Right now you can download the following kindle book for free: Hurry Less, Worry Less: 10 Strategies For Living The Life You Long For. This is a$14.99 value, available at the moment at zero cost.
Product Description
Live a More Meaningful and Joyful Life Hectic. Rushed. Noisy. Exhausted. We live in a world where we know these words all too well. Is it even possible to live at a slower pace? Judy Christie assures us that, with God’s help, it is possible to learn to live with less hurry and worry, to recover the joy of living. Hurry Less, Worry Less offers practical ideas and strategies to help you begin your own path toward change. Crucial steps include: Determining what your ideal life would look like Creating a new road map for your life Letting go of your worries and trusting in God Cutting down on the “noise” in your life and listening for guidance Discovering God’s will for your life Making a commitment to persist in your journey
Remember that you do not need a Kindle e-reader to be able to read this book. You can read it on your PC, iPhone, iPad, Blackberry and Android. Just download for free the appropriate application to be able to do that. Amazon changes prices without notice, so make sure to check that the kindle price it is still $0.00 before you start downloading this book.