I hate to admit this, but like many people today, we live on the Internet. My Husband and I each have our own PC and Laptop. Our house is set up with a wireless network system. But I often find myself needing to use my laptop in the upstairs bedroom or out in the back yard (when the kids are outside playing). All too often I find myself losing signal strength as I move about the house and especially the yard.
But that was before I started using the Wi-Fire long range adapter. This little antenna clips to the top of my laptop (or can stand alone) and increases the signal range of my computer by almost 1,000 feet. Now I can be out in the yard keeping an eye on the kids while they play, and still hunt for deals (or just surf the web).
Technical features:
- The Wi-Fire enables you to access a wireless Internet connection from up to 1,000 feet away – three times the range of your internal wireless adapter.
- The Wi-Fire uses a powerful directional antenna, highly sensitive receiver and proprietary software to enhance normal WiFi signals. With it you can connect wirelessly to the Internet faster and at stronger signal levels than an internal wireless adapter can achieve. You gain distance, penetrate obstructions, resist interference, and basically, close up all of those frustrating dead spots you find where you just cannot connect.
- No matter where you find yourself in this World, get online where you want, when you want, with the Wi-Fire
Win IT!
One CSWM reader will win one Wi-Fire Adapter.
To enter this giveaway:
1) Leave a comment.
For additional entries:
1) Share this on Twitter: : I just entered for a chance to win a WiFire Wireless Adapter. Stop by to enter https://bit.ly/cA672o #wifire4dad via @commnsensemoney
2) Share this giveaway with friends on Facebook. Just copy/paste this on your status bar: “I just entered for a chance to win a WiFire Wireless Adapter. Stop by to enter https://bit.ly/cA672o from @ common sense with money . You may also want to “Like” Common Sense with Money on Facebook.
Leave a separate comment for each additional entry, you know the drill. If you are reading this entry on your RSS reader or email newsletter make sure to CLICK HERE to enter this giveaway. Emailing me is not a valid way to enter this giveaway. This giveaway is open to residents of the US 18 years and older. This giveaway ends 6/13 at NOON EST.
Be sure to check out all of my other Giveaways as well as the Dads Rock Giveaways from the following bloggers: Balancing Beauty & Bedlam, Faithful Provisions, Fashion Cents For Mom, Hoosier Homemade, IGOBOGO, Kingdom First Mom, Moms Need To Know, Mrs. Moneysaver, Passion For Savings, Penny Pinchin Mom, She Saved, Surviving the Stores and The Thrifty Mama |
Disclosure: This giveaway is sponsored by hField. I received a free Wi-Fire and one to giveaway. All opinions expressed here are 100% mine.
My techy hubby would love this!
That would be great for my husband.
My husband would love this.
Yeh, doesn’t it make you mad to lose the signal? We could really use this device. Thanks.
I would love this. We live in a rural area and could really use this.
My husband AND I would love this
Thank You
My hubby teaches so this summer he maybe relaxing outside with the kids a lot. This would make it even more relaxing!
Like you said, great in the backyard while we watch the kids play.
Our family would Love this!!!!
My husband would love this too!
I have “liked” CSWM on Facebook
My husband would love this, he is into any computer gadget….
Ny networking husband would love this!!
I would love to win this.
We would love this!
Posted on FB
I would really love to win this for my husband! We do have problems with our internet like you did, this would really solve our problems. (Less head-aches for my hubby!)
This would be great in our house, we are planning on getting a new laptop soon! Thanks Mercedes!
Would love to win
This would be great for my husband who works at home!
I want this!
Sounds like a wonderful gadget my IT hubby would love!
Wow! Another very cool giveaway. Common Sense With Money is going off the hook to celebrate father’s day!!!
Oh…I think this would help with our on again/off again connection!
Thanks for the wonderful giveways!
Love it. Having wireless signal issues lately too.
Also a fan on facebook.
Sounds awesome! Would love this!
This would be perfect for our family! Hubby and I live on our computers as well and in the summer the kids live outside! Seems like an awesome gadget
My husband and I would love to have this for our house
Would love this!!
This would be great!
Wow, we could really use this. We live way out in the country and loose our signal ALL the time.
I would love to have this for the room with bad reception!
This would make my husband very happy.
This would be perfect for me. I feel so tied down right now because my wireless doesn’t reach to all the places I want to use my computer.
