Last year I had the opportunity to help sponsor a family’s Christmas. This year I am happy to report that I was able to do the same this year thanks to the help from Sears. Sears sent me a $200 gift card to check out its convenience. See, you can actually use ONE Sears gift card in six different places. You can use it at Sears, Kmart and Land’s End stores as well as online. That’s six different places PLUS the gift card never expires and there are no fees attached to the card.
So, I took this card and used it to buy gifts for a family in need. I got in touch with my local Salvation Army and got a wish list for a family of five: Mom, Dad and three boys. I figured I had $40 to spend per person and let me tell you I did very well. I started my shopping from the comfort of my own home. I bought two items of clothing for the Dad and one item of clothing plus a perfume for the mom on the Sears website. For the boys I decided to visit my local Kmart. I took advantage of toy sales and coupons and was able to buy toys for all three kids. Plus the pajamas were 40% off so each child also got a pair of pajamas. I did so well in fact that I had $4 left on the card and I used it to buy this winter hat for myself on the Land’s End website last night.
Win It!
Right now, Sears wants to help two of my readers round up the rest of their holiday shopping by sponsoring the giveaway of two of these Sears/Kmart/Land’s End gift cards with a value of $50 each.
There are four ways to enter this giveaway:
1) Leave a comment sharing where of all six choices you think you would spend this gift card if you were to win it.
2) Follow me on Twitter and tweet the following: “I just entered to win one of two $50 Sears GCs, you should try your luck too, click here via @commnsensemoney”
3) Become a Facebook Fan of Common Sense with Money and share this with your own Facebook Friends “I just entered to win one of two $50 Sears GCs, you should try your luck too, click here”
4) Share about this giveaway with your own blog readers. Remember to leave me a separate comment sharing the link to your post.
This way you can earn up to four entries. Just please remember to come back and leave me a separate comment for each additional action you have taken (leave comment, share on Twitter, share on Facebook, etc).
If you are reading this entry via email updates or via RSS reader please CLICK HERE to visit my blog to enter. Emailing me is not a valid entry for this giveaway. This giveaway is open to residents of the United States only. Please enter only if you are 18 years or older. This giveaway ends on 12/18 at 9PM CST. At that time I will close the giveaway and select two winners randomly.
I would use it at K Mart. I really wish they would have another dbl coupon promotion!
And shared on facebook. Here
I would totally go to K-Mart. I love that store, but haven’t had much of a chance to go recently.
I follow you on Twitter and tweeted your giveaway at
posted on twitter
I would spend it at sears! They always have really great deals on clothes!
I would use it at Lands End to replace the jacket I bought my dad for Christmas last year. We were in a car wreck, and he was wearing the coat..
I would love to go to KMart!
I would probably use it at or
I follow you on twitter and i tweeted! (@danimcgarry)
I am a facebook fan and i talked about this giveaway!
I would use it at Sears. I love their Canyon River Blues jeans! Great quality at a GREAT price.
I would use it at any of the online options. Shopping in my pjs is the best!
This is the way to shop.
I would use it at Sears! I’m shopping for new appliances!
Great idea about contacting Salvation Army! I would use it at Sears.
Just tweeted the contest, fanned on facebook and shared with my fans, and am now leaving a comment!
I would definitely use on because I can also get Bing cash back when I shop there online. I recently saved $115 on a new tv that we purchased because we shopped online!
I follow you on Twitter & posted:
If I win I would use it at sears to buy some tools for my hubby.
I’m a facebook fan & posted this link!
I would spend it at KMart.
I would spend it at Kmart. If I did not use it right away, I would wait for the next double coupon week (hopefully we have another one) and would probably get a ton of stuff!
Land’s End would be my choice. Thanks!
I would spend it at Lands End, I love their stuff.
I would use this at Lands End, love that store:-)
Tough choice because I love Sears, Kmart and Lands End! I would have said I would spend it at KMart but since you had posted about the Lands End scarf deal last week I would say I would shop there too. They had great prices on cute items!
Lila B I would buy online at Land’s End, I love their quality, but don’t have the budget to buy from there very often!
Definitely Land’s End. Nothing compares to their quality…. and they’ve been running some pretty sweet 25% off with free shipping sales lately.
Thank you!!
I would use it to buy baby gear at Sears for our first baby expected in March.
I would use it at Kmart.
I would go to Kmart cause they have the greatest deals on kids clothes. Also I would see if Sears was running any good deals on suits. You don’t know how badly my husband needs a new suit!!
I would use it to helo my daughter who is single with two children. She is finishing school and this would help so much with Diapers and such…. Thanks so much for the chance to enter!
Thanks! I would use it at Lands End.
I would use it at Kmart
I follow you on twitter
Great giveaway! Thank you and Merry Christmas!
I am a facebook fan
No KMarts here so I’d use it at Sears!!
I follow you on twitter and tweeted about this giveaway
I’d probably spend it getting last minute toys at Kmart
I would pick Sears and buy my husband some tools to use in our new house we just purchased!
I would use it at Kmart. They have great deals on toys!
I would probably spend it at Kmart or Sears. Both have great deals on things for kids!
I would use it on Land’s End – they have some really great sales going on right now!
I shared this on facebook
I would spend it at Kmart
I would use this at Sears! What a great Christmas giveaway!
Kmart!!! I love that store!
We would use it at Sears.
I would use it at Sears.
Ugh I LOVE shopping Sears online! It’s so addicting!
Following @CommnSenseMoney and sent out a tweet
I would go to Sears to buy stuff for my newborn( due in May :)…Sears has the best collection of kid’s clothes + stuff @ amazing prices.
Just to make sure I’m entered, here is my tweet:
I would more than likely use it at KMart.
