Do you know what’s expensive about going to college? Yeah tuition , but also textbooks. Oh my! I used to *drea* getting my list of book needs and it meant to my budget. As a frugal student I almost always bought my books used. But back then, and geez! I have not been out of school *that* long, there was no text book rentals. Well, it seems that since I graduated text book rental has become more mainstream.
Cengage Learning, the country’s second largest textbook publisher, recently launched, a website with more than 1,200 Cengage Learning titles for rent – at up to 70 percent less than the suggested retail price. also offers e-textbooks, individual e-chapters, and audio books, as well as homework and study tools.
The rental process through is simple and convenient for students. When renting a textbook, students get immediate access to the first chapter of the book in e-book format and a choice of shipping options. Once the rental term is complete, students can either choose to print a return label from and ship the textbook back, or purchase the title. Shipping is FREE with orders of $25 or above.
But Cengage Brain is not just for college students. You can find learning materials from early childhood learning and beyond. I was looking at what was available for my children and I saw books with learning activities for 12 month olds. School aged parents should check out the resources available for after school support for their kids.
Win a $150 Credit to Cengage Brain
One lucky readers will have a chance to try Cengage Brain and check out the savings! Here is how to enter:
1. Leave a comment sharing your favorite school subject. I loved learning other languages. I took a year on Italian and six months of French. Plus you know Spanish is my first language.
For additional entries:
- Follow me on twitter and tweet the following (copy/paste): Stop by @commnsensemoney to enter for a chance to win a $150 Cegage Brain Credit. Go here to enter #wingiveaways
- Like Common Sense with Money on Facebook.
If you are reading this entry on your RSS reader or email newsletter make sure to CLICK HERE to enter this giveaway. Emailing me is not a valid way to enter this giveaway. This giveaway is open to residents of the US 18 years and older. This giveaway ends 8/23 at 3PM EST
Stop by these blogs for more chances to win this Cengage Brain credit:
Balancing Beauty and Bedlam
Bargain Briana
Common Sense with Money
Coupon Cravings
Mommin It Up
Moms Need to Know
Mommy Snacks
Passion for Savings
Saving Cents with Sense
Southern Savers
Stretching a Buck
This giveaway was sponsored by Cengage Brain as part of Win Giveaways Back to School Bash. This Post was written by me and was not edited by the sponsor. Read more on my disclosure policy. Find more information on the terms for this giveaway on the Win Giveaways Facebook page.
I loved math!
My favorite subject was English.
I loved math
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Spanish was my favorite
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Math was my favorite!
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I loved math and english!
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My favorite subjects were English and Agriculture
Social studies
I follow you on twitter and tweeted Stop by @commnsensemoney to enter for a chance to win a $150 Cegage Brain Credit. Go here to enter #wingiveaways
I’m an RSS subscriber
I follow on Facebook!! Than for the chance to enter!
Math was my favorite subject!! Thanks!
I loved art!
History was my favorite subject
i subscribe to your rss feed
My husband is back in school for his masters, this would be a huge help!!!
I liked world geography. I’m a history buff and a traveler, so it was always so exciting for me!
My favorite subject was Biology.
I already ‘like’ you on facebook.
And I subscribe to your emails.
Math and science
My favorite subject was anything medical related.
Math was my favorite subject.
My favorite school subjects were always English and Math (yup, weird combination I know).
Amy Lauren
Also, I’m an RSS/Google Reader Subscriber.
Amy Lauren
And, I “like” you on facebook :).
Amy Lauren
I loved math.
I subscribe in a reader.
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English was my favorite subject. I love to read and write : )
I like CSWM on facebook
Band was my favorite class in school
Jazz band was my favorite!
My favorite subject was creative writing!
I am a FB fan!
I am also an email subscriber! Thanks!
I always really like algebra for some reason – hated geometry!
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my favorite art
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I think my favorite is english.. I really enjoyed writing essays
I love math the best
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I loved French!
I love English Lit.
I loved Spanish class!
I like math
Oh this giveaway is AWESOME. I am in the process of enrolling back in college, and this would be a God send. My favorite subject is Art (not the doing but rather the learning about). And humanities courses.
I liked taking Spanish in high school because it was fun and exciting. Now that I am in college textbooks are a large expense twice a year!
I loved my women’s studies courses on domestic violence. Very eye-opening.
