers forever!
I would be buying diapers for my 18 month old daughter, as well as diapers for my 3 year old at night. Thanks for offering these up. I tried to get some, but they never came back.
I will be purchasing diapers for my son – thank you for the opportunity to win these coupons!! They would definitely come in handy!!
I would help out one of my best friends and her 5 week old son! In this economy, we all need a little help!
I would use the diapers for my 7 month old daughter! Thanks so much for doing this! I feel bad that you’re giving yours away though. But I’m so appreciative for the chance to win!
I’ve got two boys to buy diapers for – so diaper coupons are loved in our house! Thanks so much for the chance to win!!!
I will buy diapers for my 8 month old daughter!
I buy Huggies diapers for my daughter and my son is still in pullups. I’d love great Huggies coupons!!!
I’d be using these coupons to buy diapers for my adorable 10 month old.
I would buy these for my daughter!
I would give the coupon to my best friend that lives across the country from me.
I would buy them for my 6 month old son!
I’d be buying some for my 10 month old!
I would buy this for my daughter.
I would use the coupons to buy diapers for my 2 year old son, he’s only interested in potty training part time. Thanks.
I will be purchasing diapers with my twin boys!
I would be using the coupons to buy diapers for my 18 month old son, Jack! He gets visits from the “Pee Monster” as my husband calls it quite often, so any diaper help is awesome!
These would be used by my 15 month old son.
I have a 21 month old daughter. Thanks for the opportunity!
I have two boys in diapers so that is definitely who I would be buying for. thank you for doing this!!!
I am due with my second child in June so I’d be buying for him or her.
They would be for my 5 month old baby boy and my 4 year old daughter that STILL needs pull ups at night because she wants to be a baby like her little brother.
I would be buying diapers for my son. Thanks for the give-away!
I am hosting a baby shower next month, so it would be as a shower gift.
i’ll be buying them for my wonderful daughter
I am due in April! I need diapers!
I would use them to buy diapers for my 10 month old daughter and to stock up on newborn diapers because we are expecting our second in April!
I would be buying them for my 2 1/2 yo daughter who still has no desire to potty train…lol!
I would be buying them for my 10 month old son. Thanks for the giveaway, and congrats to whomever wins!
I buy Huggies for my 9 month old, Tommy
I will be buying diapers for #3 that will arrive in March or #2 that is still in diapers
I would buy these diapers for my son. He just outgrew size 3 so now I need to get some size 4’s! Thanks!
I would be buying diapers for our first baby due in a couple of months!
I would buy the diapers for my two year old twins! They still go through many, many diapers!!! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I would buy diapers for our 4 month old little girl
Thanks for your awesome deals & giveaways!
my daughter, chloe is 16 months, so she will probably be getting the bulk of them. i will probably send either a coupon or some packs of diapers with her to my mother in law who watches her on date night. chloe has 3 cousins who wear the same size so that will give nana a break from buying diapers for a while (if i send diapers in the diaper bag she won’t use them, but if i buy her a pack she will!)
I would be buying diapers for my little man ,18 month old would be a toss up to see who runs out of diapers first, my 5 month old baby girl or my 2 year old girl! Probably the baby – she goes through Huggies like crazy!
I would buy them for my sweet little nephew!
I will donate them to a coworker who is struggling to make ends meet.
Thanks for the giveaway
I would buy diapers for my son.
Yahoo!!! This is the best giveaway ever! My diaper stock pile is starting to run low and I’ve been looking for a good deal. Those coupons would go great at FoodLion this week!!
My beautiful 9 month old grandson!!!
I will be using these for my little girl
I would love to win these! I’d be buying diapers for my 15 month old son, Henry & my 3 1/2 old who has no desire to be potty trained, Patrick.
I would buy the much needed diapers for my 4-month old son =)
I would buy diapers for my youngest daughter, the youngest of 6! She’s 4 months old and going through the sizes (and diapers) like crazy.
I have two kids in diapers- Jackson and McKinley. I’ve been waiting for a good stock pile price and haven’t seen any in awhile so I’ve been buying them a pack at a time while I wait. Jackson is almost potty trained (crossing fingers!) and I would love to not have to run out and buy diapers every week. I’m looking forward to the Wags sale! Thanks for the chance to win these valuable coupons (I DID miss out on the Recycle bank- I’m saving my points hoping they will come back!)
I would buy them for J, my 8-month old son. It’ll definitely help us out a lot if I win these coupons. =)
thanks a lot great giveaway i have a newborn and a two year old and they make diapers disappear in a week like magic, these coupons will help keep them in stock
I would buy them for my 10 months old son.
I will be using these coupons for my 21month old and my 3 1/2 month old little girls.
My little master pooper of a son.
Hi, I would like to buy diapers for my first daughter due in march. I’m going to be a first time mom. So happy =)
I tried to get these coupons, but they ran out
I would use them for my spunky little monkey (our two year old son!)
Thank you for offering these up – so generous! I would use the coupons to buy diapers for my two year old girl and my 6 month old boy – diaper coupons are keeping us afloat these days!
I’d be buying diapers for my son.
