I am celebrating three years of blogging with you by giving away some goodies. In this giveaway, three lucky CSwM readers will each win a voucher towards a 5-piece mineral makeup essentials kit from Southern Magnolia Minerals. This is a $80 value. You will get a voucher to order your kit online and it gets shipped for free too!
- To enter to win just drop me a comment sharing how you found Common Sense with Money.
This giveaway closes on 9/30 at 3PM EST and it is open to US. residents 18 and older. If you are reading this entry in an email or reader, please click through to enter this giveaway. Emails are not a valid form of entry.
My mom shared this site with me so I could sign up for samples and find coupons too.
I saw a feature on Today’s TMJ 4 in Milwaukee a couple years ago and haven’t stopped checking since!
I found this website through a friend after I asked her about how she was getting such great deals and making money from buying things– this site was one of her “secret weapons”!
I found the blog through a link from another blog. I love this blog!!
browsing babygoodbuys for baby deals and she thanked you for highlighting a deal…that’s when I found you!!!
I have been following you from the very beginning after linking from another blog (have no idea which one!)
I found CswM through Coupon Geek several months ago.
I just started seriously couponing this summer and googled coupon blogs and found this one. I check it out every day while my little one naps.
I have been following you for a couple of years now. Found you from another blog.
I saw a link on the right side of Freebies 4 Mom!
I think I found you through moneysavingmom. Great website! Thanks!
My friend recommended CSWM to me. I saw photos of her purchases and got curious on how she got those for less… since then, never a day without visiting this blog.
Happy Anniversary and thanks for everything that you do.
I found it through other money saving sites – thanks for all your work!
I found this website when through a moneysaving article I read online.
I googled “printable coupons” around a year and a half ago and found your site. Since then, I can’t live without visiting AT LEAST once a day! Thank you for helping me save so much money!
My sister unveiled your gold mine of information and I am a daily follower.
A friend of mine has been a follower for a long time. She got me hooked about a year ago. Very rarely have a missed a day of checking out the blog. Thanks for everything!!!
I followed a link through another blog! I have 3 blogs I check everyday and CSwM is one of them….Thanks for all the hard work!
A friend told me about the blog over 2 years ago and I still love it today!
I found your website through freebies4mom and I love it!! Thanks for all the hard work and tips you pass along! Judy
I’ve been following you for just under a year now. I found you through a link on A Thrifty Mom and it’s been wonderful. Thanks for the great deals!
I found CSwM through Shannon’s site – For The Mommas
I found CSwM through a friend.
I found your site from another blog. Thanks for all of your tips!!
I googled “How to coupon” about a year ago and came across your website and have been addicted to it ever since! I seriously check it like ten times a day! lol
i googled coupon blogs and your blog was one of the ones that came out.
I don’t know exactly how I found this blog-I guess through a link on another blog. I’m so glad I did, though! Its so helpful. Your coupon match-ups are very easy to follow so I can get the best deals. Thanks!
Google-ing coupon websites!
Found you on HCW shortly after you started your great blog. Keep up the good work and thanks for everything. Betty
My daughter told me about it.
I found CSwM through a fellow couponer….now this is the first blog I check for good deals!
I found this blog while I was looking for coupons online, one led to another and another and then came you
SO glad I found you….awesome information and I need it to get back into couponing! After baby #3 came along I stopped and now it’s time to get back on board!
I am pretty new to blogs … but with the help of Facebook – I was able to find you and share your site with all my friends!! thanks for all your help with saving my pennies in this difficult time!!
I can’t recall exactly how I found you, but I believe it was Coupon Geek or perhaps Freebies 4 Mom. Love your site….and thank you!!!
I think I first found CSWM through a link on Keeping the Kingdom First. I’ve been here ever since! Congratulations on 3 years!
It seems like I’ve been following you for months…at least a year maybe and I hardly remember how. I think I found you through a RT on Twitter. Congrats on your anniversary!
I found when I was doing a search for websites that save you money.
I followed a link from another blog.I check CSWM like 10 times every day.
I found your website through Freebies4Mom.com
I found you through another blog, I think it was Money Saving Mom.
I got frustrated with lack of timely deal posts on other blogs and found CSWM by googling the hot new deal of the moment. Your blog came up as the second link! You’re the best!
I found you through another money saving blog, although I can’t remember which one.
My frugal friend sent me the link!
i found you through others on facebook
My sister told me about it, so I could get some coupons and save some money.
I started couponing around new years, and found you because you were mentioned in another blog- though I can’t remember which one
thanks so much for all of your tips this year!
I followed a link from another blog!
I’ve been reading your blog for awhile, so I hardly remember how I found it! I think maybe linked from another blog.
I found you through The Centsible Sawyer. She is a friend of mine and when I started looking at her blog and started looking at her blog roll.
I found you through other thrifty blogs that contiunously linked back to your blog. Now I have recommended your blog to MANY friends. Keep up the great work!
you were a “stumble upon” while searching for a coupon code to some random website. you have easily saved me 100’s of dollars!!! thanks!!
I found out about this email just by Googling coupon blogs about a year ago after I learned how much money could be saved through coupons! Thank you so much for all the great deals!
I found you on Allyou.com. They had a great article about their favorite coupon blogs. I’ve been a follower ever since. Thanks for the terrific site!
From dealseekingmom.com
A friend had been couponing for awhile and when I asked her to teach me this was the first website she told me about. It is the first site I tell others about as well
I found out about your page though Freebies4Moms page, she had your page up and told everyone to check it out, I like how you have different items than her and great tips.
Love your site. I found it during the Back to School Giveaways.
Found this website through a friend of mine : )
I found you through a friend of mine on facebook and have loved your site ever since
I found you blog via a link from another blog….I have long ago forgotten what one though….sorry!
