As you probably can tell, I live on the Internet. Between my Husband and I, we have 2 PCs and 2 Laptops. Our entire house is set up with a wireless network system. For years we had an 802.11g wireless router. This usually worked pretty well for us, but there were times that we would have low signal strength in certain rooms in our house, especially in the basement or the back yard, and more importantly, we often would get signal interference from our cordless house phone (which runs at 2.4GHz). There are also many times that we are both trying to download, upload, or print through the wireless router at the same time.
Most people (myself included) are unfamiliar with the difference between the ‘g’ and ‘n’ wireless protocols (I had to ask my husband). For starters, 802.11g supports a maximum speed of 56Mbps (mega-bits per second). The real problem with G is not that it is slow (56Mbps for wireless isn’t too bad, from what I’m told) but that it shares a wireless band with many common devices that can cause quit a bit of interference. For example, many cell phones, cordless (home) phones, Blue tooth, and microwaves share the 2.4GHz band.
Wireless N uses a multiple input, multiple output technology. Essentially, instead of a device having a single antenna, it creates multiple antennae that are arranged to have maximum transmitting power, and maximum reception. Wireless N also runs at speeds of 130-160Mbps, with a listed maximum of 300Mbps and 802.11n devices can operate on 2.4 or 5GHz bands.
After we installed our new Cisco Valet wireless router, we never had any more lost signals from appliance or phone interference. Additionally, the signal strength from the router has greatly increased and we have definitely noticed an increased speed in uploading and downloading.
Win IT!
Cisco has offered one Cisco Valet to one of my readers. To enter this giveaway:
1) Leave a comment.
For additional entries:
1) Share this on Twitter: : I just entered for a chance to win a Cisco Valet Wireless Router. Stop by to enter #valet4dad via @commnsensemoney
2) Share this giveaway with friends on Facebook. Just copy/paste this on your status bar: “I just entered for a chance to win a Cisco Valet Wireless Router. Stop by to enter from @ common sense with money . You may also want to “Like” Common Sense with Money on Facebook.
Leave a separate comment for each additional entry, you know the drill. If you are reading this entry on your RSS reader or email newsletter make sure to CLICK HERE to enter this giveaway. Emailing me is not a valid way to enter this giveaway. This giveaway is open to residents of the US 18 years and older. This giveaway ends 6/13 at NOON EST.
Be sure to check out all of my other Giveaways as well as the Dads Rock Giveaways from the following bloggers: Balancing Beauty & Bedlam, Faithful Provisions, Fashion Cents For Mom, Hoosier Homemade, IGOBOGO, Kingdom First Mom, Moms Need To Know, Mrs. Moneysaver, Passion For Savings, Penny Pinchin Mom, She Saved, Surviving the Stores and The Thrifty Mama |
Disclosure: This giveaway is sponsored by Cisco. I received a free Cisco Valet and one to giveaway. All opinions expressed here are 100% mine.
I would love to win this!
Would love to be able to get this for my hubby!!
My husband (and I) would love this!
what a cool giveaway!
My husband would love this.
I would love one of those…what a great gift to have.
Would love this!
I tweeted about this giveaway!
This is a great giveaway!! I want it SO SO SO BAD!!
I don’t know what it is, but I’m sure my hubby would find a use for it.
My sister just got this one
My husband and I were just talking about this last night. It would be wonderful to try one without having to pay for one
Thanks you in advance.. just in case we do win!
I tweeted about this
I would love this!
This would be great to have!! thank you!
My husband would love this! It would be a great Father’s Day gift!
My husband was looking to replace our old router. This would be perfect.
I would love to win this for the entire family. My daughter and I mainly use the internet. My husband would love that I win this for myself.
Finally my hubby can get our computers hooked up with this. Thanks
my husband would love it i won this, we would love to go wireless
Tweeted about the giveaway @LyndaM1968
I would love to win this!!!
This would make for one happy husband–and therefore a happy me, too!
I posted on my Facebook.
Happy Dad Happy Life
We could definitely use this! Thanks for the chance!
