Teenager angst, I think that’s the only one thing I don’t miss about my teenager years. Seriously, how many times did I dread going to school because of an inopportune zit. I am thankful I never had to deal with teenager acne. I seriously couldn’t imagine. I did however see a close friend have to deal with it. Poor thing, I am sure she wishes she had known about Proactiv.
If you have been hearing about Proactiv for a while it’s because they have been available for 15 years. Proactiv is a 3-Step System that gently cleanses and exfoliates while attacking acne-causing bacteria in the pores and soothing inflammation.
• Step 1: The Renewing Cleanser has tiny beads to gently exfoliate dead skin cells and other impurities gentler and faster than before.
• Step 2: The Revitalizing Toner helps balance skin tone and remove dead skin cells.
• Step 3: The Repairing Treatment penetrates deep into the pore to help heal blemishes and prevent future breakouts faster and gentler. The advanced delivery system is safe for the entire face and any other acne-prone areas.
Trying Proactiv is very affordable actually. It costs only $19.99 for a sixty day trial and if you are not happy with the results you get, it is backed by a full money-back guarantee. Right now you can snag a super deal by shopping Proactiv through ShopatHome. You get 40% cashback. If you are new to Shop at Home you also get a $5 sign up bonus. That makes the trial kit only $6.99 after cashback and sign up bonus. Please be aware that when you order your free trial of Proactiv you sign up for the auto-delivery program. But you can call them at 800-235-6050 to customize delivery periods or cancel them.
Win an Proactiv Prize Pack!
One lucky reader will have a chance to get clear skin thanks to Proactiv. The winner of this giveaway will get:
– 30 day Proactiv 3-step kit w/ free Refining Mask and Green Tea Moisturizer ($77 retail value)
– Daily Protection Plus Sunscreen SPF 30 ($19.00)
– Oil Blotter Sheets ($11.00)
– Advanced Blemish Treatment ($18.00)
– Clarifying Night Cream ($27.00)
Here is how to enter:
1. Leave a comment sharing a favorite teenager memory.
For additional entries:
- Follow me on twitter and tweet the following (copy/paste): Hey! @commnsensemoney is giving away a Proactiv Prize Pack. Go here to enter https://bit.ly/cbI2p5 #wingiveaways
- Like Common Sense with Money on Facebook.
If you are reading this entry on your RSS reader or email newsletter make sure to CLICK HERE to enter this giveaway. Emailing me is not a valid way to enter this giveaway. This giveaway is open to residents of the US 18 years and older. This giveaway ends 8/23 at 3PM EST
Stop by these blogs for more chances to win this prize pack:
Balancing Beauty and Bedlam
Bargain Briana
Coupon Cravings
Mommin It Up
Moms Need to Know
Mommy Snacks
Passion for Savings
Saving Cents with Sense
Southern Savers
Stretching a Buck
This giveaway was sponsored by Proactiv as part of Win Giveaways Back to School Bash. This Post was written by me and was not edited by the sponsor. Read more on my disclosure policy. Find more information on the terms for this giveaway on the Win Giveaways Facebook page.
In the days before texting, I used to love to stay up all night and talk to my boyfriend on the phone. Do kids even talk on the phone anymore??
my fave teenage memory was summer nights at the beach with my friends.. those were the days!
My favorite teenage memory was going to shows (concerts) with my best friend every night. We always told our parents we were at the each others house studying. haha
My favorite teenage memory was sleepover parties! Getting a bunch of junk food and watching movies all night!
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My favorite teenage memory was high school. I loved high school and had so much fun.
my fave teen memory is my 16th bday party. it was small (no mtv style party) but all my family was there and my closest friends and my boyfriend it was just the perfect night.
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The best thing I remember about being a teenager is having time for girl talk. I was one in a threesome of best friends and it felt like we had all the time in the world! I don’t know why, but one of the times that sticks out in my mind is walking to Safeway and buying a giant bag of cherries one summer night. We walked to a park and sat there talking while cloud watching turned into star gazing. With all the chores I have going on now from taking care of babies, laundry,cooking,cleaning etc, it really makes me want my girl time back! I think I need to make a little time for it!
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My favorite teenage memory was sleepovers with friends and making prank calls!
I would love this! Thanks for the opportunity!
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My favorite teenage memory is meeting and dating my husband. We just celebrated 22 years together.
