I love watching the snow fall from the comfort and warmth of my own home. The feeling is rather romantic. What is not romantic at all is driving in winter conditions. This year States that usually don’t get any snow got plenty of it. My husband was telling me the statistic that pretty much only the state of Florida was free of snow this year.
That’s a terrifying statistic I think. To suddenly have people who are not used to driving on snow covered roads thrust into that situation must be frighteningly dangerous. Sometimes inexperience or overconfidence can lead to life-threatening situations. I will never forget a news story about a family that was stranded in their car for days after getting lost during a snow storm. Unfortunately, they lost the dad.
This story made a serious impact in my life and I have always made sure our car is full of all the necessary winter essentials:
- Cell phone and charger
- Blankets
- High-calorie, non-perishable food
- Extra clothing (wool socks, gloves, hats)
- Small can and waterproof matches to melt snow for drinking water
- Road salt or cat litter to help with traction
- Camping shovel Ice scraper and brush
- Tow rope
- Brightly colored flag or cloth to tie to your antenna
Please make sure these items are also included in your car. Accidents are just that: accidents. You just never know when you will be the victim of one.
State Farm recently conducted a survey about auto insurance and the results showed that people have many questions about what to do after an accident. As you well know, being a smart consumer is one of the keys to saving money, which is why State Farm created the Auto Learning Center, a one-stop resource for all matters related to auto insurance. It’s designed to help consumers get quick, easy-to-understand answers from experts and peers.
Win It!
State Farm has offered the following Road Safety Kit to one CSwM reader:
The gift set includes:
- Garmin Nuvi 1300 4.3″ GPS Navigator – $120
- State Farm-Branded Roadside Emergency Kit – $35
- Includes: 12 ft, heavy duty jumper cables, 300psi air compressor with accessories, 12 ft nylon tow strap, flashlight with batteries, 2-in-1 screwdriver, slip joint pliers, industrial cutter, and work gloves, all in a rugged carrying case with reflective taping and handle.
Here is how to enter:
1. Leave a comment sharing which winter essential is missing from your car. I have to tell you, I could use adding an extra set of clothes for each family member.
For additional entries:
- Follow me on twitter and tweet the following (copy/paste): Stop by commonsensewithmoney.com for a chance to win a Road Safety Kit ($150 value) . Go here to enter https://bit.ly/gjZVge
- Like Common Sense with Money on Facebook.
If you are reading this entry on your RSS reader or email newsletter make sure to CLICK HERE to enter this giveaway. Emailing me is not a valid way to enter this giveaway. This giveaway is open to residents of the US 18 years and older. This giveaway ends 1/24/11 at 3PM EST
This giveaway was sponsored by State Farm . This Post was written by me and was not edited by the sponsor. Read more on my disclosure policy.
I don’t have anything! Gives me a goal for the weekend to get some things together.
I should really have snowpants and boots in my car. I already have a blanket and first aid kit but living in Michigan with winter weather always requires extra layers.
What a wonderful give-away….please enter me to win!!!
I guess we’re missing pretty much everything. Would love to win this!
I don’t have jumper cables – and that’s stupid because they aren’t all that expensive. I’ve just always relied on the kindness of strangers…and I’m no southern belle! I can change a tire with the best of ’em!
Would love this as I travel between MI and WI every other weekend by car. I’ve been saving swagbucks to get a GPS for my poor old van!
i’m missing everything! i would to win this.
i like common sense on facebook. would love to win this.
I don’t have any of it.
Well, we are lacking a lot. I have blankets, because the heater wasn’t working. Even our scrapper is gone! (we borrowed a car while ours was broken down and then left our scrapper in their car! doh!) We could actually use a whole new car – but a good emergency kit would be really great
I’m missing clothes for each family member and water and a gps
I would a GPS! Thank you…
I need to add some salt of Kitty litter to my car. I would really like to win this.
my hubby has packed our cars with quite a few emergency supplies but we still need an extra set of clothes for everyone!
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I need to add waterproof matches
I’m missing the food and clothes. I would certainly pack them, however, if I was planning a longer trip.
I am currently missing jumper cables in my car
I’m missing road salt and extra warm clothes.
This would be an awesome prize! I would like to add to your post that some people may have medical conditions (my son has Type 1 diabetes) and this would mean having some extra items. For him it would be a test kit, insulin, needles and high carb snacks and drinks. Also, wearing medical ID’s are necessary!
What an awesome topic to post about. THANK YOU! I love your site by the way and read it daily!
Also, what is missing from my car is a cell phone charger and road salt. More great ideas and thank you!
I am missing a blanket in my car.
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We are missing pretty much everything. I haven’t stopped to think about it. Thanks for the reminder!!
I don’t have anything except for a blanket. I better get working on that!
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I could use clothes for my family! Thanks Mercedes! =)
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I have jumper cables and gloves. That is it.
I have jumper cables and a first aid kit, but I am lacking all the cold weather emergency items. HELP!
Everything but the cell & charger & blanket!
I am missing food, water, and extra clothes.
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I think it’s easier to list what we do have in the car than what we don’t ! (I’ve got some work to do tonight!!! ; ) ) We have a blanket and a small bag of kitty litter in the trunk. In a pinch I would use my husband’s golf clubs to dig us out and I might be able to find an old fast food french fry on the floor under one of the seats, but that’s about it! Sad, I know!
There’s no blanket in my car.