This would be a great thing to win!!!
i’d love to win!
My techie hubby would love this!
Sounds awesome! Anything to make the internet FASTER !
I’m the techie in the family, but I drag my husband into the current year whether he likes it or not. (although kicking & screaming, once he sees the AWESOME things that await him, he’s like a little kid in a candy store!) He would LOVE this – once he figured out why it’s good for us
hehe. Thanks a TON for the opportunity!
Would love this! Thanks!
I would love to win this for my brother:)
What a great giveaway! Thanks so much!!!!
Husband would love if I won!
tweeted about this giveaway!
This would be a great addition for us as it would enable hubby to work on his work laptop when I am hogging our home computer!
Shared on facebook!!!!!!!!!!
And I shared on Twitter
My husband and I are on the internet quite a bit doing school work this would be great!
this would be great for our new home!
I need one.
thanks for the giveaway!
We need this!
Could totally use one of these!
I tweeted
I shared on my FB page
follow you on fb
Hope i win !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I follow you on facebook and just posted “I just entered for a chance to win a Cisco Valet Wireless Router. Stop by to enter from @ common sense with money” as my status update.
We so need one of these that work better for video streaming.
My husband would love this! He’s such a computer nerd at heart.
my hubbie is such a tech guy and would love this or gift to father n law!
I just tweeted about your giveaway
I’d love to win this :). It looks awesome!
Perfect for Father’s day
I would love this for my husband!
I’ve had my eye on this exact one for a few months now. Thanks for the chance to win!
what a great gift for daddy
This would be great for my hubs as our current router broke!
love to have one
Great prize!
My family, we are always online. This would be great!!!
I sure love to get one of this..
This is an awesome giveway! Thank you for doing this Mercedes! I love your website.
I just tweeted this on Twitter.
I put this on my Facebook page.
What a great giveaway!
Would LOVE this! I tweeted at @shebaillinois
My husband would so love this!!
This would be a great gift for my husband.
yeah for the internet!
This look great!!
Thanks for the great giveaway – my husband and I would LOVE to kick our router out and pep up our connectivity
Living outside the states as missionaries can be trying at times. Currently we utilize a couple of 6 foot usb cables to hook our two laptops up to our router. It would be sweet to get one of these!
Just moved into a new house with our family and this would be such a blessing.
told everybody about it on facebook!
Our two desktops, two laptops, 4 game consoles, and 2 portable wifi devices would be very, very happy indeed to have this to help them coexist.
Reading is my number one favorite hobby! Can’t go to sleep at night without reading. I’ve enjoyed the Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris, The Obama Nation, anything by Augusten Burroughs… the list is endless!
would be nice to have
Would love to give this to my husband!
What a nice giveaway; perfect for my husband!
Both of us work at least part of the time from home so this would be an awesome Father’s Day/Whole House gift.
This would be great to win and have as a gift for my dad or husband.
Thanks for offering this as a prize, my husband loves new e-toys!
Our router keeps dropping signal too! I would love to win this and eliminate the problem!
I just posted this on Facebook.
I just tweeted it!
My husband and I would give this thing a good workout
Our wireless is always going in and out
Whooooo! this would be great!
Twitter entry:
My husband is a techie and he would love a new toy
Would love to win and finally go wireless. Thanks!
hope i win….
I would love to have a wireless router.
This would be extra nice to have for our home!!!
Such an awesome deal! I hope to win and give it to the hubs!
I SO need this! We are constantly getting dropped on our current router b/c of our wireless phones & 2 laptops. Frustrating doesn’t begin to describe it!
I think I need this more than my husband
I tweeted about this!
I made this my Facebook Status!
Love the site thank you!!
What a great gift for Father’s Day!
My husband would love this! Thanks!
Thank you so much for all the giveaways – I am having too much fun today! (and spending waaay to much time on the computer
would love to win this for my husband
tweeted about giveaway
We sooo NEED this!
Thank you for your time and great blog!
Would be much appreciated!!