My mom was the one who introduced me to Common Sense With Money I believe… She actually was the one who originally got me started with all of my coupons and savings!
Thanks for all the savings !!!
I started following you on Twitter, after seeing that another blogger I followed was following you.
I linked from another blog site. Your blog is very informative.
I saw that a friend on Facebook “liked” your page. It looked interesting, so I checked it out. I love CSwM!
I found your website while searching for ways to save money for my family. As a single income household, we are always searching for ways to help our budget, and your site has helped out a lot! Thank you!
I found your blog about a year ago through another blog, either bargain briana or money saving mom
I found you through Walmart.com when they were featuring money saving blogs on their website. They had a name for it but I don’t remember! I liked yours because you were always talking about deals for kids and babies which relates to me!
I found you from a coupon forum called Money Saving Mommas.
from the link in other blog and now i tell about you to all my friends
I found this website from freebies4mom.
I think I found you through dealseekingmom’s blog. I’m certainly glad I did – I have saved SO much money!
A friend told me about it. i am so glad she did. Love your site
My friend, Ryann, gave me the link to your site. She his always saving money with her coupons and I had asked her how she does it. Thanks!
I found it threw a link from Hip2Save.com…
I found you off of the Blushing Basics blog. (https://blushingbasics.blogspot.com) Can’t wait to look around more!
I found your site when I was beginning my frugal living so I could start my family. You have saved my sanity!
I found your site from fabulous frugal finds.. They posted something from you.
I found your page from Freebies4Moms.
Hmmm..I’m thinking maybe from google searches the very first time and more recently from other deal sites like Money Saving Mom.
I googled CVS drug store deals a few weeks ago. I am pretty new to couponing, but I love your coupon match ups and drug store info. Thanks!
Not sure if i just did a search for a specific coupon or it was through another blog
I think I found you through a basic web search. It was a perfect match!!
i found your site when i was reading other mommy websites last fall.
I found it thru ‘freebies4mom.com”.
Thanks for the chance to win!!
i found this website when i was looking for deals from Walgreens and CVS.
i saw it in the blog post while learning about the whole coupon thing so glad i found it, you are doing great job
I found Common Sense with Money thru Coupon Geek on Facebook.
I found your website from Freebies4mom. Thanks for all the wonderful tips!!
I found your site while doing a search regarding coupons or deals. I can’t remember the specific, but so glad I found it. Your site has such great info and some of the most up to date deals. Thanks for all you do!
Hey I found you through pocketyourdollars.com I love this website!
I found you through another blog/website.
Found your site through facebook. Such a helpful site, thank you, thank you!!!
I discovered your site from Being Frugal is Fabulous (that no longer exists), I am so glad I linked over! I have been following your blog for 2 years now! Thanks for all of your hard work. Ü
A friend told me about your website
Found you through Springs Bargains a couple of months ago! Thanks!
I heard about your blog from http://www.bargainbabe.com and have been coming here ever since! Thanks for all your hard work!
I found you while at Freebies 4 Mom website. <3 all of your posts.
I found out about this site when I was searching through google for coupons and deals to save money in this tough economy. Thanks!
I found you around Father’s Day when the give-aways were going on and I added all of the listed sites to my google reader feed!
Found you on a link when looking for coupons
thanks so so much
I was reading another freebie blog and there was a link to you … I stayed with you because yours is so much better.
I was googling coupons and linked through another coupon blog (might have been MoneySavingMom?)
keep up the good work!
I found Common Sense with Money through a Google search for “coupon matchups.”
my sister told me about it and she does it to and i go to all of your posts on here
and i like all the money saving
Awesome! I heard about CSWM from one of my coworkers. I love the updates!
I kept seeing CSWM mentioned on a couple of other blogs I was reading when I started couponing, so I gave it a click and bookmarked it immediately.
i really don’t remember but it was probably from moneysavingmom.com ~ cswm + msm are my two favoritest sites!
A good friend always shares the best deals!
I found you through Mommy Octopus, I think…
I found CSWM through Money Saving Mom blog.
I’ve been following you for some time now and I honestly don’t know how I found you. I am sure it was probably and yahoo search for coupon savings.
through freebies4mom!
I really am not sure how I found you but I am so glad I did!
I have been reading for a while. I think I stumbled upon your blog from another blog.
I think I originally found it through my sister.
I honestly dont remember how I found your site, but CSwM is in my top three that I check several times a day…sometime each hour!! Hope I win!!!
I found your page through google reader recommendations.
I found this Blog through Google.
Almost two years ago from Money Saving Mom, and have been faithfully reading ever since.
My sister introduced me to Common Sense with Money!
I found you through Deal Seeking Mom on Facebook.
i found your blog through a google search when i was first trying to figure out couponing–i’ve been a fan ever since!
Hi, my sister-in-law told me about your website and I’m so glad she did!
I found your site about a year and a half ago through iheartpublix.com, which was featured on a local news segment.
I found this site through my husband’s aunt. She is a coupon shopper and shared with me that she visits this site for her coupon information.
i found this one when googling for cvs deals!! awesome!
I found your blog thru freebies 4 mom and read you daily-thanks for all your hard work!
I found you through mycouponexpert and I love your site, thanks
A friend referred me when I first got into couponing!
i found you from a friend who is a coupon guru!
I found your site during the Blogger Back To School Giveaway. I love it!
My darling oldest daughter got me hooked on your website! It has saved me so much money over the course of the last three months!
I found this site while searching for websites/tips on saving money. Before your site, I had no idea that this type of blog was out there, but I love the tips on saving money and I have learned a lot from your site!
I followed a link from another couponing blog. Thanks for all your help!
I have NO IDEA
One of my co-workers mentioned how much she liked this blog. I’ve been saving money with you for over a year.