This is so awesome! I didn’t even know these things existed!
I would love to win this!
Improving internet signal? I’m there!
My hubby would love this!!
This would be AMAZING for both of us!
This would be awesome to win! Anything to make using the computer better!
My husband would love this for his lap top!
Would love to win this
My hubby and I would love to win the WiFire Wireless Adapter!
This would be great! Thanks!
I also posted about this on Facebook.
My husband would love it.
That is an amazing giveaway!
This would be great for “working” in the back yard while the kids are playing!
This is a great prize! We would love it.
This would be right up my husband’s alley!
I tweeted about this!
Hubby loves fresh coffee and this would be the perfect gift for him!
My husband is both a wonderful hubby and father! This would be a great gift for him. This would make his father’s day. Thank you!
This would be great!
So cool, thanks!
I’d love to win this!
That was brilliant – I commented on the wrong thing. Sigh. Anyway, I tweeted the CORRECT thing.
I also posted it to FB.
this is an awesome gift for my loving hubby..
I would love to win this.
Posted this on twitter @imaladybug2
I really do love this one….
I tweeted this
I put this as my FB status!
What a great device. I’ve been “encouraging” my husband to set up wireless in our house we we can both be on the internet at the same time. Maybe this is the encouragement he needs:-)
posted on facebook Amber Evans
How does one win one of your giveaways? Do you randomly select someone? I am new to all of this and was just wondering. Also, thank you so much for all your work with these deals. It has made a difference in our home and I’ve only really started doing it for a few weeks. Thanks again.
I love to win this one…
sounds like a great solution- I would love to be online after driving the baby to sleep, but afraid to wake her up coming into the house!
Would love to win!
My husband would love to have this – right up his alley of tech gadgets
Not a techie, but my husband would love it!
This would be a perfect Father’s Day gift!
This would be cool to give to my husband for father’s day. Thanks for the chance.
My husband would love this!
This device is on our “Wish list!” Very cool giveaway!
We’ve been having the same issues! This would be awesome~
oh this would be wonderful
i am a facebook fan
I have the same problem outside, this is a great product!
I would love this, our internet is really bad here.
tweeted ~ momof2dancers
would love to win this
My husband would dance if he got this for Father’s day! And I would use it too!
I would love to win this for my husband.
This sounds PERFECT……..I would love to give it a try nothing else seems to work
Totally could use this!
Oh…this would be so great for the students in our home!
I love my Apple Airport but this would be even better.
thanks for the giveaway!
Just tweeted my tweet.
would be great to have
My dad would absolutley love this!
This would be great for our Tech Family!!
would LOVE to win this
The men in our house would love this!
tweeted about thegiveaway
Tweeted about the giveaway!!
Great giveaway!
My husband would love to give this product a try!
Would be a great gift
This would be so super handy around our house.
such freedom would be a dream
My husband would love this… thanks!
Cool giveaway. Please enter us!
A WiFire Wirless Adapter would be amazing for our family. My husband would only dream to work on the laptop while mowing the grass or sitting in our patio set in our lovely backyard ;)!! Thanks so much this bash is so much fun. I appreciate all your efforts- pick us!
We would love this!
I tweeted about this giveaway!
Would love this! Great giveaway, Thanks!!
sharing this by Facebook..
I tweeted your message and am following you. Thanks again!
I liked your page and posted your message on my Facebook page. Thank-you for your efforts! I want to win!
I would this gadget…its perfect!
I hope I win!!!!:)
What a great giveaway item!
I would like to win this giveaway. thanks
That sounds so cool. I’d love to get one!
I’m sad to say I don’t even understand what this is..but my husband would LOVE it I”m sure.
This would be an enormous blessing for my husband as he looks for a job and often takes his older computer with him to different places.
Nice… would love to win this.
No clue how this thing works… but am sure it will be a great additional piece of asset for the latest technology for my husband and I. Thanks.
this would be awesome!! thank you!
We always lose our internet signal in the master bedroom. This would be wonderful!
I would love to win this!!
Perfect for watching the kids outside playing.
i would love to win, i’m always losing my signal
I would love to win this!!
This would be really helpful. Thanks for the chance to win!
Very cool!
This would be great! Hubby could figure it out since I am not good with things like this.
This would be a great Father’s Day gift! *crossing fingers*
this too would be great for our new house!
You are rockin the giveaways today!
