There is a HOT coupon available for $3/1 Gain Fabric Softener product. You can use this high value coupon at stores like Walmart to get the 40ct box that sells for $1.98 for FREE after coupon. I even hear the coupon doesn’t even beep.
Thanks you fellow reader Mickey who graciously donated 50 of these coupons to giveaway on this blog, 10 readers will have a chance to get some free Gain Fabric Softener! Each winner will get five coupons mailed to them.
Here is how to enter this giveaway:
1. Leave a comment sharing how many loads of laundry you usually do in a week. I think we are up to six loads a week for our family of five, crazy!
For additional entries:
- Like Common Sense with Money on Facebook.
If you are reading this entry on your RSS reader or email newsletter make sure to CLICK HERE to enter this giveaway. Emailing me is not a valid way to enter this giveaway. This giveaway is open to residents of the US 18 years and older. This giveaway ends 3/4 at 3PM EST
This giveaway comes to you courtesy of fellow reader Mickey.
I do about 4 loads per week. Now, if they would only magically take themselves out of the dryer and put themselves away, all would be great in the world.
We do about 5-6 loads a week for a family of 4. This is due to the boy (i.e. dirt monger) and the girl (i.e. fashion diva).
I do at least 6-7 loads of laundry a week
I do about 12 loads of laundry for my house of 4. Both my boys are athletes so They wear morning clothes, practice clothes and then evening clothes. They never can wear morning and the same clothes in the evening.
I usually do about 6 loads for our family of 3. My husband works outside wearing a uniform with multiple layers so that’s where most of it comes from!
same here lol
I do four to five loads a week.
I’ve never really counted, but I’d say I do anywhere from 6-10 loads a week, at least!!!
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Now that the two older kids have left the nest we do about 4 to 5 loads a week for our family of 4. What a relief that is! LOL!
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I do 5 loads per week and we have a family of 3 however, my husband works with equipment all day so most of his clothes are oily and greasy and I don’t much like to wash mine with his:0)
We’re up to 6 lods a weel our selves
We’re up to 7 loads of laundry each week!!
I do 2 or 3 loads/day, we have 6 ppl in our household
I do laundry nonstop at the moment. Due to the fact that i am a full time student and mommy while daddy works 70+ hours a week, laundry is def on of the last things on the list. However, i finally had to cave and put homework on the side burner and get all of it done…one week later and i’m still trying to catch up YIKES :/ and i agree! if you find that magical solution, pass it on down LOL that would be lovely
I do about 4 – 5 loads per week at my house.
3 loads for a family of 2
I do about 12 loads of laundry a week….
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My washer gets lots of work in with 10 in the house…there are at least 2 loads a day!
I do about 5-6 loads of laundry every week.
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I do around 6 loads a week for our family of three. I’m a follower on facebook also I receive your emails. Thank You! :0)
I do about 4 loads of laundry a week.
5 – 6 Loads of Laundry each week
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I usually need to do 5-6 loads a week for my family of 4!
i do about 8 loads of laundry a week.
I do about 4 loads of laundry each week for two people.
if im lucky…about 5 loads a week for a family of 4!!
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My washer does a lot of work with 10 in the house! at least 2 loads a day!
5-6 loads here. Folding and putting away is a different story
We do 4 laundry loads a week, which isn’t good since there is only 2 of us
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6-8 loads a week until daughter from college comes home for spring break, then a few more! With a boy in sports and another daughter at home….we need a little Gain everyday!
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Our family of 5 does about 6 loads a week. It’s even worse since I always leave it until the weekend. I hate putting away so if I do it during the week I have baskets of clean clothes lying around. so bad!
I do roughly 5 loads of laundry a week were a family of four!!! I also follow you on facebook, twitter and RSS subscriber.
I do about 4-6 loads a week!
6 kiddos + 1 Firefighter Husband = a minimum of 7 loads a week…at least 1 a day!!!
(I’m a FB follower btw)
We do 2-3 loads a day so about 10 loads a week. We are a family of 4 and 2 dogs and a cat plus kids in sports!
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We usually do 9 to 10 loads a week! We have 3 messy teenagers, and my husband and I both have uniforms for work that has to be washed weekly. Laundry is a never ending battle in our house!
I do 7 loads a week, some times more.
I usually do about 7-8 loads each week.
We are up to 7 loads a week.