Shared giveaway on FB!
our router is on it’s last legs. we’d so love to win this
This sounds great. Our neighbors signal can be stronger than the signal coming from inside our own house.
I’d love to win!
This would be great, as we need a farther reach for our signal.
would love to have this for our home
Awesome! Thanks for the giveaways!
Took me awhile to figure out that it was the router interfering with our cordless phone
This would be perfect for my tech savvy husband!
My husband would love this….
This would be great!
Too cool! He would love it! Thanks for the chance to win!
Sounds awesome!!
This is interesting. Seems like a very useful thing to have!
would love to win this!
Sounds like a wonderful device – would love to win it!!
and i’ve tweeted about this…….
I would love to win this giveaway. thanks
I would love this!
I would love to win this.
My husband would love this! He loves gadgets and anything electronic.
i tweeted ur message
posted on fb also
This would be great!
this is so handy
I would love to own this
I would love to win this for my hubby!
Oh my gosh, I really need something….Oh I mean, my husband really needs somethng like this for our house. And this would be a really nice gift for fathers day.
This would make him the coolest kid on the block!
I’m a simple user jajaja but my husband is the pro on it
I’d love to win it for him 
I tweeted.
I posted on FB.
We would LOVE to win this router!
My tweet:
Another great idea for my engineer husband.
Would love to win this for my husband!
I would love to win this for my hubby!! We live on the internet as well, and sometimes have signal issues.
Great gift idea! Hits the heart of any internet loving dad
the goods just keep on coming
This would be a total present for hubby, cause I’m no techie, but he is!
i facebooked it
I saw a commercial for this the other day and it sounded awesome! Hope I win!!
I would love to win this! Every time our home phone rings and I answer it, if my son is on X-Box Live it kicks him off… they are on the same frequency — the phone and computer — just as you described! I can’t say it enough. I would love to win this!
big fan of cswm & money in my pocket. Thanks for all your hard work.
My hubbie would love this!
Love it !!
I’d love to win this for my hubs!
My hubby would flip over this!
I would love this!
It will be good to win one.
Would be an awsome fathers day gift!
Wow, I could search for deals, talk on the phone, AND my husband could do research for his homework all at the SAME time!!!!
We’ve been wanting to go wireless. This looks so quick and easy way to make it finally happen!
i would love this
This would be wonderful at my house!
This looks great!
we REALLY could use this in my house. both my husband and I are still in school, & are always in need of an upgrade thats afforadble, cant get anybetter than free! hope I win
We really could use this for sure!
Would be awesome for my husband and his xbox360!
Thanks for another chance to win a great item, I would love to win this for my kids.
I like Common sense with money on Facebook
Pick me!!
Awesome giveaway!
Tweeted –> @jjsgrl
Facebooked ->!/profile.php?id=12307648
This looks awesome!
I tweeted on Twitter too.
This would be awesome to have!
I also like CSWM on facebook
My dad would love this!
Cool toy. This thing sounds insane!
This looks great! Thanks for the chance to win!
This would be great!
That is awesome! we are in need of one!
This is good info to have! Thanks for sharing! I might just look into this anyway because we have low signal strength in parts of our house too!
I also tweeted!
This would make our household run much smoother!!
What a SURPRISE this would be!
Wow, this is just what we need for our porch! Thanks for the chance to win!
this is amazing!
What a great gift!!!
I would love to win!
wow, such awesome stuff….we wanna win
Can’t wait to win something!
My husband would like this.
I shared on FB
this would be awesome to win
i tweeted on twitter
My husband would love this!
This would be the perfect gift!
So many giveaways!! FUN–thanks!
Great giveaway!
I had no idea!! Would love to win it!
This would be perfect for my husband!
My husband would love this!
we’ve been looking into buying one of these, we’d love to win one!!
i shared on facebook =)
My husband would die if he got this. Thanks for doing these giveaways.
i would love to win this for my husband!
Cisco Valet YAY!!!
this would really help my hubby w/ his online class…..thanks for the oppotunity!