This would be GREAT to win
I tweeted about this
tweeted this giveaway
shared on facebook
It would be neat to use the internet outside.
Perfect for Father’s day
I would love to win this!!!
My hubby would love this!
My IT hubby would LOVE this!
I would love an adapter – I would definitely help in my house.
Thank you so much for this giveaway!
I shared on FB.
I shared on FB
This would be awesome to have. Thanks!
My husband would really love this!
I know that my husband would love to try this out.
Thanks for offering us a chance to win this. It would be so nice for my husband to be able to use his work computer away from the living room.
I have never heard of this gadget but would love it!!
Great techie toy for my techie husband
i like…i like…:)
Way cool! I want this!
Oh would this come in SO handy when I am in the yard watching the kids play!
This would make a great fathers day present!!!
pick me, pick me!
This sounds fun!
Love it!!
I tweeted about this!
This would be the best Father’s Day gift! Pick me please!
This is my facebook status
Would love to win. Thanks!
Would love to win this!
My husband would love this since wireless only works in half of the house!
My other half would love this!
Thank you for your time and great blog!
would be fabulous for our house!
Shared giveaway on FB!
Sounds like a great device !
I would love to have this!
I love reading all kinds of books, but am currently awaiting the release of Janet Evanovich’s latest Stephanie Plum novel. They are laugh out loud funny
My husband would love this…
would love to win!
and i’ve tweeted about this
I would love to win this!!
I would love to win this!
This is great. I like your idea of using it on the laptop when you are outside with the kids.
We could sure use one of these at our house.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Great for a gadget guy.
thanks for all the giveaways. They’re great!!!
i tweeted ur message
We would love to win this
and posted on fb
This is fantastic! I’d love to win this.
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/meangreenmommy/status/15891196578
This seems AWESOME!
This would make him the coolest kid on the block!
This will make my husband really happy
OK that would be freaking amazing!!!!!
Would love to win this!
nice one
i facebooked it
This looks so great!
I must have missed “mom’s rock” giveaway…dads read this blog too!
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to win!
This would really come in handy!
My husband wouldn’t ever forget this Father’s Day!
Cool to be able to get access from 1000 feet away!
Sounds cool…I’d love to try it!
I tweeted on Twitter.
My father could so use this seeing he is new to the wireless internet world!
Sweet! I would really love to try this. I cannot get a signal outside.
Wow! My son would do a cartwheel if I won this, thanks for the chance to win.
I ‘like’ Common Sense with Money on Facebook
Wow, this would be amazing!
I also like CSWM on facebook
This would be great for my dad!
Cool toy. My dad would dig this!
Great gift!
It would be so awesome to win.
Can’t wait until the winners are annonced!
I shared on FB
This is awesome! I had no ideas this existed.
I tweeted also!
Wow, this would be great to have. Thanks for making this possible.
My husband woudl flip if he got this…he’s been talking about getting Wifi for a couple years now!
this would be great to win
i tweeted on twitter
We would love this!
since we canceled cable, my hubby has complained about the strength of the wireless internet to our Netflix devices, so this would be a great gift for him!
Great giveaway!
Very nice, I would love to win this for my husband.
My hubby and I would both love to win this! We live out in the “country”, and it’s rough to get a signal further than my front door!
I would love to win this for my husband!
my hubby would love this….thank you for the chance to win it
I would love to win this!
would love this!
I need this please
This would be the best thing ever! Laying in my hammock under a tree surfing the internet while watching the kiddos play (ok, ok, we don’t have kids – but our dogs are like our kids).
great giveaway
WOW! I have never even heard of this until now.. looks awesome!
I’d love to win!
This would def be a blessing for my hubby!!!
We would love this too!
perfect for my high-tech hubby. thanks for the giveaway.
Giving stuff like this my husband is the equivalent of giving catnip to a cat. He would love it.
Also Facebooked this!
I posted to facebook.
we NEED this! well not need, but it would be a wonderful thing to have!
What an amazing gift
To win this would be great! Our house gets bad wireless signal.
I didn’t even know they had these. I need one.
I would love to win this for my hubby
I want to win – pick me!!!
I would love to win this adapter, would make work a little easier
This would be great for my hubby. He’s such a tech kind of guy.
Love all the giveaways!!!!
Would love to win this for my hubby.
Great ad-on for my pc. Thx
Really wanna get this one for my dad!