Current social problems was the best class ever
I am an RSS subscriber.
My favorite subject is psychology. It’s very interesting learning about why we do what we do.
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I loved Science
I loved science, i miss school.
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My favorite is math!
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I like you on facebook! (Mindi Blackburn)
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like math
I loved math, my favorite
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I love math!
My son went back to college classes today and he is still looking for books. $150 would be great!
My daughter is starting college and I am shocked on how much books cost! This would be a great help to her.
I am a faithful email subscriber!
I loved absolutely loved english and history
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
My favorite was home ec … that’s not what it was called, but that’s what it was. We got to cook in school!
email subscriber
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I “like” CSM on Facebook.
like on fb (michelle b)
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
twitter follower & tweeted
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
My favorite subject is accounting! My current field.
I follow you on twitter and tweeted! @thecravetosave
gmloschiavo at yahoo dot com
I like you on FB! The Crave to $ave
gmloschiavo at yahoo dot com
I follow your blog on google reader! gmloschiavo at yahoo dot com
my favorite subject in school was psychology…
I am currently an Accounting major at USF (working on my CPA), and I also LOVE math!
I have loved all my psychology classes. I’m a psychology major, though, so I guess that’s to be expected.
My favorite school subject is math.
My favorite subject was math.
I subscribe to your RSS feed!
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quantitative analysis
i loved world history
i get ur email at
i follow u on twitter and I shared as “Amber01sw”
i like u on FB as “Amber Lusk MacDonald”
I was always a fan of english
I just signed up for your emails
Favorite subject is art!
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math is my fav subject!
i subscribe in a rss feed
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I loved French, and English
RSS subscriber
I liked English.
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My favorite was Biology
I loved my Anatomy classes! Thanks!
I subscribe to the RSS feed
I’m also an email subscriber. Thanks!
subscriber and on facebook.
History was my favorite subject.
I’ve always love history the most–it’s what I majored in college.
Like CSWM on FB.
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I subscribe to common sense with money.
My favorite school subject is English.
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math …..
I loved math in school!
My favorite was always science — so many applications! Now I’m a cake engineer.
I “Like” you on facebook.
Love chemistry
Health was my favorite subject!
RSS subscriber
I “like” you on facebook :o)
I love science!!
I am a facebook fan!!!
I am a subscriber!
for some weird reason, I liked math, not that I was good at it!
i liked Science. Microbiology was my favorite.
i subscribe to your emails.
i am a fan of yours on facebook.
I’m an email subscriber!!
I loved English
I am a college student and a teacher! I would definately use this!
I subscribe by email
I also an email subscriber!
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I’m a subscriber
I love languages too! 5 years of Latin, 4 of German, 1 of Spanish!
My favorites were always my history and music classes.
I’m a Facebook fan.
My favorite subject was science
English Lit.
My favorite subject is Renaissance Literature. Such a fascinating time period to me even though I think a lot of people find it pretty boring.
All of the sciences!
I’m a facebook fan as well.
i loved health occupations
i am a facebook fan
My favorite subjects were also English and Literature.
Facebook like.
Subscriber via feed.
I loved math and German….both came easy to me.
I ‘like’ you on Facebook!
I subscribe to your blog via email!
i excelled any thing w/numbers: math, accounting, science, etc
but, this would be for my niece!
I liked math.
I subscribe through a reader.
I am always staying up on Early Childhood education
follow you on FB
RSS via yahoo
I loved math growing up, and now I’m trying to be a middle school math teacher!
I loved music and ended up majoring in it. Second choice was math.
I follow/like Common Sense with Money on facebook.
I was always a math person
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i subscribe to your feed.
i like you on facebook
I liked English Class.
My favorite was world history
In high school, choir was my favorite class. In my art school, digital photography has been my fave so far.
My favorites were French, math, and science.
My favorite subject is math.
I like you on FB.
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I loved Art class wasn’t very good but really enjoyed it.
I love english the most
My fave subject is English/grammar.
i like u on fb!
english lit
Drama was my favorite subject, partially because I had an awesome teacher. He still teaches at my high school!
I also loved studying languages- German and Spanish. Also loved Psychology, math, and science. If I could get paid to go to school I’d be an eternal student.
I’m a Facebook fan.