I would use the coupons to buy my sister diapers for my niece whose 19 months! I try to help with diaper deals for her as often as I can
I would give them to my local cashier at Super S. She is a single mom with 3 small children and I try to pass on savings/product to her and her kids whenever I can.
I would use one to get some for my 1 year old and use the other to buy diapers for a friend. What awesome coupons!
For my Sister-in-law who is soon to be a 1st time Mommy and has no idea how many diapers she is going to need!
I will be buying Huggies for my 18-month old cutie baby girl who consumes about 6 to 8 diapers per day.. Thank you for your generosity! =)
I’ll be buying diapers for my son who is 18 months old and for #2 who is due to arrive any day now! We can use all the deals we can find.
I would be using them to buy diapers for my 2 year old son. Thanks!
Would love these to buy the next supply of diapers for my 8 month old son. Can’t believe he’s up to size 3/4 already!
Thank you!
I will be purchasing coupons for my daughter. Thanks for the giveaway…So exciting!
i will use them for my baby who is due to arrive in the next 15 days!
I can definitely use them for my 2 year old who has absolutely NO interest in potty training! Any coupons sure do help! What a great giveaway!
The Higgies diper coupons were gone so I got the buy 1 wipes get one free coupon instead! Thanks for that deal. If I win, the dipers will be going on my son (Ajani) who is 19 months old.
I would be buying for my two sons!
I would use them for my almost 2-year old boy.
I have a two month old son that I buy diapers for. We could really use these two coupons.
i’ve got two in diapers… so, I would be getting some for my 10 month old daughter and 2 year old boy.
I would definately buy diapers for my new born who was just borned a week ago. So now will you think how I needed such type of coupons the most. And above all this is my first comment in such a blog, I am first new mom to be introduced via your website blog. Thank you for your generous offer.
My email id is
Always buying diapers for my 10-month old daughter!!
my son born december 3rd!
I would be buying diapers for our little guy Colden and his new baby brother or sister we just found out about today! This will make Cole a big brother when he is just 11 months old! Im going to need more then diapers… I’ll need sanity! Thanks for all of the work you put in to help us all save. Im going to need it even more now!
I am the asst. organizer of a playgroup with 50 or more mom and tots, there is a new, very young, mom who moved across the country for her husband. She doesn’t have a vehicle during the day and so is stuck at home with her 2 year old all day long (husband works morning to evening) and she is expecting soon.
I am not sure that we can gather the finances to throw her a baby shower so this would be an awesome gift!
Thank you for the chance to win this!
I would like this for my daughter Addyson…we are Huggies loyalists and I am ALWAYS scrounging for a deal so I can get these for her…Thank you for the opportunity!!!
My sister and sister in law both have/will have babies and are always loving a good deal! They would definitely get these diapers.
BTW, thanks for letting me join in the giveaway this time. Not trying to blame you, but I cannot get on Facebook, Twitter, etc. for other giveaways. Thankyou.
I will buy them for my caca machine aka my 16 month old son!!
I will be buying them for my my 10 month, Henry. Thank you!!
I would be buying these for my daughter Diem. Thank you for the chance to get this much needed coupon. My husband is about to deploy and money is tight getting him things he needs. Congratulations to whoever wins!
I would buy these diapers for my 3 month old baby girl. My husband and I are both full-time students and living off financial aid only so we can use all the deals we can get.
I would use these coupons to purchase diapers for my sweet baby girl! Thanks for the chance to win
We are getting our foster care license for 0-3 year olds. I am stockpiling all sizes. Thanks for the opportunity!
My little baby Olivia. We have tried all brands and continue to love using Huggies. Thanks so much Mercedes. I love your site.
i’d share pass these coupons onto my sister in law for their little fellow…she’d be blessed!
I’d buy one package for my 21 month old and one package of newborns for a friends baby shower at the end of the month!
I will be buying the diapers for my granson. He was born on August 16,2009. I try to help my daughter out because I know she does not have alot of money.
I would be buying diapers for my cute but crazy 15 month old son.
I will be buying diapers for my son or my sister who is due in Feb!
I’ll be getting diapers for my youngest. Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for this giveaway! I will be stocking up on diapers for my sister. She is expecting her first child in May.
The diapers would be for my younger daughter. What great coupons!
I would be buying these diapers for my adorable twin girls who are now one year old. We go through LOTS of diapers at our house so we are always looking for a great deal. Thanks
I will be buying these for a gf of mine that is preggers. We don’t know what she’s having yet so I don’t have a name for ya! But they will go to a proud new Mommy!
Hello, I’d be buying for my twins, a package for each!! Thanks!
Diapers for my little girl who’s not quite potty training and ran out our diaper stock pile.
I would probably use them for night time diapers for my son. We use cloth during the day and regular Huggies at night.
Thanks so much for your thoughtfulness!
I will be buying diapers for my son, more like I will be buying pull ups as we are hoping to really get serious about the potty training.
My two year old son unfortunately still needs diapers….thanks!
I would use the coupons for diapers for my daughter. My stockpile has dwindled to almost nothing–both coupons and actual diapers! Thanks!