I never thought to bring a cell phone charger! We don’t have extra water although it was on my list this week to stock up on protein bars for the car!
I’m missing non-perishable food and blankets.
I have a first aid/emergency kit with flares, a shovel, scraper and blanket — I’m missing everything else.
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We are missing just about everything.
I don’t have anything, must start with food, water, and extra clothes.
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My car is missing the safety kit! That would sure be a nice addition to my car and help ease my mind! Great Giveaway!
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I am missing everything!
Pretty Much Everything
We don’t have clothes or kitty litter.
I am missing small can and waterproof matches to melt snow for drinking water.
Also, what would be good to have is a candle or Sterno canned heat as an emergency heat source. Sterno Canned Heat is a fuel made from denatured and jellied alcohol. It is designed to be burned directly from its can. Designed to be odorless, a small can about 7oz. will burn for up to two hours. The flame is easy to extinguish by simply placing the lid back on the can. Its primary uses are in the food service industry for buffet heating and in the home for fondue. Other uses are for camp stoves and as an emergency heat source.
i am missing a blanket and a falshlight from my car! i gotta get on that!
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Would love to win this.
the only thing I actually have for “emergencies” is a blanket!
We’re missing road salt.
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A shovel!
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I am missing all these items too!
Thanks for the heads up on travel safety.
I guess I need just about everything
A set of jumper cables is missing from my emergency kit. reading your post reminded me that I had removed them from my car but I am on my way to put them back right now. Safety first!
thanks for the plan. would love to win this item
a shovel or snow brush, who knew we’d get so much snow in GA!
food and a few other things. We generally store cold weather gear in the van though.
I don’t have any of these items either! Great idea though.
I need a blanket for my car…among other things I’m sure! Oh, and a car charger for my cell phone.
i would never think of putting a spare pair of clothes in my car for every member of the family!
I do not have a change of clothes in the car. I do have 3 blankets and food and car repair essentials. I am confident that in Western NC, where I live, the possibility of being stranded for over 6 hours is slim, but you are right that accidents are just that accidents.
I’m missing everything but the cell phone charger currently. Eek! Thanks for the giveaway.
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Oh boy – I don’t have ANYTHING! Not good considering I DO live in MN!
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I am missing extra clothing and a tow rope. And a Garmin.
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I’m missing food from my car.
my cell phone charger is missing
We have jumper cables and flares in the car, it doesn’t snow in Houston. I dont talk or text on the cell phone if I am in the car, so I don’t have a car charger. It’ll be on my “To Do” list now, you never know what is going to happen!
when we lived in VA during blizzard of the century (March 2010), I had clothes, blankets, water, PBJ w/ crackers so if we ever get stranded somewhere, now we live in FL & bec of hurricanes, I pretty much have the same things & to add…always no less than 1/2 tank ful of gas…could be the army training or just having a hubby who, according to him, you never know when you’ll need these things…better safe than sorry

I have a now, 7 & 3 yr old boys
Oh it be wonderful to take our 18 month baby and the soon to be born baby on a ride….We have had problems with the old GPS . Wish I can get a new GPS now. This year we have had more snow than in the last twenty years…and its difficult to drive around even when you know the way. Guess I need to get these essentials as back up in case of an emergency.
I don’t think we always have water or food! Thank you!
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road flares or reflective material if I break down…
Would love this for my 17 dd.
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My husband put the stuff in my car and I honestly have no idea what is in there.
I have everything but the extra clothes , food and GPS. Oh wait I do have a change of clothes for my youngest in the car.
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We have none of those items that you listed in our car except for blankets. I think it’s time to be prepared!
I don’t think I have any essentials!!! I need it all!
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i lived in n. idaho as a kid so my truck has almost everything on your list – the only thing it doesn’t have is an extra set of clothing for me or my husband, the kids do have extra clothing in there though.
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I live in FL so the snow thing is very uncommon for us. However, I am putting in snacks amd jumper cables in the car. You always need those.
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Would love to win this!!! We need everything!
I live in a very snowy area and I have to admit I have not put together a winter emergency kit yet! I’ll have to put one together and put it in the van! Thanks for the reminder (though having about 2 feet of snow outside my house right now should be reminder enough!)
I don’t have a towing cable or a flashlight. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I don’t really keep a supply of emergency food in the car. Sure, a few snacks sometimes, but not real supplies. I also remember the story of that family getting lost in the snow and the dad dying. It was so sad. Thanks for raising awareness and doing such a great giveaway.
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I am missing pretty much everything from your list. I need to get that together now!
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I’m missing most of these essentials! Would love to win!
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Honestly, I am missing most of these items. I thought I was doing okay with a flashlight, jumper cables and a first aid kit.
I am missing a blanket and high calorie food.
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I get your daily emails. Thanks!
We don’t have any salt in our car.
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Do have most of the needed supplies working an hour from home, but the flag or tow rope…. good to know! :^)
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great giveaway!
hand warmers and chapstick would be needed ….for winter essentials…. i hope to W I N!
I’m one of those people who, despite living in the Northeast, has yet to pack her car with winter emergency essentials. I do have a spare tire and jumper cables…but that’s it!
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we live in florida so i dont really have anything in our car. but we should still have a few things in case of an emergency.
I should probably have flares in the car. Thanks for having an awesome giveaway!
I don’t have a GPS in my car.
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We are missing almost everything, except blankets.