I’m following you and posted new status.
I am a facebook fan.
I would probably use it online to score the best deals at which ever stores have the best deals. I love the $2.99 scark I got my daughter from Lands End!
I’d probably spend it at Kmart. We still need a few items for our 9 month old, and they have some great deals on toys right now.
I think I’d probably spend it at Kmart, because we have a Big K with a good variety of stuff! Thanks for the giveaway!
Misty (
I would probably go to Sears and buy some tools for my husband.
I’d spend it on Land’s End merchandise at Sears!
I also just Tweeted about your giveaway ( Thanks again!
Misty (
I would use it at kmart and/or landsend. I love landsend clothes. they last forever….
Thanks for the opportunity! I would use it at Sears. They have just about everything there!
I’d love to find good deals on winter coats and gloves for my kids for next year.
Sears – My hubby loves Craftsman toolds!
I’m a facebook fan.
I am a face book fan..Lol
If I win, I am going to SEARS and buy nice clothes to my two little boys!
I am definitely go to Sears.
This would be fun to win! Thanks for all you do. I would go to land’s end.
I would probably use it in the Land’s End section of my local Sears, and a little at Kmart.
I will tweet and am a Facebook fan.
I’ll go to Kmart… toys for my boy.
I’d shop at Land’s End. I got the scarf that was on sale awhile ago, and was very impressed with the quality. I’d love to get my daughter some boots!
I would use it at Lands End
I would go to Kmart. They have a great selection of clothes for my boys and we found some fleece lined jeans for my little guy that I would love to get for both of my boys. I love their selection of clothes for the little kids
I would use it at sears! A new coat would be nice and they have the one I realllly want!
I would use the card at Sears.
I follow on twitter and tweeted!
I am a FB fan!
I would use it at Sears.
I would spend most of it a Kmart – it’s right down the street from me.
I would spent it wherever would have the best deal on a carseat for my baby! My guess would be online:)
I would spend it at Sears…love those DOckers!
i would probably use it at Kmart or Land’s End
Definitely at Sears. My husband loves Craftsman!
i tweeted
facebook fan
I’m a Land’s End girl so I’d spend the majority of it on their website and with the remainder I’d snag some laundry detergent at K-Mart. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I’d go to K-Mart and buy something for the kiddos.
I would probably spend it at Sears!
I would buy my grandchildren new coats….
I tweeted at
I would use it at Lands End. The quality of their merchandise is outstanding!
I would shop at Sears…I love their Kidvantage program!
I would spend it at Lands End! Their merchandise is of outstanding quaility!
I would probably go to Kmart cause they have had so many good deals on toys lately!
I would go to K-Mart – they have a couple of DVDs I have to get for my Mom.
I would love to go to Sears.
I would probably use it at sears. Thanks for the chance to win!
I would use it at Lands End. Great PJ’s
second choice would be KMART-toys department
happy holidays
I would actually give it to a family member who has taken in a teenager, who lost her mother to cancer. The family already has 6 kids & are struggling to make ends meet as it is, so I think this would be a fabulous way to make their Christmas a little bit easier. It’s about giving, not getting!
I would spend it at Sears! We desperately need a new washer/dryer set!!!
I would use it at We did most of our Christmas shopping there thanks to discounts and free shipping. Now I could buy something for myself! Thanks.
I would take it to the K-Mart right down the road from me and buy a couple of last minute stocking stuffers for my brood, as well as a toy or two for a local charity.
i would use it at Kmart!! always great bargains there! thanks
I would probably go to Sears since they have everything! Thanks!
I would love to get a gift card! I would save it for shoes for my kids!
I am also a Facebook fan.
Lands End online — thanks for the tip on the Robeez booties through their store. Those make great baby presents!
I am a Facebook fan!
I would buy a gift for my preschooler for christmas!
white twin bed ruffle!
4 turtlenecks
4 pants
I would love to spend this at Kmart!!
I would shop at Sears. I’m sure I could get a lot with $50!
I tweeted about your giveaway!
Sears for my husband or Landend for my kids.
Maybe Kmart depending on what I was looking for at the time.
I would use it at sears to buy tools for my husband and at kmart for my girls!
Sear, Tools, Husband, need I say more!
Landsend all the WAY!
I would love to use it at Sears! Or
I always find great clearance at Kmart especially kids clothes and I could buy tools for my husband at Sears
Sears!!!! All the way…
I would go to sears and combine with a coupon
I follow you on Twitter and tweeted your giveaway at
Kmart for sure.
I follow on twitter and twitted about it!
I think I would spend it at Sears!
Fan on facebook and shared it!
Sears, thanks
I’d use the gift card at Sears.
I am a Facebook Fan of Common Sense with Money and I shared this!
I would use it at Kmart. Thanks!
I would choose to shop at Kmart if I won the gift card.
I shared on FB.
Either or It would be a major blessing!
I would spend it at Sears.
I blogged
Just posted on facebook
thanks again for the opportunity!
I’d immediately go to Sears…I would love to use it toward the energy efficient washer/dryer we are going to purchase in the new year!!!!
I would use it at Kmart,I think that it would stretch a bit farther,thank you!
Definitely will use it at Kmart!
I would use the card at Sears.
i would spend it at the sears store!
i also shared on face book!
I would probably use it at my local Kmart!
I would spend it at Sears!
I would love to spend it at sears! Thanks for the opportunity!
At K-mart!!!! Hopefully they have more doubles!!!
I would love to use it at Kmart. Between sale prices and coupons I could buy a LOT! Thanks!
I would use it at Landsend. Thanks
I subscribe to emails. Great give away!
I would love to use a GC at Sears! I LOVE that place!
