My Husband is an avid reader. Every evening after he puts the boys to bed, he likes to sit down to a good book. In addition, he does a lot of traveling for his job. For his last trip, he downloaded 3 books as he was going away for a week. He obviously would not have taken 3 books with him normally (even in paperback print). He told me it made the flights and airport waits and delays go by much quicker.
I know he is really enjoying his Sony PRS-300 Reader. It has a clear 5-inch screen, is more compact than the Kindle 2 and fits comfortably in one hand when reading. It can store up to 350 eBooks and using Sony’s eBook Library software is now both Windows and Mac compatible. Epub file compatibility lets you access thousands of free classic Google Books and loaner files from many local libraries; also displays Word and PDF files.
Win IT!
Sony has graciously offered to give away to one of CSWM readers a Sony Pocket reader. To enter this giveaway:
1) Leave a comment sharing one of your favorite books to read.
For additional entries:
1) Share this on Twitter: : I just entered for a chance to win a Sony Reader Pocket edition. Stop by to enter #sony4dad via @commnsensemoney
2) Share this giveaway with friends on Facebook. Just copy/paste this on your status bar: “I just entered for a chance to win a Sony Reader Pocket edition. Stop by to enter. from @ common sense with money . You may also want to “Like” Common Sense with Money on Facebook.
Leave a separate comment for each additional entry, you know the drill. If you are reading this entry on your RSS reader or email newsletter make sure to CLICK HERE to enter this giveaway. Emailing me is not a valid way to enter this giveaway. This giveaway is open to residents of the US 18 years and older. This giveaway ends 6/13 at NOON EST.
Be sure to check out all of my other Giveaways as well as the Dads Rock Giveaways from the following bloggers: Balancing Beauty & Bedlam, Faithful Provisions, Fashion Cents For Mom, Hoosier Homemade, IGOBOGO, Kingdom First Mom, Moms Need To Know, Mrs. Moneysaver, Passion For Savings, Penny Pinchin Mom, She Saved, Surviving the Stores and The Thrifty Mama |
Disclosure: This giveaway is sponsored by Sony. I received a free Sony Reader and one to giveaway. All opinions expressed here are 100% mine.
Anything by Jane Austen! But my favorite novel by her is “Emma”.
My Bible would be at the top of the list.
Anything funny!
Mark Twain–just about anything.
Too many. I do like Ann Rule’s books a lot!
I love fiction, especially mysteries that suck me into the story.
I love health books!!!!
I love Lord of the Rings :))))))))))))))))))
My favorite book is Crime & Punishment
The Help. I also love book by Vince Flynn.
i love reading the harry potter books
Books we read: Bible
My fave book to read is Pride and Prejudice!
I love the Stephanie Meyers series Twilight. Great giveaway
I love reading Debbie Macomber’s books.
John Grisham, David Baldacci- any of theirs
I tweeted this giveaway @LyndaM1968
I tweeted
I shared on my FB wall
I like The Kite Runner.
I posted this giveaway on my Facebook @AlaskaMountainLiving
I love the work of TS Eliot
I love to read James Patterson (anything) I have to admit I think I would enjoy this more than my husband
Any Murder/mystery!
This would be great to have as my husband travels a lot for work! I love the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich, and now he’s hooked and reading them too!
I like winnie the pooh
The Book of Mormon is the book I try to read some of everyday.
Robin Hood is my favorite
I love Jane Austen books. I am re-reading Emma right now.
I love “Bringing up the boys” book
water for elephants!
One of my favorite books that I read recently was Goat by Brad Land. He came to speak at my college a few years ago, it’s an awesome book.
I love :Nemo
The Hunt for Red October is one of my favorite books.
I love the book “The Headless Cupid” great mystery.
I just finished Carson McCullers The Ballad of the Sad Cafe which was excellent.
of mice and men
I tweeted the message also @shebaillinois
My Favorite book to read recently was “Stones into Schools” by Greg Mortenson. I just loved it!!
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I read anything from Sandra Brown, Debbie Macomber and just about anything that comes in triologies or more. It’s like watching tv.
twilight books are my fave!!
To kill a mockingbird.
Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell is my all time favourite book.
Shared on Facebook!
I like reading Nora Roberts
My hubby wants one of the SOOOO BAD!! He LOVES history books!
I’d love this for my kids
I’m signed up for your emails
Share this giveaway with friends on Facebook.
I am a fan on facebook!!
I tweeted on Twitter.
I love reading biographys and history books.
My favorite book was Marley and me
the Bible
One of my favorite books is Charlotte’s Web. I am a teacher, so I love children’s books.
I loved the book “The Shack”
I just posted on tweeter
I posted on facebook
Any Amish Fiction!
I love reading just about anything!!
I receive your emails.
I shared on Facebook
Currently reading Dear John. Enjoyed many books from Nicholas Sparks. Also loved books from Khaled Hosseini (A Thousand Splendid Suns and The Kite Runner).
Shared with Facebook friends!!
Currently reading The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and it is amazing!
My husband and I have been wanting one of these for a long time. They are a lot easier to carry around instead of a ton of books when you’re on a roadtrip! I’m keeping my fingers crossed on this one!
I love anything by Janet Evanovich or Stephanie Bond
My favorite book to read is any one of the 13 Series of Unfortunate Events books.
The Other Mother is one of my favorite books
Hi, I loved reading the Harry Potter series!
I read everything! I really like the books by Charlaine Harris.
I’m a fb fan of common sense with money.
I’m also sharing this giveaway on FB! Thanks for the chance!
Right now I’m reading “House Rules” and *loving* it!
The Bible! Also, any books by Karen Kingsbury.
Anything Nicholas Sparks!
The Bible and Book of Mormon gives me peace and direction.
I love to read just about anything but there are two books that I’ve read over and over and over again. The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton and Son of Morning by Linda Howard.
We read the Bible together as a family. My favorite author is Danielle Steele or Nicolas Sparks. I don’t know how many time I have read ‘the notebook’.
I love reading seaspense novels.
loved recent true book — heretic’s daughter ! Very well written… Now reading The Help… Winning this would help:)
I like reading old cookbooks…and anything by John Grisham! Strange combo, I know!