4 Loads of Laundry each week
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I do abaut 14 loads of laundry each week, my husband works in fuel tanks for the Air Force and I cant wash his clothes with mine.His clothes has all types of chemicals on them. It totally stinks!
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I do between 6-10 loads a week – depends on towels and sheets
I do 4 loads.
6 in our family, I do about 3-4 loads per DAY! I cannot keep up!
Of course I like you on facebook! With all your $ saving info, what’s not to like?
I do usually a load a day!!! So 7 to 8.
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3-4 loads per week for Hubby and me. Depends on if he’s working on any farm equipment or not that week.
I go through about 3 loads a week!
We are regular Gain users- detergent and dryer sheets. In a family of 4, you wouldn’t think we would have as much laundry per day that we do. I typically wash 4 loads EVERY DAY. My husband and I both work out and go to work and have pj’s. In addition, we have an 8 year old and a 1 year old. One year olds go through bibs, towels, 2-3 pairs of clothes and then some. This giveaway would help me out!
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We are a family of 3 and have 2 dogs and 2 cats…i do at least 10 loads a week!…if i’m not washing clothes, i’m washing dog beds, towels from cleaning up muddy dog foot prints, etc.etc.!
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For our family of four (including one little girl who changes her clothes about every 20 minutes), I usually do between 8-10 loads a week. Crazy when I think about it! (So I try not to!)
If it’s a good week I would say 10 for a family of 6. My 2 older boys wash their own clothes and they have 2 each. I wash my 2 younger together and that is another 2. They change like crazy during the summer (sweaty and dirty) and winter (wet clothes.)
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I do about 8+ loads for our family of 5. I still have a baby so that in itself is alot of extra clothes from spitting up and peeing thru… My husband has his work uniforms and clothes he wears around the house. bedding for all the beds, a king, queen, twin and crib. towels oh my how we go thru towels and wash cloths!
6 loads a week for our family of 4!
Of course one load is all my work uniforms! love the gain fabric softener.
Thanks for the offer!
We do about 15-20 loads a week. I have a family of 6, and I also run a daycare in my home.lot of laundry here!
5-6 a week!
We are a family of 5 and I do about 7 loads of laundry a week. I can never keep up and I LOVE GAIN!!
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My family does about four loads a week
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10 – 12 loads per week for a family of 7!! These are all full loads in an extra large capacity front loader. I am constantly thankful for my washer/dryer “ladies” in the laundry room. I cannot imagine handwashing the quantity of dirty clothes my family produces.
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we do about 6 loads a week right now…. (probably should actually be about 7 but I hate doing laundry and sometimes I tend to sort of welll.. you know… overload!)
We do about 6 loads of laundry now each week…I used to think 3 was a lot!
I do a minimum of 10 loads a week. We have a HUGE family!!! Not including the pets that help dirty up the bedding and throw blankets on the couch.
We do about 5-6 loads of laundry and love GAIN: detergent and fabric sheets
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5 loads a week for me and my hubs
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I now receive your emails (sorry if there are duplications on how many loads of laundry I do – my browser was acting up).
On average, I do 3 loads EVERY day, rarely take the wkend off. We have 8!
I have a family of 5 and wash 5 to 6 loads of laundry every week.
We do about 3 loads/week for iur family of 4.
I do about 8 – 10 loads of laundry at least. I have a special needs dog who has seizures and when they happen at night he has bladder accidents so …. I’m rotating dog bedding ALL THE TIME. Add to that my fiance who often will go through 3 outfits a day, when he gets home he’ll change from office clothes to what wind up to be seriously filthy mechanics/construction clothes to lounge pants and t’s. Doing laundry is a constant here.
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We are a family of five that do an average of 7 loads a week unless it is time to wash the linens.
I do about 3 loads of laundry a week.
5 loads a week including doggo’s bedding!!!
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I do 6-7 loads of laundry a week
We are a family of five, and I do 2-3 a day, but I always take the weekend off!
We are a family of 5, and I do 1-2 loads of laundry at least per day…i have all boys so someones always getting dirty, or playing sports..not to mention the bedding and all the towels…We do LOTS of laundry!
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Family of three plus animals, so we do about 5-7 loads per week of laundry.