I’m also an e-mail subscriber.
favorite school subject was Math
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Liked Common Sense with Money on Facebook.
Statistics was/is my favorite subject!
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fav subject English
My favorite subject is English…and I am darn good at it.
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I am an email subscriber.
I follow you on twitter and tweeted your link
I am in school and could benefit from this giveaway. Thank you so much. i still like you on FB.
i would love this so much. I’m actually in med school so this would help!
following your twitter, tweet
i like you on fb- courtney bella
email subscriber ! ! ! !
I love math!
My favorite subject was in high school, and it was Mythology. Loved it.
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Loved Chemistry back then …now I would take art classes..especially water colors.
jcamp2020 at aol dot com
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jean campbell
jcamp2020 at aol dot com
RSS feed jcamp2020 at aol dot com
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jcamp2020 at aol dot com
loved american literature
email subscriber
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books are so expensive – I’d love this.
My favorite subject was always English, followed by history.
I follow your site’s RSS.
follow on google reader
I love studying history!
I’m following you on Twitter and tweeted:
I “liked” you on Facebook. (Thrifty Sarah)
I liked American Literature when I was in school.
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I like you on facebook (FB name Just Coupons)
Favorite subject: Math
I liked Common Sense wtih Money on FB.
already email subscriber
My favorite subject is science!
I follow on facebook!
my favorite was accounting in HS and it got me a part-time job after school
i subscribe by email
Im also a facebook follower
Favorite subject was math.
My favorite subject was reading/english
Twitter entry
My favorite class was English. No wait, it was definitely choir lol.
I’m a facebook fan.
I’m a subscriber.
my favorite subject was english
facebook follower
email subscriber
I loved math
I also subscribe via RSS
i loved literature
Husband is in grad school, this would be a huge help!
like you on FB
My favorites were art and biology. I disliked foreign language and chemistry.
I love English but was a Science Major. My husband is about to go back to school and my daughter is starting school. This is a great giveaway!
I am a Twitter follower and I tweeted!
I am a Facebook follower!
I subscribe via email to Commonsense with Money.
I am taking Public Health classes for my Master’s Degree. This would be wonderful!
I love biology!
I signed up for your daily emails
I am going back to school so this would be perfect to help reduce on supplies.
subscribed via RSS
Math was my favorite not so good in the languages
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Email subscriber
My FAVORITE subject in school is, and will always be, biology!
My favorite subject in school was English!
Subscribe to Common Sense with money via email
I like you on FB!!!!
My favorite subject was Home Economics and science.
I love math.
I tweeted it on Twitter.
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I always liked math
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French was my favorite!
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i loved english lit! but was pretty good at chemistry
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English was the best
My favorite subject was English.
Iam an email subscriber.
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Mine favorite subject was math.
I follow and I tweeted
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My favorite subject was English! I had the very best teacher who made it so much fun!
I LOVE Math!!!
I loved math & science! Thanks Mercedes! =)
I am a FB fan of CSwM. Thanks! =)
I love Literature classes
My favorite school subject was psychology and Child Development!
e-mail subscriber.(validated!)
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name:Erin M.
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I really enjoy math and sociology
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I enjoy learning and find science and math fascinating. I feel that there is always something to explore – like a never ending story!
I enjoy learning American Sigh Language.
English was my favorite!
I like sociology classes in college. English was my favorite in high school.
I subscribe to your RSS feed via Google Reader.
i loved math
I loved, and still love, math! Which is a very, very good thing because I’ve had to take a lot of math courses on my way to being an elementary school teacher.
I’ve liked you on Facebook!
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English is my favorite school subject!
I love this giveaway
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I love MATH:)
Math was my favorite
Thanks for the giveaway.
I tweeted the giveaway:
RSS Subscriber to your blog.
I really liked math in school.
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I liked woodshop.
I subscribe to your RSS feed in google reader (Anne Jolly)
Math was my favorite
follow you and tweeted
follow you on FB (jamiejudy)
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I liked my art class and my French classes. My favorite subject now in school is Medical Assisting.
I love College.
Math was my fav subject tweeted and follow you
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I had two favorite subjects….math and science. thanks.
Subscribed to feed. Thanks.
I loved Latin and Calculus, thanks!
I loved Physics
Follow on twitter and tweeted:
Fb fan (laura g)
i loved math in school