I’m missing food and water in my car.
I need to add a set of clothes/shoes/socks to the car emergency kit!
I think it would be easier to say what I actually do have in my car, which would be the blankets! Thanks for the tips of what I should start getting together for the car.
I live in SoCal so I don’t keep winter gear in the car. I also don’t keep jumper cables and such in the car because I just call roadside assistance if something happens.
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I pretty much have none of those things in the car. Guess I should put it on my to-do list.
I’m missing blankets!
I do not have a GPS, and that would help prevent getting lost, in the winter conditions. Most all else is in the cars we have. I even carry 1 more of the articles of clothing in case I come across some one who is stranded.
I hate to say it, but we are missing almost everything on that list…I need to do better!
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I actually don’t have any emergency essentials in my car! I will have to put some clothes and blankets in it right now! I would love to win!
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I am missing the heater from my car… I wish I had that !!!
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I need everything! I do have gloves and my phone is always with me but that’s about it! Would love to win this!!!
I’m missing most of them:
# High-calorie, non-perishable food
# Extra clothing (wool socks, gloves, hats)
# Small can and waterproof matches to melt snow for drinking water
# Road salt or cat litter to help with traction
# Camping shovel Ice scraper and brush
# Tow rope
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I have a blanket in the car, and some water. Thats about it! I do really need to get a kit in there! Winning a pre-assembled kit sure would help!
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I’m missing most everything on that list! We need to be better prepared.
Yikes! I don’t have anything but a cell phone and an umbrella. I need to do better. I would LOVE to win this GPS!!!
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My car isn’t emergency ready at all! Pretty foolish. Thanks for this giveaway. I follow you on Facebook.
I need a snack box with water and wool blankets. I’m always afraid of getting stuck and that would be so handy in our rural area!
All I have is a cell phone, when I don’t forget it, and jumper cables. This kit would be awesome.
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I am embarrased to say all I have is the cell and charger cuz I always have that! And I live in snow country!
I am missing everything in my car, but our family vehicle has a roadside emergency kit. I should really do something about that!
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I am missing everything here is Houston!
I need an additional set of clothing for each family member in my car. What a useful tip.
I’m missing everything!!
warm blankets!
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I really need to get on this…I have my hubby carry an emergency bag full of warm clothing for him since he is a truck driver but I do not have extra clothing and food in the vehicles for me.
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Um, pretty much everything is missing for winter safety, except an ice scrapper in our cars!
I am missing EVERYTHING except the cell phone and charger and the road salt (bought it for the driveway and was too lazy to take it out yet. I live in Illinois. I need to get my act together! Would LOVE to win this
I’m missing the can and matches, and the GPS. Since we travel with our dogs a lot, I DO keep food for them too, and a big ole pile of blankets, and body harness w/leashes. They’re family, too! Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize.
I have everything but the food. in my car!

I like you on Facebook. I’m sorry to say that I really don’t have any emergency supplies so this would be great!
I am missing kitty litter/salt, I should probably keep that in my car!
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Sadly, I’m in pretty much the same boat here as well, with hardly any of those essentials in my vehicle. I have an emergency kit for my house. Thanks for the reminder that we might not always make it from point A to point B when even traveling short distances. Need to get it together!!!
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I think I need just about everything, I know I have battery cables, which have came in handy many times! I live in Florida, so I really don’t need as much as all the Northerners but I really never thought about this idea. email and Facebook connected! CSWM IS WONDERFUL, I TRY NOT TO MISS ANYTHING
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WELL I DONT HAVE ANYTHING!! not even a shovel Mercedes, can you believe that! Well i know its not safe but I moved from sunny Florida to Madison,wi 4 years ago , at the begining I was oblivious of what the risks were or what were the must haves…later I learned the hard way when my car spinned out of control during a storm! I was coming back from a peditrician appointment for my newborn who was worn with very low weight, thankfully a snow bank stopped me and not another car.I end up paying more than $100 to get my car towed , I didnt have a cell phone at the time,so the police provided their own company.We were broke at the time so paying $100 for anything was out of the question but there was no way around it.I was traumatized after it and decided I would never drive during a storm or even after it till snow had cleared from roads, but sometimes life happens . At the begining of this winter season everyone was preparing for a very big snow storm that was supose to get to us around 7pm saturday so I decided to go shopping before that. I remeber it was the day they had the free wrapping paper and tissue at walgreens. I left target and my intention was to get “the deal” at walgreens but a very white road surprised me when I left the store around 5pm…my daughter now 2 was so happy to see the snow coming down and somehow she transfer some courage to her very frightened mom.. So off I went to venture back home, then my car went off the road again to the other side of the road! I was so nervous and I couldn’t even see where I was, when I call the tow truck they kept asking me where I was but I didnt know…thats were a navigation system comes in handy! I had to step ou of my car and try to look for a street sign..Finally 3 hours later a tow truck show up and took me to my house…so well now I think it time to start gathering all the things required for this kind of weather! hopefully I will win and check off these from my list.
Except blanket and extra clothes for the kids i don’t have anything…..(say i know)
I am missing everything except the big blanket. Wow in reading all of the posts, I need to get with it. I have nothing but the blanket. I’d sure love to get the GPS to go along with the other things I will soon get. Thanks for the story, it has given me much to think about.
I am missing a flashlight, and I know other things. Living in CA, we don’t pack well for emergencies!!