Thanks hondaray6 at hotmail dot com
My husband an avid reader. Would love to have one.
I still love to read “Bride” by Julie Garwood. It is one of her older works but so charming.
I follow on twitter and tweeted~
I love to read all the Harry Potter books!
lonesome dove.
I like the Twilight books
Posted on facebook. I love to read murder mystery books they are one of my favs
I tweeted Ialso love to read romance books they are one of my favs
Currently its the Chronological Bible
One of my favorite books is Me & Emma
3 cups of tea
Anything by Beverly Lewis or Lori Wick.
I love to read!!!
I love the book ender’s game
My favorite book is A Prayer For Owen Meany.
There are just so many. I love a good mystery that keeps you guessing until the very last page!!
I love ANYTHING by Janet Evonovich!
I tweeted about it!
FB Fan!
You are my facebook status!
I enjoy reading Shape Mag. I also like Jane Austen and then the list goes on. I love to read!
I love magazines, especially parenting magazines!!
Anything by Anne McCaffrey!
I love to read anything by James Patterson! Love his stuff!!
I love to read everything but biographies are at the top of my list!
I love too many books! Tell me to pick one and my mind goes blank. Let’s see I just finished The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series and it was excellent. I also recently read Water for Elephants. My husband and I swap books. We have a vaca coming up and are both looking forward to relaxing on the beach with a couple good reads!
books that i read over and over again are the harry potter series, lord of the ring series and angels and demon
My husband would love this for textbooks for school! My favorite books lately have been non fiction. LOL textbooks and non fiction, sounds a little boring huh?
I just tweeted about your giveaway
I love Grisham novels!
The little red hen!
My favorite books to read are the Kinsey Millhone series by Janet Evanovich. They are the “numbered” books. They are so funny – and such a delightful escape from the pressures of life.
Love the Twilight, Harry Potter and Sookie Stackhouse series but I’m ALWAYS reading something new!
Love anything by Stephen King!
I love John Grisham novels and don’t really have a favorite one.
My favorite read would have to be Skipping Christmas by John Grisham!
Love JD Robb, Janet Evanovich, Dan Brown and of course Nicholas Sparks.
The Twilight series for sure!! Thanks!
One of my favorite books is Peace Like a River by Leif Enger. It is a modern classic!
Shared giveaway on FB!!/robin.dick1?v=wall&story_fbid=128015027222014
I love to read memoirs – “The Glass Castle” is one of my favorites
Shopoholic series are the best for light reading!
Harry Potter books.
One of my all time favorite authors/books is Ann Fairbairn “Five Smooth Stones” -it was first published in 1966. I have read it more than a few times!
But I read anything and everything-fiction and non-fiction!
I love to read books by Karen Kingsbury.
I still like the John Grisham books-my husband & I both can share these.
Gosh I love all books, just finiahes Mauve Blanchy’s Heart and Soul.
Any Nicholas Sparks book is a good read and a good cry! Love them!
My favorite is the Bible, but I also enjoy Jane Austen novels
My husband also travels a lot, so he would really enjoy this reader!!!
I love anything by Jodi Picoult!
I tweeted about this giveaway!
Anything I’m currently reading…
I love to read anything James Patterson
One of my favorite books to read is actually any V.C Andrews books, I used to read them tons growing up.
I tweeted about the giveaway
Shared on Twitter
I love anything by Amy Tan
The Bonesetter’s Daughter and The Joy Luck Club are my faves!
Already Fan on Facebook and shared it on my wall. Laura W N
Besides the 12 different pregnancy books I’ve been reading, I really loved The Shack, by William Young!
To Kill A mockingbird
The Bible….and books by Francine Rivers!
John Grisham books are the best!
I like a good sci fi teen read!! lol (ashamed
) and a good murder mystery
Anything, every book is a good book!!
I am addicted to the Twilight Series! I even read one of the books sitting at my computer because I couldn’t wait to get it in from the library. This would be MUCH more comfortable!!
The Bible
I love anything by Karen Kingsbury!
Tweeted it on Twitter. Thanks again!!
Facebooked it. Thanks so much!!
This may be silly, but love Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
The Bible…
Kite Runner. I love that book.
My favorite Non-Fiction is the Bible and my favorite Fiction right now is the Fablehaven Series by Brandon Mull. If you liked Harry Potter, you will love this series!
How AWESOME this would be… definitely would get the BIBLE on it first thing – then other great Christian reads! Thanks for the chance to win!
my favorite books to read are spiritual type books
It would be hard to narrow down a book, but as far as authors go..> Salinger, James Irving, Chuck Palahniuk, Vonnegut
and i’ve tweeted about this
Anything by Nicholas Sparks!
I just finished reading the Sookie Stackhouse series and it was great! If you are a True Blood fan it is a definite must read!
Pride and Prejudice. Loved that book!
I love blog giveaways and this one is one that he would enjoy!
I love the funny ladies and their books! AKA Chelsea Handler, Jenny McCarthy, etc!
Anything by Nicholas Sparks
Favorite book The Help, at least for now =)
I also tweeted
and posted on fb =)
I love to read anything by Jane Green or Jodi Picoult.
I love reading about JFK and the Kennedy family.
I like to read self-help books.
Love, love this one and would so great for travel!!
Historical Fiction! Love it!
The Bible, then Mark of the Lion Series!
I would love to win this. Thank you.
Nicholas Spark books…and Parenting books!
Living on the foreign mission field can be a challenge at times. When we left the states, we were unable to take many of our books simply due to weight restrictions and because we were going to have to move countries at least once during our term. Since we left, technology has advanced now to where these little readers can fit in your pocket and carry your books with you easily! A book that I would like to start off with on the Sony PRS300 Reader is “Radical: Taking Back Your Faith From the American Dream” by David Platt! Thanks for this opportunity!
I would love to read anything by James Patterson on the Sony pocket reader!
I’ve been reading the Sue Grafton series of mysteries and would love to have the next edition always easily available!
Favorite book is The Hot Zone
the Bible is my favorite…so applicable to what I deal with daily!