Favorite memory…spending my tiny part time checks all on clothes, and not have to worry about paying anythin.
the freedom of not realizing what it means to be an adult and the responsibility!
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When i was a teenage ,we used to go roller skating every weekend- do they still have those?
My favorite teenage memory is my senior prom. It was so much fun, and so nice to share that evening with my friends before we all went our separate ways in life.
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My fave teenager memory was cruising down Pacific Coast Hwy blaring California Love with my sister
My favorite teenage memory is of walking with my boyfriend during a warm Summer night rain. I was wearing his lettermans jacket and the smell of wet leather mossy grass and magnolia heightened by the stirring of first love and the elation of stealing a passionate kiss in the middle of our street is something I will never forget!
My favorite memory I would have to say was watching friends bickering over silly things and rumers on who was dating who, who had crushes on who, and who got who pregnate! The scandal…
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looking gooooood in stretch pants. it’s been a long time. bomber jackets. wayfarers. gorgio perfume.
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I remember my first car and how much I disliked it. A lot of guys wanted my car but I could not stand it!!
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The away football games trips with the band
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That first kiss! Not so much the kiss itself, as being able to get it behind you and move on. Ha!
hanging out at the mall
I remember being able to eat half a large pizza with no hesitation during my teenage years. Oh, the good ol’ days…
Hanging out with my friends and know so many people.
oh man too many memories to just name one.
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My favorite teenage memory is hanging with my friends.
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My fav teen memory is going to see Van Halen in concert with my friends..they were awesome
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Finally being able to make some choices for myself and knowing that my parents raised me well to know right from worng. I still had lots of fun but didn;t get into trouble like some kids.
My favorite teenage memory is a bunch of us girls watching the guys play baseball.
I can remember calling the movie theater and listening to the listings so that my boyfriend could call late without the phone ringing.
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my favorite teenage memories are spending time with my best friend…didn’t matter what we were doing!
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my favorite teenager memories were also talking all night on the phone with my boyfriend. we were together from 14-19 and were planning to move to another state to attend college. he didn’t seem very ambitious so i broke things off with him and attended a local school where most of my friends were going. good thing i didn’t follow him to florida because he came out of the closet a year later. i still cannot imagine what my life would be like had i followed through with our plan!
I am almost 27 years old and still have acne…so I feel like a teenager everyday!
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My first date, wow it gives me butterflies just thinking about it
My favorite memory is going to see New Kids on the Block for my 17th birthday. I got to miss a day of school and everything so my sister and I could go to the concert.
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My favorite memory was talking all the time on the phone to my boyfriend and even all night sometimes! I guess it worked because we just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary.
A favorite teenager memory is going to high school football games with friends.
My favorite teenage memory was performing the Grease play in my High School Auditorium
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Some of my favorite memories were being in my high school’s band. I played the flute. It’s kinda dorky I guess, but it really taught me a lot about leadership and teamwork. I’d love to win this prize pack.
Amy Lauren
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Amy Lauren
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Amy Lauren
Writing notes in class
Halloween in my small town was so much fun growing up. We would TP peoples houses and have egg fights. Now it sounds silly but it was so much fun then.
Learning to drive!!
just hanging out with friends and not having a care in the world!
I loved going to the high school football games on Friday night and having out with all of my friends.
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My favorite teenage moment ~~~~I had a friend who worked at a movie theater. Employees there were able to bring one friend as a “guest” and that person would be able to get into a movie for free. The location she worked at was one of the last drive ins in our area. It was fun in the summer time to go to the movies for free (just had to pay for snacks) and hang out with friends (we all ended backing the cars into the parking spots and popping the trunks and watching the movies that way).
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Well, my teenage years were a little rocky…….but I think the best part was NO BILLS yet. lol
Favorite Teenage Memory: Embarassing myself! One dreaded memory that now I look back and laugh at is when I tumbled down 2 flights of steps in front of many of my classmates. I was teased for nearly a month. My classmates even came up with a parody version of Limp Bizkit’s “Rollin'” song dedicated to me. That version sang “keep rolling, rolling, rolling…down the steps!” Good times!!!
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Thanks for this opportunity!
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As a teen I loved going out with friends now it’s a great memory
Hangin at the mall
Not listening to teachers.
One of my favorite teenage memories was skipping school in June and going to the beach, life could not get better then!
Campfires with my friends!
google reader subscriber
Laughing with my friends!