I would love to win this!
Oh wow, what a great deal.
would love to win
this would be perfect!
We have 4 adults in our house and more than a computer each. This would be great for us.
I retweeted:
i’d love to win this
My husband would love this!
This looks awesome!
Ooh, ooh – pick me!
I’m not sure what all of that means. My husband handles all of that kind of stuff, but I’m sure he could put it to good use. Thanks for the chance to win.
would love to win this for my hubby (and I get to use it, too). thanks for the giveaway.
This would make a great Fathers Day gift. Pick me please.
My husband would freak out!!!!!
We love good routers at our house. It would be great to win.
We too have our own network with mutilple machines and laptops. Would be a cool addition to our server closet!
This sounds like a great product!
Also Facebooked this!
would love to win this for my dad!
Thanks for the great explaination of the Cisco Valet. I think I’ll be getting one even if I don’t win!
I would love to win!
Dad would love this
Pick me!!!
Oh my goodness!!! My household so needs this! Just last night my husband was getting so aggravated at the loss of signal strength on his laptop, what a great Father’s Day gift this would be for him
I love to win this router because my old one is giving troubles these days. Thx
This one looks really awesome!
I would love to win this……thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to win. We always seem to have a low signal here. Thanks It’s a great giveaway
Wow! This would be wonderful, our last wireless was fried by lightning.
Thanks for the introduction to the Cisco Valet. This is a great give away!
Wow – bet this would be better than our current router!
I tweeted about your giveaway!
I shared information about your giveaway on Facebook!
This is great! I’m thinking it could take the place of our ancient modem!
This sounds great! We could definately use this!
I would love this wireless set up for my home.
This is so cool!
I would love to win this. No more lost signal or disconnections!
Always looking to improve with the tech stuff. Thanks for sharing with us.
This would be so awesome!
My husband would love this…so cool!
Would love to win this
I don’t know how to live without wireless–laptop goes with me everywhere. My husband would LOVE to have this, to upgrade. Thanks!
Amazing prize, totally could use!
Would love to win this! Somebody told me my cordless phone could be my problem with my laptop. I haven’t been able to use it with out getting knocked off for about 6 months. Thanks for the contest.
This would be fantastic, I was thinking about buying one but just don’t have the money, this would truly be a blessing to win!
I would like to win this for my dad because he needs one
I like you on FB
This is a great gadget and would really help out my internet probs!
My dad would love this!!!
This is something my hubby would love!
Something the hubs would LOVE = thanks so much for the chance to win.
This would be a great gift for father’s day.
This is unbelievable, what a great giveaway, thank you so much for the chance!
I’d love to win this!
I’m a FB friend
This would be perfect for my dad
We could definately put this to use!
This is the perfect Father’s day gift for our household!
Thanks for the great giveaways!
I would love to be able to gift this to my dad!!! Something that he would love, use and not get upset with me for “spending” money on him!!
I added to twitter!
This would be awesome for my dad!!
This would make a great gift for my husband or dad. Thanks!!
i am a fan of yours and Cisco on facebook.
Awesome gift!
This would be great to win!
My husband is definitely a “computer geek.” He’d love one of these!!!
Great giveaway. Hope I win!
We could definitely use a new powerful router. Our home is over 100 years old – lathe and plaster walls so thick and hard, nails bend and break when you try to drive one through to hang a picture! My main computer is upstairs and my husband’s is downstairs on the opposite side of the house, along with the wireless printer, which more often than not does not get a signal from my computer. Makes for some trouble now and again, not to mention the telephone interference . . . . Thanks for the chance to win an awesome product!
I just tweeted:
Would love to win!
I just posted on Facebook:!/profile.php?id=1275547710&v=wall&story_fbid=130352530316530
My hubby and I need this! We have to 2 PC’s and 1 laptop (hopefully 2 laptop at the end of summer!). We live on the internet too!
Would love to try this, as other wireless routers have not worked well in our older house.
Great giveaway!
