Every day Amazon offers a selection of Romance, Science Fiction, Fantasy and Teen titles at a discounted price.
Kindle Daily Deals – Each day they unveil new Kindle book deals for adults and young readers with prices usually ranging $1.99-$2.99. These are only discounted for today. Kindle Monthly Deals – Each month they unveil a new collection of 100 Kindle books for $3.99 or less.
Kindle Freebies – There are always Kindle freebies available. Many are only available for free for a limited time, so grab them while you can!
Here’s a short list of some of the freebies available today:
Biographies, History, & Memoirs
Business & Money
- The Myth of the Garage
- The Crowdfunding Bible: How to Raise Money for Any Startup, Video Game or Project
Children’s eBooks
- Early Birdy Gets the Worm: A PictureReading Book for Young Children
- Diary of a Penguin-napper
- Elisabeth McBride
- Polar Brrr’s Big Adventure: A PictureReading Book for Young Children
Cookbooks, Food & Wine
- 0 Root Cellar: And Other Low-Cost Methods of Growing, Storing, and Using Root Vegetables (Modern Simplicity)
- Simply Raw: Easy Raw Food Recipes For Beginners
- Hearty Soups: A Collection of Homemade Soups
Crafts, Hobbies & Home
- Extending Your Growing Season: An Integrated Approach to Year-Round Gardening in Cold Climates
- 100 More Easy Recipes in Jars
(These make great gifts!)
- Pink Little Lady Amigurumi Crochet Pattern
Health, Fitness & Dieting
- Neck Pain: Nine Tips You Wish You Knew to Relieve Your Neck Pain: Neck Pain Management And Relief Made Incredibly Easy
- Homemade Herbal Detox Recipes: A 7 Day Diet Plan / Guide to Identifying Everyday Toxins and Detoxifying Your Body’s Skin and Digestive System, Using Diets, Detoxification Recipes and More!
Mystery, Thriller & Suspense
- The Dart Murders
- Flinder’s Field
- The Lamp (The Lamp Series, Book 1)
- The Field Of Blackbirds: A Jeff Bradley Thriller
- Promise You Won’t Tell?
Parenting & Relationships
- The Playdate Busy Book: 200 Fun Activities for Kids of Different Ages (Busy Books)
- The Children’s Busy Book: 365 Creative Learning Games and Activities to Keep Your 6- to 10-Year-Old Busy (Busy Books)
Sports & Outdoors
- Move the Ball: How the Game of American Football Can Help You Achieve Your Life Goals
- HIIT Made Easy: Burn Fat and Lose Weight Fast, With 20 Minutes High Intensity Interval Workouts You Can Do at Home
Teen & Young Adult
Remember, though, that you do not need a Kindle e-reader to be able to read this book. You can read it on your PC, iPhone, iPad, Blackberry and Android. Just download for free the appropriate application to be able to do that. Amazon changes prices without notice, so make sure to check that the kindle price it is still $0.00 before you start downloading this book.