Summer nights on the beach
Definitely gossip and girltalk all night
Hanging out with my friends anywhere.
I loved the fun I had going to the movies or the mall with my friends. Now I hate to shop.
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Definitely surfing and swimming wiht friends
would love to try this!
Goin out for ice cream
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One of my favorite teen menories is my mom helping me get ready any time I went out. I had that huge 80’s hair and it took both of us to get me perfectly poufed. We always had good talks while we fluffed.
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FACEBOOK even. I’d be dangerous if I could type.
My teenage memory is thinking I knew everything and someday I would be a cool mom! Boy how things change:) My son hasn’t called me cool yet! lol
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Having boyfriends…that was always an esteem thing for me in high school. Don’t need them anymore because I married a great man.
My favorite teenager memory was having long girl talk conversations!
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Friday night football games.
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I had alarge pimple at the end of my nose and a cute guy at school told me to “pop that B–ch” I was soooooo embarrassed!
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Filming movies for our English class group projects.
Hanging at the pool
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My favorite teenage memories all revolve around my church youth group.
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I always loved sporting events, football games, baseball games..etc.
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favorite memory….hanging out with friends
Meeting my hubby!
My Favorite Teenage memory is spending the weekend at the skating rink . Man those was some fun times.
Getting my driver’s license!
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I liked graduation from high school and getting my first job.
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jennaod Hey! @commnsensemoney is giving away a Proactiv Prize Pack. Go here to enter https://bit.ly/cbI2p5 #wingiveaways
my favorite memory is the county fair!!
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My favorite memories as a teenager were spending the summer with my best friend, she moved when we were nine, but every summer she would come and spend a month with us! Best memories!
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my fav teenage memory was spending long carefree days at the beach.
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I loved going to football games.
My favorite teenage memory was when I had my first kiss. Will never forget it!
Having fun with my friends and not having a care in the world!
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I would love to win this
fave memory is visiting the ocean!
I was lucky that my skin was clear all thru high school
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not a care in the world. boys!!
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I remember me and my friend Carly staying up all night at sleepovers writing our “own newspaper” on weekend nights.
My favorite memory is definitely the summer my now hubby & I started hanging out.
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My favorite memory is going to my first concert (Rick Springfield).
Great memories with sleepovers and sneaking out of the house at night
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Summer time with friends and church softball games!
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Favorite teenage memory would be calling the cutest boys one night while staying at a my best friend’s house.
A favorite teenage memory was not getting pimples while my sister got a lot of them!
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Going out with my friends every weekend! Then, sneaking back into the house cause my parents only were concerned if I wasn’t home when they got up in the morning and I didn’t want them to know that I had only been home for an hour or so.
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When did this website become a series of advertisments? I understand these are giveaways but sheesh…….I’m out!
Okay, I”m REALLY dating myself, but one of my favorite teen memories is attending an Andy Gibb concert in SF and being asked if I wanted to go back stage and meet him.
going on summer vacations to myrtle beach with my family & my mom’s family
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Great website – I follow on Facebook!
I loved talking on the phone with my girlfriends. Thanks!
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I went to a dermatologist, and got antibiotics for acne. The next night on a band bus going to play at a football game, I broke out in little red bumps from head to toe.
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Summer dances! Every Wednesday night all summer long!
much needed
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My favorite memory was playing xylophone in my school’s drum crops and marching in the St. Patrick’s Day parade.
Favorite memory is learning to drive!
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Meeting my then husband-to-be … yes, very fond memories.
My “boyfriend” from high school and I just celebrated our 8 year wedding anniversary and have been together for half our lives, crazy!
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My favorite memory is spending money on things that i do not get to spend t hem on today! Like hair, skin and nail care! I hope I win this!
I fondly remember running on the track team.
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My favorite teenage memory was going to college and going to my first college party!!!
One of my favorite memories is going to Burger king where all my friends worked and getting free food & horsing around in the kids play area after hours!
One of my favorite teenager memories is slumber parties with my best friend
Oh, the memories of having my first car and the excitement of all the freedom that comes with driving for the first time! I loved to pack my friends in that Cavalier and drive all over town just for the sake of DRIVING!
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My favorite teenage memory is meeting my now husband!
playing at football games in the marching band
Hanging out with friends and not having so many things to worry about!
Pick me, Pick me!!!
