Hi, I am Mercedes of Common Sense with Money. I am a Certified Public Accountant and MBA who left the workforce to become a stay-at-home mom for my two sons ages 3 1/2 years and 10 months old. I was born and raised in the country of Honduras where I grew up learning how to be resourceful with the limited income that we had.
I started my blog in October of 2007 because I wanted to share my money saving efforts with other people. We are a family that lives a frugal lifestyle while still being able to achieve the goals we have set out for our future. I wanted people to see that you can not only “make it on one income” but you can thrive on one! In the last year we have spent less and received more. This has allowed us to increase the amount we save towards retirement and the college education of our children.
Helping other people live better, spend less, and save more is something I am very passionate about. I combine simple frugal living tips and smart shopping techniques to help moms across the U.S. become better home economists. Thank you for visiting my blog.