These would be for my 2 1/2 year old son; in undies during the day, but not at night! Thanks for the chance and all your great tips.
I’ll be buying diapers for my 17mo son – thanks for the giveaway!
Either for my 2 yr old daughter or month-old daughter.
I will be using these for my one year old.
My son Joshua Timothy who turns two just this week would be the happy recipient of the much reduced diapers!
I will be buying the diapers for myself. LOL well, for my son and starting in late Feb/Early March, I will have two in diapers with my new baby girl.
I would buy these for my 10 month old daughter. Thanks!
I’d give them to a friend with a 2 month old unless I could use them on Pullups. Then I’d be using them for my toddler! Thanks for sharing!
I will be getting them for my daughter.
I would be buying them for my daughter Sarah Kate! She is 13 months old. I have just about gotten my son (he’s about to be 3) out of them, praise God!
I would be buying for either my 3 mo. old son or my just-turned 2 yr. old son.
i’d love coupons for my daughter. thanks!
I would use the coupons to purchase diapers for my 9 month old son, Otto. he sure could use them : )
I would use them to buy diapers for my daughter. We’ve just depleted my stockpile, so I’ve been searching for a good deal. I would love these coupons – thanks for offering this giveaway!
I’d use these coupons for my little boy Austin. He’s two today!!
My sister is having a baby. I’m buying up diapers for her!
I would be buying for my 9 month old grandson.
I will buy diapers for my 10 month old son if I win. Thanks.
I would be buying diapers for my daughter and my niece, who I take care of full time! Thanks so much.
I would LOVE to win!! I would use the diapers for my 8 month old daughter.
LOVE this give-away! Always in the market for diapers. Currently have a 11 month old in size 6! and another bambino on the way!
I always need diapers for my 7 month old baby girl!
If I won I would be buying them for my grandaughter Gracie who is 2 months old and momma is a single mom trying to finish school! Thank you for the chance to enter.
I would use them for my daycare children which i try to help out the parents in my daycare and hopefully for the child we are trying to concieve
I would be buying them for my son and for my 2 sisters that are due in March!
I will be buying these for my super sweet baby boy!
I would buy for my 18 month old son. Of course, if he were potty trained, that would be even better. lol
I would be buying diapers for my adorable 19 month old son. Thanks for the giveaway – that’s very generous of you!
I would buy them for my adorable 1 year old daughter and share with my sister who has a 1 year old as well since she is a single mother of 4 on a tight budget. Thanks for the great giveaways!!
My daughter has a 2 yr old and a 2 month old that I help keep in diapers as she and her husband are on such a tight budget. Thanks for the giveaway!!!
I would buy them for my 12 month old son.
my almost 5 month old thanks!
I will be buying the diapers for my little boy.Thanks for the giveaway!
I would be buying diapers for my little girl. She is still not sure about using the potty, so this would help out a lot.
my 2 year old daughter.
I would be buying diapers for my 18-month old daughter!
I would buy them for my little girl.
Today, January 6, is my due date, and I am having little contractions already. =D My baby boy, my first, could be here by the time the giveaway finishes, if I am really, really lucky. And if not, he will still need diapers before the end of the month!
I’d be buying diapers for my 11 month old. Thanks for the awesome givaway!
I would buy diapers for my son!
I will be buying diapers for my 4 1/2 month old son.
My 2 month old daughter!!
I will be buying them for my 10 month old. I am hoping to have my almost 3 year old potty trained within 2 months – by her birthday!
I would love these for my 9-month old son!
I buy lots of Huggies for my 12 month old. Glad to hear about the RR deal coming up– I feel like we’re spending a fortune on diapers lately, even with coupons. Thanks for the giveaway!
I go through a ton of huggies with my baby girl and two still in pull-ups. Thanks for the opportunity!
I would use these coupons to buy diapers for my little guy (6 months)! I love Huggies!
I will be buying diapers for my daughter. Huggies are our favorite!
I would be buying for my cousin’s baby. No more babies in my house.
This would be for our very unexpected blessing- no idea whether a boy or girl=)
I have a grand-daughter 18 months and a grandson 6 months old and could REALLY use the diaper coupons! My daughter is the only one working in her family and I try to help out all I can and these would be greatly appreciated!!
I have a baby due at the end of the month! I’d love to win
I would be using them for my 2 and 3 yr. olds who still need diapers at nighttime. Huggies are my favorite!!!
I will buy them for my daughter.
Would give to gals at work who just had kids
I would use them for either the 4 yr old who wears pull-ups at night, the 2 yr old in diapers, or the baby coming in March!
My son is 5 1/2 months old… I’d be using the coupons to buy diapers for him.
Thanks for the great blog and giveaways you do. Your site is awesome.
I would buy these for my 10 month old little girl. We use huggies supreme and getting coupons for these diapers is a MUST!!! Thanks for the great giveaway!!!!
I would buy them for my one year old son. Thanks for the giveaway!!!
We would buy diapers for our baby girl.
I will buy diapers for my 2 year old.
I buy huggies for my one year old son.
I’ll be buying diapers for my 2 year old son! Thanks!!
i would buy them for my 21 month old daughter and i am stocking up for our new addition who will be here in june.
