The Keurig mini brewer is perfect for those that want a gourmet coffee with the convenience the Keurig brewer provides but perhaps are looking for a smaller brewer. This was the exact case for my husband, who needed to bring his own coffee maker to work. Without a lot of counter space to enjoy he had to find something very compact to fit his needs.
Whether it is your home office, work office, vacation home or just a kitchen with not a lot of counter space to spare Keurig Mini is the perfect brewer for you. In a snap you can enjoy the perfect 8oz cup of coffee, tea or hot cocoa to get you through the day.
Win IT!
Because dads deserve their own quick pick me up, Keurig has offered to give one of my readers the chance to win one of these Keurig Mini brewing systems. To enter this giveaway:
1) Leave a comment sharing how many cups of coffee, tea or hot cocoa get you through the work day.
For additional entries:
1) Share this on Twitter: : I just entered for a chance to win a Keurig Mini Brewing system. Stop by to enter #keurig4dad via @commnsensemoney
2) Share this giveaway with friends on Facebook. Just copy/paste this on your status bar: “I just entered for a chance to win a Keurig Mini Brewing system. Stop by to enter. from @ common sense with money . You may also want to “Like” Common Sense with Money on Facebook.
Leave a separate comment for each additional entry, you know the drill. If you are reading this entry on your RSS reader or email newsletter make sure to CLICK HERE to enter this giveaway. Emailing me is not a valid way to enter this giveaway. This giveaway is open to residents of the US 18 years and older. This giveaway ends 6/13 at NOON EST.
Be sure to check out all of my other Giveaways as well as the Dads Rock Giveaways from the following bloggers: Balancing Beauty & Bedlam, Faithful Provisions, Fashion Cents For Mom, Hoosier Homemade, IGOBOGO, Kingdom First Mom, Moms Need To Know, Mrs. Moneysaver, Passion For Savings, Penny Pinchin Mom, She Saved, Surviving the Stores and The Thrifty Mama |
Disclosure: This giveaway is sponsored by Keurig. I received a free Keurig system and one to giveaway. All opinions expressed here are 100% mine.
i only allow myself 1 a day..but i’d LOVE to win this!
I’m not the coffee drinker..well sometimes, as a treat, but my husband has two or three cups a day!
Just one coffee in the morning, and sometimes a tea in the afternoon!
I tweeted it
There is no limit for my coffee intake…maybe 6 cups a day?
About 1-3 cups a day. It just depends on how my morning or day is going.
Start with two cups in the sunroom at the beginning of the day, then whenever the mood hits!
3 to 4 giant mugs get me through the day.
I don’t need a cup of coffee everyday but my husband needs like 2-3 a day.
3 cups of coffee every morning do the trick!
Ooooh coffee, how much I love you! I drink 2-3 cups per day. My husband is at about 2 per day. On the weekends, we politely scuffle over who gets to finish off the pot. I have heard many positive reviews about the Keurig, so this would be super exciting to win. WE LOVE COFFEE!
This would be my fav. to win. I actually don’t drink coffee but love the teas and hot cocoas that go with it!
I stop counting after three.
I’d love to win this for my hubby! I normally don’t drink coffee on a day to day basis but my hubby usually drinks about one cup a day.
As a habbit, my husband and me have tea in the early morning and before go to the bed…love to win this one..
I tweeted.
At least 2 a day, but sometimes many more!! YUM!
I’m not a coffee drinker although I will occasionally drink a cup of hot cocoa. My husband loves coffee though!
one coffee per day… that’s all I want…
My husband would love this! I may even start drinking coffee if we won this!
I forgot to say how many cups! My husband drinks a pot a day and I drink a cup every once in a while.
At least one! =)
I’m not the coffee drinker, but love the tea and cocoa. I’d love to win this for my guy!
While I do not drink coffee, the daddy of the house needs at least two cups in the morning to be a civil character. lol
4-6 on a work day!
I like a cup of coffee in the morning, and then a cup of hot tea to unwind at night
Two tea per day; If I won this one, i would raise for 4 tea per day..
Followed you on Twitter and retweeted.
I don’t drink coffee…but my husband recently started! this would be perfect for him!
I drink about 2-5 cups of Chinese herbal tea per day.
Coffee for me: 0 cups a day.
Coffee for hubby: it’s what gets him through the day!
My husband and I set out coffee pot to brew 10 minutes before we wake up; between the two of us, we finish off that pot. Then, I drink another cup at work and we have tea at night (non-caffeinated).
I drink 2-3 cups a day. My husband drinks 2-3 cups a day.
I must have a cup in the morning and sometimes in the evening.
I limit myself to 2 cups of coffee daily.
Became your fan on Facebook and posted to my wall.
About 6 cups a day for me. I am not a morning person
I tweeted at
I probably only have coffee 2 days a week at work and have 1 cup on those days. I’m not really sure why because I love it. I think it’s because I need more variety than just plain coffee and a Keurig would be perfect for that!
A max of two cups of coffee and unlimited tea through the day. I only drink cocoa in the winter, but usually just one cup per day.
My husband and I go through about 5 cups of coffee each during a work day.
We both drink coffee. We have a little one and my husband works long hours, so we need our coffee!
At least two cups of coffee every morning!
About 3 to 4 cups for me!!! Thanks!!!
One to three, but that is a mix of coffee, tea, hot cocoa.
sweetpeonies07 at gmail
I drink tea. Hard to say how many. Just keep refilling the cup till I get to lunch
Normally two big cups of coffee a day
2 cups of coffee a day for me
We only drink in the morning, but it is one big cup of coffee!!!!
I have 2 a day usually. I would love to win this!!
Usually two cups of coffee in the morning and one tea in the afternoon.
I have a 3 year old and 5 month old and drink about 4 cups of coffee just to keep going thru the day! Id love to win this!
I drink a ton of coffee. About 6 cups to get thru my day!!
