Here is another awesome coupon giveaway courtesy of our coupon fairy. In this giveaway ten of you will win 10 coupons for $4/1 Olay Total bodywash PLUS 10 coupons for FREE Ivory body wash or soap when you buy Olay body wash. So 20 coupons for each winner, WOW!
Target sells the 8.4oz bottles of the Olay body wash for $3.54 so FREE after this coupon.
Win Them!
TEN lucky readers will each win ten $4/1 Olay Total Effects Body Wash coupons and ten BOGO Free Ivory body wash or soap
To enter this giveaway just leave me a comment telling me what other HOT coupons you would like to see me give away.
This giveaway is open to U.S. Resident 18 years and older. This giveaway ends tomorrow 6/18 at 5PM EST at which time I will close it and select ten winners at random. If you are reading this in an email or via reader, please click here to enter this giveaway. Emails or comments left on CSWM Facebook page are not valid methods of entry.
$2/1 Pampers wipes! Cant get enough of those with a 3mo old!
I’d love to see coupons for Clear Care contact solution. I can’t use most brands because of the preservatives, but the coupons don’t come out very often.
I’d love to see some Neutrogena coupons. I got the single bar facial soap for $1.19 each after coupons. I bought 3 and it was a $6 money maker. Awesome!
Maybe some Schick coupons!
I would like to see the $2 off a package of Pampers wipes coupons!
Gillette Fusion! Love you site…
I would like to see more Gillette soap and Old Spice coupons since they are on RR AGAIN next week at Wags.
Nivea buy one get one free!!!!
I have two little ones and would like some Pampers wipes coupons.
We luv Ivory soap in our home; and the Dove is for the significant other!
B1G1 free Gillette body wash might be nice!
Food coupons are alwaya good.
I second the neutrogena coupons…! Can’t get enough of that soap…thanks for your awesome giveaways…!
I would love to see $2 off pamper wipes coupon in giveaway too
I’d love to see the elusive Pepperidge Farm Goldfish coupons. Whether it’s the original cracker or the newer graham crackers, my children can not get enough of munching those smiling fish!!
2.00 OFF Pampers wipe. Awesome coupon!
I would have to agree with others…the $2 Pamper Wipes coupons.
I would say the $2 Pamper wipes would be great!
How about the $2/Pampers wipes. I am trying to stockpile for new grandbaby due in January. Thanks!
I agree with Karen, coupons for food would be sweet.
I’d like to see coupons for meat products. There are very few of these and would come in handy. Smithfield, Purdue, or Tyson products would be good:)
Men body wash coupons and food coupons would be great.
The 5/1 Schick with the 4/1 Target Schick would be awesome!
Vitamins! It’s challenging to always make sure that my family is eating the right foods, so we take our vitamins every day just in case!
The $2 off pampers wipes coupon.
I would love to see some Neutrogena coupons as well, like others have mentioned. Neutrogena is my favorite brand and I love coupons and sales!!
Definitely the $2 Pampers WIpes coupon! With 2 in diapers, im searching high and low for that one! Thanks for all you do!
Free digiorno’s — yum!!
I would love to see those awesome $2.50 dishwashing coupons!! (sorry I can’t rememer the name…. finish or something?)
Huggies coupons!
I think any Pull-ups coupons would be GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!
Probably the BOGO gillette/Old Spice coupons because of the RR next week!
The Pampers wipes $2 off coupon was such a wonderful deal! Would love to see those in a giveaway!
I love high value cleaning products coupons and pampers.
Thanks for the contest.
I would LOVE to see some coupons for laundry detergent (any brand) and dishwasher detergent (again, any brand). :o) I love your website, it’s very helpful!
Anything for Wipes and Diapers would be great! Always trying to get a great deal on those
Definitely the $2 off Pampers Wipes coupon..I have twin boys that are 2 and I use these A LOT!!
I would LOVE to see those $5/1 manufacturer and $3/1 Scrubbing Bubbles Power Sprayer Shower Cleaner coupons. They were price cut at my Target to $6.99, making them FREE plus $1.01 in overage!!
The science diet dog treats for $3.00 off. I didn’t get these in my area. Thanks for the chance to win.
Smithfield, Purdue, Tysons, and maybe some Tropicana O.J.
I think I would have to go with the $2 wipes coupon also.
I agree Pamper wipes coupons would be great!!
I agree with the $2/1 pampers wipes or some dish liquid coupons!
$2 pampers coupon please.
I’d love to see some Good Nites or Underjams coupons…I have a 5 y.o. bedwetter, and those items are so spendy! Also mens body wash, my 2 sons and husband love using the body wash. Thanks for the chance to win!