Shared on Facebook! Thanks!
I’d go shopping at KMart. Thanks for the great giveaway!
If I won this I would definately spend it at Sears. My twins need winter clothing since we live in Florida and they are attending college in New York!! BRRRRRRR!!!
I’d use it at Sears probably.
I follow you on Twitter and I tweeted about thig giveaway – @icalledonjesus
I would spend it at either stores or maybe on-line it all depends on the sales that interest me!!
Following & Tweeted
I would love to win this I do have to shop at sears soon.
If I would win I would spend it at Lands End because I absolutely love their high quality clothing! Thank you for the opportunity!
I would spend online and after reading your story I feel inspired to help someone else that could use the items more than me fulfilling what I’d want for myself from a “wish list”.
Definitely Lands End – I love their clothes and found a swimsuit there that ACTUALLY looks good on me!
I am a facebook fan. I would use the card at Kmart on my grandchildren!
I would go to Sears.
I would use it at k-mart
I think I would spend the gift card at Sears…we are moving into a new house and need lots of stuff! Thanks.
Sears, definitely. The girls need new comforters for their beds.
I think I’d use it online since we don’t live close to the stores.
I’d use it at Sears to buy some last minute gifts like stocking stuffers and such.
I can’t decide. I would want to use it at all of the stores.
I would use it at Sears!!!!!
I would go to Sears for some tool shopping for hubby!
I would probably spend it all at Sears. I really love their selection of toys and clothing. It seems to get bigger every year.
I follow you on twitter!
I would use it at Sears in my local mall. That way I could shop and take home immediately to be wrapped for Christmas.
I’m a facebook fan!
I would probably do since we live an hour from the store…
I would use it at Someone in my house can always use some winter clothing.
I will use in sears for printer or land ends for my uniform. Happy Holidays
I’d go to Sears, I have a Kenmore vacuum and can only get the bags there, which is annoying. Their kids’ clothes are really good quality and I could use some new towels too. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would use it at Sears. I follow your blog on Google Reader!
I’d use it at Sears. 95% of my husband’s tools were stolen in February and we haven’t replaced many yet. $50 would get him started =-)
I would definitely be spending mine on some bedding from Sears.
I would love to use it at kmart and Sears! hmm..IF I win that is!!
I would spend it at Sears the actual store.
I need some new work clothes.
jennifer6183 (a)
Love Sears. Thanks.
I am facebook fan
I am a facebook fan
I’m also a subscriber – Ya-Hooooo!!!
I’m all about SEARS!!!
Oh, Sears and our local Kmart would definitely get our business with the help of this gift card. And it would be such a blessing this time of year!!!
Thanks for this giveaway. I would most likely use this at Sears to buy a nice pair of warm gloves and the rest at Kmart to buy some household items like laundry detergent, etc as this time of year is tough with all of the bills and the holiday.
For some reason this form would not leat me enter my name and email, so I will put it here.
Kate J.
I would probably go to the local Sears store. Spend it on CLEARANCE!!
I’m a FB Fan.
My Facebook is RobertandDenise Wilson, by the way…
Lands End is my favorite.
I would spend it online at lands end.
I LOVE Lands End, but like shopping at all of them!!!!!
I would spread it around. K-Mart for pantry items and toiletries, Lands End and Sears for clothes.
i wouuld most likely spend it at sears-kids stuff, toys,myself, charity-anything would be great.
I would use it at either Sears or Lands End! Thanks!
I would probably use it in Sears, my husband loves Craftsman tools.
No Kmarts in TX anymore so I’d use it at Sears to buy baking supplies — mixing bowls, measuring cups, new pots and pans!
If I were to win the gift card I would probably spend it at my local sears as well as go online to see what Kmart is offering since we don’t have a Kmart here. Thanks for the giveaweay
I would use it at Sears and Kmart. Thanks for the giveway.
I tweeted out this on twitter.
I would love to win Sears or Kmart cards. Thanks.
I would use it at, Sears store, or and
If I won, I would love to do some shopping at Sears — a little something for the whole family there, I’ve always felt. Tools for my hubby, a few kitchen items for me, a toy or a couple of books for our son, and some clothes for everyone.:o)
I’d use it at Kmart- it’s right down the road and very convinient
I am a fan on facebook and I shared the giveway on Facebook
I’m following you on twitter and tweeted.
I’d stock up on laundry soap & toilet tissue at K Mart!
Lands End hands down. But on their clearance items only.
I would give it to one of my two close family members who lost their jobs, one just today! Neither one has money to put toward their kids this year for Christmas.
posted on my blog
I would use it at sears to buy paint for our basement!
I would spend it at Sears!!!!
I would probably spend it at Kmart to buy toys.
Sears and Kmart! I’m expecting my first child and would love to start looking into the nursery. Thank you!
I would stick to Sears and Kmart, never find anything I like at Land’s End.
I’m a Land’s End and Sears girl myself.
I would use it at Kmart.
Thanks for doing the giveaway!
i would use it at our local sears to buy birthday gifts all year long
Hmm tough one, but may head straight to Sears electronic section haha
Linda Shifflett
I would go shopping at Sears during one of their great sales.
HI!! I retweeted about this giveaway!!! Thanks!!
Sears is my favorite place with many good bargains.
I would use it at Kmart!!
I would love to use the sears giftcard at sears to buy my little guy a new suit. They have super cute boys’ suits that are high quality and less expensive than other department stores!
I am a fan on facebook.
I would use it at Sears. Thanks!
I’m going to Kmart too!
I’d like to get a winter coat at Lands End.
@tcarolinep follower
FB fan@tcarolinep JessieKatie S. and shared
I would probably use it at Kmart, though it’s been awhile since I’ve shopped there.