My Husband and I share and argue over this laptop and this prize would make a great gift for his FIRST Father’s Day! Have a great upcoming Father’s Day!!!
My husband would love this!
My husband would go nuts for this.
this would be awesome!!! Thanks!
Sounds great, thank you!
tweeted about it
Wow….this sounds like heven! My husband would love it!
My husband would love this Cisco Valet as much as I Love Common Sense With Money!
My husband works at home on his computer all day so this would be great!
We are always losing signal! This would be awesome!
If I won this for my Hubby, he would be happier printing all of my coupons from his computer!
I love you and your site Mercedes! Thank you for all that you do for us!
my hubby and I need a wireless router, but I’ve been too cheap to buy one. This would be great!
very cool!!
We’d love this!
Wow, you have such great items on here! We would love any of them including this router. Thanks for the chance!
i have “liked” CSWM on facebook
oo! what a great giveaway
My husband would love this. He is a computer geek.
Wonderful giveaway!
Love it.
This thing is awesome…we always lose our signal between the iphones, 2 laptops, and PC.
This sounds like a pretty cool gadget!
I would like to win one. Would make a nice fathers day gift
Love to win this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’d love to win this
we so need this! That would be fun to win!
Ohhhh….an upgraded router. A fabulous Fathers Day gift to myself.
this would be so helpful for when we’re both working at home
I would LOVE to win this…it is SO needed in our house. Thans for the chance to win!
we could really use a new router. it would be more like a family gift. i don’t know what kind of router or it’s size but it’s probably 10 years old. and anything computer related and 10 years old is just inadiquate for today. I’d love to win this one “for Dad”!
thanks for the great site.
couponing in the backyard?! i died and went to heaven
if i could use my laptop EVERYWHERE… oh, sounds amazing!
Upgrading to more PC’s means we need to upgrade our wireless also so this would be great to have. Great site.
Love it!!!
our router is totally on the fritz and with a work at home small business this would be fab!!!
I posted on FB!
Hubby would love this, but I would too as I am techie
This would be perfect for our house! Great giveaway!!
shared on twitter
This would be great!
would love to win this – need wireless up north in our condo
This looks really cool! Would love to have one! Thanks!
Sounds like a great device to have! I would love to get one.
I’d love to win this!
I would be great to go wireless. Thanks!
I posted on facebook.
We really could use one of these. The timing for this giveaway is perfect.
I would love to win this!!
And, I learned something too – we just entered the wireless router thing back in Jan and couldn’t figure out why our cordless phone kicks us off the internet – now I know why! Thanks!
Would love this, our internet is so slow.
It sounds awesome!
My husband loves this kind of stuff!
Me and my boyfriend would love to win this! Thanks again for all your hard work!
This would be so great!!!
please please sign me up!
My hubby would love to live on the Internet, too, except he has to work sometimes – LOL!!!
Thanks so much for the opportunity!
Thanks for all the recent giveaways and your continued hard work!
would love to win this!
I also shared the giveaway on Facebook.
Such a great giveaway, thanks! This would be great for our home, we’re always having problems with interference.
I’d love to be able to go wireless and this sounds like the perfect solution!
would love to win as my husband works from home and sometimes we too run into problems. thanks for the chance.
i liked you on facebook
Sure didn’t know about “protocols” thanks for the great info!
Would love to win this!!
Would love to win!
This would be such a hit in my house!
It would really be cool to have one of these. We often have signal trouble in our house too!
Awesome, awesome!
I would love this for my little condo where I always lose my signal!
This kind of thing would be boring for me to win, but my husband would LOVE it!
would love to replace our conking out Linksys!
This would be nice in my house, with 5 people using the internet
Wow! If we won one, life sure would change for the better chez nous!
sure could use this!
Would love to get this for my father in law.
I just tweeted about this..I just entered for a chance to win a Cisco Valet Wireless Router. Stop by to enter #valet4dad via @commnsensemoney less than 5 seconds ago via web
I also put this on my facebook and I “liked” you! LOL
I would love to win this because my darling hubby is always on our oldest and slowest laptop in the house and with myself and two boys stealing all the bandwith maybe he can surf and play his games and little quicker! :0)
There would be no more fighting for the internet. Yippey.