My sister and I always buy food and diapers for our sister-in-law because our brother’s businesses are struggling right now. He works harder than anyone I know and we love to help them. Their little one is 16 months and we would buy the diapers for them.
I will be purchasing the huggies for my youngest nephew, Henry. My sister has been so kind to watch my daughter whenever I ask, & I like to repay her with the awesome coupon deals I come across on diapers, food, etc.
My son Douglas.
I will buy the Huggies for my 19mos old daughter!
My son…on a liquid only diet and peeing up a storm!
I’ll buy diapers for my two year old daughter.
My son and my daughter.
I will be buying diapers for my 13 month old daughter. She loves to fill them up.
I would be buying diapers for my son and daughter!!!
My sister-in-law, who just had her 4th baby:)
I will be buying for my baby due this summer. Never too soon to start stockpiling!
I would be buying diapers for my son Leif.
I would definitely buy these for our relative’s daughter. They have hit on hard times and diapers are just so expensive. Thanks for the opportunity!
I buy diapers for my two-year-old son and 6-mo-old son. They both wear size three now, so that makes things easier!!
the walgreens deals are great! We are buying diapers for baby girl #5! thanks for all you are doing! Our cupboards are fuller than when I worked!
I am pregnant and would buy diapers for the stockpile I am working on amassing!
For my two boys.
I would be buying the diapers for my 5 month old son.
Hello – I’ll be buying diapers for my newborn daughter!
Thanks for the wonderful chance to win!
I would buy for my niece! Thanks!
Jen A.
I would buy them for my daughter, thank you!
Maggie M.
I will be buying them for my 3 year old, Christian! I really, really want him potty trained, but he has NO interest in it, so we press on and keep trying!
Thanks so much for the offer! I would be using the coupons for my 14 month old daughter, keeping my fingers crossed and thanks for the heads up on the Walgreens deal later in the month!
I would buy diapers for my 2 year old daughter and my 5 month old son. We use lots of diapers everyday. Thanks
I will be buying them for my 9 month old baby gilr! Thanks
I will be buying them for my 2yo daughter and 9 month old son, they wear the same size, lol!
Thanks!! I have a 2yr old and a 4 month old both in diapers with no signs of ever potty training, so whoever is being good would get the diapers that day
I would be buying the diapers for my 18 year old daughter who is due the end of May or beginning of June with a baby girl!
Hi, I would be using the coupons to buy diapers for my 2 year old and my 9 1/2 month old. We go through diapers like crazy in my house.
Thank you…
There’s a little one in my household that would definately use these.
Thank you for giving the $5 coupons!
I would buy these for my baby that’s on the way…. thanks! =)
I would use the coupons to buy diapers for baby shower gifts.
I would love to have these coupons for buy some diapers for my little son!
thank toy very much for giving the diaper coupons!
I have two little boys and they both wear diapers. If I won, I definitely buy some diapers for them. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
I would use these for my daughter that will hopefully potty train this year
It’s hard to keep buying diapers when you just wish you were done already
If we succed then yeah baby shower gifts!
I will be buying diapers for myself. I have on in diapers now and one on the way! Yay for coupons…
I would use these coupons to buy diapers for my 11 month old.
I will be buying diapers for my son. They just cut my hours back at work because of the economy so I’m really on the hunt for coupons now!
I have three sisters-in-law expecting. I would buy for them.
I would be buying some newborn diapers for the baby I’m due wit on the 15th! Plus, we have 2 girls at home in diapers (who just turned one and two in December!)… THREE in diapers soon- so we could obviously use the extra savings on diapers! Lol!
Thanks for your generous giveaway!
My nephew! Thanks for the giveaway.
I would buy them for my 24 month old daughter.
I will be buying them for my 13 month old twins. Liam Alexander & Mianha Leigh. Thanks
I would be buying diapers for my little 8 month old Eli. Thanks!
I would buy these for my 4 yr. old in pull-ups, or 2 year old in diapers, or for the baby that will arrive in early March.
I would be buying diapers for my daughter. There never seem to be enough
I would buy diapers for my twin 2-year-olds and for my 6 week old.
I love Huggies! I will buy them for my 6 month old son.
I will be buying these for my cousin’s baby shower, coming up! I was going to come empty handed!
I would use them for my son Bryce who is 6 weeks old. Could ALWAYS use more Huggies coupons
I have two kids in diapers, an 18 month old, and a 2 month old
I would be sending these coupons to my daughter in Fort Hood (her husband is serving in the army and has just returned from Iraq)she would use these coupons for my 6 month old grandson Aiden.
I will buy diapers for my 14 month old baby girl.
My 18 month old daughter.
Yay for cheaper diapers! 15 month-old daughter would be the recipient.
If I won, I’d use the diapers for our youngest of 6, a son =) (he’ll be 2 yrs old soon). Our 5th baby (4th son), only wears diapers at night…so, it will depend on which sizes are in stock when I use the coupons which size of diapers I’ll get to bring home =)
I would buy them for my 23 month old!