My husband is a coffee drinking, but usually picks some up at the convient store since he is the only one who drinks it in our house. This would be perfect…and a money saver.
Great give-a-way!
I usually have three to four cups of tea a day.
We loveeeeeeeeeeee coffee in my household so we easily go through a whole pot LOL!!
‘Bout eight cups a day. But they would be a lot tastier with this machine!
only one per day. but at this moment, i’m pregnant, so i can’t really drink caffeine. i’ll drink loads of decaf, though!!
Like you on fb
2 sometimes 3 cups get me through my day.
I just posted a cooment for this giveaway on my facebook page!
One every morning!
2-3 a day, depending on how tired I am!
I don’t normally drink coffee, atleast not on a daily basis, but my Hubby loves loves coffee, especially Keurig…there used to be a Keurig at his second job, but his boss got rid of it =(
2 cups per day, sometimes 3.
I drink a couple of cups a day.
My husband I drink 2 cups of coffee each every day
I’m way past counting cups. I now count by pots.
I tweeted about this giveaway.
One – Very Large – cup per day.
I’m a one cup a day girl.
Just sent out a caffeinated tweet.
Two in the A.M. and one around 5 P.M.
There is never enough coffee to get me through a work day…
I drink anywhere from 1 – 4 cups of coffee per day. This would really make my day every day!!!
2 cups a day
Too many to count! I hate making the whole pot since it gets cold and my husband doesn’t like reheated coffee. This would be perfect!
Just one cup so it’s got to be a good one!
It depends but mostly MORE than 3 giant cups of coffee to become normal in the morning!!! Thanks for the giveaway!
This would save a lot of wasted coffee
one cup of tea is usually enough for me!
my husband drinks at least 6 cups a day (he’ll tell you less, but that’s only because they are HUGE cups). This would be great for him at work
Usually two cups to start my day!
Morning, afternoon…and after dinner…yes, I love coffee and luckily so does my hubby!
I would love to win this.I drink tea and hot chocolate everyday.4 or more cups a it!!
I am not a big coffee drinker, love my tea up to 3 cups a day. Hubby loves his coffee too much is never too much for him. Would make a great gift for him.
Major coffee hounds in this house……morning, noon and night – and maybe in between — I hope we win!:)
at least 2 cups a day. weekends probably add another cup.
if i have headache….a cup of hot coffee is my medicine.
I go through around 2 a day, on average.
Woohoo! My hubby and I each drink 2 cups a day! I’d LOVE to win this
This is very nice and perfect for work – while I would love this for myself – I think my husband woul really enjoy this….to save money and not buy coffee at work – he brings instant coffee jars to work – but this would be a wlecome change for him! Thanks for the giveaway!
My husgand is the coffee drinker in the house so this small one would be great. He normally goes through two cups a day.
I’ve tried to cutback but average about one a day. LOVE coffee and tea!!!
I’m a mom of three. I live on coffee!
I tweeted here:
I like hot chocolate in teh am and om . DH has about 2 cups a day!
I need a cup to get me past the 3:00 rut
About 1 cup a day!
1-2 cups of coffee and I drink a lot of decaf tea! My hubby has been wanting one of these!!!
Love hot cocoa!
I am only an occassional coffee drinker- sometimes when I do drink coffee I’ll have several cups
i have about 2 cups a day! but they are big cups
He drinks at least 3 cups a day!
Love hot chocolate and cider – drink a few cups a day…
I put this in my facebook status
follow on twitter and tweeted
Only one cup of chai tea or coffee for me during the day!!
I am NOT a coffee drinker BUT…………Hubby drinks coffee morning day & night!
This would be an ~ AWESOME FATHER’S DAY GIFT!!!
usually about 2
I don’t drink any coffee, but my wonderful husband is another story. I send him to work with a thermos full and it usually comes back empty.
He would love this for father’s day.
I drink at least 4 cups of tea a day.
None, due to pregnancy.
I do have a soda a day, though.
I drink one a day, but my hubby drinks about 2-3 a day. This would be great at his office
I also posted on facebook.
He would love this for father’s day.
I don’t drink any coffee, but my wonderful husband is another story. I send him to work with a thermos full and it usually comes back empty.
I am not a coffee drinker. However, my husband drinks coffee like its oxygen!
My hubby drinks hot tea at least twice a day at work and coffee sometimes but they are always big cups of coffee … just think, if i won this for him he could feel alot better about drinking the smaller cups
Idea for work!! Thank you and good luck to all!!!
I drink about 2 cups a day and that is why I think the Keurig would be GREAT! I have heard nothing but good things (AND FLAVOR ) about this little kitchen gadget! Can’t wait to get mine for FREE!!!!
COFFEE!!! A day does not go by where hubby is not making a pot of coffee.
My husband is the coffee/tea drinker in our household. I would love to win this for him. He will drink anywhere between 1-3 cups.
My hubby must drink 2-4 cups a day. Would be a great addition to the office…:)
2 cups a day!
I am a true coffee lover! I drink between 2-6 cups a day!
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1 cup a day
My husband & I are both coffee & tea drinkers. I drink about 2 a day and he drinks 2-4 a day. This would be great for his office.
Minimum of 3 cups a day for me….sometimes more!
I drink 2 cups per day, 1 when I wake up and 1 at work about 2PM to make it though the day.
I drink about 2 cups per day.
On a good day, I drink about 16 oz. of hot chocolate and my hubby has about the same amount of coffee (or some variation of it). But on a normal day for dear husband, he will go through about twice that. Poor guy. He would LOVE this!
1 BIG cup in the morning, sometimes I have another.
2 cups of tea…
My husband drinks at least 3-5 cups of coffee a day at work, and he has been begging for one of these for his office! Winning this would make his first-ever Father’s Day even more exciting!
I drink one cup of coffee in the morning! I really would like to drink more but I am still breastfeeding so I don’t
I only need one but my husband usually has between 2-4 so this would be perfect for us.