I shared on Twitter! laurareamsdavis
I love Lands End so I would use the GC to shop the after-Christmas clearance there. Thanks for the chance to win!
I follow you on twitter (WendiP) and tweeted:
Thanks again for the chance to win!
Are you kidding me?!!! I would completely spend it all at Kmart! I live less than 3 miles from a good blue special. I don’t know about other Kmarts, but ours runs amazing clearance specials. Last summer I got a Martha Stewart 12 peice bedding set (king size) for $14. I even managed to get the matching pillows for $1.24! I love it!
I would love to go to sears and spend money. I will buy the gift for my friend and my family.
I will follow you on Twitter and facebook too.
I would use the gift card at either or our local kmart. I have a few more gifts to purchase and this would help out with the extra gifts!
I would definitely use this gift card on Lands End. From a post last week I found this website and they have some great looking clothing and shoes for Little Girls!
Let me see I would probably shop at Land’s End online with this gift card! Great giveaway!
Maggie M.
I would buy detgerent and fabric softner for the local shelter.
I am a fan on Facebook, thank you!
Maggie Mason
I would use this gift card at Sears online! Great giveaway, thank you!
Jen A.
I would buy my son something probably from Kmart. Then with the left over I would also use lots of my coupons to get stuff to donate to some local charities.
Thanks so much for offering.
I would spend it at KMart. There’s a dollhouse I’ve been eyeing there.
I would shop at kmart. We get a lot of toys there.
I would spend it at Kmart – I love Kmart
I follow on twitter & tweeted
Hello! Season Greetings. I have only done this one other time on another blog but thought it might be fun to see if I would win something (which does not seem to be my luck). LOL :o). I am hoping to win so that I can give this gift card to my new husband. We have only been married since May and this will be our first Christmas together. This would be a very nice stocking stuffer. I am sure he will run to Sears store and spend it quickly!
Thanks for the opportunity to win- God Bless and Merry Christmas
This would totally help me finish my shopping.
I would probably use it at Sears – DH can never have too many tools :o)
I’d spend the bulk of it at Sears and donate needed tools/supplies to our local Habitat for Humanity, and with a small amount I’d get my 3 year old triplets some better winter hats/gloves at Lands End, since my purse was taken a week ago, there is less to go around for us right now.
I follow you on Twitter and I tweeeted!
I would go to Kmart. You can get gifts as well as food there which is very convenient.
I would spend it at sears and buy some tools for my husband. We aren’t buy each other gifts this year only buying some stuff for our daughter.
I would shop at K-mart!
of the 6 places to use the card i would most likely use it at kmart to get those last minute gifts for my 8 month old son.
I would probably spend it at Lands’ End, I think they have terrific sales!
I would love to win a giftcard to finish my shopping at Kmart and Sears. Thanks for the opportunity.
I would love to use it at Lands End. I love the quality.
I would spend mine at Sears, probably on something very practical like my car.
i would go to kmart and do a little shopping. i would also use it at kmart online because they have some deals online that are not in store
Just posted the link to my twitter page
just posted on facebook
I just entered to win one of two $50 Sears GCs, you should try your luck too, click here via @commnsensemoney
would love to use this at Kmart to pay for tax during coupon doubles or for clearance toys!
Kmart- double coupon days!
shared on facebook
I would use it at Kmart – so many good deals!
I would use it at Sears to replace my TV that just died
I would use it at K-Mart for after-Christmas deals.
kjmete I just entered to win one of two $50 Sears GCs, you should try your luck too, click here via @commnsensemoney
less than 5 seconds ago from web
If I were to win this, I’d give it to my parents! My Dad is currently unemployed, and I know they could use the boost of a giftcard–they would definitely use it at Sears and Kmart. Thanks so much for the opportunity ;-))
i would go to Kmart
I would shop at Kmart:)
I would use it at Kmart for pajamas.
Just posted on my blog as well.
I’m a subscriber
I would use it on new work clothes for dh from Sears.
Would definitely spend at KMART!
I tweeted~!
Sears all the way!
I would probably hunt for clearance bargains at Lands End online and also get gifts at Sears & KMart.
If I get them I’ll buy my own Bday presnet and groceries…
Sears. Their jeans really wear well for my two daughters and my husband.
I just became a facebook fan and posted on my wall!
I would use it at a Sears B&M store to buy the chainsaw DH so desperately wants. It wouldn’t cover all of it, but it would make a big dent in the price
I would use the gift card at Sears. It would be great to get my husband some new tools. Thanks for the chance.
I would love to have the Lands End Gift Card. My mom loves Lands End and I’m still needing a few things for her for Christmas.
I would use the gift card at Kmart.
I’d love to win this. I’d probably use it at Kmart
i tweeted about your giveaway.
I subscribe via RSS feed.
Lands end… need some gloves!
facebook fan
I would spend it at sears. They have really great deals on clothes and shoes and toys.Lands end is the best brand .My daughter has been asking for boots and I would like to buy that for her.
I would use it at Lands End for winter clothes for my kids.
I think I would shop at Sears
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I shared on Twitter.
I would spend this gift certificate at Sears.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I shared on Facebook.
If I win this gift card, I would spend it at KMart for Toys, for our local Fire Dept. Spark of Love. They are short 1000 gifts this year!
i tweeted~!
I would do a couple of toy deals at Kmart, then probably spend the rest of it at Sears.
i shared on facebook!
I would spend it at sears and/or…
I would use it at Kmart since I live close to one and they have a good toy selection.
I just tweeted the giveaway!