~eunice b
rsmile2u @dejazzd .com
My Bible
Still love children’s/young adult literature–“A Wrinkle In Time” tops the list.
The book I’m reading now is” Final Theory” so goood!
I am an a fiction fan & will just randomly pick titles that look good to me… I have found some great books that way!
I love anything written by Karen Kingsbury. My favorite is the Redemption Series.
Twilight Series! What can I say?
Tweeted about the giveaway:
Awesome giveaway… hubby would LOVE this (so would I)!!
I just finished Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert… it was a fantastic read! Now I’m in the middle of Committed by the same author.
Shared on facebook:!/profile.php?id=1377020683&v=wall&story_fbid=133613606651920&ref=mf
My tweet:
I like reading the Bible
I don’t like reading… but fortunately I enjoy reading the BIBLE and the dictionary.
I’m reading the Twilight series for the 3rd time…
My favorite is The Firm by John Grisham
The Bible.
Harry Potter Series
Jan Karon’s Mitford Series.
Love any books by Francine Rivers
I LOVE THe book the Mulberry Tree. and I love to read Janet Evanovich and Dan Brown..
I posted on Facebook!
I like a lot of books. One of my favorites is “Eye of the Needle”. Great book. I’m also addicted to the Charlaine Harris “Southern Vampire Novels” and have been reading those for a few years now.
I like Cheaper By the Dozen!
one of my favorites is Never Tease A Wolf.
LOVE the Harry Potter books
I am a sap, I love Jane Austin books!
I love to read anything and everything!
i facebooked it
I love Wendell Berry’s A Place on Earth.
Would so love a e-reader!!
read this blog on the reader? How about Flannery O’Connor’s Collected Short Stories?
The Mitford series by Jan Karon
google reader subscriber
I love to read Louis L’amour books but my favorite of his is Son of a Wanted Man.
Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom.
Read your email daily
Love in the Time of Cholera
Alll the Twillight books were excellent however Breaking Dawn was the best!
My husband likes “How to Make Money in Stocks”.
I love murder mysteries!! “A Thousand Splendid Suns” was amazing however!!
I like Lee Strobel’s Case for Faith
I shared this on twitter
The Drama of the Gifted Child
I shared this on facebook
I love any Emily Griffith or Jane Green books they are fun and take you away on their journey. I am usually done in 2 days and I am a mother of 3 and work full time.
Being a teacher, I tend to read lots of children’s literature- among my favorites is “Holes”- it’s a great read!
One of my favorite books is I Capture the Castle.
Love Great Gatsby even though I’ve read it about a thousand times since high school!
I don’t have one favorite book, but many favorite authors like Karen Kingsbury, Beverly Lewis and Lori Wick.
anything by R.A. Salvatore
My favorite book to read and listen to is Pride and Prejudice. Elizabeth is by far my favorite literary character.
I’ve become a huge fan of Jodi Picoult lately….and my favorite (so far) is Havesting the Heart. I’m so excited for the chance to win!!
thanks for all you do!!
My favorite book would have to be Gone with the Wind. As long as it was, I was soooo sad when it ended!
a pillsbury cookbook
I would put either the twilight series, lord of the rings, harry potter or the chronicles of narnia on it. What can I say I am a reading machine when it comes to fantasy!! Thanks for the opportunity!
Wow, what an amazing giveway, thanks for the chance to win. My recent favorite book, even though it’s been around awhile, is The Notebook.
I fell in love with the Twilight series and enjoyed sharing the experience with my teenage daughter.
The Notebook!!!
the Bible.
The Help by Katheryn Stockett, very good.
Right now in our home, we are on a Wendell Berry kick. Love his essays, poems, and novels.
I enjoy the light reading of Robin Jones-Gunn books.
I tweeted! @viclen1954
Tweeted the giveaway (@strebekah)
I really enjoy reading books about celebrity moms & their stories.
I would love to read self-help books. I like reading robin sharma books..especially the saint the surfer and the CEO. Thanks for the giveaway and really hope I win this
Shared on facebook via status update.
I ‘like’ Common Sense with Money on Facebook
Well, the Bible. But my husband enjoys books specifically about Revelation, and non-fiction army related books.
Oh, I looove the Anne of Green Gables series!
I also like CSWM on facebook
I love anything by Jodi Picoult.
The B-I-B-L-E yes that’s the book for me!
Posted on twitter!
I love James Morrow books. Towing Jahovah and City of Truth are my favorites.
I am loving Charlaine Harrison’s Southern Vampire Series.
James Patterson books are the best to read!
posted on facebook too!!
posted on facebook a second time!
I like to read a variety of books… but I am currently reading one about eating healthy foods… thanks!
My favorite book to read are the Twilight Books or the Percy Jackson Series!
I really would love one of these. I want to be able to read comfortably in bed. Currently I am reading “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine. This would be a great eBook for the reader.
I usually read murder mystery books, but a gal from work got me hooked on vampire romance novels. (shhh! don’t tell anyone!)
The Sookie Stackhouse novels are great!
I love to read books by Danielle Steel and Nickolas Sparks.
I also tweeted!
I posted this on my Facebook (Tamara Bennington)
i like reading autobiographies!
I love to read! I love high tech gadgets! Way to combine them both
I enjoy reading “The Last Lecture”.
I would download Eat, Pray, Love… & probably read it everyday. Thanks Mercedes!
My favorite book is Tuesdays with Morrie.
anything by wally lamb <3
Gone With the Wind
The Twilight series!!!
My husband Wally loves gadgets and loves to read! This would be perfect for him! His favorite book is “best evidence” ,
Pride & Prejudice! Will always love it.
it would be cool to have the bible on that!
I just read Twilight, and really enjoyed it, and I love Glenn Beck’s books!
One of my favorite books is Gap Creek.
I love Catcher in the Rye
My favorite guilty pleasure summer reads are chick-lit like Jennifer Weiner. I also love Alice Sebold’s The Lovely Bones… much better than the movie.
my favorite author is stephen king, so really anything by him.
Right now mostly Harry the Dirty Dog, Curios George and The Berenstein Bears. When I get some adult time, this would be great, I enjoy mystery/suspense/crime novels.
The Wind in the Willows.