I have NO IDEA how I found your blog but I’m daily reader.
Thanks for the great giveaways! Congrats on 3 years!!
I can’t remember how I found your blog. I think a friend gave me the heads up.
Found your blog through another coupon blog’ link. I have been visiting your blog every day. You did fantastic job on the money savings.
I found this blog via a link in another blog – dealseekingmom I think.
My daughter told me about the site and I will be a forever follower.
i found you through google search.
I happened upon it while trying to find a walgreens deal and I am now addicted and check it daily!
I think it was through a giveaway bash you were doing with other bloggers.
there are many different websites that help u with coupons, but every website is different in their lay out and the way the explain a scenario. i was looking at many different websites and this was the one that was the easiest for me to understand. ever since i check it 2 or 3 times a day cause there are always new post and i don’t wanna miss anything.
I found your blog actually through a link from a different blog. And I’m so glad I did.
I found your blog three years ago when I was first starting to coupon! I think it was through Crystal Paine’s blog.
i think i found it through dealseekingmom.com when i started couponing, a friend helped get me started
I recently started doing coupons to save money and provide my family with a little extra spending money. I came across this site on Facebook and have never left! I LOVE CSwM you are the BESTEST!!
I began couponing a couple years ago when we dropped to a single income. I had found another savings blog from ladies in my area and they had a link to your blog. I now look at your blog daily. Thanks for the great savings!!
I really can’t remember. I have been following for a couple of years. I think that I originally was reading another blog with a link here?
Your website popped up when I was searching for coupons online…Then I immediately added you on Facebook..Love it:)..thanks for all the hard work you do!
I found you through another blog but your site is very well layed out and easy to use so i am addicted now!
I found it through win giveaways
Browsing Pocket Your Dollars, she linked to you blog for deals.
I was googling couponing and browsing the different blogs when I stubled across yours. I think yours is one of the best. I am hooked!
I found you from moneysavingmom!
I saw you on WTMJ4. I vowed right then and there I would start reading your blog. Since then, I have saved THOUSANDS and have told tons of people about this site!
I found you through another site, probably freebie4mom.com
I’m sure I found you via Jane4girls, but it’s been a long time! Happy Anniversary!
It was shared by an awesome group of friends who love great deals as much as I do.
I found this through another blog!
Just did a search engine on how to save money & have been reading you ever since. Keep up the good deal matching!
I discovered this wonderful site through another blog.
I found out about your blog through an article in the Lakeland Ledger about the top 10 money saving blogs for moms. I visited all ten but I only continued to follow two, and Common Sense with Money is one of them.
I found it on someone’s blog roll, that they were saving money through the site :). Glad I found it!
Amy Lauren
I found you when I was “blog hopping”, trying to set up a few favorite blogs to check :D.
I found your site through All-You’s website! I put you in my Favorites!THANKS.
your blog was on another site I was reading regularly..
To be honest I can’t remember exactly, but it was probably through SouthernSavers.com.
I googled “printable coupons” around a year ago and found your site. Now I visit Common Sense with Money everyday, usually multiple times. Thank you for helping me save money!
I found it through a google search for “Walgreen Deals” and you have changed my life.
I found you by searching facebook for freebie pages. I am so happy that I did. I have been able to share your page with friends as well as save myself money and get oodles of goodies in the process. This is a give a way I am deff interested in! With a baby on the way I would love to make my make up routine simple and just going over myself with mineral make up and slapping on some lip stick and mascara will make my holidays so much easier… I think lol
My Sister referred me.
My sister told me about your site.
I think I found it by googling money saving blogs
I found your blog by clicking on it from another blog. Funny thing is I don’t think the other blog is active anymore.
I found you through google reader by searching “coupon”
my friend told me about your site, it is awesome!
a friend posted her deals on facebook
I am a new to the mommy club
I am 2 months pregnant and my skin is changing and the only thing that works it minerals!! It would be amazing to win, I have never won anything ever so it would be a blessing along with my little Raspberry 
Thank you so very much!
On a search one day. It was a while ago. I subscribed because I liked what I saw!
I saw you on TMJ4 a while back.
Referred from a friend – we are always looking for deals!
I found you because my wife kept talking about how great your site was!
Many posters on Hot Coupon World referred to your site, so I found you when I finally checked this blog out for myself.
I heard about your site from a friend.
i found you through another coupon blog. can’t remember which one, but i’m glad i found you!
I found you wayyyyy back when as I was searching for “How to use coupons”. I immediately bookmarked your site, and have been a loyal fan every since.
I saw your page on Facebook! I am so glad I found your page and now I can see all the daily deals on my FB wall! Looove your site.
I regularly read money saving mom’s blog and she often referred to you for deal posts, so I decided to take a look and have been hooked!
My money saving friend shared your site me! Been loving it ever since!
My friend Talia kept telling me all these great deals she was getting. When I asked her how she found out about them all, she told me about your blog. I have since bookmarked it have loved all the deals I have gotten because of it. Thanks Mercedes.
Congratulations on your blogging anniversary! I found your blog after searching through other savings blogs and found a link (I don’t remember which one).
I found this site in All You mag. LOVE IT!!
A friend of mine told me about your blog, and I am glad that she did!
I found you through another money saving site, don’t recall which one though.
I found your link on the Freebies 4 mom site.
I found it through a blog hop
I found this site when I started couponing and I can’t live w/out it!
This is THE blog to follow! Like many others I found CSwM being quoted from another blog and i’ve been hooked ever since. Happy 3rd Anniversary!!
Happy Annniversary! Found you through google. I think it was at first when I started staying at home. I was looking for ways to save money for our growing family! Thanks for everything!
Googling looking for deal and coupon sites
Saw either a link or a mention on Wise Bread Deals
Through freebies4mom.com
I found it through another blog.
