I am celebrating three years of blogging with you by giving away some goodies. In this giveaway, two lucky CSwM readers will each win a $50 voucher to shop Zazzle.com. You can order many things at Zazzle: business cards, greeting cards, custom t-shirts, mugs and more. Use your voucher when there is a free shipping code out to save on shipping.
- To enter to this giveaway just share how long you have been reading CSwM.
This giveaway closes on 9/30 at 3PM EST and it is open to US. residents 18 and older. If you are reading this entry in an email or reader, please click through to visit the blog to enter this giveaway. Emails are not a valid form of entry.
About 6 months ago and I love it. Thanks for contiuning all your hard work.
almost 2 years
I have been reading for almost two years. Love it!
I just started reading Common Sense with Money when I found you on twitter about 3 weeks ago. I have already benefited from your infinite wisdom!
I’ve only been following you for a few weeks now. You came recommended to me by a friend, and I have you saved in my favorites!
About 9 months. You helped me save lots of money. Thanks so much.
A little over a year? You sure saved me a lot of money.
I’ve been following for about a year now, lots of $$ saved thanks to you! Happy Anniversary!
2+ years!
$1542 ago??
Probably close to two years, and it’s been awesome!!
I’ve been reading for around two years or so – you’ve been so helpful with the savings!
About a year and a half and have loved it!
About 2 years ago. You sure have saved me money!
About 1 year ago I discovered Common Sense With Money and I have shared it with my daughters. Thanks for the savings and happy anniversary!!
I found your website in May this year.
I’ve been reading for about 6 months now, and I’ve been saving money ever since!
I have been following for almost a year now. I have got a lot of great deals and free things. Thanks.
I’ve been reading for about 7 months. Love your site!
I ahve been reading your blog for about a year and I love it.
I think I’ve probably been subscribed via Google Reader for about a year.
I think I found you around 6 months ago and I am SO GLAD I did!!
Got addicted this summer…since about June 2010. I’m really hooked!
I have been following you for about 6 months now! Thanks for everything!!
I have been reading your blog since January!
I have been reading for about 1 and half years.
I Have been reading your blog for about 5 months now and I love, love, love it!
About a year now!
Just 4 months but have enjoyed it!
At least 6 months. Thanks for all you do!
Happy Anniversary! Just about a year! Thanks for the great deals – love your site!
I have only been reading your site for about 18 months but I wish I would have found you 3 years ago! 1 of my favorite things to do is sneak a few minutes for a time out and check your site:)
Almost 1 year for me! Thanks for all the helpful info!
I have been following CSwM faithfully for about three months! I love it!
I’m not sure how long I’ve been following you. My guess would be since April or May of this year. Thank you for finding the goodies for me. Happy Anniversary!
Ever since my DS with born, so it’s got to be at least 2 years. Thanks for all the great deals!!
About 6 mths I think. My days kinda run together. But you have saved my family so much money!
Ive been following CSM for about a year.
a little over 4 months and you have helped me so much!
i have been a loyal follower for 2 years!!! found your website first than “liked” you on facebook about a year ago i think.. love it!! i check your site and fb at least once an hour! im addicted!
I have been coming here for about a year. Love it
Probably only 6 months but it feels like this blog has always been in life. Wish it was!
I have been reading your blog for just about a year now. Happy Anniversary!!!
I’ve been reading forever. Ever since @mommyswishlist introduced me!
I have been following you on google reader for about 2 months now.
Right about two years, I love your blog, and have recommended it to my friends and family.
about 6 months I would guess.
I’ve been reading your info since back in January! Congratulations!
I have been hooked to your website for about a year now! Love it!!
Since June 2008 Love this blog!!!
For about a year and I love it!
I have been reading it for just about a year now!
At least two years… it’s been so long I can’t remember! Love this blog.
I started 2+ years ago when I got married and moved from MO to WI. The Copps/PNS match-ups have been a huge help keeping me on budget
2.5 years and loving it! Great job.
Since about April!!
I’ve been following CSWM for 7 months now. So happy to have found this blog…
I have been reading this blog for about two months now.
i’ve been a reader for about 6 months, i think.
I have been visiting your site multiple times a day for about a year, i love it, and appreciate all the work that you do.
I’ve been hooked for almost a year
I started reading your blog/following you on FB & Twitter recently–within the past few months. I have only just started becoming serious about couponing and your site has been such a great help! Thanks for all of your efforts in putting this great information together for everyone!
My gosh! I think I found you shortly after you started blogging! I was just discovering the world of coupons and looking online for tips on their usage, when suddenly… there you were! I was hooked at first click! I have been following on Facebook, email, Twitter… your everywhere in my life now! And thanks to you, I have saved a ton of money over the last couple of years! I so appreciate all that you do!
Congratulations on your success!