This would be great for my husband. He likes to work in a specific room in the house…the one that has the worst signal. Thanks for the chance to win!
I never knew there was such a thing until this Dads Rock event and I think it’s great!
This sounds so awesome!
OMG! I so need a stronger signal for my laptop.
This sounds pretty awesome. How nice it would be to win one for my husband. Thank you.
My husband would love it!
My techy husband would love this!
Would love to win this. Thanks!
This would be awesome. Upstairs is the worst spot in the house and that’s where the boys are. They would be thrilled!
My husband loves gadgets! Thanks for the giveaway
I would love one of these, thanks for the chance!
My tech hubby would love this
I like CSWM On FB
My 74 yr. old DAD would love this for his little local lake cabin. Too cool. Thanks for the chance to win.
Would love this!
I’m a FB friend
Great giveaway!
Who doesn’t “live” on the internet these days?! This would be a great win!
I would love to win this!
I added to twitter!
My husband would love this!!!
I am a fan on facebook.
What an awesome gift!
Another cool techy gift that my husband would love!!
Wow! This would be wonderful. With this little gadget, we could actually sit outside in the hammock with the laptop in the shade . . . . Thanks for another great giveaway!
I shared with my friends on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/commonsensewithmoney?v=wall#!/profile.php?id=1275547710&v=wall&story_fbid=134998089847695
My hubby would love this!
My husband would love to try this!
My husband would love this and would use it all the time!
What a great giveaway! Thanks for doing all of these!
My husband would be super pumped about this
Ok, I have to admit…..my husband would love this, but hey! I didn’t get anything for mom’s day, so I guess we’d have to share…………………………….again! Thanks!!
This sounds really cool, thank you!
Would love to win
We live out in the country and would love to get that extra boost! Thank you so much Mercedes! You Rock!
Pick me! My old router isn’t much good.
Great giveaway! thanks for the opportunity
we have the same problem. The signal is weak in our room and yard.. this is a good giveaway. thanks
i like u on fb
I liked you on FB.
This would be awesome!
I would LOVE it!!
This would be great for me when I want to do my homework.
Daddy would love this one!
Just what I need – now I can really be on my laptop all of the time
My hubby would love this!
what a great gift idea! I’d love to win this
Have the perfect spot for this. We have a garage in the back that is 300 ft away from the house that gets low to no signal from current router. Bet this would clear that issue right up.
my husband would love, love, love this for his laptop!!!
just tweeted this!
I just posted on FB status!
This would be great for my whole household
Thank you for another awesome giveaway! I would love to win this!
this sounds amazing!!
super handy!!
I would love to win this! Thanks for the chance!
I would love to win this wi fi adapter to give me greater range in the ability to use my laptop. Good luck to me!!!!
I’d love to win this!!
I posted on facebook.
I would love to win something to give my husband for Fathers Day this year. In 2008 he was laid off and we lost our home and our cars. My husband and I decided the best thing for our family was for him to go back to school and train for a different career. He is a full time student and is doing so well in school and unfortunately because of me being the only one working we dont have any extra money to do anything for Fathers Day. He is a wonderful husband , father and man and he goes out of his way to try and help others as much as he can and I would love to be able to show him how much we appreciate him and how proud of him we are this Fathers Day.
ugh – to have this for the hubby!! Thanks for the chance~!
Isn’t wifi just the best thing?
What a great give-away!
OOOooooh! This would be great for my husband!
Hubby would have fun playing with this!
Thank you for the giveaway!
I shared the giveaway on Facebook also.
This would be so handy in our house!
Wow! I never knew this product existed! This would be very cool!
Thanks for sharing!
cool product!
This would be great!!
My husband would love this!
mu husband would love this. thanks for the giveaway
My husband would love this! It would be awesome to use this outside!
This would be great to win! I love hunting deals, but can’t go outside with the laptop due to not getting a decent connection. Since it is summer, my son is practically living outside and I like to watch him and the neighborhood kids play.
I just tweeted via Shandiemage!
I shared on Facebook and already like you!
Maybe if I win it, my husband can watch the kids outdoors while computing and give me mommy time!!
I would love it!
This would make a great gift! Thanks!
Yeah! speed up the slow laptop. That would be great!
I have heard theses are great – and what a wonderful thing to give away! Good job.
i would love to win
WOW I would def. love to win this for our house!
What a perfect gift for my techy husband.