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I do at least 9 loads of laundry a week, for a family of 4 humans, and 4 dogs, ranging in size from a yorkie, a chihuahua, and 2 mastiffs weighing in at around 120 lbs each. Between our clothes, bedding, linens, throws from living room, and dog bedding….I do laundry almost every day of the week!
I do about 4-5 loads a week!
I do 3-4 loads a week. Plus we wash the material we use to make our green dog beds.
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We do at least 12 loads a week.
I generally do 30 loads per week. My family of 7 go through alot of laundry. On the weekends I try to wash all the bedding, so that means even more loads!
Oh geez……I try not to count because it’s just depressing. There are seven of us, so I think it’s somewhere between 10-15.
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I do laundry every 2 weeks since I dont own a washer or dryer.
3 loads per week: lights, darks and whites.
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I do 9-10 loads a week for our family of six!
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I do six to seven loads a week ~ darks, lights, whites, jeans, towels and sheets ~ sometimes two loads of sheets or a load of reds.
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And I do two-three loads per day, so probably 15+ during a typical week.
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I do 8-10 loads per week for our family of 7.
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we do 2-3 loads each week:)
Usually do 1-2 a day, so between 7- and 14, we are a large family!
Usually do 1-2 a day, so between 7- and 14 a week, we are a large family!
I do about 4 loads a week.
WOW!!! To actually think about how much laundry I do is scary!!! It’s about 6-10 loads per week!! I think I need to get a laundry fairy….LOL!! =)
I do 14-15 loads a week. We are a family of 6 with a newborn.
I do about 6 loads per week for a family of 4.
Its about 3-4 loads per week. We are a small family of just three
I do between 5-6 loads per week!
We are a family of 9. i do 2-3 loads a day. So I’m going to say anywhere from 18 to 21 loads a week. I’ve tried to keep track before, but it always turns out to be the week the kids “clean” their rooms and the extra “dirty” laundry throws my count off. LOL
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About 2 loads
two here!!
I do about 4-5 loads per week for a family of 3. It was more when I constantly had to wear a different uniform every day!
We do 4 to 5 loads per week. I have a little one that really loves to get messy!
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I do three or four.
I do 4-5 loads of clothes, 1-2 loads of towels, and then if I have time there are always beds, rugs, and other things to wash. We are a family of 5.
We probably do 6-7 a week
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I do 5-6 loads of clothes and then sheets and towel.
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I do about 2-3 loads per week.
I usually do about 6 loads a week, at least!
Most of the time i do 2-3 loads per week. Great giveaway. I really like this $3 gain coupons.
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I’m embarrassed to say that we (just me and Hubby) go through 7 loads a week! (2x for his work clothes, 1 for mine, 2 on towels, 1 on sheets/pillow cases, and 1 for the comforter)
At least 7 loads a week!! It is exhausting!!!
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We do 7-8 loads a week thats average for us we exercise alot so its mostly workout clothes
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Right now, with three small children and a husband, I do anywhere from 8-10 loads of laundry a week. It’s insane.
I do about 6 loads a week. Glad my washer is fixed now.
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3 or 4 loads a week
I do about 5 loads a week for a family of 4
my gosh never seen so many comments on a post before……i would have left more in the past but i was busy doing laundry…….either literally or metally doing laundry…….which equals to about one a wee for one person and one doggie! (yes she has laundry too) she just needs to learn to go do the laundry too…..wished she did know how….but momma happy to do for her!~ Good day one and all!
Wow I guess I am doing way too much laundry. For our family of 2 I do anywhere from 6-8 loads a week. His work clothes have to be done alone and my dress clothes I do in small loads so I guess that’s why I have so much. Then of course all the blankets and sheets due to the dogs sleeping in our bed:)
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We have a family of five. I would guess around 6-9 loads a week. Maybe even more with rugs and bedding.
Easily, I do at least six loads of laundry per week. In fact, the dryer as going- as I type.
Love your blog and FB posts.
It’s just my daughter and me, so I usually do about 2 loads a week.
I subscribed to your e-mails! We do at least 6-7 loads per week and we LOVE GAIN!!
6 loads a week!
5-6 for family of 3
My family of three typically does about 5-6 loads of laundry a week.
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We do about 7 loads a week!
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I do about 8 loads a week.
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I really don’t know how many I do because I have too much to do to count.
I would guess 2 loads per day so 14 loads per week. We are a family of 6 with lots of extra activities!
