There is a catalina offer currently available at Jewel on Ice Mountain Aquapods (Includes 8oz, 12 or 24 pk, Aquapod 8 or 24 pk): Buy 2, get $1.50 or Buy 3 or more, get $3 OYNO.
The Ice Poland Mountain 8 ct Aquapods are ringing $1 at Jewel. Make sure to price check as they may not be tagged at that price in store. There is also a coupon available to make this a moneymaker:
Buy three Ice Mountain Aquapods $1 each
Use $1.50/2 coupon from 8/29 RP insert
Pay as little as $1.50 for three and get back one $3 catalina
This deal is HOT and a lot of Mashup Mom’s readers say their stores are already out of stock. the catalina runs through 10/3, so if you can ask for a raincheck.