Don’t know what my fav would… haven’t read in awhile
My favorite book to read is The Fall of Atlantis by Marion Zimmer Bradley.
Shared on FB
i like the twilight series
i tweeted on twitter
I would finally read the Sookie Stackhouse books everyone keeps telling me to read
I don’t reread books with one exception: the bible. So tha’s my favorite.
I love reading Nora Roberts & J.D. Robb books
Shared on my facebook wall
I’m reading the Twilight Saga now..super fun!
I really like John Green books.
The Twilight Series is at the top of my list.
I love David Sedaris books. He is hilarious!
The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series is a nice easy read the keeps me chuckling.
Shattered by Michael Robotham
The Hiding Place
I just completed the Twilight series and loved it!
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Mario Puzos the Godfather
I’m loving reading the Little House series to my daughter.
Under the Tuscan Sun
with 3 toddlers “Goodnight moon”
This is a great giveaway. My husband has been dropping hints about this for months. I love reading JFK, The Book of the Film by Oliver Stone and Zachary Sklar!
I love everything by Sarah Addison Allen, the newer Philippa Gregory stuff and every winter I have a Jane-uary where I read an Austen novel and watch every adaptation I can get my hands on.
Thanks for this awesome giveaway!
I would like to give this to my hubby who is preparing for his exam
Hmm A set of story books for my 2yr old son who loves books.
I like you on FB
Anything by Nicholas Sparks!
My favorite books are anything that keeps my interest going, i.e. has a little bit of surprise!
i love confessions of a shopaholic – i never get sick of it!
my favorite book is Lorna Doone
I’m your email subscriber.
I like “The Stand” by Stephen King.
Harry Potter!! Thanks for the giveaway.
I like to read contemporary romances. They are light, don’t require a lot of thinking, and usually have a happy ending. I don’t usually read the same book over and over again.
I love mysteries.
I like to read inspirational stories. I like alot of Beth Moore stories. Thanks for the chance to win one.
My all time fav is Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. Also a big fan of Stephen King
I posted on my wall here
harry potter
I just posted to facebook that I entered
My all time favorite book is The Shack… amazing!
I like to read love stories
I shared on Facebook!
I love to read all of Beverly Lewis’ books.
I shared this on Twitter:
Any book by Mary Higgins Clark
My husband’s motto is “One can never have too many gadgets.” He would love this.
Also Facebooked this!
I shared this on Facebook (Thrifty Sarah):!/profile.php?id=100000877298034&v=wall&story_fbid=130054983678966&ref=mf
Favorite read is what I am reading at the moment – but for Father’s Day – I am thinking to Kill a Mockingbird.
Any Wanda Brunstetter book!
I am a big fan of Mark Steele books.
Love mystery books!
facebook fan- shared this
I just finished reading the Gurnsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society and I just loved it!!
I really liked the book “The Help”.
The Sony reader sounds great. Hope I’m the lucky winner!
I like you on facebook and I posted the message for my friends.
Anything by Nicholas Sparks. I love the Notebook and the Wedding!
I tweeted!!
I shared on Facebook!
Have to0 many favorites! Some are Francis Chan, Kingsbury, Teri Blackstock and Francine Rivers. My hubby would really enjoy this – thanks for the great opportunity!
The Grapes of Wrath is one of my favorites!
My 2 favorite books in the past year have been The Help and The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie.
James Patterson books are a guilty pleasure! A good daughter would give this to her father for Father’s Day, but I don’t know… I think I might like it too much!
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Shared on Twitter
I love to read Marcia Lynn McClure books.
I LIKE you on FB.
Shared on FB.
i like reading series books by John Grisham,Dan Brown,JK Rowling and recently James Patterson. Now, into being frugal and saving money books…currently reading ,America’s Cheapest Family by Steve and Annette Economides.
Lord Of The Rings and Last Chance To See from Douglas Adams
The Bible, read it every morning before my little ones wake up. Also enjoy “The Notebook” and anything else by Sparks, “The Shack” is another favorite and any other book I can get my hands on. Reading is a great little break from the real world
My favorite book is my Bible and I also like to read love stories by different author’s and true crime stories for something different by Ann Rule. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
following you on twitter @jessilynne
tweet –
It will be great if I can win it!
I love fiction. Thx
I love “Gone with the Wind”……thanks for the giveaway!
I love reading all sorts of books, but the Redwall series was wonderful.
I like to read biographies. Thank you Mercedes for all of the hard work you do to save me money. I really enjoy your website.
I follow on Facebook.
pride and prejudice
All the Pretty Horses and his other books.
I like to read anything and everything, but dad likes to read self improvement and home improvement! LOL
Follow via twitter;}
“like” Common Sense with Money via facebook.
The Bible would be our #1 book. My husband would absolutely LOVE this gift.
My favorite book is Captivating by Stasi & John Eldredge
I have been wanting to get my husband one of these for awhile. He is an avid reader and travels a lot. He would and sometime does take 3 or more books in his rolling breif case while traveling.
In our home alone we have approximately 1,500 books. I would really appreciate this as I have NO more room for books on my shelves. Thanks for the opportunity.
Wow, I would love this! My favorite book has to be “Tuesdays with Morrie”. Very inspiring!
“The Brothers Karamazov”
I would read James Lee Burke’s newest novel.
To Kill a Mockingbird
I cannot pick a favorite book to read because I love them all but right now I’m currently reading The Heart’s Journey Home.
Wow! What a great gift for dad that the whole family can enjoy. Imagine family trips where the kids are reading instead of gaming.
Dad loves “self”, “home”, and “financial” help books!
Son loves Percy Jackson series
Mom loves anything that will take her to a different place…David Baldacci, Nicolas Sparks, Nora Roberts, etc…
Pick just one book…
Currently reading A Tree Grows In Brooklyn.
The Harry Potter series still does it for me…..simply great writing.
I love The Stand. I have read this monster book 3 times!
My husband spends a lot of time on the road trucking. It helps to supplement our income of farming. He reads his Bible everyday but isn’t comfortable taking it with him on trips. This would allow him to leave his Bible at home. We also like to read classics like Swiss Family Robinson, Robinson Crusoe, Treasure Island. I personally read Ken Follett, too. Thank you for your website. You have saved us so much, not only in money but time. By trying out sample products, it helps me to decide whether to purchase it in the future. God Bless you, Mercedes.