I’ve been reading for about three months. So glad to have found your site.
About a year or so. It is so great !!!!
around 2 years!!!
I”d guess that it is 2 years. Saw you one night on a milwaukee news show and been visiting your site since. Thanks for all your great money saving posts.
I’ve been reading CSwM for just over a year now.
I’ve been reading for about 5 months now.
About 10 months
i’ve been following your blog since March 2010–6mos!
Maybe 1 and 1/2 years?
Been following your blog since I started couponing – about 4 months ago
I started reading about a year ago. I love it!
Wow, it’s already been a year since I’ve been following CSwM! Time flies!
Thanks for sharing all the great deals
I’ve been reading for about a year now.
I have been reading for just under a year.
I’ve been reading this for just a little over a year.
Two years!
I just discovered you! Happy that I did.
Been reading about 6 months – love the freebies and information – thanks!!
I just started checking it out about a month ago! It was recommended to me by a friend. I love it! I check it at least 3-4 times a day!
About a month or two I think
I started only a couple of weeks ago. Thanks a lot for all the tips and help.
brand new reader here, less than a week, and already i love your site!! happy anniversary!
I believe I’ve been reading for about a year. I remember that I started couponing before all the awesome holiday sales started.
I have been following since late August – this site is on my favorites and I love checking it out as often as I can!
Been an avid follower of your blog now for just about two years. Thank you so much for posting all of these great deals!
About 6 months ago!
I’ve been reading for a few months now, love all the deals!
I only found this site about 2 months ago, but I love it and check it every day!
1 year and it is one of my favourite sites!
I just discovered this site a couple months ago while looking for drugstore coupons. I also follow you all on Facebook, I love getting the most accurate up-to-date deals right in one place…. LOVE it!!! So glad I found the site
6 months
about 3 months
since last fall.
I have been following CSwM for about a year now. It’s been amazing, thanks for all you do!
I have been reading & SAVING for about 1 year now – my wallett thanks you!
I’ve been visiting your site for about a year and a half now…right around the time I was home when my little girl was born!!
I have been reading & SAVING for about 1 year now – my wallet thanks you!
I’d say about 5-6 months.
Since March 2010 Thank you!
I’ve been reading for 6 months now….and I’m hooked!
2 and 1/2 years! Happy Anniversary
I’ve been reading about 5 months…thank you!
1 year
I’m guessing I’ve been a subscriber for about8-9 months.
I’ve been reading for a year and a half, and I’m so glad I found your blog. Has saved me a ton of money!!
Glad I found you about 3 months ago!
8 mos
I’ve been reading your blog for about a year.
I have been reading your blog for about 1 year! Thanks for all you do!
About 2 years for me. And it is one of the only sites I check first thing when I get up and all throughout the day.
I’ve only been a follower for three months but I feel like I’ve already received a year’s worth of great deals. Congrats on your anniversary!
I found you last summer – it was meant to be!
I’ve been reading your blog for over a year-love it!
I’m a newbie but I am so amazed at how much I am already saving! Thanks!
I have been a follower for a few months now and really love the deals!
I have been reading your blog for about 2 1/2 years and have learned quite a bit about minimizing, organizing, couponing, and so much more. Your blog has been very helpful to me in making the transition from working mom to stat-at-home mom and adjusting to the loss of income and truly enjoying my children more with just the simple things in life; for that I thank you!
About a year now. I discovered it around the time my twins started taking great afternoon naps and I had some “free time”.
About 4 months
I started reading about 5 months ago.
I’m a newbie so only about 4 months but your blog is great!
For aobut 3 months now – LOVE all your insight….thanks for passing it along
I think about a year…since I started really doing coupons.
5 months, it’s awesome! Thanks for a great site, congrats!
I just started reading, you’re in my google reader now, great deals!
I’ve been following your site for just under a year now.
About two years… Thanks for helping me save.
About 1 year now and I love it too!
I joined about 7 months ago and just LOVE it!!! Thanks for making my life a little easier!!
I’m just a newbie at 4 months, but I’m saving like a life-long reader
I am a newbie…only a few weeks:)
One year, I’ve saved so much $$$ from your site, happy anniversary!
I have been reading CSwM for about 3 months now. I love all the great tips and heads up on the freebies!
I think since April of this year but if not April then by June!
I have been reading about 3 months now. I read it several times a day!
About a year? I love being a stay-at-home mom and financially contributing to the family with the help of your blog!
I’ve been reading your blog for about 6 months now. Had a sweet friend recommend it to me! What a treasure…the friend AND your blog!
I’ve been eagerly waiting for my emails each day for just over a year. Love it!
I think its been about a year. I read your blog daily!
I have been reading this blog religiously for the last 7 months or more! I get such good deals from you! I ordered from Zazzle some time ago because of you so I would love to win a voucher! Thanks!
