Shopping lists are definitely not my forte. See the problem is not that I don’t write one, the problem is that I always leave it on the counter. I know, not very helpful that way. Luckily there is a new option available to build a shopping list online: Ziplist. ZipList is a free online shopping list and recipe service designed to help shoppers get in and out of the supermarket quickly.
Here are the key features:
- Share your list with anyone in your family so others can help you shop if they drop by the store.
- Update or access your list anywhere: online at or via text message, email or IM. I can’t wait for the iPhone app. This one will be a real lifesaver for me.
- Sort your list by store or category to reduce back-tracking through aisles. I love this one because it saves me having to go back to sections of the store I have already visited for items that were at the bottom of my list.
- You can also prioritize your list to pick up the most needed items. This is a real plus for the times when have suddenly ran out of milk or bread or if you have to cut a trip to the grocery store short due to a crying toddler in your shopping cart.
- Search 100,000s of recipes, including over 10,000 that can be found online at But they also have recipes from Epicurious and Recipe Zaar. Plus you can add recipes you find on other websites. I just added $5 Dinners to my recipe box. Just click the “Add to List” button and all the ingredients are added to your list with a link under each ingredient back to that recipe.
-Save any recipe from across the web in a single recipe box at
Win It!
Ziplist has graciously sponsored the giveaway of five Gro-Pak Chil Insulated Bag from Blue Avocado (colors will vary) and one copy of Everyday Food: Fresh Flavor Fast (the newest cookbook from Martha Stewart).
This giveaway will have five winners and each winner will win one bag (groceries not included) plus Martha Stewart’s newest book.
What do you need to do to enter this giveaway?
1) Leave me a comment sharing what ‘s the most often forgotten item on your shopping list.
For three additional entries you can:
2) Become a new RSS Feed or email subscriber to this blog.
3) Become a Facebook fan of this blog.
This way you can earn up to four entries. Just please remember to come back and leave me a separate comment for each additional action you have taken (leave comment, share on Twitter, share on Facebook, etc).
If you are reading this entry via email updates or via RSS reader please CLICK HERE to visit my blog to enter. Emailing me is not a valid entry for this giveaway. This giveaway is open to residents of the United States only. Please enter only if you are 18 years or older. This giveaway ends on 2/26/2010 at 5PM CST. At that time I will close the giveaway and select two winners randomly.
most often forgotten are the most essential things like toilet paper
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I generally forget the milk. It’s the one thing I don’t write down because we almost ALWAYS need it and I just KNOW I will remember it.. ha! and you’d think i would learn!
Ziplist sounds great!
I always forget black olives and other canned goods.
denise_22315 at yahoo dot com
I always forget cleaning sponges.
I follow as wiscmom24 on twitter.
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denise_22315 at yahoo dot com
I always forget spices.
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I forget buns when I need to buy them for burgers!
Milk I dont drink it so I never remember to puck it up.
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i always forget ranch dressing
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We always forget to write down cereal and soy milk! Thankfully I usually remember when I’m at the store.
I always forget the thing I initially needed the most! Usually it’s like baby wipes, shampoo or milk for myself. Ugh!!! =)
Eggs and TP. I always forget!!
I often forget garlic.
I always forget ketchup!
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I always forget eggs.
I often forget buns or special ingredients I don’t buy often.
I always forget eggs!
I almost always forget lightbulbs trash bags and other household needs!
I always forget paper products…and am always short paper towells!
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I always forget the bread
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I always forget fresh bread.
I always forget yeast!
it’s always diapers
I forget whatever it is my hubby has told me we are out of when I don’t have my list handy!
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I don’t like raw onions and I’m always forgetting to pick them up when making a dish that calls for onions. I can’t count the number of times we’ve had spaghetti or meatloafs sans onion!
I always forget that which you only need to get once in a great while when you run out- like salt!
Thanks a bunch!
I always forget syrup and applesauce if they are on my list. I don’t know why. They are in the same aisle at my Kroger and I think I hit the grocery store slump by the time I get there on each trip!
I always forget the toilet tissues
I generally forget the most necessary item!
I always forget lemons. It is not until I start making the fish that I realize what I forgot! This is no joke…with all the lemon talk.