I found this awesome website through a reader at southernsavers.com and I love it! I like that you post more freebies before most of the other sites that I visit. Happy anniversary!
My mom told me about your site!
I found your blog by a linked post on another site.
I found you through Desperately Seeking WordPress and glad I did!
When I first started seriously trying to save money I went to several different websites I found through reading articles or Googling them. I kept hearing about this website and checked it out. Now I check here daily for all the good deals!
I really can’t remember! Most likely through an internet search or another thrifty blog.
Definitely through my moms meet group!
I found your blog through “Goob, the HIFer”!
I found you on Money Saving Mom almost 2 years ago through the Walgreens weekly deal post. Thanks!
I found you through Coupon Geek. I appreciate your site…very helpful
My wonderful sister-in-law clued me into your blog. I can never repay her, but if I won I’d give the prize to her as a little “thank you.”
I follow several money-saving blogs. I honestly can’t remember which one referred me to you, or if you might have even been first. I know I started subscribing to gain an entry into one of your fabulous giveaways! LOL.
I found you through another blog! Your blog is a staple in my couponing/saving routine.
I found you surfin the internet for coupons!! Love your site and this makeup looks awesome
thanks for the oppotunity
I found your blog through Money Saving Mom and have enjoyed reading it since.
I found you on FaceBook and I love your site!
My neighbor!
Internet search
I think I found your site through Southern Savers. I’ve connected to several other good couponing sites through them!
My sister showed me the site. Now I am addicted to the deals and this blog
I found your site about 2 yrs ago when I was googling to find a Copp’s coupon match-up. I’ve been reading ever since!
I found your blog from the Mommys Wish List blog and so glad I did.
Through the give-away week.
From some other local couponers, they raved about the site and they were right!
By reading another blog. I liked yours just as much!
A friend of mine
Just searching online for the most “user friendly” savings blog.
I found CSwM through a friend on Facebook… and I’ve been hooked ever since!
My mom sent me a link to a coupon, and I was hooked!
I actually found your awesome website a few months ago via another blog. I kept seeing “Thanks Common Sense with Money” under a bunch of posts and decided to subscribe! I can say I definately haven’t been disappointed with that decision! Keep up the good work! Thanks a bunch!
I found this website through the Back to School giveaways on Southern Savers. I actually prefer the layout of this site and use it to check every store I need now instead – with the exception of Publix.
I was referred to this by a twitter article saying who to follow to save money!
I found you on Deal Seeking MOM
I found your blog through Googling Coupon Blogs and then I noticed months later that you did some of the weekly deals for Money Saving Mom *laugh*. I actually like your site best out of the four I frequent and hit the blog about four times a day. Keep up the good work!
I think I first heard about you being referenced on another blog, and then I just started checking it all the time.
My girlfriend forwarded me the link to the pampers potty training kit…I’ve been a follower ever since!
I followed your site from another that featured coupon savings and mentioned a find from your site.
I’ve been getting your emails for about 3 months and LOVE them. You make saving money so easy. Thank you for being my mentor.
Found you on Facebook
My daughter told me!
makes my dollar go farther
i actually found you on facebook, i kept seeing your blog on there and knew i had to join
Found your blog when I did a search for coupons.
I think I found you through word of mouth
from a friend!!!
My sister read your blog and shared it with me!
Reading another frugal blog
I found this blog on a facebook profile status update. Have been a HUGE fan ever since!
I was referred to you by another deal-seeking mommy!
A goood friend sent me your site after she found what a great benefit it was-she was right!! I love it and check my email daily for new offers.
found you througha search engine when we were desperate. Since then we have been on Dave Ramsey’s plan and have pd off over 60,000 in 27 months. A big thank you for helping us accomplish this!!!
I found Common Sense with Money about a year ago when I did a search for saving money when I first started using coupons.
Gosh. I cannot remember as it has been a long time since I became a subscriber.
Happy Anniversary. I love your blog. Keep up the great work
I don’t even remember now! I believe yours was one of the first blogs I started reading when I became a stay at home mom and needed to save money and be on a budget!
A friend told me about 2 years ago and have been reading since.
I found Common Sense off of a search on google under freebies. You are by far the best nationwide! Thanks – Paula
Another mom kept sending emails with things she had found on your website. I visited once and signed up right away and I love it!
I found it surfing around and loove it!! have referred many people here.
I honestly have no idea how I found this site. I’ve been reading it for so long now!
We had a how to save money seminar at our church and presenter gave us her inside secret…which is you. Since then I have been hooked. Thanks
I love this site!! I think I found it through another couponing blog. Thanks for all the deals!
I just searched for frugal blogs (a couple of years ago) and hit on yours! Been reading ever since!
I found you because of a blog that had a link to you. Thank you both..I love your emails.
I saw your website mentioned on another blog quite awhile ago. Sorry I can’t remember which one!
I found the website through someone shopping at Rite Aid. She asked how I organized my coupons and I said I was just starting and she recommended this site!
Through Google….I was searching for deals and coupons. Thanks
Happy Anniversary CSwM! One of my fellow teachers told me about this site a few months ago, and the money I’ve saved since then has been such a blessing! I especially love the tips you give about how to shop at Target and Walgreens. (I wonder if a day will come when my students will think of me as a real person and not get weirded out when they see me at these stores???)
Thank you for all of your hard work!
I live in Milwaukee and searched for local coupon blogs…I came across yours…before you moved!
I found this site just searching for samples, been a fan ever since
I found your blog through a link from another blog. I love the deals from your site.
my sister in law told me about you and all things couponing!
I found you on the back to school giveaways!
A friend recommended your site a few months ago, and i’ve been following it ever since!
I found this site from a friend of mine.
I was doing an unrelated Google search and found this site by chance. Lucky me!