My Dad has a few cups of decaf everyday. He doesn’t have much counter space and I would love to win this for him!
I try to limit myself to 2 cups of coffee per day; but sometimes I go over my limit! My husband is one of those drink it when the mood strikes, not every morning like me. He would love this!
Usually 1 or 2 cups a day for me … definitely helps get me going for work!
Two cups of coffee are enough for the morning.
I typically drink three cups of coffee a day
I, the Dad, drink none. The Mom, however, can’t live without. I still hope I win… Happy Mom = Happy Dad.
I drink about 2 – 3 cups a day.
Between the two of us, 4-6/day
My husband loves coffee too he drinks at least a half pot but other than my 3 cups I like hot chocolate too.
I started counting on all of my fingers and toes and lost count!! Way to many cups of coffee – I only stop when I get the shakes!
3-4 now that we have baby.
Sometimes none, sometimes one, and other times two…I guess that it depends on the day!
My husband would also like it if I won this! He has been wanting the larger size, but we keep putting that purchase on hold! 
Probably 2-3 in the morning, & at least one more later, this would be SO convinent. I usually brew a small pot for myself every time I need a cup because im the only coffee drinker in my house, but this would make it all so much easier & economical. & with a 2yr old, I NEED it! LOL
I just wrote about it on FB!
2 cups a day
I would love to win this for the best dad in the world coffee is his number one love between us we can do through a pot a day
1 good cup of coffe and 1 cup of tea, an occasional ice coffee too
I shared this on Twitter!
2 cups a day
I liked you on Facebook as well as posted your message. Thanks so much!
two cups a day now… I’m preggo BUT I have a four and two yo. : )
I have my two cups in the morning…This would be great for my husband, He always takes a travel cup with him to work to work because they don’t have a coffee pot there so he usually has to go buy more from Starbucks.
Coffee is a staple in our house! I usually drink 2-3 cups a day.
I always say that I “don’t need it”, but somehow always “wanting” it. lol. 
I tweeted!
Just one. I would love to win this for my husband who makes the coffee in the morning.
I am at about 2 cups a day. My dad is about the same.
2-3 usually!
My husband and I each drink 1-2 coffees a day. I like flavored; he doesn’t so this machine would be great for us.
I drink about 3 cups of coffee, but sometimes in the afternoon I want just ONE more cup. My husband is the same way. This would be a great gift for him (and I’d benefit too)!
I could get by with one really good cup
I’m not a big coffee drinker, but my husband is!! He drinks at least a pot of coffee each day by himself. He would love a Keurig
I drink three cups for sure, maybe four, if the pot is not empty.
2 cups a day for each of us!
I drink two cups per day. Love your site!
I love coffee. I usually have 1-2 large mugs in the morning. My husband likes his after dinner.
No coffee for me – but give me a hot tea and I could go for… minutes. I drink about 6 cups of hot tea in my arctic offce
I don’t drink any, but my husband works 3rd shift as a sheriff’s deputy, and has recently started drinking coffee. Thanks, this would be a treat for him!
I would love to win this for my husband! He drinks 3 – 4 cups of coffee throughout the day. I love to make tea, except I add a little sugar and ice to mine! I probably drink anywhere from 2-4 cups of ice tea almost every day. Thanks!
OK, this would go to a guy who REALLY loves coffee if it comes to my house
One a day especially on the days I work!
I am not a coffee drinker but a hot chocolate. During the winter season, I would drink at least 2 cups a day.
I love coffee but I can’t have more than one cup unless I want to stay up all night~ My husband drinks at least 3 cups
Posted on FB…..
I have two very LARGE cups of coffee each day. My hubby just has one. He would love this! Thanks Mercedes!
Good with one cup of tea…..
I drink 2-3 cups every morning. My boyfriend drinks 2 cups in the afternoon
The more coffe the better!
I need anywhere from 1 to 4 cups per day… just depends how my morning goes!
Well being a stay-at-home with 2 little ones I usually drink at least 2 cups a day, but now that I am pregnant with our third I only have 1 cup maybe a week-when I really need it
Hubby would love this though especially when he has to work his 32 hour shifts!
i don’t drink coffee but my husband does and we don’t own a coffee maker so this would be great!
I am a one per day max– but my husband drinks 2-3, especially in the winter.
At least two cups
Two cups min–more if all the kids are home
Just one or two, then I switch to decaf
one cup of coffee, and sometimes a tea or cocoa…
My husband and I both drink 2 – 3 cups a day…..we love it. Usually 2 half cafs in the morning and 1 decaf at night after dinner. : )
It depends on the day but usually 3
I drink about two cups a day.
More than I can count! Maybe that’s why I don’t sleep well.
I only let myself have 1 cup a day
Three cups get me through the day.
I drink a few cups in the morning but weekends are my time to relax and really be able to enjoy that coffee.
one cup of cocoa in the morning is a treat!
None for me, just ice water to wake up
I usually drink 2 cups a day – one with breakfast and one on the way to work. But I’ve been known to have some at work during really busy/stressful days
I also tweeted the contest!
My husband will drink three cups of coffee a day – and would love this! Thanks for the offer!!!
I LOVE hot chocolate when it’s cool outside! I have a cup every day or two.
I drink one cup a day and need a cup now!! LOL
I’m a SAHM so I go through A LOT of coffee a day. Probably 4 plus.. If I had this, they would all be hot
That would make any day better!
Generally 2 cups of tea will do it.
At least 5. It depends on the day !
I drink 3 cups a day.
I’m addicted to green tea! No day without a couple of mugs of green tea. =)
just one
At least 1 cup of tea!
I drink at least 3 cups of coffee a day!
I tweeted about this!
2 cups.
usually 2 cups of tea will get me through the day
2 cups in the morning and another 2 or 3 in the evening – we love coffee.
At least 1 cup, but sometimes up to 3 or 4.
6 cups a day . . . yeah i need to cut back
My hubby would love this
Tweeted @imaladybug2
shared on twitter
Shared on FB, too.