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The only things I *do* have are clothes, blankets and a cell phone. I really need to get it together!
Thanks for the info. I have most of the emergency things you mentioned however I never thought of a can for melting snow. I am going to do that right now. I also have a candle in my kit.
I have no extra clothes, no food, no matches, no road salt. I am in trouble.
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I am missing rope, salt, extra pairs of clothing, and food.
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I’d love to win!
I think I need a snow brush for my car. I live in SC, so I didn’t think I’d ever need one but we’ve already had two snows this winter!
Amy Lauren
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Amy Lauren
Wow…I have NOTHING prepared for a possible roadside emergency! Probably need to get on that…but some help would be great!;)
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Amy Lauren
Believe it or not, I live in northern Wisconsin and I am missing an ice scraper – I dig out my least favorite credit card when I need to scrape!!!!!
Road salt and extra clothes!
I have almost everything in my vehicle except a shovel. I keep a bag with food, water, clothes but there’s no shovel. Guess I’ll have to invest in a small one. My friend has a TomTom and hates it. I would rather have a Garmin than a TomTom anyday.
I think we could use a blanket for the back seat in our van.
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I think it is a great idea to keep some snacks in the car just in case.
Well it seems I am missing quite a few items. I guess the most important one would be a toss up between extra clothing and a brightly colored flag.
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Totally have none of that…I’m going to get it together!
I am missing jumper cables, as I let someone borrow them.
Wow, I don’t have anything that you have listed.
I have never had a GPS so I would love to win this prize!!
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I’d love a Garmin Navigator, since that would be one thing that ‘s missing from my winter car kit:)
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Brightly colored flag or cloth to tie to your antenna.
Small can and waterproof matches… If I could find dry brush, could also start a fire for warmth.
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I could use an extra blankets
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I don’t have a phone charger or a brightly colored piece of cloth.
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I have nothing not even a flashlight.
I don’t have any of it. Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention.
I have not planned ahead at all! A cell phone and charger is about all I have right now. Guess i had better get things taken care of :/
as embarassed as i am to say this, we have no emergency supplies in our car, my husband the naysayer thinks we don’t travel far enough away from home to require anything
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To be honest we don’t have ANYTHING packed and ready in our car for emergencies…My BAD!
I need to get a camping shovel, cat liter, red flag and rope – this Winter is Atlanta has been awful.
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Please enter me. I’m actually missing every item on your list except the cat litter- and that is in the car only because I have too much to store in the house!
i like Common Sense with Money on facebook under cooklynn50@yahoo.com
I should keep more blankets in my car!
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I need it all. I live in the Northeast where we get alot of snow!!!!
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I am missing a tow rope and cat litter or salf for traction!
I am missing everything but the hats and gloves and cell phone and charger.
We could really use some blankets. Oh and extra sets of clothes cause the ones I put in there 4 years ago probably won’t be much use to the kids! Love your site. I get the e-mail updates!
With the winter southern weather lately I certainly need to add food/beverage/blanket to my car. A small shovel etc too!!!
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I brightly colored flag.
There are several things we need to stock our car with, including an air compressor and tow rope. Thank you posting about this and making me think!
I am missing tow rope and cat litter
I don’t have most of what I should have according to this list!
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Since I’m from ND, we really do need absolutely everything. Last night the temperature was 35 below zero WITHOUT the wind chill!! So I carry just about everything under the sun….although I don’t think I have any matches. Good reminder!
My mom also found out she needs a cell phone today (she’s old-school!) as she and my 8 year old were involved in an accident on the way to school. Luckily no one was hurt, but the cars were both damaged. The snow banks are so high here, you can’t see around corners and in parking lots!
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I’m ashamed of myself…totally unprepared. I have a cell phone and an ice scraper, but that’s the extent of it. That’s pretty sad. No blankets, food, clothing, can, matches, salt, shovel, rope or colored flag. I’m not very proud of it, either. Bad me!!!!
All i have in the van are blankets, looks like i have some emergency stocking to do!
We don’t have any emergency stuff in our car, unfortunately.
Well…our minivan is not equiped with all the winter weather essentials
and cell phone charger 
hope we win
(family of 6) 
We do have the blankets
Its a start
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Lots of these are missing from my car!
Small can and waterproof matches to melt snow for drinking water
Road salt or cat litter to help with traction
Camping shovel Ice scraper and brush
Tow rope
I am missing the clothes, matches, and food…unless you count old french fries under the seat!!! Yuck!!
I need to put in some extra clothing for all of us!
Man makes you think you just never know. Other than cell phone / charger and a first aid kit I have no emergency essentials in my car.
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Stop by commonsensewithmoney.com for a chance to win a Road Safety Kit ($150 value) . Go here to enter https://bit.ly/gjZVge
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I keep a mylar emergency blanket in my glove box.
Water, lots of water. I used to make sure a 20 lb bag of cat litter was in the trunk so, if I got stuck anywhere I could throw that under my tires traction.
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I am missing a spare set of clothes, food, water, matches, etc. In other words, I have very little.
I am missing just about everything on the list.
I’ve got a small first aid kit, but other than that I guess I’m pretty much missing everything! Thanks for the giveaway!
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More trash cans – there is always too much trash in the car.
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We need clothing and blankets.
There is a lot missing from my car but probably the most important thing is a cell phone and charger. I have never had a cell phone and it sure would be good to have one to call for help if I was stranded alone during an emergency. Thank you!