Wow I would love to win this!
We get weak signals on our wifi a lot, despite moving it to different rooms or moving the laptop, and adding an additional antennae. The signal definitely doesn’t get through closed doors, but seems to be affected by some other factors we haven’t determined yet.
My husband is a total techie and would love to boost our wireless network with something like this!
I would love to be able to give this to my hubby for Father’s Day! This is his first one since becoming a step-dad.
I just tweeted this by Shandiemage!
I shared this on Facebook and I already liked you too!
this sounds awesome. Anything to help speed up the interent connection would be great! thanks for the giveaway
I would love to win this, it would be awesome!
Thank you so much for this give away. I would love to win this so we can finally upgrade from a wired network to a wireless network. We just brought a laptop, but are still plugging it into our old router.
My husband would love this. Thanks for the chance
What a great gift idea!
It would be so nice to no longer have dropped signals!
This sounds amazing!! Just what everyone needs….
What a great giveaway!! Thanks!!
i would love to win
I would love to win this!
Thanks for offering this giveaway!
Thanks for this giveaway, my husband will like this!
Just left a comment on my Facebook: Anne Sedita Dillon
My Husband would love this… Great Giveaway
I Get your RSS feed at work… Then I never miss a thing!
I receive your Daily E-mails… I never miss a thing!
This would be good for us with 3 laptops and 1 PC.
I would love to have this! I would use it in my new house.
This would be a great time to finally enter this century!
This would be a great addition to the family electronics.
I follow on Twitter and tweeted the giveaway.
I would love to win!
THanks so much for all the awesome giveaways! You ROCK!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
This would be the perfect gift for my Dad.
Great giveaway…..My hubby would love to win this one.
Please include me.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Thanks for all the great giveaways! Hoping to win!
Tweeted! (mae_01_sw)
Shared this giveaway on facebook!
cool! Thanx for the chance to win this fab prize.
This would make life so much easier in our house. My husband could relax instead of trying to fix the signal all the time.
Oh Yeah!! Enter me!! My honey would LOVE LOVE LOVE this.. This ROCKS!
I posted this on Facebook!! Whoohoo!
I would love to win this . It would make a great gift for the hubby. Thanks
My husband would love the Cisco Valet! Pick us! Thanks for all your hard work
I tweeted your message!
I posted your message on my Facebook status; thanks so much!
Thanks for another great giveaway
Great giveaway! My husband would love this.
I love giveaways!
I had a hard time figuring out the difference too. An informative giveaway Thanks.
I would absolutely love to get this. I have been wanting to purchase one, but don’t have the funds right now.
What a great present for my husband for Father’s Day and I would get to share it!
Great giveaway! My hubby would love this =)
Hope to win;-)
We would love to have this in the house!
Thanks – what a great give away!
We def need this – at least that’s what my hubby said!
What a great giveaway! Thanks =)
We have had so much trouble with our wireless that I would love to try this.
This would be one amazing gift for my hubby! He has been looking to get one for awhile now and we didn’t have the money!
I’d love to win this one!
Very nice!
I’d be so thrilled to win this!
I’m not sure what this is…but it sounds like something we could use…haha
I would love to win!!
tweeted about your giveaway
this would end the competition for internet connectivity in our house…. we always wait on each other to use the internet, specially when we are both home
We’ve been thinking about getting a wireless router, I’d love to win this & surprise my husband.
The hubs would so love this! Thanks for the chance to win!
Our current router is dying a slow death. Love to replace it!
I’ve heard good things about these routers
FB’ed: Cindy Dyer
I tweeted @danimcgarry
Oh… my hubby would love that.
Tweeted too, @jubilee225
Wow! This would be a great change from our current wireless router!
My wireless router was not compatible with my laptop, so this would be great to try!
This will be so awesome to win !! Thanks for the opportunity
tweeted @lapucette
We need to cut the cords and this would be great!
