It Pays to Complain

How many times have you gotten frustrated because a product you purchased was defective? How many of those defective products have you thrown in the garbage and eaten up the cost yourself?
Last week my husband was changing the diaper of our oldest son and the diaper you see in the picture above is what he pulled from the bag. He showed me the diaper and was getting ready to throw it in the garbage when I asked him to give me a chance to call Customer Service and complain. It was a very short call. The CS person was very helpful and offered a coupon to replace the box of diapers where the diaper came from. She also wanted the diaper so she could send it to quality control.

By making our voices heard we saved up to $24 on our next diaper purchase. Next time you find a product you purchased is defective, don’t hesitate to contact the company that made it and make a complain. You may encounter pleasant results.