About one year ago. Thank you for your hard work that helps me save money every week!
I began following this year. in the first month my grocery bills dropped by 30%! Thank you. I wouldn’t be able to do this on my own as there just isn’t enough time!
I have been reading for about a year! Love it!
I have been reading almost 3 years (since the beginning!)
Almost two years
5 months ago
Love this blog! All of the deals laid out in plain English (no code to decipher or lingo to learn)!
I’m a fairly new reader – I just started couponing a couple weeks ago! So far I love your site.
I’ve been reading for 3 or 4 months now and I love it!!!
About 3 months
I’ve been following you for one wonderful, savings filled year!
Just over 2 years.
I have been getting your daily emails since this summer when I found a referral to your site from another coupon savings site.
I’ve been a loyal reader for about 2 yrs!! Absolutely love your site.
i’ve been reading it for about six months.
Almost 2 yrs. and I love it!!!
Almost 2 years
6 months
I’ve been reading for about 2 years.
Over 1 year and it’s great.
I’ve been reading for about 3 months. Thanks for all the great info!
i guess i am a newbie…..under a year.
I think I’ve been here for aout 6 months:)
About 1 year:)
I have been reading for over year! Love it!
i have been reading your blog for about 5 months now and i love it, thanks for all of your good tips
I have been reading your blog for about 6 months now and just love it!!
I have been reading for a year! Thanks!
I’ve loved reading your blog over the last year!
I’ve been reading since July of last year when I discovered your savings blog.
Where does the time go? I think it has been a few months.
Only 2 weeks, but I am a fan!
Happy Anniversary Mercedes! I have been a subscriber for over a year now and cannot tell you how much I appreciate your hard work at looking for deals to save us money. I love your contests, too
I’ve been reading since around Father’s Day and I love the money saving ideas!
I’ve been reading for about six months!
I have been reading for a little over a year!
I came to know about CSwM from April 2010 and since then I started slowly with saving on groceries from CVS, Riteaid and other stores. Thanks a lot for the deals
one year ago
I’m a newbie; only been following for about 3 months or so.
My cousin told me about this site about 6 months ago, and it has become one of my daily deal sites…as a working mom who loves deals but doesn’t have a lot of time, you save me both money and time!! I esp. love the drug store deals since you sort out all the sales/coupons for me. Keep up the good work and Happy 3rd Anniversary!!
About 1 year!
I started around Christmas 2009. You have saved me so much money!
Although I’ve only found your blog about six months ago, it has become one of my favorite sites.
I have been reading for just over a year now.
3 months but wished I had found it sooner.
I have been reading this site for approximately five months.
Although I only found your blog about six months ago, it has become one of my favorite sites.
I’ve been reading about a year and love your site! Thanks!!
I have been reading your blog for about a year!
I just started ready about a month ago. Thanks for helping me save lots of money!!!
about a year and a half. love it!
Been reading your blog for about a year – LOVE it! SO helpful! Also a big fan of Zazzle so please send that voucher my way :o)
I have been reading your blog for about 5 months or so. Thanks!
A year and a half…maybe longer!
Hi CSwM,
I’m a newbie as well. I discovered CSwM about a month ago, and am LOVING it! My day isn’t complete until I’ve checked out and taken advantage of all of the money-saving deals. Thanks so much for helping me to be a responsible stewart of my family’s financial assets!
Lisa M. Wallace
I have been reading this for around 1 year.
2 years!!
I discovered your site 1.5 years ago, and never left!
2 years! My how time flies!
I have been following you for about a year now. Thanks for all the great tips!
I am a new reader, about 30 days.
About 1 1/2 years. Thanks for all your great tips.
Almost 1 yr…love it!
I have been reading for 4 months, that’s when I decided to stay home with my 3rd child.
I think since August. Learned about you through one of the back to school bloggers giveaways and now I’m hooked!
I have been following your blog for a couple months now. A friend recommended it and i look forward toyour emails daily!
I have been reading your blog for a little over a year. I love it!
about 4 months and loving it!
I have been reading for about 6 months now! Great site.
Since early 2008; sometimes it pertains to me more, sometimes less, but I still check often. Thanks!
I’ve been reading for approximately two and a half years!
A year and a half! Congrats on the three year mark!
Just over a year or so. It has been a huge blessing to me and my family!
A little over four months now.
I have been reading for almost a year now. Thanks for all the great information.
happy Bday CSWM. I have been a religious follower for almost a year now.
Just two months.
about 3 months, but not long enough—I cannot believe all the great things I missed!!
About 4 months ago my sister told me to check your Blog as one of her favorites, I love it and it has become my favorite money saving site! Keep up the great work!
about a year now! its helped me save lots of $$!!