FOR SURE the $2/1 Pampers wipes!!! They are free at my Walmart after this coupon!!! With 2 in diapers we sure go through a lot of wipes!!!
I would love some Coffeemate Creamer coupons!!!!!
Perdue, Hillshire Farms, Tropicana, Pampers, & Huggies!! All are GREAT!!
Any BOGO bodywash coupons are good – I give extras to our local shelter, they must think I’m Mrs. Bill Gates, don’t tell them my secret. Shhhhhh
How about Q’s for toilet paper…they are hard to come by!
need the soap coupons, would be great
I would love to see buy one nivea bodywash get second one free! Would make for some awesome deals!
I think any coupon would be great.
Would love to see Stouffers frozen foods or Lean Cuisines, Banquet, Smart Ones, Marie Callender coupons…they are sooo useful!!! Thanks!
Coupon for Pampers would be GREAT!
Would love to see the Pampers $2.00 off coupons. They were fantastic! When you have little ones coupons like these are always GREAT!
My store still has Olay at 5.50
Anyways, gillette or laundry would be great 
I would love to see some coupons for Gillette Fusion razor cartridge refills. They seem almost impossible to come across!
Any coupon is a good coupon! I would like to see something for toilet paper or paper towels. We always are running out!
I love Lactaid coupons!
buy 1 get 1 free coupons or just ‘free’ coupons are awesome too
$2 SCHICK razor coupons!
High value coffee coupons would be great! 8 O’clock etc.
I would love to see the $2 off pampers wipes.
I was able to get some free wipes with the $2 pampers coupons. This would be a great coupon to giveaway. Also, razor coupons would be great. Thanks!
Definitely my pick would be the Neutrogena or the Wipes coupon! I <3 them both
Pampers $2 off Wipes. Got three kids in diapers so more diaper coupons Luvs. Kids yogurt. enfamil.
let’s see… dishwashing detergent, neutrogena, and lactaid.
Love to have these coupons. Thanks for offering.
Pampers wipes coupons. i was not one of the lucky ones that got them in there paper
Another great coupon giveaway. Other great ones would be : $5 or $4 Schick Hydro , $2 Pamper Wipes, All coupons
What about Peter Pan coupons? I got one last week & used it already. I hardly ever see them and we go through so much PB in our house that it’s hard to stay stocked. Thanks for what you’re doing for us, we really appreciate it!!
i would love more coupons for red baron. love their pizzas!
I also would love to see some pampers wipes or diapers coupons!
anything that has buy one get one free….would like to see coupons for scott toilet paper.
Any free coupons are hot coupons in my book!
i love coffee creamer coupons the best!!! we go through so much of it at our house! though i also love getting all the free body wash i can get my hands on…i give so much of it away + that’s such a nice feeling!
Any of the high end money makers like this giveaway would be good. I think at this stage we all like that feeling we get when we get a great deal and if you’re like me, I’ll figure out what I’m going to do with my great buy later : )
As I have no young children so the pampers and wipes don’t help
I really like the detergents. Laundry or dishwashing.
I love Dial body wash…would love to see more of their coupons!!
I’d like more coupons for soap/detergent. Everyone uses those.
I’d love some Dove coupons. My girls can only use the Dove sensitive soap. Or aquaphor. I have never seen coupons for that, but that stuff is expensive and I have to buy it regularly!
hmm, I think some coupons for Soda (Coke, Pepsi, Dr Pepper) would be great. They are few and far between for the Diet Coke addicts.
$2 Pamper Wipes, will be great. or Schick Hydro
defenitely any wipe and any diaper coupons
i’d love to see you give away the $2 pamper wipes coupons
The $2/1 Pampers Wipes coupon!
pampers $2 wipes. With a 2 year old and another arriving soon we fly through those!
I would love to see you give away some high value razor coupons. It really doesn’t matter what brand. Thanks!
I will recommend you to giveaway $2 pamper wipes coupon
Ice cream!!!!!!!! Ben&Jerry or haagen dazs or some drink like POM or ODWALA…… LOL
Any high value coupons help out a lot! We are a family of 5 so I am always looking for high value coupons to help save $.
Ithink…. femini care coupons…
We would love this!
BOGO Old spice for sure…! Love your site…thanks for the chance…!
schick razors and shaving gel coupons would be great…
I would love these coupons. Also would like to see coupons for baby wipes.
Thanks so much.
I love to get coupons for instant mashed potatoes (comfort food from childhood). I know, not high dollar. LOL. How about assortments of cleaning supply items (ie $5 off Scrubbing Bubbles)? Although, the Olay/Ivory combo is GREAT!
The bogo coupons for men’s body wash has been great! Also, anything for free, of course!