I would buy 1 pack for my 23 month old girl & 1 pack for my 11 month old boy!! Thanks for the opportunity!
I would be buying diapers for my 2 year old son. I’ve been letting my stockpile get really low because I was hoping that he would start getting serious about potty training
I’ll be buying diapers for my little boy – he is a Huggies only kind of guy!
I will use the coupons to buy diapers for my baby girl. She is the last of 5 and I can’t wait til I don’t have to buy diapers anymore!
I will be buying for my little boy. I like Huggies the best.
I will be using the coupons to purchase diapers for a diaper cake I will be making for a baby shower gift
I would buy diapers for my 17 month old daughter.
I am due the beginning of May, and plan to start stocking up on diapers!
I’d buy diapers for my 3 1/2 month old little boy. Thanks for the chance to get these!
I would buy for my son who is due in February.
I am currently buying diapers for 2! coupons would be great.
I would buy them for my 2 year old and our new baby due in April.
I buy diapers for my little 2 month old boy. He poops lots!
I would love to win a $5 Huggies coupon! Or any coupons for baby supplies. I’m a single mother of two babies in diapers! I am a full time college student majoring in accounting and I work part-time, any savings is good savings to me
Plus I love coupons. They are the only reason I am able to support my family on my own! I would put any baby coupons to good use!
ill get this for my son he is not potty trained yet.
I would buy the diapers for my new baby niece who was born in November.
I would use the diapers for my newborn due March 18th, 2010.
I am pregnant and on bedrest with my third baby, who is due in 8 weeks. I also have a 3 year old and an almost 2 year old, both of whom are still in diapers, so good deals on diapers are a huge cause for celebration over here! I would LOVE to get these!
I would use them to start buying diapers for baby #2 due in March. Of course I could also buy diapers for my 2 year old that isn’t potty trained at night yet.
I LOVE our site. My 2 year old would be the lucky winner! Well…his Mom anyways.
Sorry for the typo! Your site!
I would love to win this GiveAway for my Son… You are lot helpful to keep our budget in control
I would love these coupons. I need them to set up a new baby gift for my sister. Thank you
All of my friends are expecting or have recently delivered! Diapers make an indispensable baby shower gift!
I buy diapers for my 12-month old daughter!
I would buy diapers for my daughter. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would give them to or buy them for my sister, who is expecting her 2nd child. thanks!
I would love these coupons. I need them to make a new baby gift for my sister in law.
I will buy diapers for my nephew! I give all my diaper coupons to my sister-in-law. These ones will be on me!
I would buy the diapers for my son.
I’m stocking up for diapers for a baby on the way so these diapers will work out perfectly for my stockpile!
I would love to use these for my son! Huggies are the best diapers for night time!
Hi! I would be buying diapers for my 22 month old son and some training pants for my daughter! Oh, and I could match those up with some of the recent Target store coupons for diapers.
My 1.5 year old has to wear the pure and natural Huggies so these coupons would be great to have!
I would be buying diapers for my niece to help my sister out!
My little boy and we have another one on the way!
I would be buying the diapers for my sweet 3 mo. old, Lily.
I would be buying these diapers for baby boy #4 who is due in a couple of weeks. I also have a 2 year old in diapers still.
Thank you so much for sharing!!
I would buy these for my little boy.
Thank you.
Whoa; there are a lot of comments on here!! My goodness- I am a new reader and have never done this before so I hope it works! I am a mommy of three and have two in diapers… ages 2 and 6 months. This giveaway is so generous of you and will be a great help, Im sure to any recipient!
I will be buying for my daughter who is 6 months old.
Buying for my 6 week old son and my 16 month old daughter… ahh two kids in diapers… and two kids that close together makes the each day a new one!:)
I am buying diapers for my 7-month-old daughter!
I have a new grandson and I would use the coupons to buy diapers for him.
Jean in Calif.
I would be buying for my 2 year old!
I will be buying the for my new sweet little daughter.
I would buy these for my 21 month son Colin!!!!!!
A friend of mine lost her job a while back. She is having a hard time making ends meet, especially being a single Mom with a little one. I would send them to her.
i have a 22 year old son with a 18 month old son who lives for coupons for diapers..without coupons he would have a harder time affording diapers for his son. thanks for the chance to win..
I am stocking diapers for my SIL who expecting a baby girl in April.
Thank you for sharing such a great pair of coupons. I have a 18 month son who wears diapers. I started him on cloth diapers but his skin is sensitive so I am now purchasing diaper. Looking around every corner for a great deal, so these coupons would be of great help. Thanks you.
I’m due early April and we are stocking up on diapers! Right now we have about 30 packs and we have not spent more than $5 on a single pack! It’s all about combining store and manufacturer coupons when the diapers are on sale! I would be THRILLED to win this contest for our April Boy!
i would be buying diapers for my two month old daughter…would love to win! thanks 4 all you do
I have a 17 month old little boy. We are a family of 4 now and couponing has changed my life….thanks for the opportunity to save money and all you do!
Wow – there really are a lot of comments on her. Anyway – if I win they would be used for my beautiful 17 month old daughter Kara.
i would use them for my 4 mth old. thanks!