Sugar. Don’t know why…
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Hmm. Most forgotten. Probably paper towels.
Hi Mercedes – I always forget the one thing my husband adds as I am walking out door … “oh, grab some XXX” those little things that are NOT on my list.
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Last time I forgot to buy bread.
I always forget lunch stuff for my kids! grrr.
Toilet paper! Never a good thing to forget!!!
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email subscriber angelaspringer@h
I just signed up for RSS feed, what a great idea!
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I always forget garbage bags.
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follow on twitter alh1203
I always forget butter…
I can never remember to bring home the obscure item of the week… like chipotle chiles in adobo sauce… because I can’t find it the first time I look for it!
The most annoying thing I forget is milk! It seems to happen the most since we always need some.
@njdespres is following you on Twitter! And still forgets whatever it is I need most!
I always forget to get milk for soem reason and often that is why I’m going in the first place.
just a test I want to do
njdespres is a Facebook fan!
Love your blog and can’t go shoppin’ without it!
I always forget bread.
Milk. Even when that is the only thing I am going to the store for, I will get sidetracked (usually looking at clearance stuff lol) and totally forget the milk.
I just noticed that up above Dulce said the same thing. Glad to know I’m not the only one!
I usually forget whatever I am using to make my breakfast – smoothie ingredients, frozen waffles, whatever…
The most often forgotten item on my list is always the thing I need most. Lately it has been Pam spray.
Facebook Fan and RSS subscriber. My usually forget when I need margerine and get a quick reminder when I reach in the refrig to use it. OOPS, forgot again.
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I always forget one key ingredient in a recipe
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I often forget batteries
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
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runningmatey at hotmail dot com
I always forget bananas – we need them almost every time I go to the store, and I forget half the time!
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I forget what I meant to write on my list but thought that surely I wouldn’t forget it once I started shopping.
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I always forget juice.
I always forget trash bags!
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I follow you thru the e-mails, checking your website regularly between e-mails (!!) and even as a facebook fan! Hook, line & sinker- I’m hooked!! lol
I generally forget the thing that I’m actually going to the store for!
I usually forget whatever it is the hubs hollars at me that he needs as I’m making my escape. Thank goodness for cell phones!
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Hello! I always seem to forget the “main” ingredient for the meal. If I am making burgers, it’s the meat, macaroni and cheese, the macaroni….I don’t know if it’s old age setting in or my 8-year old twins driving me to distraction!!!
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I often forget my entire shopping list, so I wander aimlessly thru the store trying to remember what I needed to get. I also hate it when I get all organized, go to the store, grab my shopping list out of my purse and realize I’ve forgotten all my coupons! Either way, it becomes a very bad shopping day for me. :-}
That always sucks. If I had my list and no coupons I think I would turn right around and go home. At least with my coupons and no list I know most of the stuff I came to buy by going through them. No one in my house is allowed to buy anything without a coupon or a great sale (and preferably both hehe) unless its absolutely necessary. Its really kind of a joke with my roommate and BF, but all us chicks here know paying retail is ridiculous with a head full of coupon knowledge.
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I always forget parmesean cheese!
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I unfortunately always seem to forget the milk. Since I try to save the cold stuff for last, it never fails that the kids get restless and I try to get out faster hense, forgotten milk and cheese too. Oh my. Not to mention I have a list!
i forget to buy more toilet paper.
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I always forget spices– oregano, basil, bay leaves… (we make a lot of pasta sauce). Milk is a close second!
I love your blog! And I always forget the vanilla when I am baking cookies.
I subscribe to the RSS feed through outlook. Thanks!
I always forget one ingredient to a recipe I’m making that night, like a spice or a condiment.
I always seem to forget the milk!
I usually forget eggs.
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It’s always the most obvious- Milk! How can I always forget the staple item we use most
I always forget bread!!
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I always forget onions – we use them in almost everything, but I seem to blank on them every shopping trip!
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i always forget paper plates.
