My youngest playing with his Junior Tag Reader
I just signed up to get a free Tag Junior Book from leapfrog by linking my son’s Tag Junior reader to his learning. To get your own all you have to do is go to this link and sign up for a learning path. If you have not registered with leapfrog then you will need to create an account. Then enter your child’s info and then link your Leapfrog product to your child. It doesn’t need to be a Tag Junior Reader (although you will need it to be able to use the free book) It could be a Leapster, Tag reader, Crammer or more. Then a couple more steps and you will be signed up for the free Tag Junior Board Book. Thanks Ana!
While I am mentioning this freebie, I want to talk to you about a project I have been working on with Leapfrog. At the beginning of the summer Leapfrog contacted me to become one of their Ambassadors of Summer Reading. This program has given me the technology and content (Tag and Tag Junior readers, plus books for each platform) to help create fun Summer Reading Programs at my local libraries and daycare centers, or for those families whose homes seem to be the ones where kids often gather. Basically what they wanted was to give me reading materials to donate. You can see how this was an offer I could not pass up. I have been working really hard communicating with my local libraries and trying to identify home day care programs to donate these materials. I am so happy and feel so proud to share with you that I should be able to connect four of my local libraries with this wonderful donation of materials as well as two daycare centers. I hope to complete the donations in the next two weeks and share videos with you of how they all turned out. I also hope you will join me in this because it’s been hard work that will pay off in the form of new reading materials for these libraries.