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I will be adding a tow rope, waterproof matches and small can , maybe some extra clothes also
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We need blankets, extra clothings for the kids, food, and water. Also a broken gps needs to be fixed.
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I only have a blanket for my three boys, but would love to have everything else in case of an emergency. Great reminder to put these things in the car! Thanks!
I follow on Twitter & sent tweet about giveaway @JulsB20
We could really use new jumper cables. Mine are pretty old. Im not even sure if they would work! After this winter in Western New York- I could probably use new tires too!
I am not prepared, so it would be great to win this!
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I have jumper cables but nothing else.
Thanks for the chance to win! The article was very helpful
I don’t have enough spare clothes or non-perishable foods. Hope to win the road safety kit!!! Thanks for all your great offers and advive!!
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I have some of the things, but a glaring one for me is …I need to put a phone charger in my car. Yikes – can’t believe I haven’t thought to have one before.
I’m missing a blanket in my car.
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I am missing it all! I don’t even think I have a scraper & I live in wisconsin. I need to get prepaired. Thanks for the push!
Probably most of the list is missing from my car. You always think it won’t happen to you.
We really could use a better blanket or more blankets out there.
I’m only missing the brightly colored flag.
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Missing from my car is a warm blanket – also I often run out of the house without a jacket because I’m always hot but if I broke down and had to walk in the cold I’d be sunk.
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I have nothing in my car but it’s 80 degrees here. I should probably bring extra clothes for the kids and jumper cables.
We have NO extra clothes or blankets in our car. I should pack a rubbermaid tub full of all these things. Thanks!
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I definitely could add a pair of clothes for each family member.
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Missing some jumper cables and a couple of extra blankets.
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(Tamara Bennington)
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We need some clothes and a few more blankets for our family.
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I just got a new car last month and I have nothing in it to survive!! Thanks for the reminder!
I know I need to add some non-perishable food, can to melt snow and probably another blanket.
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I could use the food and extra blankets!
well, i just found out i would be out of luck, i dont have anything… no food, clothes, etc. man. it’s something i never even thought of keeping in the car… all i have is jumper cables.
don’t have any of those in our car
What’s missing from my car? All of those things! ;D
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I receive the your emails and am a fan on Facebook. Ironically, I don’t even have a winter kit, so in that sense I guess I’m missing everything. I live in Las Vegas, so rain and snow are extremely rare here and don’t last long when we see them. I DO have a summer emergency kit for my kids in case we ever break down anywhere when it’s 115 out. Water, snacks, sunblock, spray bottle, etc.
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Thanks for a great reminder and giveaway! Here in Dallas, where it only snows occasionally, we are all remiss in having adequate supplies for the days that it does snow and ice up. We are already at a deficit compared to the northern states as there is no snow removal equipment to help us out…so I’m guessing that many of us shouldn’t even be on the road!! That being said, the only thing in my SUV is jumper cables! I could really use a practical kit such as this.
We are missing clothes as well in our car! I have enough for me, but not for the kids that are in my car 99% of the time!
SUCH a great giveaway. Thank you!!
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wow. I have a scrapper. But besides that i need to really think about all this and have it in my car. I love how you always have tips for me even if i dont win this. Thank you so much once again
Ill be gathering all my stuff up. You are appreciated!
I need it all also. I bought a another car and in the mix of tring to keep it nice and clean we have nothing in it. My old car had everthing now I need to start thinking. Thanks for the deals!
Missing items – extra clothes, tow rope, air compressor, food, etc…- wow…..I subscribe via email. Thanks!
Living in FL, not much need for extra winter gear, but I should carry some jugs of water.
I don’t have anything at all.
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I am missing the food and extra clothes. Gotta get that done.
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We have NO extra clothes or blankets in our car.
I did all of the things you asked above.
I really need a GPS because I’m bad at following directions, and the other items make sense too. I really could use them all, thanks.
I’m missing most of this except the cell phone. Not very smart of me since I live in Michigan where winters can be brutal
We are missing blankets .Apart from that i think we can also have some extra food and water…
Eek, I am missing all of it, except the phone and charger
I am missed extra clothes for family members in the car. I have blankets, water, food, flashlights… I should probably also check to make the food hasn’t past it’s expiration date
RSS subscriber!
This is something I could really use.
I am missing the salt or kitty litter.
extra clothing for us, too. we also don’t have matches in the car…or a tow rope…or kitty litter. I guess we need to add a lot to the car!
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Only thing i have in my car is blankets and an ice scraper
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I am missing the food and extra clothes and blankets.
I don’t have any food or water in my car.
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we are missing the extra clothes for my kids and blankets.
My car is short most things on the list will have to fix that!
I do not have any jumper cables
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I don’t have any of these items in my car.
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Definitely missing the clothes – I never thought of that!!
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thanks a lot Appreciate it
We are probably missing everything on the list! Live in cold New Hampshire – better get some stuff together
Wow! I’m missing a lot! The only thing I do have is the cell phone and charger.
I am missing almost every item myself-only thing extra I carry is extra food in case my boys get hungry. Need to work on that.
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Wow — I need to gather everything! Thanks for posting.
Wow, I was surprised by how few of these things I carried. We only go into the snow areas once or twice a year, but ended up spending the night in a pricey hotel before Christmas because of an unexpected heavy snowfall–we were just grateful we were able to get off the freeway and into somewhere warm.
