[easyazon-image-link asin=”B004Q8LL9Q” alt=”Pampers Baby Dry Size 1 Diapers Economy Pack Plus 276 Count” src=”https://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51LPZTBKYnL.jpg” align=”center” width=”250″ height=”250″]
There s a new Amazon coupon good for $1/1 Pampers Diapers. You can use this coupon to get some good deals on these diapers whether you have Amazon Mom or not. here are the deals you can get:
[easyazon-link asin=”B004Q8LL9Q”]Pampers Baby Dry Size 1 Diapers Economy Pack Plus 276 Count[/easyazon-link] $39.11 when you order using subscribe and save. OR Pay $36.75 when you order using subscribe and save and you also are an Amazon mom member. This makes each as low as 13 cents.
[easyazon-link asin=”B004Q8EYF4″]Pampers Baby Dry Size 2 Diapers Economy Pack Plus 246 Count[/easyazon-link] $39.11 when you order using subscribe and save. OR Pay $36.75 when you order using subscribe and save and you also are an Amazon mom member. This makes each as low as 14 cents.
[easyazon-link asin=”B004Q8HDZC”]Pampers Baby Dry Size 3 Diapers Economy Pack Plus 222 Count[/easyazon-link] $39.11 when you order using subscribe and save. OR Pay $36.75 when you order using subscribe and save and you also are an Amazon mom member. This makes each as low as 16 cents.
[easyazon-link asin=”B004Q8FFJS”]Pampers Baby Dry Size 4 Diapers Economy Pack Plus 192 Count[/easyazon-link] $39.11 when you order using subscribe and save. OR Pay $36.75 when you order using subscribe and save and you also are an Amazon mom member. This makes each as low as 18 cents.
This is like paying around $5.60 per pack in average. If you’d rather shop in store, you can take advantage of this Rite Aid deal don’t forget.
Thanks, Swaggrabber!