Being prepared for an emergency is pretty important. If you’re trying to build up your stock of emergency survival food, it’s always nice to find deals and sales on items like emergency food pails.
Walmart is offering the Augason Farms 12-day emergency food pail for $45 today, don from $68.88. This pail contains 203 servings of 8 different varieties of easy-to-prepare food for one person packed in a sturdy pail. It provides just over 2,000 calories per day and has a 25-year shelf life.
Includes: cheesy broccoli with rice (18 servings), vegetable stew blend (24 servings), creamy potato soup (18 servings), maple brown sugar oatmeal (20 servings), instant white rice (27 servings), vegetarian meet substitute beef (flavored) (18 servings), hearty vegetable chicken soup (18 servings), Morning Moo’s low fat milk alternative (60 servings)