I’ve been reading for about one year.
Probably about 6 months. It seems like so much longer. I have gotten so many great deals and coupons because of you! I really appreciate it! Happy Anniversary!
i was referred by a friend about 4 monhs ago and i just can’t stop!!!
Just found the site about 3 months ago and I love it!
I have been reading your blog for 4 months.
Only 4-5 months, but you’ve saved me a ton of money… thanks!
About a year
I’m a subscriber! Thanks!
I think about one year. I read for several months before your move.
I have been internet stalking your site for about 2 years ha ha. Thanks for all the great deals!!
2 years & Common Sense with Money is my favorite : )
Not quite sure exactly, but my guess is 8months
I’ve been reading for almost a year now and I appreciate all you do!
One year ago this month
I’ve been following for roughly 9 months and love it!
I’ve been reading almost a year.
Almost a year! I check in at least twice a day!
2 years!
About 4 months – I love it! Great especially when we just bought a new home
I have been enjoying your website for about 1 year.
I have been reading your site for the last 6-9 months. Thanks!
I have been reading close to a year.
About 8 months.
I have been reading this blog for 1.5 years and love it!!
I have been reading for about a year! Congratulations!!
It’s been months since I started reading your blog.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I have been reading for years (??). Amber C
Hi, I’ve been reading your site +/- 2 months and have benefited greatly. Thanks for your hard work.
Probably about 2 years now.
About 9 months
A little over a year ago a friend introduced me to your blog and I love reading it every day!
I have been reading your blog since February 2010
I’ve been reading CSwM since the beginning of August, and it has already helped me save money!
reading for a year or so
Just recently introduced to your website – about 2 months ago. Thank you for taking the time to make it successful!
For about a year
I’ve been reading your blog about 2 years, ever since becoming a SAHM!
I’ve been following for about a year and a half. Love it.
About a year …. first saw you listed on Kansas City Mamas (Kelly’s site)
It has been a year now that my husband had to take a large pay cut and I needed to do something to make ends meet. I found your blog which helped me learn how to use coupons and shop for deals. It has been a big change in our life and now I would never shop without a plan and of course coupons again!
Fourteen months and 1 week! Love the site and the RSS feed feature!
I’ve been following you for almost two years now – I think you were one of the first frugal blogs I stumbled upon.
I LOVE this website….have been a fan for 2 years
almost two years now
I’ve been reading CSwM for the past two months, and I have been very impressed with your work. Thank you.
I have been looking at your site for about 2 years now, probably about 5 times a day, if not more… i love it!!
About 3 months now.
About six months.
Wow…hard to remember, but I would say 1 to 1 1/2 years.
Love every minute I am on your website!
I’ve been reading your blog for about 1 year. Thank you for the opportunity to win your giveaway.
Over a year – love your blog.
I think I have been following you for almost two years. Wow.
denise_22315 at yahoo dot com
I have only known about this site for a little over two months. I love it. I always find useful information and great tips. Thanks a lot.
A couple months ago. I get the daily email summaries and appreciate the round up of deals. Thanks!
4 months — thanks!
I have no idea several months at least – maybe closer to year – sorry I have no concept of time.
I’ve been reading CSWM for about a year!
Since I was pregnant….my son is now 18 months! I love your blog
I have no idea. A year maybe?
I’ve been reading since I started couponing last Feb!
I have been reading your blog since about May of 2009.
Happy Blogoversary
It has been about a year now.
Let’s see……………….I am guessing, but probably for three months or more (even since I found you………….look forward to your emails/Blog!!! Thanks!!
I have been reading for about 2 years and love it. Thanks for all that you do!
I have been reading your blog for a bout 1.5 years.
Since early this year and I love your site.
few months! maybe several
Probably about two years ago or a little over. I fell off, but came back to it again since you guys were the only ones that kept me up to date on all types of deals and not just one type.
since the beginning of the year
Probably a year and a half. Love it!
I was emailed Common Sense about 6 months ago and just love it! Most people don’t have an ounce of common sense – it’s a refreshing change that you do. Thank you…
I’m a brand new subscriber. I’ve just been reading for a few days and you’re quickly becoming a favorite! Happy Blog-iversary!
A few months now.
I have been reading for about a year
I’ve been reading CSwM at least one year, probably more like two. I love it.
i am ashamed to say that its only been 3 month, i am so angry at myself that i did not find out about this site long time ago, could have saved soooo much money
I started reading a few months ago, when a friend linked me to one of your tips!!
I’ve been reading almost a year- thanks for all you do!
At least a year, maybe two. Right after an article in the Sheboygan Press.
I have been reading and doing about 8 months now. Thanks for all the hard work.