Any Diapers or wipes coupons would be great by me! Also anything to cut costs on buying chicken:)
*Target must think that the mid-west has money to burn because the body wash here (Oshkosh, WI) is $5.50 for the SMALL bottle!
Coupons for food!
How about a coupons for FREE diapers!!! Got any of those?!!! =)
Any coupons where you get a Target GC for buying something. I never seem to get these in my circulars. Thanks!
Neutrogena or any kind of hair conditioner would be awesome!
infusium Q’s !!!!!
the world’s greatest conditioner !!!
$2 Pamper wipes!
Any of the Gilette B1G1 body wash coupons. Or the nivea B1G1 coupons.
I love Red Baron Pizza coupons!
I agree, Pampers wipes $2 off. I don’t really like them but will use them if they are free!
I would like to see $10 off scrubbing bubles shower cleaner coupon. and always healthY food coupons. Thank you!
Food coupons!
Would love to see coupons for $2/pampers wipes.
free digiornos my grandkids love these when they visit thanks
the 2/1 pampers wipes….or the goldfish coupons are good….
i’d love to see neutrogena coupons!! thanks!
I’d like to see some good Tropicana coupons. They give those out so rarely.
Dove Coupons – I love the shampoo and I only use the regular dove soap for my kids’.
I would love to see some meat coupons. I recently posted on Bar S and emailed them a compliment. In return I received a four dollar complimentary coupon and four 25 cent coupons…It was awesome! Now, however, I have a lot of hot dogs….need something different! =)
Honestly? Any!!
I would love to have more $2/1 Pampers coupons!
I love trying new items with coupons!!!! So I am game for anything.
I do love huggies pull up coupons and iams dog food coupons!
Any free coupons are great!
Dishwashing liquid ones would be good.
I can always use feminine hygiene and dog food coupons. Thanks
I love the Johnsons coupons or wipes.
I wish the powers that be could come up with some great toilet paper coupons! DH always teases me about how much of it I go through. Olay is my daughters favorite body wash! Thanks so much.
I’d love to see coupons for Quaker products, especially that is for or includes Quaker cereal. I’m the cereal shopper for my family (they can’t believe how much I get for free or $0.50, $1.00 necessary) and my sister and her family go through 1 box of cinnamon life a week!
Neutrogena would be great!
Schick Hydro coupons!
I love to get the $3.00 off Suggle Fabric Sotener when that is available. I get it free at Family Dollar.
Love the high valued coupons! $2 Pampers wipes, any free coupons, $4 Gillette – Thanks!
All of your coupon give-aways are AWESOME. I can’t get enough of them!!!
I would love to see coupons for any type of grocery store items.
Any type of food coupons!!
would love to see coupons for produce and meat- even though they’re rare!
I would love to see more coupons for Oil of Olay products. They are my favorite.
I’m stocking up for grandbaby due in nov, so any coupons for wipes or diapers.
I would like to see some $5/1 Schick Hydro Razor. (My area didn’t get these.)
Any coupons that makes something free!!! Thanks! I love your site!!!
Any and all coupons are great!!!! I find a use for all of them!
Dipes and wipes! We love those coupons in this household
I LOVE the coupons. Keep them coming!
I love coupons that get me something for free!!
I would love to get some coupons for scrubbling bubbles products!
I’d love some pasta coupons, but that just because I’m a pasta fiend!
Thank you, I’d love to have them.
I would love to see coupons for fresh produce. The summer fruits are becoming available-but they can be pricey.
I sure hope I win! I love that body wash!!
Definitely would love to see the $2/1 Pampers coupons!
Would love to win.Thanx for sharing so many great coupons.
any women’s razor coupons! they are so expensive otherwise!
Coupons for Morningstar vegetarian products would be great!
i would love to see ice cream coupons, there are not enough reasonable coupons for ice cream.
These coupons are awesome!
I think coupons for free pasta and pasta sauce, can’t go wrong with a staple. Love olay by the way!
Maybe the Schick coupons. We never get the good high dollar coupons in my area, so I will take what I can get!
I always need more Ragu coupons!
Scrubbing bubbles, Scott’s tissue to name a couple or any BOGO or high dollar coupons. I have done well following CSWM.
Any coupons that make something free are fun. How about the orbitz gum coupons that make it free at walmart? Thanks!!!
I would love to see more ice cream and cheese coupons.
any good coupons–I love the surprise!
Ten free products! Awesome.
These would be a great help. With all the free bodywash for boys lately my girls supply is running low! We were on vacation the week this insert came out and searched the ENTIRE are where we were for extra Sunday papers and couldn’t find any. Thanks for running these giveaways!!