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Extra cell phone charger
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I could definitely use a flashlight in my car. This also reminds me I need to get my jumper cables back from my boyfriend. Thanks!
I need jumper cables, gps and blankets/extra clothing.
Food! I have absolutely no food in my car. I’d have to nosh on gum.
I singed up for RSS feed with Live Bookmarks. I don’t have anything like this in my car; I better get busy and get some stuff together…
I have none of these things in my car. Wow I would have a huge issue if anything ever happened!
extra clothing
We don’t have a GPS! In fact, I think the only thing we have on this list is change of clothes (sports-related) and lots of bottles of water!
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I have nothing in my car, I don’t even own a cell phone.
Wow, I am missing quite a bit. We have a cell phone, charger, flashlight, blankets, and salt. Thanks for the giveaway!
I have nothing but jumper cables. I need to fix that
I am an e-mail subscriber, thanks!
FB fan like I said I have nothing in my car and no cell phone I’m lucky I have a car!
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My vehicle is missing everything. Now that I don’t have a trunk. I don’t seem to have as much room to store all those much needed items.
We need extra clothes, first aid kit and of course a GPS wouldn’t hurt either!
I don’t have any blankets or food in my car.
I am missing everything on your list except the blankets! But I do have a first aid kit, a battery powered jumper cable kit, and water.
I need the water proof matches and food.
What an awesome giveaway! I have a lot of things missing from my car: food, clothing, matches, salt, tow rope, and flag. I guess I have a lot of work to do!
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I am missing most of the listed items including food, and a flag. In Colorado you never know when you’ll need to be prepared.
I’m missing food and water :/ I never even thought of that.
I don’t have one.
I don’t have anything and I am going to be sure I work on your list this weekend.
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I could use a flashlight. I am always looking for one but I never remember to put one in the car!
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I don’t have an air compressor…that would be awsome!
I could use a change of clothes and a flashlight! Thanks for the giveaway!!
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I need to update the food that is in the trunk. We’re good about keeping dog food and dog biscuits there, in addition to water, but not so good about “people” food.
I’d like to suggest that everyone check the condition of the plastic water bottles they store in their trunk. At a recent emergency evacuation seminar I learned that those plastic bottles can become brittle/unstable and can crack or dissolve. The lecturer suggested we store the small “bags” of water that are available from emergency planning websites/retailers, as these remain stable in all weather and temperatures. Those are on my birthday wish list.
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I’m missing the blankets for sure and I’m fairly certain my jumper cables are in my hubby’s car!
I could use a blanket in the car.
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unfortunately we don’t have one, but what you said sounds necessary for sure. Thank you!
I am missing a FLASHLIGHT!!
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I don’t have any of that stuff either, winning would be awesome. Thanx alot for the contest.
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Definitely missing most of this – although I do have goldfish for the kiddo to munch on but I don’t think that counts as enogh food for everyone!!
email susbcriber ANGELASPRINGER@HOT
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I’m missing EVERYTHING!
angie.wenger@hotmail, email follower
I have an emergency road kit…but I don’t have a Garmin. I took my umbrella out..and now it is MIA. Sad day. What a fun giveaway!
I don’t have an emergency kit in my car, so I guess that means I’m missing everything!
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I would definitely add premixed formula and diapers along with many other items for the list.
oh, and that story was heartbreaking!
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i follow you on facebook! love your blog…happy mother of 3!
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I really need to get my car stocked with some winter safety essentials…like yesterday!
Great idea. We all need it.
I do keep a blanket in our vehicle but nothing else. Love your website and thanks for doing all of this for us!
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i’m missing a gps, so this would be great!
I am missing extra cothes and blankets.
I’m an email subscriber. Thanks for the giveaway!
I missing too much!! Thanks for the great contest.
Living in WI, I have most of these things in the trunk of my car during the winter months. However, I do NOT have a tow rope or food in my vehicle.
I actually have a year round “emergency” bag for the kiddos in each vehicle with includes a small can of powdered formula (think freebie sample), bottle, diapers and changes of clothing for each kiddo.
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I need to have a blanket in my vehicle.
We have a blanket and thats it
Wow, that is quite a list! I think I’m missing most of those. Extra clothes and a blanket sound like a good idea though;)
I need to add food and clothing in the car.
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I don’t have any of it, except a cell phone with no car charger!!
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Turns out I just have a bunch of toys in my car. I am working on this today. I feel like I practically live in my car so I should have the necessary items to survive if stuck in my car as well. Thanks for the reminder. My girls thank you too!
I don’t have anything on the list in my car except a fleece throw. Living in Georgia we usually don’t have much need of winter emergency items. We did have a snowstorm a couple of weeks ago and got several inches of snow so maybe I need to get together some of the items and stash them in the trunk.
I used to have a AAA road kit in my car, but I must have lost it over the years. My MIL got my husband a safety kit for his car, but of course, I can get stranded…right?
So all of this to say–I have NO safety equipment in my car and could really use a kit!
Sadly- i only have a first kit and blanket in there
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I think the two things I should add to my car are matches and cat litter.
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We don’t have a winter emergency kit in the car. I would love to win!
I’m missing everything but the cell phone charger.
I don’t have the blankets or extra clothing. I try to keep my trunk stocked with other items, but this is a good reminder to always have a plan in place especially in bad weather.
i could use some food in my car…granola bars, protein bars, etc. that would be handy. good luck to all!