I would probably use it at the sears store although I am closer to k-mart
I would use it at SEARS or to buy my oldest ds who is 10 1/2 some new Lands End cargo climber pants. He is growing like a weed. These are his fav pants because the waist adjusts on outside with a belt not inside. My boys hate interior adjustable waist bands because they pinch. Anyway, these pants are reg. around $25. I try to get them when I can on sale but sometimes he needs pants before there is a good sale.
i am a fan on facebook and i shared the giveaway with my friends.
I would use it at the B&M Sears to buy a new water filter for my fridge
I would love to win the gift card and use it at Sears. I love their tool department for all of the men in my life, my husband, father, father in law, brother in law…you get the picture!
I would probably use
I just posted this giveaway on Facebook.
Kmart! I would definitely go to Kmart (which is 30 miles from my house) because it’s so fresh to see items that aren’t everywhere else
I think I would use it in store at K-Mart. Go for the toy deal!
I would probably use it on line at Land’s End – there is so much more on line than at the store.
My tweet:
I would probably use it an!
Facebook Fan, Yay!
I would use this at KMART. I could really use an extra $50.
Definitely at Landes End!
I would go shopping in my PJs at!
I would shop at Sears. Thanks for the opportunity.
I would spend it all at Sears.
I would use it at Sears – they sell tools for my hubby!
I would shop at sears and k-mart. Both stores have been having a lot of great sales.
I would so love to spend this at Kmart they have some great deals there!
I would love to win this card to shop at Sears and K-Mart. Merry Christmas to you!
i’m a subscriber on facebook and shared with all my friends
lands end always has some cute things online, but the local sears has some great holiday deals! i would be so excited to win!
I would visit the sears store and purchase some craftsman tools for my husband and father-in-law. It’s the only brand they will use. thanks.
Kmart for sure. I’d hold on to the gift card and will use it when Kmart has their double coupon promotion again next year. Soon I hope!
I would go to Kmart!
I would go to Kmart and stock up on the tons of things I hate to spend money on like toilet paper and paper towels!
Kmart and Sears stores
I would use it at Sears and/or Kmart depending on the deals!
I would shop at my favorite store Sears. I can get a couple of light coats for the children and a new hammer my husband needs.
I’d find some sale or clearance items at Landsend.
I would probably go to Kmart and get a little table and chairs set for my daughter, thanks!
tweet, thanks!
I am a facebook fan and posted it in my updates for my friends to see.
I shared on facebook – I’m Idaho Jill, thanks!
totally craftsman tools
I would use it at in-store at Kmart either on food or on toys since Kmart has been having some really good toy sales recently.
I would love to use one of these gift cards at Kmart to buy birthday presents for my turning 3 year old next month!
I love that Kmart carries the new Country Living line and would probably use it there.
I would love to use this gift card at Kmart, since they have a great baby section, kid’s clothes, and toy selection. We are expecting our 2nd child next May.
I Facebooked, I tweeted, I comment: I would use it at KMart since I have bought nothing for my 7 year old daughter yet. She made a list for Santa yesterday and he needs to pull through.
I would spend it at Sears and Kmart to help finish our new room in basement, since we are expecting our 2nd child next May.
Following you on Twitter and tweeted!
i would likely spend it a Kmart!
I would most likely spend it in Sears. I get my boys pictures taken there all the time! It would be fun to pick out a few sale items to stretch the gift card! =) Thanks for a great giveaway!
I would use the card at Lands End…their sweaters and shirts are very nice and hold up so well.
I would spend it at sears – love them!
I’d probably enjoy using it at Land’s End most of all. Thanks for offering this!
I would spend it at Sears on some kids clothing. I love there KidsAdvantage program. Last year I bought my 2 sons each some jeans and just a few months ago they had holes at the knees so I returned them and got 2 new jeans for FREE.
I would use this gift card at sears and kmart! Maybe even online at those two stores! What an awesome giveaway!
I tweeted!
I would love to win!
I would use this at Sears as we do not have a Kmart in Houston.
I would use it at Sears and K-Mart. Hope I win!
Sears would be my choice. Thanks!
I love Lands End clothing and would enjoy spending it on kids’ clothing there.
I would use it at Sears or Land’s End…most likely online in their clearance area or at the store
I would use at sears and lands end!
I would finish up at LandsEnd and at Sears for the remainder of our Christmas items.
I tweeted.
I love Sears. They have the best baby stuff. I would probably spend it all there!
I would spend it at Land’s End. I’m loving a vest from there and would get some for family members …
I think I’d use it at Kmart and stock up on a bunch of household needs.
I would def. be spending it at Sears in the mall!! Oh man, the possiblilies!! This could really be a great thing to win!!! fingers crossed!!
sheilacapell at hotmail dot com
Pam Jordan
I would use at K-Mart on food items. I have been unemployed for a while and then became ill. I would say this is the hardest week we have had with keeping us fed.
Thanks for all you do. All of your advice helped trying to stretch every penney.
I follow you on twitter and tweeted:
sheilacapell at hotmail dot com
I would use it at Sears. There is so much to get there!
I’m a fan on facebook and I posted for my friends to check it out.
sheilacapell at hotmail dot com
I would use this at Sears–both the store and online.
Your hat is adorable! I’ll probably use it at the Sears or Kmart store!
I would probably use it at KMart during one their awesome coupon doubling events.
I would use it at both Sears and Kmart. I really am in need of a tv wall mount for the plasma tv I picked up on BF.
I would check out Land’s End for some winter clogs, but probably end up spending it at Sears
I would love to spend it at Land’s End especially since the winter sales have started.
katferr1 at yahoo dot com
I love Land’s End, I would use it there.
I would use it at K-mart. I’m loving your great giveaways!