About 5 loads!
This is going to sound bad, but I do anywhere from 14-21 loads a week. I get so tired of doing laundry. but when you have a family my size it is just something that cannot be helped. Thanks for the giveaway.
We do about 3 loads a week ! Love your information and look forward to your posts!
I do about 8 loads a week! Between kids, pets and swim lessons, we make a lot of laundry!
I do about 5 loads of towels a weel alone! We’re probably up to about 10 total loads of clothes a week.
I do at least 14 loads a week!
I would say I do about 4 loads a week. I wish I was rich enough to hire a maid… free Gain will help me save for this dream
We do about 2-3 loads of laundry per week for a family of 3.
We do about 4 or 5 loads every week.
Most of the time I do about 5 loads a week… but on the weekends that my daughter comes home from college I have to add on about 3-4 loads…. its SO amazing that I send her off with laundry detergent and fabric softner but her clothes NEVER seem to get cleaned while she’s at school… she just brings them back home to me!! O the joys of being a MoM!!!
I do at least 8 loads of laundry a week. Crazy!
I do between 6 and 8 loads per week.
4-5 loads a week for a family of 4
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and also on facebook
My family does about 4 to 5 loads of laundry a week
My kids won’t wear pj’s more than once do I’ll say five without counting bedding!
I just had a new baby and that makes a total household of 6 people. We do a min. of 10 loads of laundry a week, it is a never ending cycle.
We are a four load family!!
I do about 3-4 loads per week, but my son does about 10 per week just for himself!! He’ll never stink!
I subscribe via email. Thanks!
we do about 8!
I would say about 8 loads a week. We are a family of 5 as well!
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I do about 4 loads of laundry a week.
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7-10 loads — way too many if you ask me, lol
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New baby and 2 toddlers (one potty training) makes for at least 1 load a day.
between 5 and 7 loads
We do about 12 loads a week.
My newborn is having some major spit-up issues so I’m doing about 3 loads a day, at least! Clothes, blankets, car seat covers..I hope my washer & dryer outlast the baby days!
It’ just me at home so I only do 1-2 loads a week but I’d still love to win!
Its pretty sad i do a load a day for my Family of 3, but to my defense I have 5 cats and a dog, and my child is 3, my twin year and a half old visits everyday also so I go through towels and blankets fast. I buy soap and fabric softener everyweek cause i tend to go overboard cause some things im washing are so nasty I want to make sure its all out. I am obsessed with apple mango tango and have all of gains and febreeze with gain appple mango tango products constantly instock in my home. I just love it when I leave the house and can smell it on my clothes and when i get home I can smell it when I walk in from the Febreeze and I also put the fabric softner sheeta in my air vents so when the heat kicks on so does the sent of apple mango tango.I was more than excited when the dish soap came out and the price is even nicer! Thank you gain for making such a wonderfully delicous sent!
I do about 3 loads a week
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I do about 5 loads a week for my family of 3 crazy right but my hubby works out side and I have 2 cats inside. I like you on facebook!!!!!!!
I do 3 loads a week, but with a new baby coming that will increase soon!!
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Our family of 4 usually does 7 loads of laundry each week.
E-mail subscriber and follower
We usually do 2 loads a week, family of 3
I do 3-4 loads a week.
At least 10 loads a week – more when my big kids are home from college. Joy. Joy.
Sometimes I wonder if the washer is ever not churning! 2 loads per day minimum!
It’s sad but I think I average 7 loads of laundry a week!
6-8 loads a week
A minimum of 6 loads of laundry a week, and Gain certainly makes it better!
I am an email subscriber
I would say that I do about 12-15 loads a week. We have 6 in our family including two sets of twins that are 4 and 2. They change their clothes way too much.
We do around 7 loads per week (we have a tiny apartment washer/dryer so I don’t know how much we would do with a regular size washer) I just know I do laundry every day!
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I would say 4 to 5 loads.
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we do about six to ten loads of laundry a week not counting cloth diapers.
Our family of 4 does about 7-8 loads per week.
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I do a load of clothes everyday! I swear somebody is putting clean clothes in the hamper! lol
I do about 4 or 5 loads a week.
We do a load everyday. !!
I do 2 loads a week, but wait until the last possible second to do it. Terrible, I know.
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we do 4 for a family of 5
I would be afraid to actually know the truth on this one! Way too many!
