PB&J Anyone? New SavingStar Offers for Wonder Bread and Peter Pan Peanut Butter!

Save 25¢ when you buy any ONE (1) Peter Pan® Peanut Butter..Expires 8/13/2014.Save $0.25.Save 25¢ when you buy ONE (1) 20 oz. loaf of Wonder® Classic White or 100% Whole Wheat Bread..Expires 8/13/2014.Save $0.25.

Okay, so there’s no J in this PB&J offer, but there are a few nice new SavingStar offers available right now…

Save 25¢ when you buy any ONE (1) Peter Pan® Peanut Butter (Expires 8/13/2014)

Save 25¢ when you buy ONE (1) 20 oz. loaf of Wonder® Classic White or 100% Whole Wheat Bread (Expires 8/13/2014)


To take advantage of SavingStar offers, you’ll need to hook your store loyalty cards to your SavingStar account, then use the card when you check out. SavingStar savings don’t come off your total at checkout. Instead, cash back accumulates in your SavingStar account. You can cash out with PayPal or your bank account, or get an Amazon gift card when your account reaches $5 or more

SavingStar is the smart and simple way to save on your groceries and online shopping. Click here to find out more and get started!