Posted to facebook Amber Evans
I sometimes drink 1 cup of tea a day. My husband however drinks a lot of coffee, I can’t even imagine how many cups he drinks when he makes it!
I tweeted ~ momof2dancers
I like lots!
I usually do 2-3 and i am the only one in the house that drinks coffee
Between the hubby and me – probably about 6 cups. This would be perfect for his office – he’s a teacher and has an itty bitty office!
i am a fan on facebook
1 cup is enough for me!
Three at minimum, more like 4 or 5
I can survive on a cup of good tea or two…oh well, ok maybe three. My husband, however, lives for coffee!!
Mu husband and I each drink 3-5 cups a day. This would be perfect for us.
We both drink coffee. My husband needs coffee to get going in the morning! We would love this!
I don’t drink it daily, but my husband has about 3 cups per day…more on Saturdays, when he can take his time!
One is all it takes to get me goin!
I go through multiple cups of tea, and DH likes to have a couple cups of coffee in the morning.
I tweeted!
I drink at least 1 cup of tea a day. I have coffee about 4 to 5 times a week. Thanks for the chance.
I usually drink 1-2 cups of coffee or tea
I try not to drink hot drinks much in the summer but I do like iced tea.
3 cups in the morning
It really only takes me 2 cups probably to get through the normal day…but if its “one of those days” then I definitely need more!
1 cup coffee and an afternoon green tea & lemon
I personally only drink one cup a day but my husband drinks about 4 this would be a great one to win!! Thanks!!
i like at least one cup of coffe, tea or hot cocoa… depends on my mood:)
I posted your giveaway info on FB. thnaks
Added your link to Facebook:!/profile.php?id=17012211
probably about 12 cups of coffee a day
I drink 2 cups of coffee throughout the morning, and a tea in the afternoon!
I “LIKE” Common Sense with Money on FB.
I would really like to win this coffee system with the pods.
My husband only drinks 1 cup of coffee in the morning and I drink 2, so this would be a real money saver, not throwing coffee down the drain!
I go through 2-3 cups of tea a day…
I drink two cups of tea per day.
I end up having 2-3 cups of tea a day
I’d say 2, but it’s 2 of the 20 oz size. lol.
Too many!
I don’t drink as much in the summer, but come winter, I drink a lot of hot chocolate during the day, I’d say five cups or more.
I had to quit while pregnant and breastfeeding my now 18-month old son.. then before
I could get back into drinking coffee or anything of that line the coffee pot got shattered! So I can use another one real badly!
sharing on Facebook!
2 cups for me and 3-4 for hubby. We love Keurig and this would be wonderful since hubby doesn’t have one at work!
I usually drink 2 glasses of tea a day, one in the morning and one in the evening. My husband just started to drink coffee and the coffee maker (since until recently we weren’t big coffee drinkers) is super dinky. This would be such a great gift for him!
Just tweeted, “I just entered for a chance to win a Keurig Mini Brewing system. Stop by to enter #keurig4dad via @commnsensemoney”
Usually about 3-4 cups of tea. I’d drink more coffee, if it were more convenient…
About 2 cups of coffee a day…
Hubby loves his chai tea, but he can’t find a decent cup anywhere around here. He has one to two cups a day and at the end of the day. The tea is his “moment” to chill.
Anywhere between 3-4 cups of coffee
My husband loves his coffee. Atleast 3-4 cups a day.
Oh my goodness! this would be PERFECT!! I drink about 4 cups per week, but it would be MORE if i had this!!
Normally, I would drink 2 cups of coffee, however I’ve since had to give up caffeine. I still drink a cup of hot chocolate in the afternoons, though :).
I only have one cup a day. But my husband could drink 6-10 cups of tea in a day…
Yumm… yumm…. anytime for coffee… especially freshly brewed.
Fingers crossed for winning this. It will be for my husband to use at his office.
Thank U.
At least 2 cups in the morning…sometimes one in the afternoon!
2 big cups of coffee in the morning! And then a regular size cup after lunch.
i drink about 3 cups in a work day
I usually stick to 1 cup…if I’m really having one of “those” days, then 2 :o)
1 cup a day works for me.
Just one cup but oh how I look forward to it!
I love coffee….I drink probably 4-5 cups a day….:)
I am an email subscriber
Just one a day. This would be perfect. I’d like to put it in my bedroom, so my hubby could turn it on & give me coffee in bed! He doesn’t drink coffee.
I love the hot cocoa in the morning for bfast!
I’m not a coffee drinker, but my father is! He rarely splurges on gourmet coffee, but a friend of his has something similar to this machine and upon tasting it, said, “it’s like… a little piece of heaven!” he had no idea you could make something like that at HOME.
Now he wants one really bad. 
i am a facebook fan, aslo!
only one and most in the winter, but my hubby has coffee every morning before he leaves for work
shared on facebook
I have at least one cup a day, thank you!
I only need 2 cups….usually. Sometimes need a pick me up in the late afternoon. My husband would LOVE to have this for his desk!
tweeted this giveaway!
Shared on FB
one cup of coffee and 3 tea
Sometimes none sometimes several. All depends what’s going on.
Typically just one cup of tea but I occasionally reward myself with a gorgeous cup of coffee in the afternoon. Yumm… I think I am going to go fix myself a cup right now. Thank you for doing this!
I make a pot of coffee a day and drink most of it myself.
I am not a coffee drinker, but my husband sometimes drinks a pot of coffee a day.
I tweeted on Twitter.
just tweeted
We’re tea drinkers ~ about 2-3 cups per day.
ummm no more than 2 cups of coffee a day and I make ice tea for supper everyday for me. Everyone else drinks water.
I don’t drink coffee, but I do enjoy a cup of hot tea. Hubby drinks 1-2 pots of coffee a day!
I like common sense w. money on fb
My husband’s the only coffee drinker in our house. He’d love it!
at least one per day!
liked it on fb
I have about 3-4 cups of coffee a day!