Thankfully my 2yr old is finally potty-trained… but I would use the coupons for stocking up on diapers for our future foster children. We are in the process of becoming licensed foster parents and are so excited! I’m trying to stock up on diapers in all sizes since we don’t know what age baby we may get. Thanks for the great blog and awesome giveaways.
Great giveaway! I would use these coupons for my twin girls! We go through SOOOO many diapers at our house. Thanks for the chance to win!
for my 2 year old boy. I hope that we will be done with diapers by summer!
I’ll buy diapers for my grand daughter who (lucky for me!) visits here a lot.
I am so tempted to postpone potty training my son just for the chance to be able to keep getting cheap diapers. But I will continue on with it and pass these coupons on to someone I know that really needs these to help make ends meet. And her little isn’t even close to being potty training age. Thanks for the chance.
I’d be using them for me…one in diapers and one on the way!
I would be buying diapers for my terrible 2 yr old =)
I am a single working mom and it is so hard to potty train while he is at daycare all day!
Anyways, I love your blog! Its such a great help!
I will be buying this for my two year old son
Thank you
I would love these coupons. My 2-y-o is allergic to every diaper out there except Huggies. You are so generous to give your coupons away. <3
I’ve Got A 4 Mnth Old & 4 Year Old So I Go Through Alot Of Diapers! I Went To Sign Up For The Recycle Program & They Don’t Have It In My Area So I Couldn’t Sign Up, I Wasn’t A Happy Camper, I’m New To This & Have Been Trying To Get A Good Deal On Diapers But It Hasn’t Happened Yet, Times Are Tough & Could Really Use This Coupon!!! Thanks & Happy New Year!
I would be using this coupon to buy diapers for my precious 4 month-old son. Between formula, diapers and baby food, I love saving money when I can!
Would use them to buy diapers for my 1 1/2 year old!
I would be buying diapers for my 1 year old son and perhaps a package for the new one on the way
I would give the diapers to my Daughter for my two granddaughters ages 2 and 3. Last two years have been rough, their daddy has been out of work until about 1 month ago. They have a lot of catching up to do so diapers would still be much needed and appreciated. If it weren’t for couponing I don’t know how they would have survived.
Thanks to all the coupon bloggers.
I have two kids in diapers, so this would help for sure!
my son he is a pooper!
I would these coupons for my 6 month old Rainbow son. Thanks for the drawing.
I would be using these to buy stock up on diapers for our 2 year old little boy Jacob!!! Since I haven’t been able to work for a couple of months these will really come in handy
Thanks for keeping us up-to-date on all of the good deals out there!
my daughter, thanks!
buying diapers for my newborn baby girl, 18 days old!!
These would be great! I’m buying diapers for my son. thanks!
I have a daycare and I would give them to one of my parents to use.
I’d be buying them for my 7 month old.
We’re expecting our first any day now-so I’d be buying them for the new baby
I would be using these for my son and daughter-in-law as they are expecting their second child. This would be a great help to them.
I would be using these for my daughter. Our new grandson was a uh-oh. She has a 9 year old daughter with special needs. Grant is very healthy and is truly a blessing.
I would love to have these for our 12 month old child! It would really help! My fingers are crossed!
I would be buying these for my daughter! We only buy Huggies because she is allergic to the other brands. They are the best diapers!
I will be using these towards Pull-Ups since my son (who is now 3 years+) told me “I don’t want to learn to go potty like a big boy.” Yes, at the rate we are going with potty training…he may be dating and still in pull-ups…ok…I may be exaggerating, but it sure feels that way sometimes!
I would use them to buy diapers for my 1 year old…they would really come in handy…Thanks!
i will be buying for my little one who is still in diapers
I would love to win this! I have a 16 month old daughter but grandma stocked her up for the next few months with diaper for christmas!
If I won this I would buy diapers for my neighbor’s 4 week old son!! Her husband lost his job just a week after the baby was born and I have been scrapping trying to get formula and diapers for her. She is so down and I want to help as much as I can! They have been having dinner with us almost every night. I am trying so hard!! I just don’t have the money to buy diapers out right and have been digging for coupons and sales!!! Please help me help her so is so sweet and this is her 1st child. She should not have to go through this now. She should be just loving her baby instead of crying about how she is going to feed him and keep a roof over his head! It is sad and I will let them live with me if I have to!! I love her!
Sorry I think I rambled a little much!
I have a baby girl in diapers who would benefit from these coupons. Thanks!
I am expecting triplets so these would come in super handy!
I LOVE coupons!! I will be buying diapers for either my 2 1/2 year old girl or my 5 month baby girl…diapers are expensive!!
I would use them for myself. I have a 2 1/2 year old girl, 16 month old boy, and baby girl due April 10th. Diapers are in high demand here,lol. Thanks.
I will be using these coupons for son. He is only 3 weeks old.
I have two great-grandchildren being raised by a single mom who would love a chance to save money on diapers.
I would use them to buy diapers for my 13 month old daughter.
Since we are expecting our second we’d use the coupons ourselves. Thanks for the chance.
I’d use them for my new baby girl, 8 weeks old yesterday!
