Cheap Candy Corn With Kiosk Coupon at CVS


If you’re a CVS shopper here’s a heads up.  It has been reported that the CVS Coupon Kiosk is printing a coupon for $1 off 2 CVS Brand Candy Corn.  You can find the small bags of Gold Emblem Candy Corn for just $0.99.  Some are finding these bags of candy for as low as $0.88.  Here’s the deal:

Gold Emblem Candy Corn – $0.88 – $0.99
Use $1 off 2 CVS Brand Candy Corn
Pay  as low as $0.38 each after coupon wyb 2

Not everyone will receive this coupon but let me know what you score if you do!  Check out all the best CVS deals here.

Thanks Saving With Shellie