New Kellogg’s Family Rewards Codes + $1.50/1 Printable Coupons

Have you been adding up those free points I have been sharing to your Kelloggs Family Rewards account?  If you have then let me tell you that you can redeem 100 of those free points for a $1.50/1 Keebler Cookies Printable Coupon.  You can use that coupon at Walgreens this week for 49¢ cookies!  Here are a few new codes to add to your account:

eresunganadorhoy (50 points)
MARIECLAIRE50PTS (50 points)
TAKECAREOFYOU20P (20 points)
foodnetmag50pnts (50 points)

But don’t feel sad if you have not added any codes to your accoutn yet!  Here is the list of FREE codes available.  Start your account now and start printing those high value coupons!

  • GOODHOUSEMAG50PT for 50 points.
  • REDBOOKKFR50PNTS for 50 points.
  • MYFAVCHARACTER50 50 points.
  • HALLOWEENPARTY25 25 points.
  • JOINKELLOGG2SAVE 50 points.
  • LVNGSOCIAL25PNTS 25 points.
  • KELLOGGSMEDAL20P 20 points.
  • HOWITWORKS20PNTS 20 points.