Jane Eyre is my favorite classic
I love to read my bible and the occasional Nicholas Sparks book.
These is My Words, by Nancy Turner
Love Harry Potter
Love Pride & Prejudice!
I love mysteries. Right now, I’m re-reading Dorothy Simpson’s Lt. Thanet series.
My bible, it’s so inspirational
Awesome prize, I’m a huge fan of Candance Bushnell’s stories
I’m re-reading “A Thousand Splendid Suns” for the fourth time right now.
Harry Potter.
I just finished another book by Jane Greene…very easy and good. Perfect for the beach!
The Bible. Then my husband and I could share it.
My favorite book is “Three Cups of Tea.” I’d love to win!
I would read Wicked…been wanting to read that for a long time!
I have to admit I LOVE the Twilight series!
Any thing by James Patterson! Love him
Really like reading biographies, my most recent was about George Steinbrenner, so interesting to read about the lives others have lived and what they have encountered
Love Scott Turow, and also am getting into the Twilight series…
Huge huge huge fan of Stephen King!!
I’m a Nora Roberts fan…I think I’ve read them all!
Ummm… after the BIBLE would be anything by Karen Kingsbury.
My favorite of all time is Pride and Prejudice.
I like history novels and learning about our country’s past…
I can’t pick a favorite! But, I enjoy Frank Peretti and Eugenia Price.
I love anything James Patterson. He has a lot of new ones that I need to catch up on!!
Right now I am reading the Wizard of Oz to our girls.
I like any Karen Kingsbury book.
I love to read just about anything! This is a great giveaway!!
My favorite book that i recently read was “water for elephants” funny and sad at the same time.
I love the “true blood” books and of course the “twilight” series!
Kite Runner—-great give away!!
i added on twitter!
Don’t have just one favorite but I’m am reading Dean Koontz’s collection right now. This would be great.
i am a fan of yours and Sony on facebook.
One of my favorite books is “The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter” by Carson McCullers.
I really enjoy the “Eat This. Not That” books.
I am looking forward to reading The Help
My dad loves to read this would be perfect!
Right now I’ reading American Lion by Jon Meacham.
I just tweeted :
I love anything by Fern Michaels or Nora Roberts.
Anything by Jodi Picoult!
I follow on Twitter and tweeted. @jen_r_horn
Just posted to Facebook:!/profile.php?id=1275547710
I love to read “Each Peach Pear Plum” to my daughter.
Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich– I get the book and can’t put it down until its finished! so entertaining!
Favorite book is Crime & Punishment. Would love this to give away to someone special!
Anything by Dan Brown, Nora Roberts, the Twilight series…too many authors and books to list!
i’d like to read the harry potter series
My favorite author is Maeve Binchy – you really get to know the characters.
updated my status with a link to this
I love reading books by Nicholas Sparks!
Anything that makes me laugh like …Kathy Griffin’s Official Book Club Selection! Have a great upcoming Father’s Day….it will be our first!!! YEAH!
my favorite book is the bible
!I LOVE Uncle Tom’s Cabin! One of my favorite books ever!
tweeted about givewaway
I like to read book about people lives.
I tweeted about this giveaway.
My fave summer read is The Awakening by Kate Chopin.
I would love to catch up on the Twilight books.
I love Jane Eyre… I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read it.
My all time favorite is The Power of One.
We’re Bible readers– and to have it to go would be great!
I tweeted it…
I love the Harry Potter series
I love Jodi Piccoult….she is awesome! I loved my sisters keeper….
My husband and I both loved Harry Potter–also enjoy reading through cookbooks!
The Great Gatsby is one of my all time favorite reads.
Any book that I can read with my kids! Thanks for the chance to win.
Right now I’m enjoying a Dan Brown book…
I love any kind of mystery book
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. Love, Love , Love it!
Bible is always a good one
…but I like Nicholas Sparks books too.
I love books by Nicholas Sparks, but my husband loves Ted Dekker
Anything by Paulo Coehlo. Count me in!
I love Jodi Picoult books
My husband would like this!
The Art of Strategy
i LIKE U ON facebook
Anything by David Sedaris! He is super funny.
I love to read everything. But right now I’m reading and enjoying, “The Girl Who Chased the Moon,” by Sarah Addison Allen, and Molly Ringwald’s bio, “Getting the Pretty Back.”
I would have to say the Bible. it is my encouragement and strength!
We would put on the Bible and then my husband is fairly well addicted to John Grisham and Louis Lamour!!
My all-time favorite book to read is the Bible. I also enjoyed Redeeming Grace by Francine Rivers, a powerful book based on the book of Hosea.
Reading Eat Love Pray right now…great book so far. I think there’s a movie coming out too!
I have “liked” CSWM on facebook
I love books! Right now I’m hooked on the Good Yarn series
I love to read. Mystery suspense are my favorite.
My favorite book is The House of God.
The Bible.
I just shared this on Twitter! Tweet, tweet
I just read “The Help” and loved it. I am also a fan of the Twilight series and Charlaine Harris.
I would probably load ‘Pride and Prejudice’ ! Its my favorite book !
Status updated on Facebook!
I have been into Jane Austen lately….Pride & Prejudice!
I love the Outlander Series – so good!
The Word of God
I like to read anything that deals with finances and health…those are my favorite types of books!
I love to read anything by Nora Roberts!
I love all of the Wizard of Oz books!
I love to read Health and mystery books
I read almost anything!
Any romantic novel……………love to read
Anything by Nora Roberts
The bible.
Any book by Nicholas Sparks. I love them all!
My favorite book to read is Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice.
My favorite book is Freakonomics.
The Bible would be on mine of course!
Now I’m reading harry potter with my son
I have been reading artist biographies lately!
I subscribe via email
I love your site and I have been reading the Charlaine Harris series that the True Blood TV show is based on! These are great books!
It’s not my favorite, but my dad’s favorite book is Green Eggs and Ham by Dr Seuss and he would always read it to me before I went to bed, so I guess it’s my fav by association.