Favorite teenager memory… I would say graduation of course!
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My favorite memories are from my senior year. Homecoming, prom, graduation…good friends & good times.
My favorite teenaged memory was my graudation party. Fun times and dancing all night!
…and I like you on facebook.
So I know a lot of people didn’t, but my best memory was high school as a whole. I had a blast!
My favorite memory was just hanging out with friends after school and going to concerts!
I loved high school football games, playing in the marching band at half-time
Favorite teenage memory is just hanging out with friends, driving around without anywhere to really go!
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A fave teenage memory~Friday night football games!
My favorite high school memory was being with my friends. We always had a good time…..the good ole days!
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I met my hubby in highschool so that has to be the best part of everything!
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Ah, the teenage years. I loved going sledding with a whole bunch of classmates at night. No adults around.
Family trips and being on the drill team in HS!
Favorite teenage memory is dressing up like an absolutely crazy woman during the different days of spirit week.
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Writing, passing, and receiving notes. On paper, not devices!
I loved our family trips to the beach !
Some of my favorite memories are hanging out at the mall on Saturday nights, cruising, and going to formal dances.
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I used to love going to the lake on the weekends as a teenager.
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High School Band and Football games! Loved them!
My favorite memories were sleepovers at my best friends house listening to Bob Seger.
My favorite teenage memory was going off to college. I remember right after my parents moved me in and drove away, my boyfriend and I took a walk around the campus. I felt so free and it was amazing to think that I could do anything I wanted and stay out as late as I wanted:)
I used to spend weekends at my grandmas & sneak out to hang out with my friends.
My favorite memory is after the first guy I liked who actually asked me out on a date. I even remember the song playing on the radio as I drove home from work that night.
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My favourite teenage memories are suntanning on the beach and going dancing on weekends with my girlfriends (an having no acne! LOL).
I remember the day I got my license and my sister came with me as I drove over to our friend’s house. It was only 7 minutes away (yes, we had it timed) but it was still without a parent in the car so that was fun!
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My favorite time was hanging out at the lake.
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Ahhh, the summer of ’85. Best. Summer. Ever. First real boyfriend……those were the days.
I miss high school and all of my friends!
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Playing a solo in marching band.
Hanging out with friends and cruising the strip.
There are so many things, hanging out with girlfriends and talking about boys mostly, going to parties, shopping exploring the world with no worries other than not blowing that curfew!
Also an email subscriber!
I actually don’t have acne problem on my face growing up but I have acne on my back. My daughter has acne on her face so this would make a great gift for her.
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I can remember being allowed to stay out all night on graduation night…. Can’t imagine how I will feel continuing that tradition with my daughter! Thanks for this giveaway !
My favorite memory were school dances. No one really danced, it was more just a night of hanging out.
Driving my sportscar!
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Hanging out with my friends.
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I don’t have a favorite teenage memory…I’m just glad I’m not a teenager anymore!
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hanging out with my friends!!! thankful i am still friends with them after graduating 14 years ago!!!
One of my favorite memories was working at a fast food joint and meeting lifelong friends.
I loved sleepovers! Staying up all night with friends doing makeovers and just talking… so much fun!
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I remember spending the night at a friends house (or having friends stay the night at mine) and staying up until it was almost light outside again just talking or watching movies.
My favorite memory is coming home from school and rushing to the phone to call my friends on 3 way, and talk about boys of course! Oh the memories..
i fell down a few steps and fell in love with my husband (to be).
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My favorite memories is going to the mall and movies with all my friends.
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Playing music in a band is my favorite memory from those times.
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Summer ice-cream runs with friends!
Playing my old records well into the nights.
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hanging out with my friends
I get ur email at ourfamily24@verizon.net
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My favorite teenage memory was sleepovers with friends
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my favorite teenager memory was going to the duran duran concert!!!
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Adventures with my best friend, Suz!
Talking on the phone.
Prom is my favorite teenager memory!
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My favorite teenage memory is when my Dad bought me my first car! A red Chevy Nova with white interior!
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My favorite teenage memory was marching band competitions and band camp of course!
Lots of skin problems when i was a teen and now my 18 year old daughter is having the same problems.I feel sorry for her.
I follow on twitter as carolynishis and i tweeted here.
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Favorite memory would be preforming on stage with professional actors in A MidSummer Night’s Dream.
