You can download the book Untouchable by Scott O’Connor for free. It is available for Kindle or as a Nook Book.
Product Description
In his first novel, UNTOUCHABLE, Scott O’Connor speaks softly and somehow manages to make something beautiful of unspeakable matters–like the gruesome mop-up after someone has taken a gun to his head. These are the matters that fall to David Darby, a strapping fellow with an armful of tattoos and a sensitive attitude toward his job as a trauma site technician. If Darby’s profession has made him something of an untouchable, his young son has become a pariah at school because he refuses to speak, a self-imposed punishment after the death of his mother. (“He had,” he’s convinced, “made her sick and sad.”) O’Connor tells a wisp of a story, but in a voice so insistently stirring, you want to lean in close to catch every word.–New York Times Book Review
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