This is my favorite web site. all the samples and things just make me so happy. I look forward to seeing it in my email, and cannot wait to see what is in store for today.
A friend recommended you..and I’m glad. Congratulations and thanks for all your work
I found you through a swagbucks search!
I came across the site googling for deals.
A gal at church did a seminar on couponing and recommended your site.
I found your blog from a link on another blog.
Found CSWM thru another blog. So glad i found CSWM! Super loved your site!!!
i was referred by a friend who posted something about CWwM on her FB page. i was instantly hooked!
I’m not sure exactly, but I think I found you through a friend who is also big into deals
I found your blog thru another blog. Sorry, I dont remember which one.
Through facebook .
I found your site over a year ago, I don’t remember how I found it, but Im guessing it was thu momsneedtoknow.com
I found your site through Facebook. A friend of mine was a fan, so I joined in too!
My neighbor told me about you!
I found you from a friend recommendation!! So glad!!
Friend recommended it! It has saved me TONS
I found you when the Madison newspaper did an article on coupons and saving money and listed your site.
Hi Mercedes, I was just cruising other couponing sites when I found yours. Yours is the one I found most helpful, so I stayed with you! Thanks so much for your help. I’ve saved so much already that I’ve taken my savings and have almost paid off 1 credit card. I decided that as of October 1st I was going to keep track of how much I save by using coupons and deals that I learn about with your help.
Thanks again!!!
My sister and niece both referred me to your site. I have been greatful ever since!
A sister in law showed me some great deals on this site, and I soon subscribed to the daily emails, which I greatly appreciate!
I found your blog when it was linked by several of the other popular couponing blogs (Money Saving Mom, Freebies4Mom, etc.).
My mom told me about this website!
I found a site from an article you had written about saving money.
I am an Email subscriber
I don’t remember how I found you.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I Think it was facebook but it could have been through another community.
Hi, I found out about this website from a friend who coupons.
Followed a link on another blog.
I found out about this website from a friend who coupons.
Found you thru a link on another blog site
I honestly don’t remember how I found your blog…it’s been about a year since I started following it.
link on another site
A friend told me about it!
Can’t remember how I found your site, maybe Money Saving mom. But glad I did!
found this through another freebie site
i found it on another blog call northerncheapskate, and o love it thanks for doing such a good job with your hard work it makes my life way funner!!
Someone referred to your sight on their blog. So glad they did.
I found your site through another money-saving blog and now it’s one of the two I check daily. Thanks!
One of my good friends has followed your blog for a long time. When she taught me how to coupon, she also set me up with the link to your site! I’m sure glad she did!
From another blog site
I found your blog a year ago when I was researching how to save money using coupons. You site has helped my family through some rough times! Thanks for all your deals!
I found your fabulous site in an article that listed the top coupon websites. Wow was that article ever right on!
I came across this site while searching for great deals – I LOVE IT!! I have shared it with many of my friends!
I simply found this site by searching for blogs and forums that included printable coupons and money saving deals. This site was the first result.
I can’t remember… It was so long ago.
My thrify sister pointed my in your direction! Love your site!
Yikes, I don’t remember. My guess is off a frugal blog that linked to you. I am very glad I found you!
I can’t really remember. I probably linked to you from another blog or I did a search for frugal blogs. Thank you for another chance to win.
My friend – google!
I found you through a link from another blog. I haven’t left since I stumbled upon you : )
Happy Anniversary! More years to come! Cheers!!!
I just found your site accidentally when I was starting my coupon expedition. Subscribed and became an avid reader since then!
I found your link on another coupon blog site. You’re one of my regular reading “stops” now!
I don’t remember how I found your blog.
I found you linked from a differnt deal blog.
I found you through a link on another blog (can’t remember which one)………..and I’m very glad I did! Thanks!!!!
I found this site through a friend. And I am glad that I did.
I followed from a different blog and been hooked since…Thanks.
i believe i found it through an article on msn.com. i visit here a couple times a day just in case i missed something!
I found your site on another blog and have addicted to it now!
probably google looking for deals
i found u thru google(iw as looking for savings coupons etc)
i don’t even remember! but i check it every day now.
I found CSwM from a friend’s facebook post, and it’s been very useful ever since!!
I somehow was inadvertently (without knowing) signed up or something about 6 months ago when I started to receive Common Sense. Good thing –
a good friend told me about it….been using for a year..thanks!!!I’ve saved alot!
My sister told me about you when she first started couponing
I found out about this site from another coupon saver site. Have really enjoyed the info. Thanks for your help in finding good deals!
I found this website by using another coupon/money saving website, Southernsavers.com.
Win Giveaways on Facebook posted a link to your site. I love sites that help save $
I found CSwM through Bargain Briana’s Frugal Map! I am in WI & was so excited you were in the Milwaukee area! We miss you here! =)
I found you on Win Giveaways off of Facebook!
Truthfully, I don’t remember!
I found this site when you were all joining up for the Back 2 School Giveaways.
I found your website about 2 yrs. ago when I was looking at an AZ moneysaving blog and she had a link to your site.
I can’t really remember, but probably linked from another blog.
I can[‘t remember how I found your site. But I know it was right before X-mas last year. I follow on facebook as well.
through katy couponers blog
I seen your website on Freebies for Mom.I clicked on it and have hooked ever since. Now whenever someone ask me how I save so much I just say” Commonsensewithmoney.com”
I found you from another blog, but can’t remember which one
Friend who organizes our coupon group shared with us!
I found this site through MSM
i found this site through Money Saving Mom.
A co worker scribbled it on a piece of paper for me and said to check it out since she is a regular visitor to your site.
Since then i have been hooked !!!
From the back to school giveaways
Hi! I found you through google when i was searching for money saving blogs! Now I am addicted! – Sheila
I am addicted to AllRecipes.com and one day someone posted about a deal from your site….I’ve been addicted ever since!