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I always have a problem with forgetting a key ingredient for something I am wanting to make that night (whatever it is) When I think about a recipe I always manage to leave something important off my shopping list, and have to send the BF out to grab it while I’m cooking once I realize what’s missing. Good thing I live 3 minutes from Meijer and Kroger
I forget eggs. And Ketchup!
cream of chicken soup. I use it all the time but yet always forget to restock. It don’t go on sale much so its hard to stock up from what I have seen
I end up going to Sentry to pick it up and pay more than I probably need to!
I always forget eggs!
I always forget what my husband needs! He never writes it on the list.
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I forget oranges.
I usually forget my list so I wonder around trying to remember what I needed.
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Without fail I forget garbage bags.
I always seem to forget about our pets! I forget to check if we need more food or litter!
bread – loaves of bread. I don’t eat sandwiches, but my husband does. So, on my way out the door I’ll ask if he needs anything, he’ll say bread, I will head out the door without writing it down, and I forget it. Oops!
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I always forget the bread:(
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Thank you you have helped me save bunches and bunches of money!!!!
I always forget condiments!!!!
I always forget an essential like eggs…or something I don’t have a coupon for.
Toilet Paper is most often forgotton
I always forget things that are in the middle of the store like oatmeal and kashi bars for my son!
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I always forget sandwich meat
I always seem to forget whatever is the most obvious thing that I need that week because I tend to think “oh I’ll remember that for sure!” and therefore I do not write it down….. go figure!
Toilet paper! I buy it in bulk so I don’t have to purchase it often. When I do, I inevitably forget!
I usually forget those last minute items you think of on the way to the store, as they are not on your list.
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Thanks for all the great things you post on your site….Fantastic!!
I always forget spices.
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One of the things that I have never been able to figure out is why when I go to the store for one particular thing that I end up forgetting to buy that one item but buy all sorts of other stuff that I had no intention of purchasing
I sometimes forget the toilet paper.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I never remember to buy bread-even today when there is only a half loaf left and I went to Publix but did not buy bread. AARGGH!
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I seem to forget things that are written on my list when my son decides he’s had enough of the store and I quickly scan the list. Nothing in particular, but when I get home I do a big “DOH!”
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I forget snacks for my husband, like nacho chips.
I usually forget the bread.
On my grocery trips I always forget my list.. and I usually forget the bread!
I always forget the coffee filters. ARGH. I hate that!
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I just signed up for your emails.
Also became a facebook fan. Thanks!
I always always always forget garbage bags!!
I always forget the bread!
I always forget to buy flour and sugar when I run out.
pheobiejenkins @
This sounds fantastic!
The things I always forget are home storage items, like pres n’ seal, or ziploc bags. I’d better not forget next time cause I’m on my last roll of press n’ seal!
Also, I follow the rss feed, I’m a FB fan, but I don’t do twitter, so only 2 extra for me.
I sometimes forget to buy eggs when I think we have enough.
If postage stamps are on the list, then we always forget to buy the stamps.
Milk is often missed.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
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lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Butter, I don’t know why.
Sliced Cheese & Onions are the two that I forget the most.
I always forget a produce item. It’s the last place I shop before checking out and usually getting rushed!
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I always forget the butter!
I tend to forget ketchup or another kind of sauce or condiment — usually something that my DH uses a lot of and I don’t!
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I always forget butter.
I always forget garbage bags.
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I always seem to forget paper towels.
I forget to get sour cream.
I always forget the salsa.
I often forget my…shopping list!!
Then I stand in the store with my eyes closed trying to picture my list and what was written on it.
Sometimes I manage to get most of the items but often I forget some of the important items…meat, dinner ingredients.
Guess I am far from perfect!!!
baby essentials-diapers and wipes
I always forget at least one produce item!! It never fails!!
I ALWAYS forget bacon bits! My hubs loves them for his salad and I can never remember to get them, even if they are on my list!!!
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I’ve forgotten butter a few times =)
The most frustrating thing I forget when I go to the store are my coupons.
I always forget the one thing i went to get. its usually something i normally don’t have on hand or buy for something i am making right now.
Milk! I drives me crazy….
Milk and the meat no coupons mean I forget it all the time!
dish soap… and it can be either hand washing or machine soap, I’ve forgotten them both..
Milk, and I don’t understand why because we go through so much of it.