My favorite teen memories were of hanging out in Malibu with my sister
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
High School Dances
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lkish77123 at gmail dot com
weekends at the lake with my friends:)
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Getting my drivers license!
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I just enjoyed hanging with my friends. We are al spread out now. I miss them.
Crank calling was fun….Really can’t do that now.
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As a teenager my best memorable moment was attending senior prom night.
Teenage years were acne free but unfortunely had them later in my 20s.
I’d love to win this! We’ll see… ( ;
favorite memory – being on the HS drill team in Texas and making the kickline for the first playoff game in the Astrodome
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being with friends, writing notes to my best friend and passing them between classes, having crushes, wishing I was one of the popular kids, shyness, not a good memory! Wish I had more happy memories of HS.
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Getting my license and driving…..
Nights at the Loose Caboose coffee house with friends, listening to live music and drinking Lime Rickeys (we were wild).
FB follower. Please help fix my post-partum acne. LOL.
my fav memories — summer on a beach with my family
Going on High School tennis trips was always fun!
Disco Roller Skating in the seventies is my favorite teenage memory!
smchester at gmail dot com
I like you on facebook-Susan Chester
smchester at gmail dot com
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Favorite memory…….big hair!!
Making the county All-Star team for basketball as the smallest girl in the league!
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my favorite memory was getting my license
Getting my license!
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Youth group trip to Washington, D.C.
driving with my good friends to the local lake at summer, windows down and music blasting!
my 16th birthday. oh what fun!
the proactive would be for my daughter
My favorite teenage memory is the summers I worked at an amusement park! So fun!
Working at an ice cream shop… and being able to eat anything I wanted!
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getting my first place- one room studio and working nights and going to hs during the day-
hanging out and experimenting with makeup is my favorite memory
Working on building sets for the drama program in high school was great. Certain CDs put me right back there!
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I remember cruising movies 8 parking lot looking for guys every weekend playing our rap music.
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Going to all the formal dances.
Going to Denny’s or a diner after a concert.
On the opposite end of back to school, I love that on my last day of school every year while in high school, it always managed to snow. Colorado weather for you.
I also sub via google reader.
My favorite memory was prom. 6 of us decided to splurge on the fanciest restaurant in town, that I had never been to the whole time I had lived there (since I was 3!). We went all out… the bill was over $200. Two guys gave cash to the third guy, who was going to put the bill on his credit card. He put his card in the black folder and handed it to the waitress. She promptly took out his card, handed it back to him, said “Your bill has been taken care of. Enjoy your evening.”
We never found out who paid for our bill–even though we tried to pester all of our parents to see if it was one of them. We all eventually assumed that it was some nice older couple who enjoyed seeing us on our special night, and vowed that one day, when we were older and wiser and had money, that we would do the same for someone else
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My first dance at school
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Favorite teenage memories all include fun, friends and a carefree life.
oh all the high school drama!!!
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i moved clear across the country to florida in 12th grade and i racked up a 300 dollar phone bill calling home that summer. i did pay my mom back eventually.
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I would love to win this for my granddaugter…my daughter and myself had lots of face problems when we were teenagers…
Staying at my boyfriends house when my mom thought I was staying at a girl friends
My favorite teenage memory was when I went to the prom. That was the first time I ever had my hair done at a beauty shop and I was so thrilled!
Working my first job at Mcdonalds
I tweeted Hey! @commnsensemoney is giving away a Proactiv Prize Pack. Go here to enter https://bit.ly/cbI2p5 #wingiveaways
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One of my favorite teen memories is going to the mall with my friends and chasing around the cute boy that used to work there on the janitorial crew ;).
I grew up on a lake and we would hang out at the lake and swim or go boating. Hanging with good friends at the lake is what I remember the most.
Favorite memory: my first short haircut. My dad had a thing about girls and long hair. I just loved that bouncy feeling. Ironically, it’s been long ever since.
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My favorite memories of high school involve time spent with my friends – whether it was sleepovers, at the skating rink, the mall, or wherever, we always had so much fun!!
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Also an email subscriber. thank you for the chance to win!
My favorite memories are summers at the seashore…so much fun!
Not worrying about bills or adult decisions – my favorite memory by far!!
Just hanging out at a local camp by the river.
Meeting my wife
going to Cancun with my family
My favorite teen memories were when I went to Paris/Barcelona with some friends.. AMAZING!
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My favorite teenage memory is my first kiss!