$2/1 Pampers Qs!!! They are hard to come by!!
With a toddler, as most parents…love more wipes and diaper coupons. But, any coupon is free money! So thanks for the giveaways!
I’m happy with ANY coupons!
Another goody – woo hoo!
Diapers and wipes coupons is always a plus in my book!
i love all good coupons.
Laundry detergent, paper towels and M & M coupons would be great!!!!!
i would love to win some shick hydro razor coupons. my husband bought the paper with no coupons in it.
Schick Hydro would be great!
High value diaper coupons (or even free diaper coupons!)
1.00 off nextcare banaids!! I hope they reset them!
I love coupons that are for basic needs, like cleaning and hygeine (like this one)!!
I would love to see razor coupons! This is my favorite item to get for free.
Any Post cereal coupons. They have been on sale lately at my grocery that offers double coupons but I haven’t seen any coupons in my area lately so I haven’t been able to stock up on cereal deals yet.
I would love to see you give away some “Band-Aid” product coupons!
I would love the Oil of Olay or Dove Coupons..
$3.00 off Snuggles fabric softener is great. I’ve used $2.50 off the finish diswashing detergent.
How about for Juicy Juice or a similar brand. Some days it feels like my daughter drinks apple juice by the gallon.
Don’t see many good value coupons for ice cream. Good weather for yumm… yumm… ice cream!
I’d love to see coupons for Silk products (love the new almond milk) and dishwashing/laundry soap coupons!
Food coupons are great. I’d really like to see coupons for cheese (mine is a real cheese-loving family), bread, and organic yogurt.
I’d love coupons for EAS protein/meal replacement shakes. They only come in packs of 4 so they can get expensive.
Hope I win this giveaway! I use this Olay body wash sample I received and LOVE it. My bf only uses Ivory bar soap so this one is perfect!!!
I would love these coupons — another *hot* one would be the $5 Schick Hydro Q from last weeks inserts plus the Target one that will come out this weekend!
would love to see some high value food coupons!
I’m waiting for high value Electsol coupons to come out again!
I would love to see some Dove haircare coupons. Thanks!
my target hates coupons, but i’m sure i can find somewhere else to use them! thanks!
i love the Olay n Gillette Coupons…..!
I love coupons for staples like meat, milk and bread! OH, and peanut butter!
I’d like to see some coupons for body wash or lunch meat. Thanks!
Lysol No Touch Hand Soap Coupons should be in your Giveaways
I would love to get my hands on some more Activia yogurt coupons (SS 5/2 I think). With Walmart selling the four pack at $1.83 and the dollar off coupons, you can’t go wrong for $.83 each.
love the olay!! Wishing to get the Q’s!!
I would use these coupons just for me. AWESOME BODY WASH
I’m a subscriber. Thank YOU!
Schick Hydro coupons would be great. It is my husbands new favorite razor!!
Any high value coupons for necessities. I’m not picky.
I have lots of men’s body wash in my stash – now I need some for me!
This ones for me… I treat myself to Dove Body wash. Thank you coupon fairy and CSWM. I like the BOGO and high dollar coupons… especially on the household and personal items.
paper towels and loilet paper. never have enough.
I would love to see some Cesar dog food coupons. With 3 dogs, it’s hard to keep up with their dog food. Love your blog!
Any baby coupons are great….
this would be terrific to win !! I could stock up on Olay and donate at the same time !
I would love to see more coupons for Luvs.
Tide detergent…thanks for your help.
Tide I never have enough of those
Thanks Alicia
Antohter great stock up opportunity. I’d love to see some coupons for ice cream!
Toothpaste would be great but ice cream would be fun!
I’d like coupons for Always products.
Food – I’m addicted to it – gotta eat!
any coupon that makes something a freebie is a wonderful thing to win. thank you
I like anything, fun stuff that I wouldn’t otherwise buy
I’d love to see some Huggies $3 coupons being given away. I am well stocked on diapers…but I know we’ll use them.
I would love coupons for the Swiffer WetJet, the liquid or the pads. They are soo expensive!
I would love to see coupons for organic or gluten-free products. I know they are few and far between, but one can always hope! Thanks for a fun giveaway.
Food coupons or Pull-ups coupons.
I love the wipe coupons!!! Thanks for all you do.
My brother is recently unemployed and I myself and underemployed, so I try and use coupons/sales to obtain items for his house as well as my own. it would be great to add it to the bag I do every week for them.thank you
This is a great giveaway in itself! I do like free wipes though.
I would love coupons for the Purex 3-in-1. They make doing laundry so easy!
I’d love to see some $3 Huggies coupons given away. Or some organic products cpns.