I always forget lemons and limes. Don’t know why.
ice cream is a favorite in our home, but because it melts it is the most forgotten thing on our list! always say will come back and get it, and never do sometimes takes 3 months to get it home, terrible isnt it?
became a new rss feed subscriber, to posts, now following in google reader , traci smith
It’s usually a basic item, the one thing I went in for like milk or eggs. I get distracted by markdowns and coupon deals!!
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Eggs are always forgotten. They are far back in the store.
became a facebook fan of this blog, traci smith
Facebook fan of this blog.
eggs, i can never remember eggs even though we always need them.
im a fan on facebook.
I always forget to buy butter.
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I often forget the item for which I went to the store in the first place. I guess I get distracted…
I always forget contact solution. I don’t have to buy it very often and it never actually makes it onto my written list.
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I always forget to add copy paper for my internet coupons.
Salsa. Somehow I always think I’ve got it at home, until the chips are sitting all alone on the counter.
I always forget any baking supplies I might need for that week.
It varies…but I always forget something!
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I forget herbs a lot since it’s not a major ingredient
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I ALWAYS forget paper towels. It drives me crazy!
I often forget to get bread.
I always forget herbs!
i usually forget bread
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I always forget the needed items but often not bought – salt, pepper, sugar…
Most forgotten item tends to be the one I don’t have a coupon for (so I can’t easily see what I missed). Usually it’s garlic or some other produce
i seem to always forget shredded cheese……..
We drink water most of the time at home so when we have company, I always forget to buy something to serve to drink.
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I always pass by the frozen food until I’m ready to check out, so there’s less chance of it thawing on the way home – and half the time forget to circle back to the freezers to get what I need!
I usually forget saltine crackers.
I usually forget the one thing I actually went to the store for, then remember after I get home.
I always forget stick butter. I guess I always assume that I have it on stock and don’t realize how much I actually use.
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I’m most likely to forget spices. That’s why they have to be on the list!
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I always forget spices that we just ran out of. They never seem to get added to the list!
I always forget non-food items.
I always forget either hotdog or hamburger buns!!
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I forget bread.
I often forget bread.
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I agree with the spice thing, I can never remember what I am out of.
I always forget milk!
I always forget to buy Parmesan cheese. When I have it, it seems to last a long time, so I don’t think to buy it. Then when we run out I forget to buy it for ages!!
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Believe it or not – it is usually TP or milk!! the basics.
I ALWAYS forget to get coffee. Don’t ask me why – I drink enough of it!
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I forget the ketchup since I don’t use it myself… bad mommying.
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I usually forget the things I don’t have a coupon for. Coupons seems to be my “list.”
I usually forget to buy the “random” item that a certain recipe calls for that I don’t usually have in my house- like half-an-half for alfredo sauce
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For me the most forgotten thing is the list itself! I spend time making a list, then set it down and forget to take it with me to the store!
I always forget lettuce
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I forget half and half for my coffee.
as long as i have my list i usually don’t forget anything
I don’t forget things very often, but if its anything, it would be something that I don’t usually buy & need for a new recipe.
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I always forget GROUND BEEF!
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I always forget something obvious (usually the main item I’m shopping for!)- milk, eggs, etc.!
I always forget eggs or don’t realize they are past their date and have to get more!
I tend to forget things at the front of the store that are not where they should be, like a block of parmesean cheese or feta…..why arent they with the rest of the cheese?!? LOL
Usually some canned item I need for a recipe. I assume my stockpile is good until I go to get the needed item.
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I always forget meat! Chicken, ground beef, you name it.
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I always forget parmesan cheese.
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I always forget condiments like catsup or mustard. Drives me nuts!
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Hmmm…what DON’T I forget! Usually one of the basics like bread or milk that I don’t write down because I always buy them. Oops!
I seem to forget peanut butter…
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I normally forget to buy all the staples, since it’s not too exciting.
Lastly, I am a Facebook fan too. Love your site from across the border (MN)!
I don’t know why, but I seem to forget bread more often than anything.
I probably forget butter 8 out of 10times I use alot so youd think I would rember it
I always forget my husband’s lactose-free milk. He’s the only one in the family that drinks it.
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bodywash or shampoo
Most forgotten item is always the one thing I went to go for in the first place!!