The thrill of summer vacation from school
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Skipping class!!
I think my favorite teenage memory was kissing my first boyfriend.
I enjoyed staying up really late hanging out with my BF without a major care in the world
I follow your blog on google reader! gmloschiavo at yahoo dot com
Ahh, the good old days. I miss not having a care in the world and staying up late giggling with my friends.
I follow you on twitter and tweeted! @thecravetosave
gmloschiavo at yahoo dot com
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gmloschiavo at yahoo dot com
My favorite teenage memories are my best friends. Other than that, I can easily forget those years–immaturity and too much stupid stuff.
Mine is from 11th grade….I met my husband at my first job at a pet store. We are still together 17 years later!
Thanks for the chance.
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My favorite teen memory is hanging out with friends until late into the night w/out a care in the world…
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I loved playing basketbal and softball
I loved the football games
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Favorite Teenage Memory. Hum…I think I’m glad not to be a teenager anymore
I loved working on school productions in high school.
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I remember the Senior prom and being so in love and dancing the night away.
Meeting my husband!
My favorite teenage memory is of cheering in Highschool.
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getting my driver’s license.
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One fun memory is of going to Six Flags with the Art Club. The bus ride alone was almost as fun as the park.
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I remember as part of the marching band in our Alabama town we would have police escorts everywhere we went on the band buses and they’d stop traffic for us all over–even on the highways.
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My favorite memories from when I was a teenager all involve just hanging out at a friend’s house sitting in the kitchen at the table and just talking about anything and everything.
I would have to say meeting my husband.
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hanging out in wal-mart parking lot and driving around sonic lol
hanging out with friends and road trips when playing on highschool sball team
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I have lots of great memories, but most of my best ones center around my then “best friend” and now husband of 10 years!
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My favorite teemage memories are of going to the high school football games.
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My favorite teenage memories were during our HS musical. Most of all my friends were involved in some aspect of the production, so we’d see a lot of each other. The nights out after the shows were always a blast, between hanging out at restaurants to drive-ins to bonfires.
I follow/like Common Sense with Money on facebook.
Bad to say, but the days where we skipped class and hung out were some of the greatest memories.
My favorite teen memory was going out to lunch every single day as seniors. Somehow it worked out that all of my friends had lunch the same period ! We were allowed to leave school as seniors on our lunch or free periods and luckily there was a few different places we could eat nearby!
If i win this laptop I will be doing all my blogging, facebooking and twittering from it. I love my iMac but I hate being tied to the desk!
I mean to paste my tweet link the stuff abt the laptop was meant for a diff post
Some of my favorite memories consist of my bff and I hanging out just experiencing our independance for the first time. We had so many great times!
Learning how to drive a stick with my friends
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My favorite teenage memory would be meeting my now husband at the school dance….we were high school sweethearts and have been married for 28 years now
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Watching thunderstorms roll in with my dad.
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I have tons of great memories from my teenage years, thanks to my group of friends. We went to dances together, hung out at houses, and just had a great time.
Varsity football games on a Driday night were the best!!!
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Varsity football games on a Friday night were the best!!!
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I remember skipping school and hanging with friends.
By the way, I love proactiv. I am 30 and still breakout and Proactiv works great.
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I was a twirler and lived for the Friday night football games and all the activities associated with that.
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I used to love having movie marathon nights!
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my favorite memory of being a teenager was watching American Bandstand and trying to do the same moves they were doing.
sleepover parties
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High school football games & the parties afterwards.
fallin in love for the first time
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My favorite teenage memory was sleepover parties! Getting a bunch of junk food and watching movies all night!
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I remember being on my phone (my own line in my bedroom, lol) & talking ALL the time! I try to remind my hubby of that when he gets bad about our girls wanting to be chatting on facebook all day. Same thing, just different t technology
A favorite teenage memory was when I told my Grandma that I would drive to see her from NC to OH when I turned 16. She didn’t believe me. We were very close and she just passed away this year. I will always remember walking in the door and her literally falling out of her chair spitting out her water jumping up and down!
I tweeted your message and have been a Twitter follower for a while. https://twitter.com/AKCahoon/status/21648099777
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Favorite teen memory was going to the arcade to hang out with friends…playing Galaga and Pac Man!
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My 16th Birthday party
tweeted https://twitter.com/mkjmc/status/21654640080 tweeted
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My favorite memories as a teen were the days at the beach!