Between myself and my husband, we drink 8 cups of coffee/tea per day.
I typically drink about 1 cup a day, sometimes more, it just depends on my clients! LOL , AND CO-WORKERS
I had a cup of this at a local dealership recently while getting work done on my car. It was GREAT! Never thought of having it at home….how spoiled!!!
Three and that is just until lunch haha!
oh my goodness! I would LOVE to win this! I drink cups of tea a day!
OnE A dAy To Get the DoctOr At Bay! Pick me!
I tweeted about this!
This is my facebook status!
My husband is a stay at home dad and goes through 2 pots of coffee a day!
I don’t drink coffee but my husband drinks a 10 cup pot every day.
I just drink one cup of coffee or hot chocolate a day!
I LOVE coffee and have about 4 tall-travel mugs per day at work. I have a little less at home. My husband has about 2 tall travel sized mugs per day.
Love hot cocoa in the morning. Would love to win!
I drink about 2 quarts of Crystal Light Peach Tea a day and my other half goes through a full pot of coffee!
At least two cups
3 cups of tea!
Shared giveaway on FB!
I have been lusting after this coffee-maker! Thanks so much for the chance!
Shared on Facebook too. Thanks!
i drink about 2-4 cups of coffee a day.
and i’ve tweeted about this.
Usually cappuccino in the AM and lots of hot cocoa in the winter!!
Holy moley! I think I must dring 5 cups a day – including decafe toward the evening or late afternoons. I LOVEEEEE coffee! So does my husband, just NOT as much as I do. TEA and COCOA always consumed here too! Thanks for the chance to win.
This would be an awesome gift for my hubby. He usually drinks about
3 cups a day.
Usually 2-3 cups a day – more if needed!!! I have heard so much about these & would love to win it!!
I am not a coffee drinker, but my husband is. He has to get up at 2:30am and needs to have at least 4-5 cups per day. This is great. He won’t have to make a big pot in the middle of the night!
This would be a great gift for my dad!
I would drink about one cup a day if I had a working coffee maker….
We each have 2 cups each morning and sometimes a cup each at night.
Love hot cocoa! I drink at least 2 cups a day.. even in the summer!
Only 3-4 a week, as long as I have my coconut creamer at the house
one word YUM!! I think maybe 2 cups of coffee and a venti green tea lemonade =)
i tweeted ur message
and posted on fb
Probably 3 per day
Winter days easily bring me up to 3 but in the summer I’m good about sticking to 1 cup.
I go through about 2-3 cups of coffee to get through the day.
I posted this giveaway to my facebook page.
one a day!
Usually one or two a day, but this kind of coffee is delicious!
One cup of coffee or can of soda usually gets me through the day… but a second one around 3pm on stressful days is sometimes needed!
I tweeted:
I hate to admit it but around 2 cups of coffee in the am and at least one cup of hot tea later in the day. This is a great giveaway thanks for the opportunity!
I need at least two cups a day!
I really don’t drink coffee or tea but mu husband loves coffee, he drinks 2-3 cups/day so this would be great to have at work!
I drink at least (2) 20 oz. cups of coffee each day at work. If I’m not spotted at the coffee maker within 15 minutes of arrival at work… some kind angel usually brings a cup to my desk. LOL.
I love tea and hot chocolate but I don’t have them very often because it is a pain to make just one cup at a time.
I tweeted
I shared on my FB wall
Just one cup of coffee or tea a day will get me through.
Would LOVE this! I can do 1-2 cups a day; my husband used to drink a whole pot, but he’s cut down to 1-2 cups a day.
I’m not a coffee drinker but I do love hot cocoa!
I enjoy a cup or to in the late morning after the boys are off to school and the baby takes his 1st nap. With summer break coming up- I think i’ll be drinking a whole lot more coffee!
3 cups a day!
I’d love to win this for my bf ! I only drink 1 work coffee per day but my bf drinks a lot from starbucks – not frugal! he needs this on his office desk!
This would be Great to Win!!!
I drink tea all day long.
I only drink coffee afew times a year , but my dad would love this
I have to admit I don’t drink coffee, but my husband does everyday. Two or three cups. This would make his day!
i facebooked it
two cups
One cup of hot tea is good for me!
Dads read this too.
Me none. My husband 4-5 cups per day.
3-4 cups of tea a day
2 cups a day, just to make it through with my newborn but not too much so that I’m up all hours of the night…wait, I guess I’m still up quite a bit at night…might increase to 3 cups/day! :c)
Well….a 10 cup pot provides 3 cups of coffee. I drink 2 pots in the morning before work and then another pot at work.
Hot Cocoa (dark preferably) – 2 cups
I don’t drink coffee but my husband would LOVE this. He’s a coffee snob.
My husband loves his coffee in the morning. He would flip over this!
I drink one as long as I have sugar in the house. The free coffee at work is terrible and I’m too cheap to buy the in house Starbucks.
I didn’t used to drink a lot of coffee, but here lately I’ve been having a cup almost every morning. I guess my 17 month old just takes the energy right out of me!
What a great giveaway!
Would be so great for tea, seeing as the Tassimo doesn’t have that great of a selection for tea! Thanks for the opportunity!
I ‘like’ Common Sense with Money on Facebook
I gave up coffee when I got pregnant with my first child 3 years ago, but my husband drinks about 2 a day, down from his thermos-full in the past.
Posted on twitter!
posted on facebook!!
3 black coffee per day!!
1 cup a day, but it is a must
1 cup for breakfast – one after lunch! He definitely needs his coffee! :0)
I drink like a cup most of the time non… Hubby on the other hand needs his coffee!
Shared on facebook
too many to count…
I usually have 2-3… but my poor hubby doesn’t have a coffee maker at work and would LOVE this!
At least one, two on tough mornings.