I started reading your blog during the Back to School Giveaways–I heard about it (and consequently you) from Southernsavers.com
About a year and a half now…
I just started today, but I am totally looking forward to reading all your great tips on saving $$!! Thank you
I got connected with you during all the crazy Back 2 School giveaways, so just over a month.
about 6 months now.
A few months now.
I have been reading your website for about 2 years now and absolutely love it! Thanks for all of your hard work:)
almost one year. since i became a stay at home mom and a friend suggested it.
Probably for about a year.
Probably about 10 months or so, maybe a year?
I’ve been reading CSwM for a year now (from when you were still in WI)! Thanks! =)
I have been reading your blog for over a year now & I am so thankful for all of your time & effort you put into to it. It has helped me to be more frugal with my money & I love it! Everyday I look forward to coming to your site to see whats new!
I’m new to CSwM. Only about a month. But I’m enjoying it.
1 year. Can’t think of anything to make it better!
2 years!!
almost 10 months
About 6 months- I started a few months after my baby was born. Love it!
I’ve been reading for about a year!
I’ve been reading for about 7 months…and I love it! You’ve helped me save tons of money!
Almost a year now. Since right before Christmas last year
Around a year
I have been reading about 3 months and love it so far
For about 2 months!
3 months and i love it! i look forward to opening my email every morning to see what goodies you’ve found
I have been visiting about 4 months and I wish I had found you sooner!

About 6 months!
think it’s been almost 2 1/2 years now–you’re one of my favorites!
Only since the begining of August, but it has made an amazing difference in my life!!!!!!!!!!
Just a short while, maybe one or two months.
I have been reading this blog for about a year now, thanks for all the great savings.
I’ve been following for a couple months, I check it daily.
a year.
I have been following you for almost 2 years now. I love keeping up via Google Reader so I can get the latest updates on the hottest deals.
about 6 months
I have only been reading it for a few months but I sure am glad I found it!
a year-and-a-half.
Approximately 6-12 months. Love it!
I’ve been reading this blog for at least 18 months. I love it!!
About 4 months now. Keep up the great work!
I am reading this blog for about 6 months since i started couponing
I have been reading the site for about 6 months now and have been on the FB page for a few months. I love being part of the FB as well.
I started couponing only in July 2010 and encountered your site about a month later. I’m glad I did; yours is the most comprehensive of any couponing blog I’ve researched! I can’t tell you how much your advice, postings, deals, and coupon links have changed my life; thank you SO MUCH, and here’s to infinite more 3-year sets!
About 6 months. I LOVE your website and daily emails. Thank you for all you do for us!
I have come across various posts in the past couple of years, but I just added you to my google reader a couple of weeks ago!
I think about a year and a half, but I’m not really sure!
Probably close to two years now.
Over 2 years!
I have been reading for almost a year. I found you through a local money saving blog who suggested you during a coupon class.
I found this site about 5 or 6 months ago and have been checking it daily ever since.
Just started but have already learned lots, glad I found it.
About two months
I am not sure. . .maybe about 2 years!
Don’t actually know how long I’ve been reading your blog. Maybe a year? Thanks for doing it! I sure wish there were blogs like yours for Hawaii. A lot of what is available on the mainland does not apply to Hawaii…but I love what does work here. Aloha!
I think about a year and a half or maybe two.
Maybe for about a month now? Love it!
I think for about 3 weeks.
I have been reading for about 6 months
I’ve been a fan of you for about two months. I’m learning a LOT of things through you!
I’ve been reading for over a year now, I just love it!!
4 months!
I’m a newbie. I’ve discovered your blog and loved it =). Around 3 months.
I’ve been reading for almost a year now :).
Amy Lauren
I’ve been reading for about a year.
I think about 18 months..A
I’ve been reading your blog for about 6 months now and I love it!! Thanks for the giveaway!
I have been reading for about 5 months, after my baby was born
I’ve been reading ever since you were featured in the Sheboygan Press – maybe 2 years ago or so. Thanks!!
About 3 months.
I’ve been following for about a month now after a friend kept mentioning all the deals and stories from here. I was amazed and so glade I signed up!!
About 6 months. I’m so hooked!
one year now
i’ve been reading for about a year and a half
I do believe it has been about 18 mos now!
I’m thinking I’ve been following you for well over 2 years now!
I just found you today!
I’ve been reading your blog for about a year & a half.
Hi, I have been following CSWM for the past 28 months. Whoa girls the deals and money we have saved has been absolutely great. We have one income my husband, 5 furbabies and we were able to pay off 4 major bills LAST Sept. Things are looking good. Able to save some. Thanks to everyone for all their deals they submit. The way I look at it We are all in this together!!! Thanks.
year and a half
Only for a couple months, but LOVE it!
I’ve been reading for about 9 months.
I have been a loyal reader for a little over two years old. I started reading after my son was born and lost my job. You have helped us so much, thanks for all you do!