I would use it at Land’s End for slippers for my family1
I have never bought anything from Land’s End, so it would be neat to check out their website. I might also spend some of it at KMart, because it is a great store.
I would love to have Sears… I am moving in the spring and will need ‘spring fix-up things’…..
I would definitely use it to buy some clearance clothing at Sears! for sure. I’ve been eyeing some shoes on their website for awhile now.
I would use it at Sears for either baby stuff for my son or new clothes/shoes for me!
I would spend it at the Kmart store near my home.
I would go to SEARS because they have good clothes that lasts.
I’d use it at a Sears store.
I would spend this at Sears.
I love the Salvation Army idea you used. I’m doing Angel Tree, and I would purchase an Angel Tree gift for my child at Sears.
I tweeted! JNethon
Definitely KMart! Have one close by.
Definitely KMart
Definitely KMart! Have one nearby.
I would go to Sears or Kmart. My husband likes Craftman tools and you can get them at either one of those stores.
Sears! My husband needs new tools and they have the best!
I’d probably end up at Kmart using the card or shopping online at Amazon.
I would put it toward the snowthrower attachment that my husband wants!
Thanks much!
I’m a twitter follower & I tweeted.
I would definitely use it at Land’s End because of their great quality kids clothes that my daughter could use! Merry Christmas
I’m a facebook fan & I posted!
I would use it at Sears!
I would spend it at my local Kmart.
I’d probably use it at KMart.
I’d shop at our local Sears.
I’d use it in store at Land’s End
i tweeted
Kmart all the way!
I would probably spend it at Kmart or Sears for the best deals.
I would love to win the Kmart/Sears gift card and would use it online at Lands End.
I would probably go to Kmart or online…I am currently looking for a desk for my daughter’s room and this card would help me to afford something a bit more durable.
Sears! I most most of the kids clothing there and love their kidvantage program!
Sears, definately. I’ve had my eye on a new pressure washer.
Thank you
Fan on FB! My friends love it!
Sears! tools for our house renovation
I’d use the giftcard at
I would go to Kmart, to get presents for my kids…….haven’t had the chance to get them anything due to job loss so this would be great!!
I would use it at Sear’s to buy my husband more tools for his job.
I put it on facebook for all of my friends!
I follow you on Twitter and twittered about the contest
My husbands birthday is right after Christmas and I would love to buy him some tools at Sears. Some camping gear at Land’s End for our family would be great too!
I would probably head to a Kmart store since they are still around down here in the south! Or order from! Thanks
I would shop at Kmart to get some amazing deals on toys.
I would use it at K-mart
I’d probably use it at my local Sears or Kmart.
I would use most of it at and some at Sears!
I would use the card at I love their stuff!
Blog post:
I would use it at I love their stuff!
I’d use it at Sears! Thanks!
I would use it at Sears, of course looking for sale items. Thanks!
Maybe Sears ’cause Momma wants a dishwasher for Christmas. We sponsored three 4 year old girls through Salvation Army this year. I didn’t have the energy to try to be frugal with it, but we ended up with 5 outfits, 1 pjs, 1 pack of socks, underwear, and hairbows, a pair of winter boots, a pair of tennis shoes, a Barbie toothbrush, and bathtub paint. For each girl. My 3 year old helped with the shopping. I did get the toothbrushes free at Walgreens this week. Feels great and wanted to share!
Oh my goodness, I’d definitely spend it all at Sears. My husband LOVES Sears!
Hi Mercedes,
Merry Christmas! Wow… with $200 I think I would spend most of it at K-mart get household items (I need a few new appliances) but it sure would be fun to buy something at Lands End!
Pick Me!
I would probably use it at Lands End
i would use it at kmart. merry christmas!
I would use it at Sears!! Thanks for you site
I would use it at Sears. My husband would love some new tools for Christmas!
I would use it at Lands End.
denise_22315 at yahoo dot com
I follow as wiscmom24 on Twitter and tweeted.
denise_22315 at yahoo dot com
I left a tweet in Twitter
I would spend it at Sears for some warm sweaters
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
Stephanie P.
I would wait for super doubles to come back and totally use it at KMart!
following on twitter and tweeted
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
I would use this at Sears.
I’d go to Lands End.
I would spend it at KMart. They have the best deals!
I am a facebook fan.
i would love to win this it would help out
I would spend it at Kmart on coupon doubling days!
I’d go to Sears and get a freezer so I could finally do some batch cooking!
I would definitely use the gift card on Land’s End’s website. I LOVE their kids clothes. They wash well and have interesting colors.
I would use it online at sears, to buy some ornaments for my christmas tree! It looks quite empty.
I would spend it at Sears!
I would by a digital camera for my daughter as she desperately wants one. I would get it from either Kmart or Sears or online at whichever has the best deal. They are all great choices.
Have a happy and safe holiday season!
I would spend it at sears.
I would use it at Kmart to buy my daughter new clothing being as she has lost so much weight this last year. I have spent $100 this month so far and that has not gone very far for an 18 year old lol.
I would go to Kmart and stock up on some essentials we need.
follow and tweeted. . .
I would go to Sears, baby!
I would spend it at Sears. I am collecting flashlights that you shake to charge the batteries to send to Ghana School Children. That would really help!
I signed up as a fan of common sense with money on Facebook.
I would spend it at Sears and Kmart.
I would probably spend it at Sears
I’d probably use it in-store at Kmart.
I’d spend it at Kmart!
I would go for Sears!
Nice idea to contact the Salvation Army. We contacted our local elementary school and spoke to the counselor there and she gladly gave us the names and addresses of some needy families. We are the “Society of Secret Santas” and the only condition is that we deliver all gifts anonymously…..left on the porch for a surprise! It is so fun! Thanks for the giveaway! I tweeted and follow.