Love the blog. I am a single father, and I would buy them for my beautiful 15 month old daughter Gabriella.
I would be buying diapers for my youngest daughter, 17 month old Addison. Also, everytime I buy a pack of diapers for home, I buy a second pack and donate them to the local food pantry!
I have 2 year old daughter in pull-ups and a nine month old daughter in diapers. I could definitely use the savings!
I would be using the coupons for my youngest daughter, Addysen. She is 17 months old tomorrow. Thanks for the giveaway!
If I win, I’ll use the coupons for diapers for my youngest who’s almost 17 months. thanks!
I would be buying the diapers for my 2 girls.
I’d buy diapers for our son, he’ll be 2 years old soon and is the youngest of six.
I would use them for my Grandaughter. She will be 4 in March amd she has some dissabilities. Hopefully we can start potty training soon.
I will buy diapers for the sweetest, most adorable girl in the world (very objective I know : )– my 10 month old Eliana.
I’ll take advantage of these coupons by buying diapers for my little girl who turns 19 months on the 8th of January.
I would buy diapers for my 21 month old and my 5 month old!! We use up LOTS of diapers over here : )
My 14 month old boy would be a happy recipient of more diapers! =)
Expecting my 3rd great grandchild soon and it would be great to help my wonderful grandaughter out a little. Thanks so much.
I’d be buying diapers for Chase, my 8 1/2 month old miracle baby!
i will buy the diapers for my 2 year old son. thanks!
My adorable 3 month old, Ivory.
I will be buying diapers for my 9 month old daughter and I’m going to a baby shower so I will probably buy diapers for her as well!
I have two grand children to buy diapers for Jaycie and Steven. These coupons will come in handy. Thank for the giveaway!!Happy New Year.
I would use them to buy diapers for my 2 year old son. I’m so looking forward to no more diapers!!
Love your site!
I would be buying them for my 5 month old and for my 2 year old.
I would use them to buy diapers for my 6 week old lo.
I would buy them for my 11 month old boy.
I would buy them for my dd – she just turned a year old so it will be a while before I get her trained!
I would be buying diapers for my sweet 11 month old baby boy! Hope I win!
I would be buying diapers for either of my girls who are in diapers
I will be buying them for my twins girls, who go through diapers like it’s nobodies business. I will also be giving some of them to my sister-in-law who just had a baby boy! I love getting free stuff and keeping some of i, then giving the rest away to people in need.
My little 9 month sweetie could use the diapers!
For my newborn who is due in 3 weeks!
I would be buying them for my 6MO baby
I would be using them to buy diapers for my son, Kaden. Thanks for the chance to win!
I would use the coupons to buy diapers for
my 2 sons. One is 6 months and the other is almost 3- we are having a hard time potty training him. Thannks and I love your site!
I would be using these for my son. We are having potting training issues therefore I still keep the Huggies sales in the positive with all the packages of his “butts” that we are buying!!!
I would buy diapers for my 11 month old daughter Charlotte. In the event they were out of the right size, I would purchase newborn size for Baby #2 on the way in June. Two babies…16 months apart…whew!
Thanks for the give away!
I will be buying diapers for two young women from my church who are expecting their first children! If there are leftover coupons, I will also be buying diapers for my daycare.
Thank you so much for this giveaway!!!
I will be buying diapers for my little 17 month old son. I am always looking for a good diaper deal. This would be great!
I’m expecting this week (YAY!) and have a son in diapers (size 5). Between the two of them, I’d use the coupon for the best deal
I will be using these to buy diapers for my 9 month old daughter Calleigh
I’ll be giving to my Granddaughter for her Baby #3
I would be using this coupon for my son who is wearing size 6. Thanks!
I would be using these for our new baby
with twin boys in diapers, I try to get my hands on all the coupons I can! thanks for the info!
I will be buying the diapers for my sweet boy who is 7 months old! Thanks for all your couponing tips and help!! I really appreciate it
I would be using the diapers for my 20 month old identical twin boys.
Um… I means he is seven weeks old
I would give them to my sister and sister in law. I know how much this will help them.
I would be buying diapers for my granddaughter. She loves her Nana!
I would use them for my almost 2 year old daughter and another friend in need.
i would buy diapers for my 18 month old son
Huggies are the only brand my son can wear due to his sensitive skin. We would love to have the coupons to make theses more affordable!
Hi. We would be buying diapers for our little princess Morgan.
I would be buying diapers for a present for a baby shower for a friend.
I’m an Army mom with two in diapers, so these would be awesome!
we’d be buying these for our 19month old son Brady… he can’t wear anything but huggies.
My 17 month old daughter needs diapers!
I would be buying diapers for our new grandson, who should arrive on the 18th. Big brother is still in diapers, too! My husband and I have adopted two children, so I am always looking for great deals. Thanks!
I would Appreciate these coupons very musch!!!! I would be buying them for my 1 yr. old Grandaughter, Mady. If I do get them, then THANK YOU in advace, if not, then Thank You for being so generous to whomever gets them.
I am new to this, Hope I am doing this right. With times being as they are for everyone, I am trying to learn all the in and Outs of Couponing….
