Looking for a good deal on your favorite magazines? Here are some deals currently available from Amazon on the following magazines:
- [easyazon-link asin=”B008184GBC”]two years of Family Circle for the price of one[/easyazon-link] just $5.99. This is not autorenewal. That makes each issue only a quarter.
- [easyazon-link asin=”B000LXS9Q8″]Marie Claire (2-year)[/easyazon-link] $10 for two years, This is not auto-renewal.
- [easyazon-link asin=”B000XXDJ7A”]Fitness (2-year)[/easyazon-link] $5.99 for two years. This is not auto-renewal.
There are 40 magazine titles included in this buy two years for the price of one offer. Check the rest of the titles here. Offer valid through 10/31.