I only have one cup of coffee a day plus I enjoy some hot cocoa now and then. I have long admired the Keurig brewers. Love how easy making a cup of coffee looks with these guys. Definitely want one someday.
I drink tea all through out the day and my hubby would drink coffee daily if it was this easy to make!
I’m a 2 cup of coffee girl.
1-2 cups a workday.
i tweeted on twitter
Tweeted it!!!
I love to start the day with one cup.
Without coffee I would be able to make it through the day. These look so easy to use!
I would like to win i have 2 cups of coffee in am
We are coffee junkies. I have 2-3 a day and my hubby has 4-5. Everyone in my family has an awesome Keurig but due to having many children, we do not. Would love, love, love to win this.
I usually live off hot chocolate in the office–2 a day.
I drink at least 2 cups a day.
My husband loves his coffee and he has probably 6 somedays. I like the hot chocolate in the cool days but if I drink tea, it’s off to the bathroom. ( :
I subscribe
I don’t drink coffe, but I LOVE tea! 8 cups a day on average. My husband, on the contrary, would swim the seven seas for this. His current coffemaker is sooo old and crabby, and he needs superstrong black coffe (and lots of it) to get him through his 20-hour days. This would make the perfect gift for him!
4 cups a day!
Only 1, but more if I got this (fresh is the best!).
I try to keep it to just one cup in the morning, but sometimes a caffeinated pick-me-up around lunch time too.
I need 2 cups of coffee in the morning and one in the afternoon to keep me going
I tweeted here
I posted on my wall here
a couple a day
I drink about 3 cups of coffee a day and then occationally some tea. I love this item. Fingers crossed
2 cups in the morning only. thanks for the giveaway.
DH and I each drink one a day…I drink unleaded, he drinks the real stuff.
I’m not a big coffee person, but my husband needs at least 3 cups to get his day started…
I don’t drink coffee, but my hubby does when he has to head out at an odd hour for work.
I usually drink 3-5 cups of tea a day, and possibly 1 cup of coffee a day (if I’m lucky ;)).
Shared this on Facebook (Thrifty Sarah):!/profile.php?id=100000877298034&v=wall&story_fbid=135017243175569&ref=mf
I’m not a coffee/hot tea drinker but I have someone in mind who would love this!
1 really large cup
What a delicious prize! Great contest.
We used to drink coffee but it became boring–we need some spice is our coffee life! This would be perfect to add some variety!
Shared on FB!
shared on fb
2 cups get me going for the day!
I can only have decaf but my hubby has about 20 cups of regular during the day at work
I personally don’t drink coffee everday, but my hubby drinks at least one a day
1 a day.
Usually 3-4 cups of coffee a day – would love to win this for Dad!
Hope I can win!
Hmmm, I love coffee that is for sure! I would say I drink 5-6 cups a day. I especially love to try different brands and flavors..yummy! Thank you Mercedes for the giveaway!:)
I usually go through 1 to 2 cups. I love coffee. Yeah
following you on twitter – @jessilynne
tweet –
For sure, 1 cup in the morning; sometimes 2…….thanks for the giveaway!
Some days, I have one cup of coffee. Other days, none. In the WINTER, however, I drink hot tea until the cows come home. (We have horses, not cows, so I don’t stop drinking hot tea.)
I tweeted about your giveaway.
I shared details of your giveaway on Facebook.
This would be great! We find ourselves using instant coffee because we only want one cup.
my husband wants this! He drinks 1+ cups per day.
I usually just have about one cup of coffee a day.
I don’t drink coffee, but the teas and hot chocolate would be a nice treat! I’d drink at least one a day with this!
I usually only drink 1-2 cups a day so this coffee maker would be perfect!
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this would be a great gift
I try to limit myself to 1 cup a day, although that 1 cup is rather large
We make a pot of coffee in the morning, and then I drink a cup of tea in the afternoon
i have more than 2 at day
Hubby drinks a POT a day. I drink 1 cup of hot tea and perhaps a glass or two of iced tea.
Oh man… I have about 5 cups a day! (we use a mix of mostly decafe – so that helps.) I absolutely LOVE coffee! Thanks for the chance.
I have more than 2 coffee a day.My hubby has 1 in the evening .. I love coffee..
I like CSWM on FB
I drink about 2 cups of tea – this would be great for my dad for father’s day
I would love to get this!
Usually about 4 cups
One cup in the morning and one cup at 3pm usually works for me!!!
This would be perfect for us, rather than brewing a whole pot, and wasting some, we could just brew the one cup!
This would be great!!
Right now I’m at a whopping ZERO. Darn pregnancy. But I plan on fully making up for that later.
Usually 2 BIG cups in the morning and if I’m lucky a yummy iced latte later in the day.
Probably 2 to 3 cups
usually 2-3 cups a day
For me, it’s four cups of coffee – Starbucks Sumatra or French Roast.
We only drink a few so this would be great. Thansk.
I just tweeted:
I personally don’t drink coffee, but for him I’d say an avereage of one a day!
Just shared with my friends on Facebook:!/profile.php?id=1275547710&v=wall&story_fbid=124353510937723
My hubby is the coffee drinker and has 2-4 cups a day minimum! He would love this!
My husband loves fresh hot coffee.
Depends on how you define “a cup”…but I suppose I would have to say 2-3.
I would love this for hubby’s desk. He buys 1 coffee on his way to work and leaves at afternoon break to buy another 1.
I drink 1-2 cups a day… I’m slowing working my way up though!
I drink one cup a day in teh morning but sometimes I want another cup and don’t want to make another pot. My husband gives me one cup in the morning and then takes the rest with him to work.
I fb’ed it!
I also tweeted it!
I drink at least 2 cups of coffee everyday. I would love to win this!
My husband has about 4 cups throughout the day and I love my tea. Would love this for an awesome father’s day gift for him!
My husband and I love coffee! This would be great. At least 1 cup a day for both of us.
Normally drink my 1-2 cups a day.
32 oz of iced decaf coffee!