I will use these for my sweet little niece Madeline, who can fill diapers like a champ.
I will be buying the diapers for the baby due to me soon.
Hi: Our First Grandbaby (a girl) is due February 5th. So bet you can’t guess who we will be buying diapers for win or lose. Blessings JANARIE8
I would love to win those to buy diapers for my 2-year-old daughter!
I would be buying diapers for my 7 month old daughter
My two little sunshines 5mo and 2yr.
I would buy some for my 1 year old, and also some for my friend who is due in a few months.
I will use them for my 11 month old twins! They fly through diapers now and I tried to get this coupon last month. I would be forever grateful for some cheap diapers this time of year!
Me want “coupons”
Thank you so much for the opportunity to win these! I would buy diapers for my boys, a big-potty-reluctant 2-year old and an 8-month old.
What a wonderful gesture! I have two beautiful sons in diapers – the oldest one is 18 months old and the youngest is now 3 months. It would be wonderful to win!
I would be buying diapers for the diaper bank in town. We always try to help out a few times a year. We have two packs to give already.
This would only make the delivery better.
On December 12, 2009 my first grandbaby was born.:) I have been buying TONS of useful baby items and search high & low for coupons to use. So, I would use the coupons on little Emma Mae. I thank you so very much for all the info on saving. I know it takes ALOT of time to inform all of us of the deals you search for and find and I am so thankful you share what you find.
I would be using one towards getting my daughter some diapers and give the other one to my friend as part of her babyshower gift. Extra bonus! Thanks.
I would buy these for my daughter!
I would buy diapers for a 2week old baby girl, the family is having a rough time (they have 3 other little girls) and I know the cost of these diapers would help them out. THANK YOU
I will be buying diapers for my child due in July 2010. I would like to have a nice stock pile before the baby arrives.
I would buy them for my sons. Thanks!
I would be buying diapers for the baby girl coming to our family in May!
I will be using these TERRIFIC coupons to buy diapers for my 2 year old little girl, Pippa
well…i have two little girls in diapers – so i would be grateful to use it when buying all the diapers for them
These would be for my great niece who is having a baby in May.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I would buy diapers for my daughter who is turning 1 on the 31st!
I’d be using them for huggies pull ups and regular huggies for our 2 year old triplets. My weekly diaper cost is through the roof!
I would use them either for my daughter, for my neighbors kids, or donate the diapers. Thanks!
I would buy them for my 15 month old son..Thanks for the giveaway!
I would use them for my beautiful daughter!
I would use them for diapers for my neighbor. She has 2 in diapers and is really strapped for money right now. thanks
My Jubilee would be getting the diapers! She’s three months old and makes the cutest poop face. =) Thanks for the fun!!
Two friends are expecting baby boys in May. I will use these for gifts. Thanks for all you do!
I would be buying these for my 2 yr old daughter who doesn’t want to potty train yet.
I would buy for my two grandsons – 9 months and 2 1/2. Their parents are struggling due to the economic downturn and I help by finding the best deals and buying for them. Thanks for helping me find the deals.
I would be buying these for my almost 10 month old son. He has been going through TONS of diapers lately!
I’d use 1 coupon for my 20-month old son & 1 for my sister, who is due to have her 1st baby in April!
I buy diapers for two–our 2yo son and our upcoming arrival due in May!
Would love to have these. We are a military family with 2 baby girls under the age of 2. One is about to be 22 months and the other just turned 3 months.
Thanks for even having this contest!
Thanks for having this contest! I would be buying diapers for either of my two new nephews (born 11/14 and just yesterday 1/5) or my neice that is due 2/2.
I would buy diapers for my son.
I would be buying diapers for my nephew!
My hubby and I just found out on Monday that a birth mother has chosen us to be the parents of a little boy, due at the end of the month. We would buy the diapers for our newborn son.
I would use them for my new grandbaby who will be visiting from Japan in March. My son is in the service and this will be our first visit with her.
I think I’m getting in right under the wire here! I’d use them for my two LOs – my soon-to-be-one-year-old girl and two-and-a-half-year-old boy. Though I cloth diaper most of the time, they still blow through an obscene amount of disposables!
I will be buying diapers for my 8 week old son. Thanks for sale tip on the huggies at wags!
I will use the coupons to buy diapers for my co-worker who is finally preganant after being told she probably couldn’t.
I would use the coupons for myself honestly. I have two in diapers and my husband lost his job and I am trying to pick up as many hours as possible but things are still tight. It would be amazing to get these coupons right now.
I would be buying diapers for my almost 2 year old son, who seems to be drinking gallons of fluids a day and diapers no longer last as long as they did!
I will be buying diapers for my 21 month old son.
I would use the coupons to buy diapers for my youngest baby. After three kids, I sure could use a break on diaper prices!!!
I will be buying diapers for my 2 month old little girl and my 2 year old little boy. Thanks for the chance at winning!
I’ll be buying diapers for my two little kiddos – one’s one and the other is two and we keep those diapers stocked!
I would use one for pull ups for my four year old and one for my 15 month old! Thanks for the giveaway~