I do about 4 loads a week for a family of 4
We do about 4 loads a week here… love Gain! Sniff… Sniff… Hooray!
I do about 4 or 5 loads a week.I like you on facebook
I do an average of 3 loads a week for 2 of us. My daughter does her own laundry =)
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I do about 10 loads of laundry a week for a family of 6.
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I do 6 loads myself for me, hubby and two little girls. I have teenage boys who do their own laundry do total at least 10 loads a week at my house, more if we wash sheets and blankets!!
We do like 2-3 load a week.
I am following you on twitter, I like you on facebook, and i signed up for emails!
I do 3-4 loads of laundry per week for the 2 of us.
wow…a load a day…or more!!! NO KIDDING…i have both machines running right now, and clothes to fold, and more to put away….every day!! This would be great!
We are up to 4-6 loads of laundry a week for our family of 4.
2 loads per week
6 loads of laundry
I usually do about 4 loads a week.
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I do about 5 – 8 loads a week for our family of 5. We do have the “big” front loader machines which can hold a lot more than the regular ones.
I do about 6 loads a week minimum…it never ends!
I do probably 8 to 10 loads each week. We are a family of 6 and I am the only girl. Boys are dirty!
I usually do 7-8 loads. Whites, browns, darks, jeans-sweatshirts,towels, sheets-kids and ours,
and the dog blankets. I will usually spread it out so I’m not doing it all in one day.
I usually do 6-7 loads of laundry per week. These are AWESOME coupons. Would love to win!
We do at least 9 loads every week. Crazy to even think about how many we are doing every week. Thanks for the chance to win.
Roughly 6 loads a week.
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I do 4-5 loads of laundry a week.
I do at least 4 loads a week. If my almost 8 month old is a bit more messy. . it ups the loads.
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i want these coupons, hope i win
hope i win
I do 3-4 loads a week for myself and my fiance. I would love to win these coupons! I was thrilled to get this one in my sunday paper :o)
I do 3-4 loads a week!
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We do a minimum of eight loads a week, sometimes more!!!
eight is a good number here, i don’t like having dirty clothes sitting around so i wash every couple of days.
e mail subscriber
i do 4 to 5 loads per week.
I figure Ido about 9 loads a week. Wow that’s alot!
I do 6-8 loads of laundry a week!
We do 4-5 loads a week with a family of 3. Yuck!
i do 7 loads a week.
I do about 4 loads a week…I dont mind washing the clothes, I just wish there was a machine to fold them
I’m down to 4 loads of laundry a week.
Personally, I do 2 loads of laundry per week. Both my teen boys do their own laundry…when I’m not home…so, I have no clue how many loads they do.
we have a tiny all in one washer so i do at least 7 loads a week and there are only THREE of us i know not very green. I do hang dry though
I check your site every day for new deals and ideas. Love it!! I try to do my laundry only once a week, so it often ends up being 7-8 loads for my husband and I.
We do about 6-7 loads a week.
I am an email subscriber.
I would have 2 loads a week.
I generally do 2 loads a week.
We do at least 6 a week!
I do about 6 loads a week. But I actually like laundry– the actual doing of the laundry only takes a few minutes, and I catch up on DVR shows while I’m folding. It feels like a treat!
I do about 6 loads a week for a family of 4. My kids wear uniforms so it seems I am always washing for school!
We do 5 loads of laundry, six on weeks we wash extras (comforters, curtains, sheets)
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Same here 6 loads family of five. Thank goodness for coupons otherwise it could get pricey.
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We wash at least 7-10 loads a week. My husband is a part time massage therapist on top of his full time job…so we are washing at least 2 loads of just sheets each week.:( Gain dryer sheets would make the sheets smell so pretty for those getting a much needed massage!
i do about 2-4 loads of laundry a week.
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I think somewhere around 5-7. more in the summer because of all the icky sweat!
I dos about 8 loads of laundry a week. I wash a lot of sports uniforms and practice clothes.
We usually do 4 loads of wash per week.
Wow, we do about 8 to 9 loads a week. FOr a family of 5! My 2 oldest do their own laundry, and I do my youngest. It’s a lot of loads, but is less work for me, and at the end of the day, that’s what counts! lollol
At least 5 loads a week, minimum!
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we do about 4 loads for a family of 4.