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My favorite memories are hanging out with my friends after school.
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All my teenage memories involve activities with our church youth group. Lots of good times and good friends.
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My favorite teenage memories are from when I was in marching band.
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season passes at the waterpark
I remember just driving around aimlessly.
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favorite teenage memory : sneaking into nightclubs of course
My favorite memory was going to my first concert with all my girlfriends.
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My junior year of highschool was a year full of great memories of hanging with some great friends
spending time with my girl friends, or my latest new boyfriend. And the music! Loved the music back then
I loved going to football games with my friends.
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that would be getting my first paycheck! It was a total of about $89 but it was the best money I have spent!
I’m an email subscriber, coriwestphal at msn dot com
Going to the lake on the weekends with friends.
My best teenage memories all revolve around hanging with friends at Whataburger or the beach.
getting into trouble with my girls!
autumn398 @ yahoo.com
I loved teh summer I sepnt with my great grandparents on their farm – we milked cows, made butter milk and jam preserves!
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Senior prom! Loved it!
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Taking four study halls as a senior.
I loved hanging out and floating the river.
My favorite teenage memory was eating lunch with my friends every day at school.
My favorite time as a teenager was when I was 14 before I started to work. It seems like I haven’t stopped since that first work day.
I remember going to all the high school football games with friends then out for pizza afterward.
follow and tweet https://twitter.com/5memb/status/21788199866
My favorite teenage memory was going to dances after the football games!
Staying up all night on the phone– this was before texting :)!!
I remember Junior Prom, getting all dressed up and feeling beautiful.
Just having fun with my friends, with no cares in the world. That was fantastic! Thanks Mercedes! =)
My favorite teen moments were sleeping over my best friend’s house and we’d stay up all night eating junk food, watching movies, & talking about boys we had crushes on.
I am a fan of CSwM on FB. Thanks! =)
Sneaking out of the house to go hang with my friends
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Band practice is one of my top memories.
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I loved my teenage years. I wish I could go back and to high school again.
I loved driving around in my Mustang.
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driving my old vw beetle
Decorating homecoming floats with my class!
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Sleepovers with friends and talking on the phone.
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My favorite teenage memory is not having any worries! No bills! lol
the prom
My favorite teenage memory is shopping with my mom on Saturdays. Now that we live apart, its more difficult to carry on the tradition.
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I loved having pasta dinners with my cross country team!
My favorite memory is the first days of freedom when I got my license and my car.
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One of my favorite teenage memories is my mom letting me wear some makeup when I turned 15.
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My favorite teenage memory was Saturday nights at my friend Susie’s house. We’d watch “Creature Feature” (horror movies), eat lots of snacks, and talk the night away. It was the BEST.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
I follow you on twitter @Ida_Sessions and tweeted here:
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My favorite teenage memories have to do with being on the swim team and spending days outside with friends having a ball in the sunshine.
My favorite part of my teen years was playing high school soccer.
none, i hate those times
Hmm..a favorite teenage memory? Well I remember on one of my birthdays me and a bunch of my girlfriends went shopping together and it was pretty fun!
I follow you on twitter as “calidreamin87” & I tweeted:
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I remember coming home and telling my mother I joined a band at 14 and that I would be gone for a weekend to perform. The look on her face was priceless!
I follow on twitter (pauline15) and tweeted: https://twitter.com/pauline15/status/21885592722
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love this giveaway
My favorite ‘back-in-the-day’ memory was camping out – a number of my classmates and I went so frequently that we actually spent a good part of one summer building our own log cabin!
Spending time with my Grandparents and my Dad.
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my favorite memories are with my friends Steve and Danny. The three of us use to go to NYC a lot. Most without parents permission…Now I’ve got three teens. I’d kill them if they did half of what I did! lol
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helping my mom in her catering business.
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Graduation was awesome
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Being with my friends! We had so much fun and still do!
A favorite teenage memory was going down to the Jersey Shore with my friends in the summer
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Baby sis and I had a blast on the playground at Burger King – yes, we were both in highschool.
Follow on twitter and tweeted: https://twitter.com/happishopr/status/21932557469
FB fan (laura g)
My favorite memories were from going to tons of concerts!
I subscribe through Google Reader.
My fave teenage memory is just cruising around with a carload of friends.
i was in the marching band and i loved it when we won at state