Thanks for this giveaway, my hubby will like this!
My husband would love this to use will he is working from home, sitting on the deck, soaking up sun.
I would love to win this for my grandma! She just purchased a house and has a pool so this would be perfect for her to be able to sit by the pool and watch the grandkids swim while surfing the net.
I would love to win!
This would be great for my Father-in-Law.
I follow on Twitter and Tweeted the giveaway.
This would be so great! Thanks!
Another thing perfect for my Dad. If I don’t win thanks for the great ideas, I had no idea what to get him!
Hubby and the whol family would love to win this one as well.
I’ve never heard of this…what a neat idea! We’d love one of these at our house.
Very nice! Hope to win!
This would be great. Thank you for the chance.
Tweeted! (mae_01_sw)
Shared on facebook!
Everyone in our house would love Wifire!
I tweeted your message- thanks so much!
I posted your message on my Facebook!
My honey would love to have this… he has dreams yanno.. ;D
Just posted this on Facebook!
That would be perfect for using the laptop in our back yard.
I could really use this!
Awesome giveaway! My hubby is a computer geek…. he would love this!
Hope to win this one for my hubby!
I would love this! Right now money is too tight for us to pay for internet, and with a 3yo it’s difficult to go to a library to use it for free. There’s an open connection in front of my neighbor’s house, but it doesn’t reach far enough to mine. This would be perfect!
I just tweeted about the giveaway @lil_ms_drama
I just shared this on FB.
this would be a great addition to our workspace – Thanks
My husband would love this as he works from every room in the house trying to avoid loud kids.
Love it!
Hubby would love this!
I would love to win!!
tweeted about your giveaway https://twitter.com/lkim496/status/15981232970
What a great gadget! I want it!
such a nice giveaway…. don’t we all wish to have one of these, so we could work without worring about the low connectivity
Love the gadgets! Thanks for the chance to win!
I would love to win this giveaway!
I tweeted @danimcgarry
My Gadget Guy Hubby would LOVE this.
Thanks for the opportunity.It looks like a neat gadget
Would definitely help!
I would give this to my dad, he would really like the freedom to move about the house (or backyard) he would have.
This is so neat and we would love it
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
shared on fb
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
my dad would love this
i just tweeted https://twitter.com/malvar
I would love to wint this great giveaway. Thanks!
Would love to be freed from my desk – thanks !
Thanks for the contest.
pauleyd68 (at) yahoo (dot) com
pauleyd68 (at) yahoo (dot) com
fb shared
pauleyd68 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I’ve been eyeing one of these for months – awesome giveaway!
I would like to enter. Thank you.
Thanks for the giveaway.My hubby would love this
I like you on FB.
The is a very nice gift
I shared on twitter
This sounds like a great product, would love to try it.
That looks awesome! Would come in really handy here.
This would be a great new gadget!
I have tweeted about this @truckingdad
I posted this to my facebook.
Cool concept!
Sounds awesome!
My husband would absolutely love receiving this, he loves his electronics and gadgets.
This would be so useful for both of us.
Sounds like something I’d really like to have. Hope I win it!
If I had the Wi-Fire I could do more work with the Church webpage that I work on our Church has the wireless on the other side of the building and the signal is not available when needed to broadcast live or upload instantly so I would put the Wi-Fire Wireless Adapter to great use if I had one.
My husband has been wanting to buy one of these devices and he just hasn’t found the time, so this would be perfect timing!
My husband would love this!
Cool gadget! My hubby loves this stuff!
Hope I win. Thanks!
my husband would love this!!
This would make my hubby happy, me too.
I tweeted about this!
Shared this giveaway with friends on Facebook.
What a great device! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
What a great device to have when you’re traveling & need wi-fi service.
This would be great for my son-in-law. He has a lousy WiFi signal where he works. Plus he travels a lot and it can be a problem for him to get a good wireless signal at times.
susan56bft at gmail dot com
This would be great to have.
tweeted – jade51975
This would be a great gift, as both my husband and I signed up for college classes together. After putting it on hold to raise our children.
I want Wifire! I posted it on Twitter.
I just posted on Facebook!
My husband wants one of these badly- please pick me!
This would be so helpful in my house!
I hope I win! I will give to my boyfriend’s father for Father’s Day!
My dad would like this.
This would be sooooo useful!
My husband would like this. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
I subscribe via email