Sadly, I think I’m missing most of those items, but I do have an emergency kit that has not been touched since I bought it (thank goodness!)
I need a extra blanket for my daughter and I!
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Thanks for this opportunity. I don’t have anything like this is in my car.
To be honest, the only thing from the list I have is my cell phone and charger, but thanks to you, I am going to get these items together this weekend and put in my car! And I would love to own the GPS so that I do not have to print google map directions anymore!
We don’t have anything!!! Shame on us .. We need this!
I am missing a flag and waterproof matches. Guess that is what I will be search for in my home before I venture out tomorrow! Thanks for the info.
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I am missing EVERYTHING it feels like. But most importantly I think I first aid kit and matches.
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Looks like I’m missing everything on that list.
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I should have extra clothes in the car. Also, I didn’t think about road salt for traction.
I am missing a GPS system and air compressor from the winter kit for my car. Right now, about 4pm, it’s 7 degrees outside and going to below zero overnight. I’ve got a 2003 vehicle with 160,000 miles on it. Hopefully it will not break down this winter and leave me stranded.
Whoa, we dont have anything except the torch and the screw driver. Thanks for the giveaway.
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I receive your daily emails, too. Thanks for all the great tips and savings.
Oh my, I don’t have ANY of these items in any of our vehicles! Scary scary scary!! Thanks for the list of necessary goodies – I will make sure to put these in our cars!!!!!
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I would need to add some non-perishable food items, granola bar etc. But I also think knowing where your cell phone is and making sure you have it charged are essentials when going anywhere. I recently was hit head on and so disorientated that I wasn’t sure what I needed to do, then I saw my cell phone in the pocket of my visor where I keep my insurance papers and was very relieved.
We’re missing everything, and being from Wisconsin that is really bad!!
I would love to win this.
I am from Ga. After our recent unprecedented weather I realize I need all of the items like blanket etc. We had many stranded motorists because we in the South definitely do not know how to drive in winter weather
I don’t have extra clothing in my car, nor do I have a shovel in it. I do think I need to put these in there as I am mostly driving alone. I would love to win this. Thanks to State Farm for sponsoring this contest and you for promoting it.
I am missing a tow rope and shovel.
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I don’t have any of them!
I hate to admit that I don’t have jumper cables
I don’t have a blanket or a shovel or a flashlight.
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I really am not prepared at all. I think I will go put a couple blankets in my vehicle this evening. Such a fun giveaway – thank you for the chance to win!
tyson 2468 (at) charter (dot) net
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I don’t have any food or road salt in my car. I do have a shovel and blanket. Guess I have some work to do this weekend, especially since it is about -20 degrees today.
Wow, we don’t have anything on your list except for the cell phone and charger in our car…you’ve gotten me thinking though…I think I’ll try to get some things together. Thanks!
Extra clothes and rope would be what ineed to add to my car
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I need to add additional clothes and waterproof matches to my car emergency kit.
I really need to add a wool blanket to my car kit.
I have a cell phone charger but, that is it. I am missing everything else. I hope I win!
I don’t have a cell phone charger!
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As we live in MT, I need to keep all this in my car and don’t. Thanks for the opportunity to win !
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I have a long commute each day by myself. I don’t have much at all i mycar for emergencies. My eyesight is not the best at night either. I need blankets and food in my car for my own safety. Having a charged cell phone is certainly needed. I could use your emergency kit!!!
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i usually have a blanket in my car, but now i dont. thanks we all need this.
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i don’t have anything in my car right now if there’s an emergency so i could use all that!
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i don’t keep the food in the car…..yikes
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My truck is equipped with most of the essentials but my boyfriend’s car could use it all!
I am seriously lacking in the emergency car kit department. I did see that free cat litter after coupon at Harris Teeter, so that’s the first thing I’ll buy!
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I don’t have anything in my car for winter! Never really thought about it til now. Might be a good idea to get started on that.
The car is the first thing that’s missing from that list :-)- this would still come in really handy for me, though!
I have most of the stuff listed in my car. I keep a towel and extra coat, but not extra clothes, socks. Instead of a battery powered flashlight (the batteries always seem to be dead when you need them) I have a hand crank power flashlight that will also charge a cell phone for 30 minutes and I keep a small tool box with the above listed tools. I have read where a metal coffee can (if you can find one) with a lit candle in it will heat a car enough to keep your from freezing.
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MRE’s would be good to add to my kit. They keep for a long time and will be good in an emergency.
I don’t have anything besides the cell phone and charger either. Thanks for offering this giveaway!
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I follow you on e-mail. I would like to win the safety kit to give to my kid for his first car.
I really need to keep a blanket and flash lights in my car. Thanks for a chance to win this package.
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I don’t have a tow rope, flag, or food in my car.
Oh my gosh, I will need to get busy–only have the cell phone and charger (I think!) in the car. Could really use this. Thanks for the chance to win!
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What a great prize pack!!! I follow on facebook and email!! Thanks for all the great tips.
Wow, I must admit I am missing most everything. I have a scraper with a brush, but am lacking everything else. I must add some things to my car.
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We need everything. Thanks for this giveaway.
Great post for all of us to think about! I could use some extra blankets packed away in the car!
I dont have anything! I guess a shopping trip is in my future!
Really need a Garmin!