I’ve been reading this blog for a couple of months now.
I’d say about a year so far!
I’ve been visiting your blog for about 5 months. I found you on the freebies4mom blog.
i’ve been reading for about 1 year now. love it!
I have been reading it about 3 months
Been reading for about 2 years
8 months
I’ve been reading for about 2 years.
for about 2 years
I’m not really sure but probably close to a year.
I’ve been following your site for about 6 months. Thank you for all your hard work and thanks to all your followers who help send in info!!!! You and those like you have truly been my angels………
I have just recently found you! I’ve been a loyal reader for about 3 weeks now! Thank you for all your hard work!
About 6 months for me…
A few months now
this is my first time here!
I have been following you for almost a year.
about a month or so now!
reading over a year. thanks!
I’ve been reading your blog about 3 months now and love it!
I just started couponing this July, I’m not sure when I started to follow you on facebook, I guess since this Aug.
Been reading for about 3 months.
2 years!!! I have learned a lot from you!!!
I’ve just discovered your site…it’s wonderful! Can’t wait to keep reading it!
One month!
2 year anniversary for me and CSWM
LOVE it love it love it:-)
I have been reading your site for about 1 year. I love it!
About 2 years I think
I have been following your blog for about 5-6 months I think!
I’ve been reading for over one year!
Under 2 years. One day my computer was down, and I must say I was so lost without you
I am new to using coupons, so about two weeks.
almost 2 years now – and I have not kept track… but you have saved me a LOT of money. Thanks for the great advice!
I just started two weeks ago.
About 2 1/2 years, but still remember my first CVS trip, I had no clue what I was doing:) thanks for showing me what to do:)
Almost 6months and loving it.
I’ve been reading along since around July. Thanks for the great info!
4-6 months
Just started this year and love it.
I have been reading for almost a year now!!!
I’ve been reading your site for almost 2 years!! I love your site!!!
I’m not sure how long but I think at least a year.
i have come accross your blog a couple times in the past couple months… have it added to my favorites this past month… thanks for doing such a great job.
I have been reading your blog since July! Thanks for the giveaway!
New fan here sent from Freebies for Mom.
Since July. This site helps so much. Thanks!
Wow. About a year!!
Just started today! I love sites like yours! It’s nice finding new ways to save money!
I think it’s been about a year. I check it all day every day!
Ever since August when I found out about you with “Win Giveaways.”
I’ve been reading and keeping up with Common sense for about a year. I Love It!
I’ve been reading your blog for about ten minutes. So far so good!
just over a year!
I’ve been following you for about a year now.
I have been reading it for about 7 months.
I’ve been a subscriber for about a year now and I wish I would have found you sooner!!
I have been reading for over a little over a year.
This is the first time! I will def be back to read each day!! Great site!
I found your website just over a year ago. I visit your site at least 5 times a day and I follow you on Twitter. Yours is the site I always share with fellow shoppers.
I have been reading your blog for a little over a year ( I think June of last year to be exact!). Love it!
Multiple times a day for at least a year now.
Thank you!!!
It’s been almost 4 months since I stumbled upon CSwM!
I just started reading your blog on a regular basis about a week ago. Found you from MoneySavingMom’s blog. I love your blog!
just a few weeks but I am HOOKED!
I think its been about a year! Thank you for your time and great blog!
Found your website through Money Saving Mom about 5 months ago and go to it every day. Good Job!
I’ve been reading for about four months .
I have been reading for about a month.
I would say probably about a year!!
Today is my first day
One year , and I love it!!
about 1 year
I think 1 to 2 months ago! It’s been a real blessing in my life! Thank You!
I have been following since I first started dealing about 11 months ago.
I think about a year and a half. Thanks for the great work!
I’ve been a loyal follower for the past 9 months, and I love it. Thanks for saving me a ton of money.
I think I found your blog 6-8 months ago!
I am not for sure….I think I have been following about a year
I just found you today!
Approx 3 monthes !! Thanks for all of your hard work !
I’ve been reading this blog for about 1 1/2 – 2 years.
Just found your site thru “Freebies4Mom”.
I began reading this blog when my dirt cheap food source went out of business. I needed to maintain my budget. I found the CSwM through a search engine. The site has saved me SOOooo much cash! I’m a huge fan!
Oh I started CSwM in April 2010:)
You’ve been popping up daily on my google reader for a year and a few months
Only a few days but I love it!!!
I’m new
i’m new.
i’m new.
I’ve Been Following Your Blog For Almost A Year Now, You Were One Of The First I Found & I’m Still Here Following!!!!! Thanks For ALL The Great Deals, It’s Greatly Appreciated!!!!
I’ve been reading for about a year now.
I have only been reading this blog for a little over a month. so glad I found it!!!