Coupons for baby wipes, paper towels, body wash would be great! Am so pleased with what you’re giving away right now. Thanks.
I feel so clean already! Thanks!
High value Finish Powerball coupons ; )
i love aussie hair care products coupons
I would like any high value snacks with three kids home from school for the summer.
HIgh value, Freebie, coffee
Oh YA this is another one! With two girls and one a teen, plus me! This would be a great win! Hope we get this one!
House cleaning supply coupons! So I’d put more effort into cleaning while enjoying it
I love any of the buy one get one free coupons for bodywashes..
Hope I win!
I hope I win!!:)
how about the schick razor $5.00 off coupon and the shick shaving gel $1.00 off coupon
Venus razor blades!
BOGO Gillette would be awesome! Thanks for all the fun!
Shampoo/conditioner coupons are always good, too! Thanks!
Old Spice or Gillette B1G1 Coupons!
I love the diaper and wipes coupons. Anything toddler or household realated works for me!
I would love to have some Free Olay Bodywash. We’ll be so soft and smell so good!
I would love to see some pull-ups coupons…..they are not around very often. Thanks!
I think the $5 Schick coupons would be a great giveaway, because many areas didn’t receive them, and other areas got the $4 coupon instead.
Pet care coupons.
Any wipe coupons are great, or diapers.
food coupons….thnx mercedes for these fun giveaways….
The $2/1 Pampers wipes coupon would be GREAT!
I love olay body wash and ivory soap. I am running out of them so this would be perfect coupon to use right away.
The dannonino yogurt coupons would be great!
Coffee coupons!!
I would love the $1 off Dawn coupons!
I think the coupons you have chosen to give away are GREAT! Things that just about everyone can use..I would love to win any of them..thanks!
Food coupons actually, cos it’s the only time I try new things. Mostly I prefer food made from scratch so I don’t know if those prepared products are any good. Just couple of weeks ago there was Red Baron pizza slice, with risk-free rebate, which I tried. Not bad for 2 min. prepare time.
I’d love to get baby coupons–mainly diapers, wipes, or formula!
I’d love to see more Pampers coupons!
I would like some 2/1 huggies wipes I have gotten the 2/2 before but 2/1 would be nice and any diaper coupons I use a lot of both of them.
I love OLAY!!!! Would love a free one.
I love the cleaning supplies coupons and all the snack food (or beach food as we call it) coupons. Thank you!!!
Food or games are always great!
This is a great giveway.
Some South Beach Diet bar coupons! Thank you!
johnson and johnson $1 coupons please.
I would love to see you give away $1 off Dawn coupons.
healthy food option coupons………but ones that you can only get in big city places.
I would love any BOGO coupon, those are the best!
2.00 OFF Pampers wipe. Awesome coupon!
The ivory soap will go in shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.
I would love to win! Thanks for the opportunity!
Would love to see the $2/1 Pampers wipe coupons. That has been by far my favorite coupon. Thanks.
I would love to see you give away some of those $5 Schick Hydro coupons! We didn’t get any of those in our area – not even the $4 ones! I’m bummed!!
I would love sunscreen coupons now that summer might finally show up soon.
Wow, what a great giveaway! I would definitely be the body wash fairy in my family. All the ladies in my family love Olay, so this would be great! Thank you!
Sobe Drinks – we absolutely love these now!
Take me away with Olay!!!
I would love sunscreen coupons. Maybe summer would finally get here.
Schick coupons would be great!
All of your coupon giveaways are appreciated, I can’t ask for more than that, thank you:-)
Neutrogena coupons. Thanks
Love coupons/free diapers and wipes!! Doesn’t matter what brand…they all work the same, and you use ALOT of them!
I would love, love, love free Sobe coupons or Gatorade. I have two kids who are competitive swimmers, hydration is a must!
I would like to see more diaper coupons. I have a 5 month old so that would help out alot.
I like the free samples of beauty products they are great when trying new products.
I agree with others…the wipes coupon is awesome!!!
Please include me.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
any high value coffee creamer coupons or coffee coupons I can never get enough coupons for those
More coupons for the ladies………..I’m stockplied with men’s razors, men’s deoderant and body wash, I love something fun for girls at our house!
I’m loving those shaver coupons!
All coupons you give away are great but if i had to narrow it down to the ones that i need it would be any thing for babys or for everday living !!! thank you for giving me a chance to win !!!!!
Ladies razor coupon!!! But the wipes coupons are great too.
Gillette soap, hydro razors
I would love to win this thanks:)
I would love some coffee coupons!
Always ready for coupons!
Wipe coupons or even BIC products. I’m going to have to start working on school supplies pretty soon =)
I love cereal coupons! With 5 kids and a husband to feed, we go through a lot of cereal and having coupons helps a ton so I’d love some HOT coupons for cereal!