I will read everything and anything, but Carl Hiaasen’s books are sooooo funny!
My favorite book is the Bible! Thank you so much for the awesome giveaway!
Really the only thing that I read is the bible and Woman’s Day Weekly Magazine. But my father LOVES to read. He works off shore/ land rigs and is always getting new books to read. This would be Prefect for him.
I’m huge on nonfiction!
I enjoy reading most anything really- i think its fascinating to get wrapped up in the telling of any story!
I devour about anything!
My favorites are anything by Patricia Cornwell or Jodi Piccolt.
One of my favorite books was The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown.
My Bible, and any other Christian books.
I like mystery suspense books
I posted on FB
I love anything by David Sedaris, so funny!
Any Jane Austen books
My favorite read of this year so far “The Book Thief”
Anything I can read in silence is a good book!
I love fiction….and lately any financing books by Dave Ramsey, and any books to help me get organized!
I would download Pride and Prejudice! The best book ever! Thanks!
One of my favorite books/series is Gavriel Kay’s “Finovar Tapestry”. Wonderful escape from the world around us.
Never Let Me Go
Geek Love…all time favorite book!
One of my favorite books is The Help.
I’ve read so many great books it’s hard to pick just one. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See is one. Thanks for having this giveaway!
Not sure of a favorite… but a really good one that I read not to long ago was I Will Carry You. Such a good book=)
I really like reading Dostoyevsky
I love anything by Karen Kingsbury!
My husband reads all of the time. He would love this. He loves any kind of spy books.
I love any Nicholas Sparks book
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Susan’s Diary for Nicolas. What a moving story.
I love to read mysteries. A good mystery can suck me in for hours and hours.
I really enjoyed Ivanhoe.
My favorite story of all time is Alice in Wonderland. But anything by Poe or Lovecraft will do!
Just retweeted! Mavis0426
My favorite story is the Honor series with Dar and Cam. Original!
Hubby is an avid fiction & history reader…he always has 2 or 3 books going at one time.
goodnight moon… hehe.
and then i would say books from oprah’s book club list!
My husband would love to read his favorite book – To Kill a Mockingbird on this for father’s day and for his birthday!
The absolute word of truth! The Bible!
My husband loved the Ted Bell books.
My favorite book to read is still The Giver because it reminds readers to realize that differences are what makes the world work.
I also shared the giveaway on Facebook and have “liked” Common Sense with Money for awhile now.
I like Harry Potter books.
I like anything by Diana Gabaldon.
I have so many favorites, but I love Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
I am a huge paranormal romance and urban fantasy reader. So, I read lots of different authors in these genres. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I would love to have this.
I tweeted @jrouse1214
I have to many to name, I love Sandra Brown, Mary Higgins Clark, Nicholas SParks, Tami Hoag, lIsa Jackson, Lisa Garnder, ect.
Nothing beats a great thriller to help you forget your troubles. My favorite is Misery by Stephen King.
I would be in heaven if I won this! I love, love, love to read! I love to read so many different types of things, and this would be awesome to own.
My favorite reads are any thing by Nicholas Sparks…But if I won I am sure that I would have to share with the hubby and he will read anything sports related!
Pasted to my fb status!
I adore Margaret Atwood and Anne Lammot’s books- my favorite is Bird by Bird.
It’s so hard to narrow down what my favorite is! There’s so many. Right now I’m reading Pygmy by Chuck Palaniuk though!
any Stephen King.
I love to read anything by Nicholas Sparks!
Anything by Joel Osteen.
I like Tom Clancy (Hunt for Red October is my favorite) and John Grisham.
Anything non-fiction – I love learning about pretty much everything!
My favorite book is White Fang by Jack London. I read it many, many times growing up.
My newest favorite author is Kristin Hannah
one of my favorite books to read is “the unbearable lightness of being”
The bible gets read every day
I love to read books written by Mary higgins clark
My favorite book is “Sometimes a Great Notion”
I subscribe to your blog via e-mail
My fave book to read are romantic books such as by Nicholas Sparks.
having a mary heart in a martha world
My favorite books are by Stephen King and Clive Barker.
pauleyd68 (at) yahoo (dot) com
pauleyd68 (at) yahoo (dot) com
The Shack! Is the best book ever!
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pauleyd68 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Lately I have been reading Jennifer Weiner. Enjoying her stuff a lot!
The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks
Handling Sin by Michael Malone – any Dad who ever thought his wife and kids were conspiring to make him nuts will LOVE this book – it is laugh out loud funny, family friendly and a rollicking good read! I’ve read it 4 times :o) Your library probably has it…. or PaperBackSwap online for free… it is in eBook form at Amazon and B&N…
First Sentence:
ON THE IDES OF MARCH, in his forty-fifth year, the neutral (if not cooperative) world turned on Mr. Raleigh W. Hayes as sharply as if it had stabbed him with a knife.
I just finished Aloha Quilt by Jennifer Chiaverini. It is set in Hawaii and described so many of the places I had been, when I was there.
My favorite book to read is Beach Music by Pat Conroy. It is my all time favorite book by one of my all time favorite authors. He has a gift with words, i truly think it is his southern upbringing, and his natural charm that eases into the ink and flows with his words…
I love to read cookbooks and foodie books, especially Harold McGee.
Reading while exercising…a great thing!
Right now I am reading Little Women, I am truly enjoying it. Thanks for a great giveaway!
Right now reading THE TOTAL MONEY MAKEOVER by Dave Ramsey
I’m reading The Help by Katheryn Stocket right now and I love it!
For me I recently read the twilight series…I also love any Roald Dahl book to read to the kids
“I know this much is true” by Wally Lamb and “The Misunderstood God” by Darin Hufford. I highly recommend them both
I just finished reading The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood and it was a very good read.
My all time favorite: Pride and Prejudice.
The Bible.
Anything by Terry Brooks!
Any books by Johanna Lindsey, my particular favorite, Warrior’s Woman!
I love to read Christian Fiction.
I just discovered Elizabeth Goudge and my favorite book she’s written that I’ve read so far is Green Dolphin Street.