I would love to win!!!
I would love this
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Maybe this would solve our internet problems…
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
shared on fb
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
My famikly would love to win this and it’s such a fast & quick way to the internet!
Would love to win it for my hubby! Nice father’s day gift!
Posted on my facebook page !
Oh how I wish our wireless internet worked, maybe this will help!
Here is my initial entry comment. Thank you for the giveaway.
i just tweeted
I like you on Facebook and I posted.
I tweeted
great gift idea
I would love to win! Please enter me!
OMG I need this at home…Thanks for this wonderful giveaway!
Thanks for this chance – also thanks for all the info you provide about your giveaway products; it’s very educational and helpful! (“g” and “n” protocols.. who knew..?)
I would love to win this!
Wow great giveaway. My family would put this to great use.
Thanks for the contest.
pauleyd68 (at) yahoo (dot) com
fb shared!/profile.php?id=100001089590970&v=wall&story_fbid=126819804018460
pauleyd68 (at) yahoo (dot) com
pauleyd68 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I am ALL for it if it is FASTER! Thanks – I’m feelin’ lucky!
This would solve all the lagging that’s caused when my teens are researching homework projects on the internet while my husband is trying to catch some “me-time” by watching a movie through the xbox. Oh how awesome it would be to have harmony!!!
Thanks for the giveaway.Would like to win .
I was in Staples yesterday and saw this promoted there. I was intrigued then read more about it on your site. Great product!
I like you on FB.
This would be great with the WII
I shared on twitter
My family could really use this.
I was just eying these the other day, trying to justify the purchase. Sure would be great to win!
It would be awesome to win! We currently have a G and a notebook with wireless access but are unable to use it remotely because we do not have a wireless router. This would be great! Thanks!
Husband and family would love to have this.
I would love to have a new router.
I would love to win this for my husband! Thanks for the chance!
Love to win this!
Man, I so need this!
This would be great to win since I have my cable wire running throught the middle of my livingroom
We could definitely use an upgrade for our wireless network! Thanks!
awesome product. I hope I can win this
shared on facebook
My husband would love to have this!!!!!!!!
This would be great! I would love to win this for my husband (and me too!)
my husband would love this!!
My mom just switched from old aol dial-up to broadband and she could use this! Thanks for the chance!
I shared on Facebook, I’m Janet Maya Carpenter
My hubby would go nuts for this one! Thanks for the giveaway!
cisco makes such awesome products and I’m sure this would be as well!
Would love to win this in the hopes of a better signal in our basement!
This would be great to win. I’ve finally got my parents online and they are currently using my wireless router. The old router I planned to pull out and put back into service doesn’t work with our ISP. I’m currently looking for a replacement for the router I gave to mom and dad.
This would help so much with the signal at our house. Some days it feels like I am back to using an old 14.4 modem!! (which I thought was so fast when it first came out!) After talking with the neighbors it seems to be a common problem in our area. It is so frustrating!
susan56bft at gmail dot com
Wow, thanks for the info! I didn’t know the difference between the two either. This would be a great thing to win, saw an ad for it on tv earlier this evening!
We’ve been wanting a router, would be awesome to win this.
tweeted – jade51975
This would be great, I would love to be able to get this for my husband!! Thanks for doing this giveaway!
What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win it!
This would be a wonderful gift to give to hubby.. We sure could use this.
I posted your message on FB!
I want to win this one! Pick me please
would love this what a great gift
You have no idea how much we need this!
My husband would love this. He has been looking to update soon.
I hope I win!
I could really use a new wireless router
Im a FB friend and shared this giveaway on my wall.
I think Hubby would really enjoy using this…
My husband and I also are on the internet alot and this would make getting connected easier. Thanks for the chance. Your the first website I got to each morning!!!
This would be great to win. Thanks.
I really want to go wireless!
I tweeted @myfolly
I’m a FB fan and posted
I would love to win this!
I would love this.
This Cisco Valet look really nifty! Thanks so much for the chance to win!