Target GC coupons – they are always so nice to have : )
I would love to win.. Coupons for frozen entrees and ready-to eat turkey breast are great!
Gillette embrace coupons or any bogo!!! Covergirl bogo coup[ons are awesome!
I would love to see you give away some of the Schick razor coupons. Unfortunately our local paper never gets great coupons offered in other cities. Thank you and your “coupon fairy” for all the great drawings!
coupons for seventh generation products.
These coupons would be awesome to win!
I would love to win!
Pampers wipes, please! And any other coupons to make it free…
Any baby coupons are great! Diapers, wipes, Johnson’s products, formula, food, etc. Thanks:)
Pantene coupons!
Food coupons that make the cost low or nothing. Yeah!
love the olay products, but baby products are so very helpful and help the budget so very much especially if you can combine w/store specials—thank you!
More Schick Hydro, please:)
I would like to see you present coupons for Diabetes screenings, Clorlesterol screenings, Prostate Screenings, Eye exams, Hearing exams, just health wise
$4/1 womens and $3/1 mens Nivea body wash coupons. The body wash was free and only $1 at target after coupons
Honestly, the $2/1 Pampers is the it item for me. I’m so anxious to start taking care of my godchild although he doesn’t arrive until Nov.
Any coupons that are buy one get one free would be great!
I would love to see some soda coupons, and some coupons for Caress soap
Any laundry detergent or fabric softener coupon would be great!
Sobe b1g1 coupon would be awesome!!!
I would love to see coupons for Pantene Pro V products, I always seem to need more!
Any coupon is great, but anything for organic food would be wonderful!
Starbucks Coffee & Pamper Baby Wipes ……I need both with a newborn. Thanks so much
I would love to see some coupons for fresh produce.
I’d love to see some hard to get coupons, such as, for cheese, milk, meat. That would be awesome!!! Thank you!
i would love to win!
All coupons are great!!! But, as everyone here seems to agree on it is coupons for dairy products, meats, frozen foods
Wow – $10 free bottles of body wash at Target. That would be awesome!
I love giveaways for any hot coupons in the Red Plum or P & G. I don’t get those inserts where I live…so seeing giveaways for them make my day!
I would love to see coupons for Stacy’s Pita Chips…I love those!
I would love to see coupons for Stoneyfields organic yogurt : )
coupons for similac
More diaper coupons!
Any health care coupons…shampoo & conditioner, styling aids, lotion, body wash, razors, make-up, etc… Thanks for the opportunity!!
My store let me stack these two coupons so I got both products free!
Aveeno – such great products.
Any high-value coupons that lead to free products are awesome in my book! Wipes coupons, free food coupons, etc. Thanks so much to you and the coupon fairy!!
Any women’s coupons. I am wanting to get things for care packages over seas and sometimes it is great to treat the women just as much as the men!
Diapers would be fantastic!
I’d love to see the $5 coupon for the new Hydro razor!
diapers & wipes coupons!!
I love it with any high value coupons, but like the $4 off fabric softner and body washes best!
pull-ups or easy-ups would be great. I also love nivea coupons!
chantal cooper
chantalgiardina (at) yahoo (dot) com
I agree that pamper wipes coupon is great.
I like coupons on items that I wouldn’t usually buy for myself- like 5 blade razors.
I never tried olay body wash, with this coupon I can try them for free!!!
your sight is great I read it several times a day. I have gotten alot of great deals to help out my family and friends in need thank you for all that you do
would love to win this
The $5 hydro razor
Coupons like the ones you’re currently giving away that makes the items free or almost free.
Thanks for the chance.
any free food coupons
Almost any kind of food coupon!
I’d love to win!!
The $5 Schick coupons would be awesome!
I love anything that’s free! Toiletries and things that everyone can use whether they have kids or not would be great.
Anything food or kitchen related (ie Rubbermaid, etc)
I love any coupons that I can use to get free/super cheap hygeine items for my patients ( I work psych patients who sometimes don’t have any family to buy them things!)
I love all coupon giveaways! Body wash coupons are the best though!!
Any coupon is nice. But buy one get one free is nice and the coupons where the actually item is free is great. Any high value are free coupon for food is the one that I would like the most.
Oh my God! This would be awesome. My husband is set with all the nivea men’s body wash I really wish I could get some of this. Please, please, please, please, please give me some of this coupons.