I posted on facebook.
Love it.
I try to limit myself to one mocha a day or hot chocolate, etc. It’s not good to have too much of one thing!
One in the morning…sometimes one at lunch for dessert…and sometimes 1 in the evening to help me relax
This can be perfect for father’s day gift for my husband.
Hubby cannot live without at least one in the morning!
3 in the morning, one at night makes my day complete
We each only drink one cup- so this would be fabulous!
Get throught 3 or 4 hot chocolates in a day …..a little much?
I love hot cocoa! I drink at least one cup a day during the winter.
I love to have a big cup of hot chocolate each week and drink tea about once a day!
I am drinking my daily 1/2 pot right now
but considering this should be about fathers- my dad has coffee running thru his veins he drinks so much of it! He would love this machine.. he loves tinkering with new coffee pots to make the best cup of coffee!
I love hot cooca, but my husband is a BIG coffee drinker. Now in the summer he wants to make his own ice coffees. He drinks about 3 cups a day!
I shared on twitter
I would love to win this versatile appliance. I go through 3 -5 cups of coffee/tea a day, and in the winter even more.
I have two cups in the morning and maybe one more in the afternoon if I am really dragging!
I only have two cups of coffee per day, but I savor them!
OMG… I have two under 2 years! I LIVE ON COFFEE!!!!!!!
I drink about 3 cups of coffee a day. I need this!
I drink one cup of coffee & one cup of tea a day
shared your giveaway on twitter
My hubby drinks about a pot of coffee a day. It would be nice for him to have some GOOD coffee throughout the day.
umm – are you sure this title is ‘dad’s’ day giveaways:-) hehehe… I have at least one mug of delicious savoring coffee every day (and by that I mean the crummy tasting grime I can by for a few cents at the cafe at work).
This would be much appreciated!
By having this the husband would never complain about office coffee!
three cups of tea can do the trick.
My husband is the coffee drinker – 4 cups a day.
On my wall.!/tcarolinep?v=wall&story_fbid=124426194262667
My husband would drink more than just 1 if we won this!
I would like to give this to my dad so he can make my moms coffee when she wants it. She loves her coffee.
Yum! Would love to win this!
I manage with two cups a day.
I tweeted here:
I average about 5-10 cups of coffee a day. I’d imagine the word ‘addict’ could easily be applied to me.
I only drink hot chocolate but my maid of honor drinks at least a cup of coffee a day.
I also shared the giveaway on Facebook.
I usually go through a cup or two of tea a day, my hubby prefers several cups of coffee.
2 cups for me back to back – one for hubby as he’s running out the door!
One for sure but sometimes to get over the afternoon hump, I have to have another.
I don’t know how many cups I drink. ( 6-8) I start first thing in the morning, and I have a final cup after dinner. Please don’t take my coffee away!
Lots, with lots of cream. I do hate grinding coffee. This would be the perfect solution. I hear they make a wonderful cupa joe.
Just 1 or 2 decaf. I have to be careful of the ticker.
I’m not addicted
I just drink a cup when I’m in the mood. My husband can’t have coffee so the hot chocolate option on this is nice! Thanks for the giveaway!
I drink 1 or 2 decaf cups a day, but my husband drinks regular so we either have to brew two different pots or one of us grabs coffee out. This would be a great solution and moneysaver!
I would love to win this …I need at least 1 cup of coffee and mostly another cup of tea to get me through the day !
This is so nice! My husband drinks coffee everyday, he goes to the train with one cup on his hand. Would love to get this for him for father’s day!
I get the emails…thank you!
I would love this for my husband. We have put off getting a coffee maker of any sort since I have been laid off. This would be wonderful!
Facebook fan!!!
I just tweeted this via Shandiemage!
And this would be amazing for my husband!
I shared this on Facebook and I already liked you!
I limit myself to one every morning because the calories can really add up after you add cream and sugar!
Right now, I don’t do any hardly. But in the winter, I need my hot cocoa. My husband drinks coffee nearly every day.
I don’t drink coffee but my dad does and I think this would be the perfect gift for him!
Mi lak of cafeene iz makin me spel wronge….I ned this realy bad!!!!!!
i would love to win
I drink one cup of coffee with breakfast and two glasses of iced tea during the day. this would be great, since I drink decaf and hubby doesn’t.
Tweeted the giveaway – Cajunqt77
shared with friends on Facebook and already follow you on Facebook.
1 cup of coffee to start… then 1-3 more throughout the day!
just tweeted too
I drink about 2 cups of coffee in a day
My husband and I each have 2 cups every morning
I go through only one.
I drink my one iced soy latte every morning. (Homemade!) My husband needs to win this to get him through the day also!
At least 2 big cups of coffee!
I drink half a pot of coffee a day and my husband drinks the same.
I follow on Twitter and Tweeted the giveaway.
this would be great for hubby, who always needs his coffee. I don’t drink coffee. I sometimes need a diet mtn dew, though!
I used to drink a pot a day but after my last baby my tummy can only handle 1, maybe 2 on a good day so this would be perfect for me.
My hubby well… I’d have to come up with something else.
I’m a big coffee and tea fan, so I usually drink around 6 cups of either a day. I love my coffee in the morning and my tea at night!
Thanks so much, this would be great to win!
I would love to get this for my Dad. I know for sure he has 2 in the am, a couple throughout the day and one as a nightcap sometimes. So 5 or 6?
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shared on fb-!/profile.php?id=100000014958632
Just 1 cup of tea or hot chocolate would get me through the day!
Tweeted! (mae_01_sw)
Shared on facebook!
I am a tea gal by my hubby LOVES his coffee and we don’t have a maker so he is SOL on the weekends this would be perfect for him.
I love my Keurig.. I have the Office one at home.
I’d take the small one to the I have 1 coffee in the morning.. Usually the Jet Fuel.. Yum! Then in the evening I might have a decaf of some strong dark sort… and often I have one of several decaf teas.. This machine is totally delightful!