i was brought here when i clicked on a link in a freebie site. I favorited this page and have come here every day since
A member of the Bellevue Mom’s Club sent me information on one of your deals. I signed up for your emails after that and love it!
I found out about this blog from my brother.
From my brother
I find this site when I was on another site with excellent deals that linked to this one. Now my two daughters (19 & 12) also check it every day. Thank you.
I found CSwM through my thrifty friend, Kelly, who always shares all her best couponing deals with me.
At the very beginning of my coupon blogging, I clicked from other people’s sites to look at all the different blogs. It was through one of those (don’t know which one).
I found you through another blog.
I was referred to this site by my cousin who is a big fan of yours
I think I found CSM when I did an internet search on “Target Printable Coupons”.
I’m not really sure how I found you. I probably followed a link from another blog.
Hi Merce! You let me know of your website almost two years ago.
Not long after my son was born!
Thanks so much
I think I found your website when I saw an article in a newspaper about the best money saving websites.
I found you off of another blog site, but I don’t remember exactly which one.
A friend told me about your blog. And now its my favorite.
I found this website from my mom, so I could find deals for her and myself!!!
I think I discovered you via Money Saving Mom, although I’m not 100% sure!
I can’t remember for sure. It has been a long time!
A family member told me about CSWM.
I certainly don’t remember exactly how I found your blog, but I know I was hunting for bargains and probably found it in another blog. I’ve let go of whatever the other one was and stuck with yours.
I found CSWM by searching coupon blogs on google.
I found you through the thrifty momma site, thank you!
I found you through another blog, but I’m not sure which one — maybe hip2save?
through one of your deals
From a friend.
I found your site from another blog!
I found your site when you were featured in the Sheboygan Press a couple years ago.
I found your site through an online money saving article & I love it!!
I found your site through a friend. She came over and was telling me all about the fantastic deals she was getting and stories she saw on your site and I asked her where she got her info and her I am! So happy I found you!
A friend who loves to save money shared your site with me.
One day, I was looking for sites to find coupons and deals with saving money at the grocery store, your site came up. The name grabbed me because that is my heart, using common sense with money. Thank you for what you do, it is a blessing.
I don’t remember how I found you but I’m thinking I probably just googled saving money blogs and this one popped up and I’ve been hooked ever since
I found your blog over a year ago, it was linked to from a local money-saving website I follow. Been hooked ever since!
Well I’ve started clipping coupons for about a year now. I googled and came across your website. I found it very helpful. I self taught myself to clip coupons by reading some of your blogs and it was a guide for me to find very good deals. So Thank you for all your hard work for blogging about all the great deals.
I have a friend whose blog I read. She had a friend who had a smaller scale website of what you do. One of her links was to your site, and I’ve been following ever since. I think that was about 1 1/2 years ago or so?
I believe I found it through it Money Saving Mom.
I joined you after reading about you on another blog. Thanks!
I subscript to your site. I check you site everyday. you have saved me so much money. Thnk you for all your hard work
I found you when you were still in WI when searching for Pick N Save Blogs.
It was referenced with a thank-you on another blog…
Through a similar blog that had your button!
I found this “Anniversary Giveaway” through Freebies 4 Mom. I sure hope I win. Thanks
freebies4mom on Facebook
I found you from a link on Freebies 4 moms.
I just did a search to look for money saving websites and I found yours! It has been so useful!
I found this site on a feebie blog and it’s been helping me save since!
Freebies for moms.
Through the Freebies4Mom FB page!!!
I heard about your blog through a friend. I saw the anniversary giveaway and had to tell everyone about it. I love saving money and catching up on everything-I’m addicted now!! Susan
I found this site on Google when I was searching for moneysaving tips.
It’s been a while since I started following, I can’t really remember where I found it but I’m sure glad I did.
I found your site when I did a google search for blogs and money and saving.
found u thru another blog way back when
A friend told me how great it was!
my daughters first in home daycare lady shared this site with me!
I am pretty sure I found you by linking from another blog!
My mother-in-law lived in the right place at the right time;) thanks for all you have done for our family.
Through CouponCravings blogroll
google search for drugstore matchups.
a co-worker shared a post … and since then I’ve been hooked!
Freebies 4 Mom suggested you to me.
An old school friend recommended it on facebook.
I found your site from dealseekingmom’s blog!
Freebies for Mom FB page.
I don’t remember how I found your site. I usually stumble upon sites and then sign up for them if they are as great as yours.
I found your website a couple years ago through Money Saving Mom. Love it! And I would LOVE this makeup!! I have such sensitive skin!
A friend told me about it and I have loved it ever since. I love the samples and recipes you offer on your site:)
I found you when i googled saving money. I have since seen your blog linked from a couple other blogs for saving money. the words common sense seem to be the key words.
I think I found it through browsing online.
I think I found your site through Deal Seeking Mom!
I found your blog just tonight by googling “makeup giveaway”
I found your site through moneysavingmom.com
My friend told me about it since she knows I like looking things up online and saving money!
sister in law told me about it.
found commonsensewithoney on facebook
From another blogger (not a couponing blog). Best thing I EVER did on the internet!!!!
I heard about you from another coupon blogging site.
I did an internet search for freebies on afternoon and CSWM was the best thing (as still is) on the internet!!!!!!!!
I work at walgreens and a customer told me about it!
I remember googling money saving blogs and yours was the first one I found. That was a little over a year ago and it has since changes my life for the better…It’s a whole world!
I think it might have been suggested by a fellow MOPS mom.
I found this through the blog freebies4mom.
I found your blog when I decided I needed to start saving money…since our income went way down. I really appreciate all the money you have saved me!!! Thank You!