I would love to see the water softener salt (moreton $1.o0/2 40 or 50lb bags). if you have hard water you need the salt and it seems the companies know this. the prices on these bags are outrageous. thanks
Unfortunately they arent $3anything at my store.. they’re $4.98 or something like that.. however.. I’d love to have them.. Im sure I’ll run onto a freebie deal somewhere or antoher.
goldfish coupons — kids cannot get enough;-)
High value items for food are always appreciated.
how about kashi cereals?
I like the Nivea coups b/c it seems like they always have great better-than-free deals. But really, coupons for any money-makers at Wags.
Maybe some International Delight creamer coupons! They store great in the freezer for those days when you need them most!
How about more Health and Beauty aids or food items. I would like to win these.
One of the many things that I love about CommonSensewithMoney.
I have 3 kids so any baby coupons are great! Some Johnson and Johnson to pair with the target coupon would be great!
Rare coupons like sweet n low would be nice.
high value shampoo coupons would be awesome for a giveaway. We go through so much of it!!!
Nivea and Nivea….and maybe some… about Nivea. Its all their fault , now I’m addicted : (
I would like any coupon to buy things for free or nearly free!! More Gilette razor coupons would be awesome!! Thanks so much!!
$3 Clear Care Contact Solution coupons! Thanks for the chance to win!
I’d say ice cream this time of year would be nice. Hopefully not hot ice cream, but a HOT coupon. (te, he)
I would love love to see Schick coupons. I didn’t get any in my paper Sunday:-( Thanks for the chance to win!
hello, i am new to all this so i havent gotten into the free stuff yet but lookking forward to it! lol i love oil of olay products so would love to win these coupons! thanks
I would love to see Gerber coupons!!!
I would like more of the $2 off pampers wipes coupon!
maybe the $4 coppertone coupons coming out this weekend
with a big family food coupons are always a blessing!!!
Still hoping to win one
still hoping to win
Free food at restaurant coupons (appetizer/entree/dessert)!
I would love any coffee coupons.
Any high value coupons.
pampers wipes please!
We can always use diaper and wipes coupons
freebie, high $ and B1G1 free coupons and restaurant coupons would be really awesome!
I love Olay products! Winning these coupons would be FANTASTIC!
I so love body washes and Ivory soap is hard to beat. Thank you for the opportunity.
yahoo! count me in!
All hot baby coupon related items!
Holy cow! I would love to win these coupons!
Any coupons for Pantene products, Venus /Fusion razors and cartridges, would be nice to get.
Skippy Peanut Butter Q’s!
Any coupons for Kraft, Kellogg’s and Pillsbury would be appreciated, also. I love the Oil of Olay products!
I would love coupons for free toilet paper!
I vote for the Pampers coupons!
food coupons or pull ups under any brand! Thanks
I would love some great coupons for laundry soap. Plus, high value food coupons are always good.
Oh oh…pick me, pick me! Please and thank you!@
maybe some diaper coupons would be nice
coupons for a back massage….because couponing is exhaustingggg lol
I would love some of the Yoplaint Frozen Smoothie $1 coupons since I can get them at the commissary for $.75!
I would love to see some high value laundry detergent coupons. I am always running out of it because I am too frugal to pay such high prices for it. Thanks for the chance to win these super coupons!
Free bodywash for the family!! This would be wonderful to share
I’d love more high-value diaper coupons!
I would love to see Coca Cola coupons, I cant believe how expensive soda pop is, I know it’s not good for me but I’m an addict, love the stuff (in moderation of course) also maybe some doggy treat coupons, I have 4 little ones and yes, I spoil them and I cant get enough Pupperoni coupons
free food coupons – or dog treats
more diaper/wipe coupons, shampoo, and bodywash , too – but of course ANY coupons would be great
Any coupon is awesome! love them!
I’d love coupons for herbal essences products, do they even make coupons for that brand? I’d love to find some!
Pepperidge Farm Goldfish coupons please!
Food coupons would be great!
I would like to see you give away some pasta coupons! We go through these like CRAZY at our house
I’d just love to see FREE product coupons!
I would love to see the pamper wipe coupons giveaway, but you are already ahead of me. That’s all I would ask for besides these =)
TP coupons………………….cannot believe how much we go through. Not so easy teaching a toddler not to use half the roll for each potty trip……….LOL!!!!
Clean care contact solution. They are expensive and you can rarely find coupons.
Would love some high value Charmin q’s, my area seems to only receive .25. But then all coupons are good.
I would love to see coupons for Dove deodorant and soap.
I’d like to see coupons for Huggies Pull Ups.
I can never find coupons for Nestea.
Those $5/1 manufacturer Scrubbing Bubbles Power Sprayer Shower Cleaner coupons. My Randall’s gave a $3 Catalina. Which made each one a $1 moneymaker!
Would love it. Thanks!