A Million Miles in a Thousand Days was eye opening.
The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo is amazing. I can’t believe the author died before getting any recognition for such a great book/triology!!
The Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop
Love to read christian books..
I love michener books so probably one of those!
I LOVE reading the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer!
I enjoy the Jane Austen books–hard to go wrong with the classics!
i enjoy the #1 ladies detective agency series!
i also tweeted about this
I love reading any books by John Grisham. I can’t choose my favorite because I love them all.
Who moved my cheese? lol
A couple of my favorite book are “The Brothers K” by Duncan, “The Good Earth” by Buck and “The House of Sand and Fog”.
Mark Twain
Right now I am reading, ” Breaking out of Bedlam” by Leslie Larson.
Hoping that if I win, my hubby will share it with me!
Just Posted on my Facebook: Anne Sedita Dillon
I receive your Daily Emails so I won’t miss a thing!
I love all the books by CS Lewis!
Thanks for offering this giveaway!
I receive your RSS Feed at work so I won’t miss a thing during the day!
This would be a great gift for my husband and I’m sure he will appreciate it. Thanks for the opportunity, your website rocks!
I couldn’t pick one book but; I can give you an author you can’t go wrong with… Jodi Picoult!
I love the Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.
I dont have a favorite, but I like to read Dante.
I like most any book, but I am a fan of the Twilight series.
I shared this on Twitter.
Love all books. Bible is my favorite.
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo is my all-time favorite book. We are a family of readers….bestsellers, classics, how-to and self help. A Sony Reader would be a welcome addition to our family. Thanks for thinking of us!
I love to read my Bible and anything by Beverly Lewis.
I love to read my Bible. But I also like classic stories like Little Women and Emma. My most recent favorite books are about the Amish.
My favorites are the classics. I never enjoyed them when I was forced to read them in school. Now I am totally into them all!
I loved reading The Girl Who Plays With Fire
I love to read the Bible!
purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com
I loved the twilight series – all the books!
following on twitter & tweeted!!
purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com
I personally love small cookbooks. but I’d love to give one of these to myi husband for fathers day.
I love historical fiction! Take me back in time!
favorite book to read is the bible.
Like ya on Facebook and sent out a status msg!
Doreen H.
purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com
I have 3 little ones 3 and under so my favorite book to read right now is Going to the Zoo!
The Bible and childrens books like Hardy Boys, Henty’s, and Ballantyne’s
Anything James Patterson..I love the Alex Cross books
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
One of my favorite books to read is Where The Sidewalk Ends….Shel Silverstein
Tweeted! (mae_01_sw)
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Murder Must Advertise, by Dorothy Sayers
The bible
Twilight series
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To Kill a Mockingbird!!!
I love to read the same books as my daughter. It gives us something to chat about (very useful with a 13 year old). Anything by Nicholas Sparks is a winner!
I posted this onn Facebook!
I tweeted your message!
I would want to read anything new by Mary Higgins Clark and my husband would want to read anything by Bill Bryson!
My favorite book to read is The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran!
I just posted this on Facebook!!
Would love to start the Jane Austen books with this.
Shared on my facebook.
I love reading anything by CS Lewis!
Tweeted about giveaway!
Miserly Moms by Jonni McCoy! GREAT frugal tips!!!
Like you on fb and posted about the giveaway.
anything and everything!
My favorite book is Crime & Punishment
Harry Potter.
I would download Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Excuses Be Gone book, thanks!
Tweeted, thanks so much:
I am currently reading The BFG to a boy I care for. I forgot how much fun it is to read some of Roald Dahl’s stuff. Makes me feel like a kid again.
I love reading Bible stories to my children;-)
I read constantly, and all types. My favorite author is Danielle Steel.
Robinson Crusoe
anything by James Patterson or Nicholas Sparks – ie The Wedding
I lvoe re-reading “The Secret Garden” or any book from when I was young!
I love To Kill A Mockingbird. I have read it like 5 times.
I shared on my facebook!
I “liked” Common Sense With Money on facebook
Any book by Stephen Lawhead =)
This is just what my husband wants!! He loves to read and buys at least two books a month
I love to read all kinds of books. This would be so much fun to win and carry every day. Fingers and toes are crossed.
I like Not Without My Daughter a lot, the movie not so much after reading the book.
With a brand new baby in the house, I love parenting book by Gina Ford!
I would love to read the Harry Potter Series.
I am waiting for the release of Janet Evanovich’s Sizzling Sixteen. I love all the Stephanie Plum novels and can’t wait for the new one!
I love to read The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins!
I am on a Debbie MacComber kick right now…especially her Cedar Cover series.
It’s hard to name just one favorite of mine, to be honest, because I have tons. However, the one that automatically comes to mind when asked is the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. I was in fourth grade when I read the first book–I’m legally an adult now–so I can positively say that I grew up as the characters themselves grew, learning more about the world as Harry and his friends learned about the magical world, as well. It’s got everything from suspense and action to romance and comedy. The series nurtured my love for books and reading, and it also paved way to my hobby of writing my own novels and short stories, so it has a very special place in my heart.
I would choose anything David Sedaris. Funny!
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i love reading ‘chicken soup’ books… i hardly move without a book in my hand
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My favorite book to read is the Bible. Then it’s fantasy.
The Bible must have 1st place. I can’t think of what this category is called, real life/testimonies/experience…the book “In the Presence of Mine Enemies” by Garcia Burnham.
The Old SchoolHouse is my favorite (homeschooling) magazine. We use our local library a lot. I’d love to win this, my hubby is a flight attendant.
I adore the twilight series
chantal cooper
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chantal cooper
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This sounds awesome. My husband would love it.
Love my Christian Fiction! Thanks for the chance to win!
Since this is for my husband, he would love it to read the Bible on .
Shared on FB!!/khendersonhaynes
I love to read God’s Word
I tweeted @danimcgarry
Bed Number Ten is my all time favorite book.
Love to read, but would download my Bible first.
I would love to read Kate Gosselin’s new book.
Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Not trying to sound goody two-shoes, but my favorite book is the Bible. My whole family loves to read, and a digital reader would get a lot of use around here!