I would love the Sears card for new boots for my kids.
I would probably spend this at Sears!
No KMart nearby so it would be Sears for me.
I am a brick and mortor girl, so it would definately in store!
I would use it at Kmart!
If I won, I would definitely use at Sears. My husband can always use tools.
K-Mart they have everything I need there!
I would use it at Sears! Thanks!
I would use it at Sears!
I would take my hubby to Sears. He is getting a new tool chest for Christmas and would love to get something to go inside! Thanks for the giveaway!!!
I’d spend it at Sears or at if I could get free shipping!
I would go to Kmart. The one close to me is going to close so I know there will be some deals to be found!
I would spend it at Sears or Land’s End. My growing kids always need new clothes!
Easy…SEARS is where that would get spent!! One of my hubby’s favorite stores!
i would use @kmart as i seem to always need simple household items[ as we have family of 6]…towels,storge,dishes kitchen appliances,ect
If I were to win one of the $50 gift cards, I would use it at Sears.
I would probably shop at Sears and buy a Wii!
I am a Facebook fan and I shared this great gift card giveaway on my Facebook page.
I tweeted!
I did not try IE, but had tried FF earlier today, about 1 hour in between times, sorry it’s so late to try again, just getting back here. The three comment criteria boxes were missing before, but they are fine now! I follow you on twitter, and tweeted, as well posted to my fb page would use a sears card!…
have a blessed evening!
I (@cspring31971) follow you on Twitter and I tweeted about the giveaway of the 2 $50 Gift Cards. Thank you for providing the opportunity to win one of these great prizes.
I would have to say Kmart…they have had a lot of great deals lately
have to be K mart! i love that place.
alwaysatryin at
I would use it at Sears
Love Land’s end … will use it there.
I would use this at Kmart.
I would use it at Sear’s for clothes for my children.
i would use the gift card at kmart it’s the best in my opinion you could strech a dollar really far
I would put this gift card in my sons stocking so he had something for Christmas…and he would probably choose K-Mart for his shopping spree.
I would use this gift card at K-Mart or on-line. That is awesome all the great things you got fot the family! Thanks. Nikki
I would use it online at Sears!
I follow you on twitter & here’s my tweet:
I’m a Facebook fan & I shared w/my friends:
Would I be able to spend half @ Sears and half @ Kmart?
thanks for the opportunity to win this!
already following on twitter and tweeted the giveaway @faith4eternity
Thanks for the opportunity to win this!
already a fan on facebook and shared the giveaway with family/friends on FB.
Thanks for the opportunity to win this!
If I won I would spend it at Kmart and Lands In.
Thanks for all you do
Blogged about this giveaway to my readers at:
Thanks for the opportunity to win this!
I would use this gift card at Sears.
Sears for sure – where else can you get great tools for dh & lands end clothes for me! (and dd)
I’d use it at Sears for my birthday next month.
I would use it at Sears!
I would love this gift! I’d use it on-line at Sears & Lands End.
I could purchase the drill my husband would like for Christmas at Sears!
I would love to shop online at Sears using the gift card. I have never shopped on-line before and this would give me the opportunity to do so. Thanks for making someone happy this holiday season.
Merry Christmas
Lands End probably as my family needs coats!
I tweeted this giveaway
i tweeted!
I would use it at Sears so we could put it towards a new stove!
I would definitely use it at Sears!
I would probably end up using it at Sears, but it would be fun to “shop around”!
I would go to Sears, they have lots of tools.
I would hit Kmart for my kids for Christmas!
I would probably use it at KMart store – have been trying to fulfill some angel tree wishes, recently.
I would use this gift card at Sears.
I would purchase a Land End’s gift.
I think I would use it online at Land’s End. I would love to try the store. I don’t think there are any this way.
I am a facebook fan. I posted the link. yseniar
I love lands end but it would be great to get some tools from sears for the hubbie
Tough decision! I would choose the Sears gift card. Our local Sears carries Land’s End — which I absolutely LOVE!
I would use it at (after trying stuff on in sears) to get a new cardigan. My trusty black cardigan just started developing giant holes in the armpits, and I don’t have money to replace it right now.
I am following you on Twitter AND I Tweeted about this giveaway:
I am a Facebook fan of your site (Aimee Waerhouse) and I updated my Facebook status with this post:
I would spend it at Sears, my husband is in desperate need of a battery charger from there. Thanks!
Definitely Sears, hubby needs new battery for his tools!
I would probably spend most of it at K-Mart, but a little at Land’s End, too. Because I totally love Land’s End.
Kmart store.
I would probably use it at K-Mart. Would love to win it!
I would probably spend it at Kmart because I could buy a lot of much needed household items for $50 there.
I would go to sears, they have darling Christmas ornaments!
I’d use it on Land’s End!
Definitely Sears store.
I would use it at Land’s End. Love their stuff!
I would use it at Land’s End online. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
i would use it at kmart and sears
I would use it to buy my husband’s Christmas present – in the Sears store… (tools of course!)
I would use it at K-mart. I havent been there lately so this would be the perfect excuse.
I would use it at Sears.
Probably Sears since I have one right where I work.
i would spend it at k-mart
i would spend the money at Sears!
I would shop online.
Great giveaway! I would def. use the gift card at Kmart. My one year old twins want the Mickey Mouse Club House Doll and they only sell it at Kmart or Toys R Us. The gift card would be nice b/c the doll is $35 each. Thanks for the chance to win!
i am now a facebook fan & posted the url!
I am already a fan on facebook, but I did post the link on my wall on facebook.
If I won, I would go to Kmart. Definetely Kmart. Especially since it’s the only store we have to shop at where I live.