I read about it somewhere…can’t remember where…
Found your website through Money Saving Mom and liked it. Recently recommended it to my sister and friends and they are hooked as well.
I found you through freebies4mom site.
I found this blog through a link from another money saving blog.
I think I found you through Bargain Briana Frugal Map.
It’s been awhile, i’d have to guess and say through a google search!
I heard about it on tv
I found you through Freebies 4 mom
Was referred by freebies 4 mom!!
I have been following you for more than a year now and I’m sorry I forgot where it was probably thru one of the other mommy blogs I read, but thanks for all your postings!
I was visiting another deals/freebie site and I saw your blog.
I found you through Money Saving Mom. Thanks for doing this giveaway!
A friend introduced me to your site about 11 months ago, and I’ve been saving money ever since.
I found you through another blog a looooooooooong time ago. So long that I forget which one.
I found this site through Freebies 4 Mom on Facebook
I found CSwM though a search engine. I Have been telling my friends about the site, and they have reaped some of the benefits from some of the deals. I dont have kids, so I print coupons for them to use for their families.
freebies 4 mom
I found you through another blog. Started really searching for blogs to help save money a few months ago.
I found you on Freebies4Mom website. So glad that I did, I will enjoy checking in each day!
I found it on freebies4mom.com, listed as one of her top ten.
I heard about you from the Freebies 4 Mom site
I believe i just came across it while searching the internet.
When I first started about a year ago one of the local blogs for my area beingfrugalisfabulous decided to close her blog down to focus on her family and her etsy shop and one of the blogs she recommended to her fellow readers was yours.
Found your site through the back to school giveaways.
I found this site on the freebies4mom website
I found your site via Chief Family Officer.
Freebies 4 Mom
My sister recommended your site to me
I saw your website posted on freebies for mom through facebook
Link from another blog… though it was so long ago I couldn’t tell you which one anymore!
My fellow couponer at work told me about your site… gottal ove the local deals!
I was looking for diaper deals and coupons online and found this site. I have shared it with many friends and family members since.
I found Common Sense with Money online doing a searchs for Freebies. I was pleasantly surprised to find it was a whole lot more than just a “freebie” site. I have recommended your site to many of my friends.
My friend told me about it!
I found you via moneysavingmom
yahoo search engine when I was looking for CVS/Walgreens deals
In all you magazine, and I see your website ad on money saving mom.
Can’t remember which one, but one of the other deal blogs I read referred me to you. So glad!
I don’t remember the exact blog I was linked from, but I was search for a particular coupon, started browsing a random blog where they credited CSwM in a post. I clicked the link and the rest was history.
Common Sense with Money was found through a link from For The Mommas – then it was easy to remember the name of this blog and come on often. Thank you for all the great deals!
I was referred by a friend.
i think it was through moneysavingmom but not sure. i tell everyone about your site!
I Googled “savings” or something, & CSwM cam up.
I don’t know how I found it anymore because it’s been three years. I must have found it through another blog. I started out with Chief Financial Officer through JD Roth’s money blog, Get Rich Slowly. And then it spread from there.
Found a link to you on freebies for mom
Came over from Deal Seeking Mom link on Walgreen’s post over a yr and a half ago. Love your blog Mercedes! Congrats and keep up the great work!
I found it through another sight not sure which one. I go to Common Sense WIth Money several times a day. I have told my daughter and several people about this fantastic blog!
I was looking for Huggies coupons and saw you site-wow! what a grea deal i found, thank you!
A friend told me about your site.
I found your blog through another blog – I wish I could clearly remember which one!
I’m guessing Passion for Savings!
I really don’t remember how I found your blog. I’m guessing by reading about it on another blog.
I think I found you through another blog. It’s been so long I can’t remember.
I think I found out about this site on moneysavingmadness.com.
I found you through another coupon site, but I cannot remember which one. I believe that it was related to a giveaway, though.
Freebies 4 Moms FB post about you.
I think from following the link at the bottom of a post on another blog.
A friend send me a link to one of your offers and I have been checking you ever since!!
I recently started couponing and was searching for coupon blogs. Found yours and have been faithfully checking it every day. Love all the great deals.
I found you because your site was referrenced on another blog I read daily. I love your site!
I found this site when another savings blog thanked you for a deal that you had told them about. I immediately added it to my favorites!
It was so long ago but I think I found you through Deal Seeking Mom.
I found the blog through a link from Money saving mom blog
I found your blog through Money Saving Mom… at least I think it was through her. It was so long ago that I can’t remember 100%.
I heard about it from a friend’s blog on her list of blogs she follows.
I found you through Coupon Geek, who often references your posts.
A friend of mine told me about it
I was referred to your blog by a friend approx 6 months ago. I haven’t missed a day since!
Not sure how I found your site but I’m glad I did! Keep up the good work!
I was looking for a website that shared sales & coupon deals. Through that search, I found Common Sense with Money & have been hooked ever since!
I have been following this blog for so long, I truly couldn’t tell you how I found it. I’m sure it was through another blogger though.
I found it through another blog. I’m not for sure which one as I use to subsribe to over 20, but since have only been getting emails from a few of my favorites! You!!!
I found you through another blog, but I can’t remember which one =)
I found this blog from another blog but I have made the switch to CSWM full time.
I saw you on TMJ4 and I have been a loyal reader ever since. Happy Anniversary!
I found you through another blog (thankfully), but can’t remember which one.
Found listed at the bottom of another website for a good website to check out, but can’t remember which site it was!
My sister in law told me about you, sweet tea and coffee!
I found you through MSM, and was so excited to learn you were in WI. I know you’re not anymore, but I appreciate that you still do the Pick n Save deals
I have been following so long, I dont remember for sure, but I have shared it with my entire family!
A friend of mine shared the site with me.