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
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tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I enjoy to reading Mr Emerson’s wife book ( biography).
I haven’t had a lot of time to read lately, but when I do, I like the classics (Dickens and Austen are my favorites) and non-fiction books about the business world (Freakonomics, Why People Buy, etc.). One of my more recent picks that I’ve picked up but haven’t read yet is Food Rules.
Anything by Francine Rivers – she is such a talented writer! Cool giveaway!
The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks.
a thousand splendid suns is a great read
I’d download The White Queen by Phillipa Gregory. I’ve enjoyed all the books I’ve read by that author.
i tweeted
I subscribe by email.
I love My Sister’s Keeper
facebook fan and I shared on my FB page roo.
I love Jodi Picoult and Joel Osteen so one of their newest would probably be my first pick.
I reach for “The Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio” for inspiration. It’s a story of a woman who managed to raise 10 kids by supplementing their meager income by winning prizes in contests in the 1960s. I’m sure she’d be a couponer today if not a blogger! and I bet she’d love a Sony Reader.
I recently enjoyed the book Crossing Oceans
I tweeted about this
Have just started re-reading an old childhood favorite with my daughter – The Secret Garden – and am enjoying it all over again. Thanks!
My favorite book to read is It’s Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vissini.
I love any mystery books!
To be honest, I don’t read! My husband does though! He likes non-fiction.
This wouldn’t be for me, but for my Daddy. He has so many diffierent types of books that he reads, that he doesn’t have a favorite. He reads so many books that they pile up alot very quickly.
i love little women
One of my favorite books to read is “The Freedom Writer’s Diary” by Erin Gruwell because it is an unbelievable true story about the adversity struggling teens face in today’s schools. Heartfelt tears from the similarities I can connect with to situations that leave me filled with adrenaline are just two of the emotions I relive every time I read this book. I highly recommend it!
“Eat, Pray, Love” is a new favorite of mine. Can’t wait to see the movie!
One of my favorite books is The Lion’s Game by Nelson DeMille. It’s a very exciting book. It’s one of my husband’s favorites too. Thanks:)
Too many favorites.But any mystery book is fine for me.
I like you on FB.
I just luv the Vampire Diary books all of them
I shared on twitter
Way too many, but I especially love Janet Evanovich.
I love to read the bible and other books that help with personal growth.
One of my favorite book is Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
I love the twilight series
I’m reading “The Help” now – good book!
One of my favorite books to read is Jane Eyre. Thanks!
Three Cups of Tea
“To Kill a Mockingbird”
I love Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series. So funny.
anything by James Patterson
One of my favorites to read is “The Lovely Bones”. Thanks for the chance.
I’m in the middle of Financial Peace, again! Thanks!
i loved reading twilight and the sookie stackhouse books…am now working on the black daggar brotherhood series.
i added a link to your giveaway as my status, and follow you on FB
Green eggs and ham has always and will always be my favorite book!
one of my favorite is The Hunt for Red October
I would love to win this!!
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If this were for me… my favorite books are Jennifer Crusie novels. That woman makes me think and laugh – at the same time:)
Since this would be for dh… he’d be reading science fiction or Life of Pi orPhllip Yancey
Hurrah for culinary mysteries! A favorite is Just Desserts by Tim Held.
I tweeted from @whatacoolidea
I enjoy reading the Bible and Jane Austen at the moment. Maybe this would get my husband to read more!
I posted on Facebook @!/profile.php?id=1096391249
any recipe book with pictures!!
i like anything by jennifer weiner
tweeted giveaway @kywest37
Wow! What a great prize!
One of my fave books (well series of books) is Jan Karon’s Mitford Series.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
I shared on facebook, I’m Janet Maya Carpenter
My favorite summer reads are any book by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
My favorite is C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia series
The Sunflower by Richard Paul Evans was a good one that comes to my mind right now. I would love to win this more than my hubby, but he would enjoy it also.
Thanks so much for the chance to win.
We both love to read mysteries. Other genres we like are biographies and historical non-fiction.
susan56bft at gmail dot com
“Your Money or Your Life” is one I come back to from time to time and it’s probably time again! Love your site and appreciate all the effort you put into it.
I love Harlequin Intrigues and The Tightwad Gazette, hubby loves anything cars.
tweeted – jade51975
I love reading anything by Nicholas Sparks, but I would have to say that ‘The Notebook’ has to be one of my favorites!!! I love a good book!
Lately I’ve really enjoyed the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. My all-time favorite books though are the Anne of Green Gables books.
I like historical fiction and non fiction
just tweeted as well
I like to read Terry Goodkind.
I just tweetd your message!
I just posted your message on FB!
My fav books are always Mary Higgins Clark and Joanna Fluke!
the bible
I woud like to read romantic novels.
I love just about anything non-fiction, but my husband is a big Tom Clancy sort of guy. The more spies the better. He also reads a lot of historical novels. He even asked if I’d be interested in having one of these (maybe a possible birthday gift since my b-day is the end of June) and it would be really cool to give him one for Fathers Day first.
Any children’s book, as that is all I seem to have time to ready these days….with a two year old!
My favorite book’s are all the Mark Twain book’s like The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
Thank You!!
•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥ Jacquie ♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´•
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User name Jacqueline Taylor Griffin
Thank You!!
•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥ Jacquie ♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´•
Thank You!!
•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥ Jacquie ♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´•
My one of my favorites is Wings of Dawn by Sigmund Brouwer.
Nicholas Sparks!
I love Watchers by Dean Koontz
Im a FB friend and posted this giveaway on my wall.
I love to read cookbooks!
I like any book by Janet Evanovich
in all honesty I haven’t finished a book in years, but my husband reads at least one a week if he can sneak in the time. would love to be able to indulge his passion for father’s day.
One of my faves is The Lords of the Underworld series by Gena Showalter
My favorite book lately was Dear John. I loved the story.
The Red Pony would be my fave. Thanks for the entry.
This would be fabulous to have a less bulky cookbook in the kitchen!
I tweeted @myfolly
I’m a FB fan and posted
I love Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers!
These Granite Islands by Sarah Stonich
My Bible is my fave. Next to that is Karen Kingsbury – anything by her. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
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