I think it’s been about a year and a 1/2 that I have been reading your site. I love it, and you’ve found a follower for life!
I’ve been reading this blog about six months. Thanks for the great info.
I have been reading it now for about 3 months
Since June
about half a year. love your blog.
I found your blog a month or so a go.
a little over a year…
I’ve been reading for about 2 months =)
Just stared. Can’t wait to see how much more money I can save.
I have been reading for about a year! You have saved this college student a lot of money
I would say I starting reading it about a year ago.
I have been reading since January of this year, and I haven’t missed a day! Love your site, keep it up girl!
I have been reading your blog for a year
I’ve been following you for about 9 months now. Love all the tips!
i’ve been reading close to one year now.
About a year and a half!
Just a little over a year. I am addicted! I feel that I have to check out Common Sense with money a few times a day or I’ll miss something great! Thank you for all you do & for the chance to win! : ) tyson 2468 (at) charter (dot) net
I have been reading it for almost a year. I have saved a lot of much needed money with your help by all the wonderful updates on stores sales and online sites.
I have been reading your blog almost 2 years now and I LOVE IT!
i started about 1 yr and 3mos ago
I have been couponing for about a year now and found your site about 6 months ago. I have used several different sites and I definitely prefer the ease and convenience of yours. Thanks!
About 4 months now!
over a year and counting!
Two years!
Coming to a year now… I remembered finding your blog last November
More than a year!
Almost a year now.
longer than one year but less than two
I discovered CSwM about a month ago, really wish I would have found it sooner!
Over one year.
Going on 2 years.
I’ve been following CSwM for about a year and a half.
been following for a year or so!
I have been reading since you started I’m pretty sure.
1 month and don’t plan on leaving anytime soon.
I have been following you for a year and I am hooked. You are awesome!!!
Ihave been reading the blog for 2 years! I love it!
I have been a reader for 2 years! I love your blog!!
This is first visit to the site. Can’t wait to see what I can learn.
I started reading your blog about 4-5 months ago and I’m really glad I found it! It’s given me lessons on couponing and saved me money on things that I need! Thank you!
About a year ago!! I LOVE IT!!! I get teh emails, rss feed, facebook and twitter so i never miss a deal
I just learned about your website from MOJO! Great site, thank you!
I started reading this probably about a year while I was a new stay-at-home mom still waiting for my baby.
2 years now…yeah! Saving lots~!
I’ve been reading for about a year- love it!
I’ve been with CSWM for over a year.
I think since about May of this year. It is my fav.
About 4 months and love the deals you share!! Thank you!!
almost 2 years and loving it!!!
First of all I just wanted to say Happy Anniversary! Its been a little over a year & let me tell you THANK YOU! Had our 1st daughter in July of 2009 & the money savings on just baby items alone helped tremendously! You rock! Here is to many more years w/CSWM!
I have been using this site for 6-8 months, and I love it!
6 months
I’ve been reading since shortly after the blog started!
I have been reading for about 6 months.
I have been reading about a year now
Since May and I love it!
7 months, thanks!
9 months, love this site!
1 year – thank you.
Just over a year, I think.
I think I have been reading your blog for 2 years
I’ve been reading since about June and love getting your email every day. Thanks!
I started reading your site about a year ago. It’s one site I check everyday! Keep up the good work.
have been following you for a year and a half!
I have been reading this blog for just about 2 years!
I truthfully have no idea how long it’s been, but it’s been a while. So, it must have been at least a couple of years ago. I have you in my favorites and I check those almost daily.
Only been here a couple of weeks, but love it.
I have been reading for about a year. Love, Love, Love this blog. Thank you.
Close to 2 years now!
i can’t recall for sure, but i believe in February or March of 2008. so i guess about 2.5 years.
I have been reading for about a year. Thanks for all of the helpful info.
I think I’ve been following for about 2 years. Thanks for all you do!
I’ve been following your blog for just over 6 months.
About 3 months, and I mostly look forward to your pharmacy “deals”!
I think a year and a half or so…can’t keep track anymore!
It’s coming up on a year now!
I just discovered you today!!!!
about 2 yrs.
6 months ago when I really got into saving big bucks. Thank goodness it’s been a lifesaver
I think its only been about a month, I found your site while hopping around some different blogs and it is now at the top of my list!
About 6 months!
I have been following this outstanding blog for about a year and a half.
Just a few weeks – I discovered you through the back to school bash giveaway! I now have you on my Google Reader!
I just found this site this year and I LOVE IT!!! Use it daily. I love to coupon and do rebates anything to save money helps.
5 months
i just started to read it today. this is great. lots of good deals thanks
I have been following and reading loyally since June but checking in for the last year
I have only been doing this kinda stuff about 2 months. I stumbled across this site after reading an article in a mag in a drs office. I think I found u shortly there after.