It’s the little things like brown sugar etc, that aren’t necessarily needed for a certain meal that don’t always make it in the cart.
The most often forgotten item on my shopping list is eggs
*Thanks* for the giveaway!
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i usually forget condiments…
My most forgotten item is toilet paper! I am always in the check-out line and realize that I forgot toilet paper, so then I have to run over and grab it quick.
It never fails. I forget trashbags and have to go back.
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Glenda Embree
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I always forget my pet food and then have to make a special trip.
I forget salt. The basics. staples.
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I have forgotton so very many things in 40+ yrs with the same man. Love to win something to kick start me to cook more. thanks
I always forget eggs.
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tweeted 2/23
This is a great giveaway! I wonder if I could be computer savy enough to make this ziplist work for me. I always forget the black olives.
Lemonade drink mix. My husband won’t drink any other flavor and I always seem to forget it!
I always forget whatever I need the most! This happens often, and even with a list.
I always forget pull ups for my youngest!
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I always forget water for my girls!
basics, like bread
I sometimes forget the one thing I was making the trip to the store to get in the first place. I’ll get distracted and forget. Otherwise it’s something that was on sale I wanted to get more of.
These bags are just tooo cute. I hope I win one.
I normally forget what I went to the store to get in the first place!!!
I am constantly forgetting bread, which is one of the things we use most, so it means another trip for me
A tub of margarine-we don’t buy if often but my girls always want it on their rolls.
Always forget Milk!
I always forget pizza sauce or anything I don’t have a coupon for.
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I do make lists and I do remember to take them, but for some stupid reason I usually miss one item on that list that is right in front of my face!! LOL. Maybe I’m too distracted by the great deals but I always miss at least 1 thing. Then my husband complains that I have to go to the store AGAIN…
It never fails. I will always forget the one thing that I NEEDED to get at the grocery store.
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I always forget that “one” item I went to store for….
I always forget to buy the buns.
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I always forget an herb; usually parsley or cilantro!
I always forget cat litter!
I always forget my reusable bags in the car. I even put them on th list but my list is in my purse.
My most often forgotten item is my reusable shopping bags, go figure.
We usually forget beer as that’s not a ‘grocery’ to us. It’s the same price at the local specialty store as at Walmart so It’s doens’t make a difference where we buy it. And only DH drinks it so I prefer him to go and get it. lol.
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I have been forgetting EGGS lately! Seriously. And then, sometimes I’ll remember them when getting in the checkout lane, but they’re all the way at the back of the store, so I don’t go get them.
I always forget beer, which my husband probably despises.
I don’t drink it often enough to remember to get it.
I always forget my “green” bags!
i forget whatever i don’t have coupons for
Just this past week I forgot tortillas and I didn’t buy enough green peppers.
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The most often forgotten item when I go to the grocery store is the ONE item I need the most, the item that I went to the store to get!
Hey there!
The most common item on my list I’ve been forgetting for at least three weeks is bagged ice! I have subscribed to Common Sense with Money’s e-mails, RSS feed, followed you on Twitter and have become a Facebook fan. Way to advertise and get your page noticed! Congrats!!!
I can never remember to get stamps because you have to ask the clerk and hey I’ve already filled my cart and put everything on the conveyor belt so my work is done right. Now I just straighten out my coupons and bribe the toddlers to make it a few more minutes. Stamps are the last thing on my mind.
I always seem to forget the laundry detergent. Maybe, subconsciously, it’s because I don’t want to fold another load of laundry! =)
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I always forget milk, but I always buy too many eggs, so maybe it evens out in some freaky way. lol.
I forget toilet paper. We have three bathroom and I guess I just always think there’s still some in one of the others.
My most forgotten item is butter! I always forget when I run out.
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I always forget whatever it is I remind myself over & over not to forget!
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I always forget my list. There’s always a chunk of my shopping forgotten and results in a second trip. Bummers!
I have forgotten coffee filters for the last week now. Hubby is getting a little peeved!
I sometimes forget to buy salsa..and at our house we always need it! Thank you.
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I forget pasta sauce and there goes my meal plan!
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I always forget household items (light bulbs, ziploc bags or papertowels). Always when I need them most.