No Walmart, Walgreens, CVS or Target for me, unfortunately. 
probably kmart. my daughter needs stuff for her dorm room, and money is really tight right now
I would definetly go to SEARS! I can really use the gift carsd to get my secredt santa gift! Just graduated college in may and trying to get on my big feet!
Anyways, love the money saving tips from the blog :).
i shared on facebook, my email address there is
i reteweeted this giveaway
I would use it at my local Sears store.
I love Lands’ End – Thanks Mercedes!
Thanks! I too, would spend it at Lands End at Sears. We moved to Alaska from Wisconsin, and I miss the Lands’ End Outlets!!!
I would spend it at Kmart.
I became a fan on facebook and posted a link on my page for friends to enter your contest and become your biggest fan!
I would shop at Sears.
if i won, i would use the gift cards in the sears or kmart stores!!
I would buy fleece for the family. Its cccccooold in Wisconsin.
I would buy fleece for the family from Lands End. Its cccccooold in Wisconsin.
i would buy sweaters for the kids & a craftsman tool for my husband.
I’d use it at Sears. Love that place!
I would use it at Land’s End. They have darling stuff.
I’d probly use it at Sears! Thanks for the opportunity to try and win.=)
Sears! Thank you!
I would shop online!
I am a facebook fan.
I would use the gift card at Sears to buy something for the hubby.
I would use it in store at sears. Thanks for the chance.
I think I would spend it at Sears. They have a nice selection of clothes, and I do need some new clothes. Thanks!
I’d definately shop at Sears.
I would use it a both Kmart and Sears!
I would use the gift card at Thanks for the giveaway!
I’m following you on twitter and just tweeted (chidek)
I would most likely shop at Kmart. It is closest to home. Thanks!
I am a facebook fan, and I shared about the giveaway.
I’d most likely shop They have some great stuff. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to go to KMart! I love this store.
I was so very pleased that you used your $200 to help someone in need. Some other bloggers used their $200 for personal items. I was very happy that you did not : )
I would send the card to my sister because she and her husband are unemployed. I know they could use either K-Mart or Sears. I am a Facebook fan. Merry Christmas!
I never shop at Sears…but maybe I should?! That’s definitely where I would start if I won the gift card! My second choice would be K-Mart, since there isn’t one super close to me, and my third choice would be online shopping. Hope I win!!
I would use it at…..on stuff for my husband
I would shop the Sears and KMart stores as well as Lands End online. Love Land End’s kids boots!
I would use it at Sears or Kmart for our family and pick up a birthday gift for my mom.
totally would use that greatness at sears.
i would definitely go to Sears! I love shopping there – lots of good buys –
follow on twitter and I tweeted here:
I would use it at Sears. Tools for my husband, & toys for my son!
I would use it at Sears to give some last minute gifts.
I would definitely use it at Land’s End online. I need new clothes! Thanks for the giveaway!
I also blogged about the giveaway at Chief Family Officer
I would spend my gift card at K-mart. I always find the best deals on kids clothes after the holidays there and my little boy is outgrowing all of his clothes and needs the next size up!
Thanks for this awesome giveaway!
Thanks so much for the chance! I would instore at Kmart to score some of the awesome Toy deals they have going on now. My little one would love some of the cheap toys!!
Have a great holiday and thanks for the chance!
Thanks for the opportunity to win! I would spend the gift card at Land’s End online.
I would use it at Sears.
I would use the card at Kmart (in store) Thanks for the great giveaway! You did a great job on buying your purchases for the family in need! They must have been thrilled!
I would love to win this gift card to purchase Christmas gifts. I would use it at Kmart online and instore and at Sears both online and instore. Love Sears kids vantage program.
I would use the card at Kmart. I also second your purchases for the family in need.
I would DEFINITELY use the gift card at Kmart. That is where we already did all of our christmas shopping for my two kids and where we plan on picking up all our little decorations and food (we have a Super Kmart) for Christmas day / dinner!
I would usse it at Sears.
I would probably spend it at Sears since my husband has a couple of other gift cards from work for Sears. Thank you for hosting this giveaway!
I would use it at Sears for my son clothes : )
i would have to go to both sears and Kmart to see where i could find the better deals..
i shared giveaway on twitter
i shared giveaway on facebook
i subscribed to email updates
Thank You for all your hard work!!!
Merry Christmas
This would be wonderful for Christmas!
I’m going to Sears, many good appliances needed. Thank you!
I’m your facebook fan
I follow on Twitter and tweeted
I would use this at Sears, that way I can get my fiance some new tools and my daughter some great clothes!
I like K mart and I’m a facebook fan too
I am a fan on Facebook
I also subscribe via email
I would check out all 3 stores online to see who had the best deals for what I need to buy and then purchase online to save time, gas, and energy! Thanks for the opportunity!
i would love to win this gc and use it at kmart!!!
I would use it at Sears!!!
I would use it at Lands End!
I would use the gift card @ Sears to purchase a gift for my husband – he and I hardly ever have enough extra to purchase gifts for each other during holidays.
I would use this at my Kmart since it’s just right up the street, and buy my little guys some great gifts:)) Thanks for the chance!
I have you added on my Facebook and also I get your email and leaving a comment here. I would love to have a giftcard to KMart to donate things to others in need to make their Christmas brighter!
Thank you-
I would definitely use it at Sears!
Sears….definitely! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would probably use it at Sears/Sears online or LandsEnd online. Thanks
Following you on Twitter and just tweeted!
Would love to win this!
I would use it at Lands End because I love their clothes!!! I would probably shop online.
I need to get my husband a Christmas gift, so I’d probably use it at Sears!