Four Tips for Couponing Success

The TV show “Extreme Couponing” has created an increased interest in people to learn how to save money by using coupons.  Personally, I think this is a great thing because this is a worthy skill to learn.  If you are a coupon newbie or someone who recently got started using coupons, I want to share four tips to help you master this new skill and make you a long-term successful coupon user:

Take the time to learn

If you have watched the EC show on TLC, you probably have been inspired to clip a few coupons and head to the store to shop.  However, by now I am hoping you know using coupons is not as simple as that.  As with mastering any other new skill, you are only as good as the time you put into it.

When you want to learn something you need to put in the time to learn about it.  This only saves you time in the future, because you don’t have to spend time figuring out how to do something because you have already learned how to do it.  This was the reason I wrote my Couponing Ebook.  I wanted you to have it all in one place.  Be able to read it all at once if that’s what you want and I also wanted you to be able to use it a resource when any question pops up.

Set Realistic Goals

If you think after watching an Extreme Couponing episode you will be able to clip some coupons and head to the store and realize 100% savings you are a bit mistaken.  This is also most likely the reason a lot of people will want to quit after a couple of weeks.  You need to set up your own personal savings goal.  Ideally, you would take the time to learn how much money you are spending every month on groceries and health and beauty products.  After that set a realistic goal to trim your expenses by say 20% for the first month.

Challenge Yourself

After you have reached any initial goals you set, continue challenging yourself.  Don’t waste time comparing yourself to others, particularly not the people on the Extreme Couponing Show.  Not because their savings are not achievable but because they are not realistic.  This TV show is what is called “scripted reality.”  These people have created a shopping list that will give them dramatic results at the register.  You shop for your family not for a camera crew.

You should be shopping to fulfill your family’s needs.  Your goal should be to get those items you need for as little as you possibly can.  So, if on your last shopping trip you got toilet paper for half off, challenge yourself to find a deal to get it 75% off next time.

Be Patient

In a world of instant gratification being patient is a very foreign concept. When we want something we want it now! However, learning how to use coupons is a skill that most people won’t master overnight. The shopping process also involves some time: clipping coupons, planning trips and more. However, nowadays, the whole process of shopping with coupons is so much easier than it has ever been. there are so many blogs and couponing sites already scoping out deals and giving you coupon match ups. You don’t have to spend any more time pouring over sales circular figuring out deals on your own. A coupon database even tells you where to find the coupons you need. You will find that the more you do it the less time you will spend figuring it all out for two reasons: practice will help you speed up the process. Second, once you get a stockpile going you will see that you do not need to hit every deal because you already have enough of that item in your stockpile to get you to the next sale.

I hope this will give you encouragement to keep learning how to use coupons and save money.Just remember to keep an eye on the big picture:  ANY money you save is money you keep in your pocket instead of handing it out to the stores.