I would love to see some coupons for Clean and Clear, or some other type of face wash
I would love to see coupons for Dove body wash, any kind of shampoo and conditioner, dish soap, laundry soap, dryer sheets, basically any cleaning products, and anything for Target.
I use Garnier facial products and would love to see coupons for them!
Definetely agree with the posts that suggest Neutrogena coupons. That is a great deal this month.
I would love hair care coupons. That stuff really adds up!
Huggies, Pampers, any wipes, baby food…. razors, body wash…. any of these would be awesome.
I love Olay products, thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to see the Target coupons that are regional. Especially coupons like the $5 GC when you buy a Scrubbing Bubbles Extend a Clean.
Ivory soap
Frozen pizza coupons! They’re a great treat on those days when I don’t feel like cooking.
Target coupons would be great! Our area doesn’t get them at all. In fact, we don’t get most of the coupons. I’ve resorted to buying whole inserts online.
I love using body washes!
My favorite coupons are for items similar to these that cost a good amount of money, but you have to buy them anyway–like toilet paper!
Any high value facial/body Olay & Loreal coupons would be great! Thanks for the giveaway! Hope I get picked!
I’d love to see the recent Schick or ProGlide coupons.
I am a teacher in a lower income area and LOVE giving away the toiletry items I get for free and razors are particularly a hot commodity because they can be so expensive.
I’d luv to see high value Cascade coupons. Is there such a thing? Or Purina coupons. For cat or dog food. I rarely see these. Thanks!
I’d love to see the Gillette Fusion Coupons as a giveaway.
I would love to see some Pantene shampoo coupons
I would love a give away featuring coupons we could use on trial sizes for travel and for shower gifts
Thanks for the awesome giveaways!
I love Schick razor coupons…………thx for giveaway
Coupons for beauty items like Tresseme or Cover Girl would be great!
Any dog treat coupons! These get expensive quickly.
I would like to see some coupons for bacon — any kind
Tampax Pearl coupons and anything for frozen fruit–it’s smoothie season!
Scrubbing Bubbles $5/1!
more wipes and diapers coupons. thanks
We never get the good reach coupons up here.
Pampers wipes and Luvs coupons would be wonderful!
I would like B1G1 food coupons, they really help stretch the budget!
I always like the laundry soap coupons.
Sounds good to me! Thank you coupon fairy!
A giveaway with the Schick Hydro razor coupons for $5.00 would be awesome! Thanks!!
I would love to see more free restaurant food coupons. It gets so expensive to feed my family by going out to eat so it would be great to be able to have free meals.
Anything for baby or restaurants or crackers!
Old Spice coupons …
I would love coupons for the new PF Changs frozen line. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Any frozen meal coupons?
Thank you coupon fairy!! I’d love to see some coupons for Burt’s Bees products and for some Phillipo Berio or Pompeian extra virgin olive oil.
B1G1 on razors, body washes, or femine pads.
Any diaper and wipe coupons are always great!
I would love to win ~ i have a big family and these freebies and coupons would be great ~ Thanks !
High value cereal coupons!
I would love some frozen pizza coupons. Quick & easy dinner that everyone likes!!
All coupons are great coupons, but if I have to choose I would love to see those hard to come by ones like those for 7-Up, Goldfish, Dr. Pepper….
would like to see more food coupons also bogo coupons
thanks for all your work to get these coupons to us
would like to see more food coupons also bogo coupons
thanks for all your work leting us know of these coupons
Someone mentioned Clear Care contact lens solution coupons, those would be great for a few of us. Also cheese or fresh veggie coupons. Thanks.
Skin care coupon (neutrogena/olay) would be great.
I would love to see some L’oreal Bare Naturale foundation coupons – it is a great product but pretty expensive. Thanks so much!
I’m good with anything that ends up free-but I’d like to see some coupons for cookies. It’ll keep my husband happy, and I won’t feel like I’m spending money on something I could make (although don’t have the time!)
Would love some coupons for Lays chips, virtually non in existence
I love coupons that make the item purchased FREE or cost very little. High value food coupons are great!! The only coupons I don’t like are the ones that require you to purchase three or more items.
Giveaways are great fun, and sharing my freebies is helping out a few other families. Thank you!
Any coupon related to babies. Thanks.
Would love to win these… Also, any diapers or wipes coupons are always great to win!
I cannot get enough of cereal coupons!!
I would love to see the $4/2 Rolaids, etc coupons!
I love all these coupon giveaways! It helps to support my “coupon habit”! I could use the Olay coupons, especially since my husband and son have so many Gillette and Old Spice body washes from the last couple of weeks that they should smell good until 2011!
i love this, thanks, like to try olay
Enter me please…thanks!