I just posted this on Facebook!!
I love a cup of coffee or ice coffee along with my husband and we both drink tea in the evening! We would love love love this Keurig!
I just tweeted your message.
I just posted this on Facebook. You are awesome!
None for me, but my hubby drinks at least 4 cups of coffee per day.
Tweeted about giveaway.
Like you on FB and posted about giveaway.
We’ve seriously cut back. We’re down to a few cups a week.
Wow! What a great Father’s Day gift!We both have a couple of cups a morning, but wouln’t be great to have a fresh cup in the afternoon instead of feeling like you need a nap!
We go through a pot of coffee each day. We love our coffee in this household =)
this one would be a gift for sure!
I wouldn’t use it, but my hubby drinks 4-5 cups a day. This would be awesome for him!
I drink about 1 – 2 cups in the summer time but more like 5- 6 in winter to keep warm.
I’m more of a tea person, hubby likes coffee. Could definitely find a friend or family member who would love this!
I usually fill up my travel mug once a day. Just enough to give me a warm boost in the morning!
I usually go through 5 to 6 cups a day (:
My husband is a huge coffee drinker and this is his first Father’s Day as a dad!
I drink at least three cups in the morning to get my day going. My hubby only drinks flavored coffee and this would be great for him.
I posted on my facebook and liked it on your page
I’m a coffee drinker! probably 5+ cups a day, with a cup of TEA here and there. Thanks for the chance to win!
I only drink one cup of coffee in the morning, thanks!
I tweeted about this givewaway @danimcgarry
I only need a cup of tea in the morning before things get heated up, but my husband sips his coffee all day. I’d love to be able to give this to him!
Posted on FB: Cindy Dyer
I only drink about 2-3 cups a day, and no one else in my house drinks coffee, so this would be the perfect size for me.
Just one, BUT, if I had this, it might be more!
I am not really a hot drink person, but have been liking the Keurig machines. This would be great for my parents. My mom has really been wanting one for her and dad
I tweeted about this
No more than two cups, but unlimited on the hot cocoa
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
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tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I tweeted here:
Tweeted today:
I have to have my coffee throughout the day but especially first thing in the morning. After waking I go straight downstairs to start my brew!! First things first.
I drink coffee throughout the day. It is what gets me going in the morning. Upon waking, I go downstairs and immediately start my brew. First things first.
i just tweeted
just one cup is all it takes for me
Probably 4-5 cups of coffee, 1/2 gallon of iced tea (I brew it fresh each day) and occasionally some hot cocoa. I’m an addict. LOL
I tweeted
I shared on Facebook.
Four cups of coffee a day, but it is made from water so that is healthy, right?
I shared on my Facebook page too.
at least 3 cups of coffee a day for me
About 3-4. Thank goodness they are starting to find SOME health benefits.
Hiya:) I drink about 4 cups of coffee a day, and an occasional cup of tea. I’m a nurse who used to work night shift, and I never got out of the habit…lol. Thank you for the chance to win, and for your great site.
I love coffee.. 3cups a day for me and 1cup for my hubby.
I like you on FB.
My husband drinks 4 cups a day. I am either 1 cup of coffee or 1 cup of tea!
I only drink coffee occasionally but my dad loves coffee and would love this.
My hubby goes through at least 5 cups a day
Just one, which is why this would be perfect for me!
I shared on twitter
I’d love to win this! I see this machine in Costco All the time and wish that it was in my budget! I’d put this to good use as would my son and husband! Please pick ME!
My husband and I each drink 2-4 cups a day!!
Well, I used to drink 2-3 cups before I got pregnant, but now I don’t get any because of the heartburn and caffeine.
at least 3 cups of coffee
I tweeted
shared on facebook
I’d love to have time for a cup of coffee each day;) DH goes through 2-3 cups a day.
I posted on FB
I tweeted from @whatacoolidea
my husband would love this!! he loves coffee.
i don’t do coffee but my hubby does
tweeted giveaway @kywest37
I love tea and hot cocoa as a special treat at work! What a great giveaway!
I would love to give this to my father. He makes only a cup or two & usually ends up just making instant coffee because it’s easier than brewing a whole pot & having most of it go to waste.
I usually do about 4 cups of coffee a day and in the evening I have about 2 or 3 cups of tea.
The Keurig Mini would be a nice way to always have a fresh cup.
susan56bft at gmail dot com
Hubby goes through 1-2 pots, Daughters 1-2 cups.
tweeted – jade51975
I just tweeted your message.
My husband is in law enforcement and I’m always making coffee for him. He has been drooling at these for al ong time!!
PICK ME PICK ME- please! I really want this one. My Grandpa that just passed had one and I really want hers but its everyone in the house’s too. I think she would be happy if I had one too, but I’m a SAHM, tight budget. This one is special
I personally only have one a day. However my husband drinks a pot of coffee a day, and my dad is close to that. Thanks so much for the giveaway chance.
Two cups of hot tea a day. Necessary!
I don’t drink any of those but my husband has at least 3 a day.
Monday – at least 3.
Friday – maybe only 1.
I sharedon facebook
I drink only a few of tea but my hubby about 20 of coffee
2 cups in the morning and one mid-afternoon
If I wasn’t a nursing mom I would have several cups to get through the day! LOL
I don’t drink coffee, but my husband drinks around 4 pots by himself at work.
I drink about 2 to 3 large cups of coffie to get thru my shift. I’m a Police officer and have to stay awake and alert all the time.
I drink about 4 cups per day!
I tweeted @myfolly
I’m a fan and posted
I usually drink 2-3 cups a day but love to relax with one on the weekends.
I subscribe to your email.
I shared on facebook
I thin i drink about 2 cups of tea by my hubby drinks about 12 coffee cups now
Way too much. 5 plus! I go from half/caff to decaf by late afternoon. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
I subscribe via email. I’m a coffee Junkie! Really.