My sister-in-law referred me to your site. Love it!
My husband forwarded an article to me that he found on couponing blogs…then I started looking for as many as I could find once I knew they existed!
I found your blog via another blog – Mommy’s Wish List!
I can’t remember -I’ve been following you for too long! Probably linked on another money saving blog or searching on Google.
I found this site looking for drugstore coupons (I’m a drugstore makeup fein). LOL
Searched for couponing websites and found you
I found this site linked on fatwallet.com or slickdeals.net as a poster was sharing one of Mercedes’ great deals.
I found while participating in the Dads Rock Bash
I was googling to look for couponing sites when I came across this site. I love this site and have been using ever since.
through facebook
i cant rem how i found you, but it was last nov. through facebook…u and 3 others were my first coupon sites and i am soooo grateful for all the great deals!! =)
I think I found u through Southern Savers because that is the one the article was about in the magazine.
I found your blog via a friend’s blog.
I think I found it by searching on another blog site-I’m glad I did! TY!!!
Through a MKE news station (can’t remember which one!)
I’m pretty sure it was the Dad’s Rock Giveaway Bash… I know it revolved around some sort of giveaway where I subscribed to your e-mail and followed you on FB… been hooked ever since.
couponing friends
From another site.
I found your blog through another blog’s link–then I stuck around.
A friend recommended your site and then I starting following you on FB.
Found you through another blog via Facebook.
I found this site through another blog.
I found this site during the back to school bash!
From my older sis. She always told me about how great your website was…and I finally tired and love it.
I got to your site from an email from a girlfriend awhile back.
I belive I found it by googling walgreens coupon match ups.
I found you through one of the other blogs I follow on facebook. I don’t have time to follow lots of blogs individually, so I LOVE that I can find you on FB, something that I check anyway!
It was a couple years ago when money was tight, an old friend of mine from college was helping me learn how to use coupons and she turned me onto your webpage.
My friend blogged about a deal she found by checking your site. I looked it up almost a year ago and I’ve been hooked ever since.
A link to your blog was on one of the other money saving blogs I follow.
Found you on Facebook and have been loving you ever since…
I found you when searching for money saving blogs.
I found you through fistful of coupons recently changed to:
love you both.
I found you through my sister. I love your blogs! I’m on here a least 1 a day!
I have been following your blog for a year now….check it every day!
Gosh I don’t remember – it’s been so long-probably from momadvice or freebies4mom
I found out from a deal seeker at work.
I think you were listed in a couponing-blog article on All You. Possibly found you at CouponGal or CouponGeek – – way back in spring 2010!
I’ve been following so long I’m not quite sure how I found you LOL
I found you through the Blog Deal Seeking Mom. I was clicking through random deals, found myself on your blog and was hooked!
i found you a while back when there was a big giveaway thing going on with all kinds of blogs
I found this wonderful site thru a local bloggers site. She was featured on the local news and checked out her site and this one was one of her special helper sites!!
I googled coupon blogs and went from one to another checking them out and subscribing to the really good ones.
I found you by linking up from another blog, and I can’t stop mentioning it to anyone that is even remotely interested in hearing. I have wrote your website on many a post-it notes (That I got incredibly cheap or even free with the help of your site BTW
) , for many a co-workers! Happy Anniversary!
My husband was looking for coupons 2 years ago and found your website. I don’t go to Walgreens or CVS until I check your website. Happy Anniversary and thanks for saving me so much money
We found your blog by googling Walgreens/CVS deals.
I was googling for ways to save money, and your site was among the hits!
I was googling coupon websites and following links from one to another and landed here. I’ve been back almost daily!
I was actually searching for “common cents with coupons” and came across your site. Now you’re bookmarked!
One blog led to another blog led to another blog…everyone loves you! I found you from a referral from one blog or another.
I just started typing different words into Facebook, and found you that way!
found it from visiting another blog and have continued to frequent this site since
I found your site through another coupon blog. Cannot recall which one now!
Good ol google.
Now, of course, I use swagbucks for all my searching…
I found a link to your site on another page. It quickly became one of my favorites, I stop by several times a day!!
I found this site by seeing your site as a page someone “liked” on Facebook.
I found it through a link on another blog, I’m sure!
My old college roommate introduced me to the world of coupon blogging after college! My husband lovingly calls me the “budget nazi” so getting a great deal instantly resonated and was (and is) incredibly rewarding to me. She introduced me to http://www.couponcravings.com and it was only a week or two later that I found your site off hers.
I found you while I searched for a coupon.
i found you through another couponing/money saving blog!
I found you through someone else’s blog roll a couple years ago, but I don’t remember specifically which blog it was listed on.
I found your blog through another women’s money-saving site, but I can’t recall which one.
One of my friend referred me to this site and I found it very helpful. Thank you.
I know I found out about CSWM through another blog…I just can’t remember which one. I love your site though and recommend you to everyone!
Not sure. I think i found it through MoneySavingMom
A Google search… I think I was looking for a JCP printable coupon and hit a old post on this blog.
From another blogger who says you inspired her. I dont even remember what her name was or blog was b/c she stopped doing it.
I know the lady that used to have the Thriftee Momee sight and now does Sunday Morning Sauce. She would link to you and share your deals.
I think I found you from another blog … maybe dealseekingmom.com. That one and yours are my very favorite. I check your site all through the day to try to keep up on all the deals!! Thank you!!
Congrats on the 3 year anniversary. I found your blog from a ‘Top 10 list’, dont know what it was, its been a while. Thanks for the giveaway.
Common Sense with Money was mentioned on my friend, Carol’s site, Frugal Finds from your Frugal Friend. I am so glad I found your site, I love it!
I found it on a random google search for coupos!
I don’t even remember….I think I was looking for CVS deals!