I think about 2 years.
I believe it was the Dad’s Rock Giveaway Bash where I was introduced to you. I guess that was a little over 3 months ago. So glad I started following!
2 months. I found you through the back to school bash giveaways
I found you about the time of the back to school bash..so about 2 months!
I’ve been following you every day for about 6 months now!
About a month or so.
2+ years – thank you for your hard work!
Just a few months. I think I found a link on another blog.
I’ve been following you for about a year. Love it!
I’ve been following your blog for years, although I just signed up to recieve your blog via email. I like to search on swagbucks for it! More money savings! Love the blog! Happy Anniversity!
Off and on for about a year
about 6 months and addicted from the first day!
About one year…when I saw you on a local news station. (in WI)
About a year now
About 2 months!
almost 2 years!
I started reading your blog a few weeks ago, when started to get really interested in using coupons.
I’ve been reading for over two years! Thanks for helping me never pay full price for diapers!
A couple months ago.
Six months or more!
Probably about 6 months or close to that. Love it!!!
I’ve been following your blog for about 7-8 months.
I have been reading your blog for 6 months. Love it!
I guess around 4-5 months now.
I have been following your site since April.
a couple of months ago.
I think it was May that I found this site.
It’s be a little more than a year
I’m a fairly new reader, maybe three months. I’m so glad I found you!!
I’ve been reading for a year or so! I love it!
I have been reading CSWM for little more than a year.
Almost a year and loving it.
I’ve been reading almost 6 months.
I have been with you for many years and looking forward to many more…
I would say around 4 months
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I found you about three months ago
I’ve been a reader for about 6 months.
9 months of saving a lot of money. Thanks to you!
I’ve been an rss subscriber for about a year.
I’ve been reading for about 3 months or so!
Since February! Thanks!
Since the blog giveaways on FB – about 3 months
I’ve been a fan for 6 months – love your site!
It was 2 years ago this fall. I remember because I found you before my husband lost his job and what a blessing it was to have discovered you before this.
CSWM fan since early this spring!
approximately one month – thanks!
I have been reading for about 6 months and loving it – Happy Anniversary!
beginning of 2009 for me
i have been with you for around 6 months and just love it here
The first post I remember reading was about a Victoria’s Secret deal… back on Oct 2008, I believe.
hmm, I don’t remember. At least 6 months – I love it!
Started reading about 8months ago, when i had my third child and money got alot tighter!!! Thanks for all your money saving ideas and Coupons!!!
I started following you since the summer giveaways.
I have been following for around 6 months and completly Love your site! Thanks!
Just about a year.
I have been reading your newsletter for about 5 months and have found so many great bargins! Thanks!
I started reading this blog about the same time I started couponing, 2-1/2 years… on and off (I try to keep my web surfing to a minimum).
About 6-7 months – it has been great!
I’ve been couponing for less than 6 months, so off and on for probably 4 months.
We have been reading your blog for two years now. Thanks so much.
About 6 months, and you’ve saved me tons!
2 years.
I think around 2 years…maybe longer!
only a couple months!
I have been following you on facebook for a year now! My husband had been laid off from his sales job and you helped keep us afloat! Thanks!
Over a year for sure. Love it! Originally got hooked from moneysavingmom’s weekly Walgreens post.
I’ve been following for about a year
Been reading for about a year now
I don’t think that I’ve even been reading for 6 months yet, but I really enjoy it!!!
It sure doesn’t seem like that long, but I think I have been reading for close to two years!
I have been reading your site for about….10 min.
Saw your link liked on someone’s facebook page and clicked over. Wish I had found you sooner!
About a little over a year now
I have been a reader for about 2 years
2.5 years!
A friend of mine posted your site on facebook, so I’m excited about this opportunity to save money, can’t wait for my first one
I’ve been reading for about a year, and I love it!
I’ve been subscribing for just over a year now! I wish I would have discovered you LONG ago!
I have been reading for about 2 years.
I have been reading religiously for 2 years. Love it!
I have been following your website for about a year and half.
a few months ago. pretty cool!
I have been reading for a little over a year. Thanks for all you do!
A good friend got me in to couponing about 8 months ago, and she recommended your site. I have checked it every day since!
At least 2 years, probably even longer. I love it and have saved a lot of money and I appreciate it so very much!!
I found your site about 6 months ago. Thanks for your hard work.
I’ve been reading for about a year…and have appreciated all the help!
Congrats on the 3 year anniversary. I have been following yours for around 4 months now. Thanks for the giveaway.
I have been reading for about 2 years now.
I am a fairly new subscriber,,,about 2 months, thanks.
I have been reading for about a year and a half!!!
I’ve been reading since Feb. I love your site. It’s bookmarked on my toolbar.