I am not really prepared at all! I don’t have a shovel or any kitty litter for traction…but I do have spare sunglasses so I can look good stranded on the side of the road!
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Sadly, we don’t have any emergency items in our vehicles. I will have to make this a top priority for us especially since we travel quite often.
I could use the flashlight with batteries.
Definitely the extra clothing. Never thought about that. Should though — especially when the weather it like it is outside right now — 5 degrees above zero and plummeting. I hope to WIN!!
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I am definitely missing extra clothing for everyone.
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In FL our worry is not snow and ice but the many canals full of water. I need an emergency whistle and multi-function tool with a seat belt cutter that can also break the side windows if necessary.
I have no GPS and would love it.
Stop by commonsensewithmoney.com for a chance to win a Road Safety Kit ($150 value) . Go here to enter https://bit.ly/gjZVge
I am sohamolina (Soha M) FB liker —– eddiem11@ca.rr.com
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I am missing a shovel!
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What great tips! I am missing most of those items — the can and matches is a good tip that I wouldn’t think about!
Thanks for the chance to win this great kit!
I have jumper cables and that is it! I am so under prepared. I do have a cell phone and GPS ,but I do not always have them with me.
I’m missing everything on the list. It has never occurred to me to pack any extras in the car. This is a new years resolution.
water is the most needed
I am missing everything from that list except the ice scraper! Definitely need to start getting some of those things with all the travelling my family does & since we have a newborn!
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I need a shovel. If I win, thanks.
I’m missing everything! I hope I can win!
MommyEbo tweeted about this giveaway!
I’m missing a lot of things…guess there’s only so much room for emergency things when you are hauling kids around with all of the “emergency” stuff that goes with them! (PS – I already follow on FB and RSS!)
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i should have kitty litter or road salt in my trunk for traction
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Right now I seem to be missing a scraper! How the heck did that happen… LOL!
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I need to start with blankets. That would be a good place to start.
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All I have is a change of clothes and some blankets in my car. I guess I could use some help!
I’m missing a lot! This was a good reminder of what I need to get started on. I have some tools, first aid, and a towel, but need to add other things like a flashlight, matches, collapsable shovel, etc. I would LOVE to have a navigator. That would be wonderful.I
I have a blanket and cell phone charger. I really need to put everything else on the list in my car. Especially with 3 kids!
Such a great idea. I really need to get stuff together… if I don’t win.
I have a first aid kit .Thats all, so it would be great to get this. I guess I need to get a list together and start putting things in my car
I think I need all of it too! Oh boy would this be nice to win!
Yikes–I am missing a lot! We don’t usually have extra clothing or matches or cat litter, rope or flags.
jumper cables
I don’t have food in my car. Every time I put some in I end up eating it!
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I really could use almost everything. I have a scraper and blanket. I live in Wisconsin were you can never predict the snowfall. I must take your suggestions seriously. Thanks for your giveaway.
I do not have a tow rope in my car kit!
Yikes, we dont have any of these in our car!
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Water is the most important thing I need in my car.
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I need one of those cutters to be able to cut open a window in an emergency.
Since we don’t really have winter here, water should probably be in my car.
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I have the jumper cables, shovel, and clothes. Having some of the handwarmers that you shake to activate might come in handy also.
I currently carry jumper cables, a blanket, water, and an ice scraper. Sounds like I need more!
It’s a good thing I don’t live in Wisconsin anymore! LOL I’d be out of luck if I got stuck in cold weather! I have some jumper cables and a few emergency car items (not much), and as a nurse, I’m embarrassed to say that I have a first aid kit that is almost bare and the few items left in there are EXPIRED…LOL. I really need to stock up on stuff when I have the extra money to do so…or maybe I could just win this give-a-way, and then I could get it a lot quicker!
I’d hate to know that I was stuck in cold weather, or heck…just stuck period, with my 2 kids.
I liked you on the facebook. I really hope i win it
I travel with my job and this weekend I got stuck without a scraper or shovel in my car. It was awful trying to dig myself out with my hands! This weekend I am purchasing a shovel and am going to build an emergency kit for the car. Lesson learned!
I really need to remember to store water and a blanket in my car.
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Sadly, I only have jumper cables in my trunk – everything else, I need – especially with this winter being such a brutal one here.
*oops wrong email…
Im ashamed to say our car is missing most of the essentials… but after reading this post i am going to make sure we stock it with an emergency kit… we live in Columbus and get lots of snow, but people seem to forget how to drive when it snows hard
Blankets are missing. I need a couple of other things too! Thanks for the info.
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I’m missing pretty much everything. I definitely don’t have any extra clothes laying around.
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We are missing the GPS – and would love to have one!
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I subscribed to your RSS feed — thanks for the chances to win!
Well I’m missing just about everything on the list. Good thing I turn to CSWM for great ideas and tips! I’ll be trying to round up those items this weekend considering that my forecast is calling for a chance of snow every day next week! Wish me luck!
I am in need of everything. I’m going to start getting it organized and put it in the car. Thanks!
I have no road side equipment except a seatbelt cutter/window cutter. I need it all.
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I don’t usually have the road salt or kitty litter that would come in handy in my neck of the woods. We usually get more I than snow and boy is it slippery!
I only have booster cables
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I am missing a flashlight and blankets. Maybe even the jumper cables if they have been moved to my husband’s car. Maybe I should go check on that. ;o)
I need it all! Looking at the kit…….I don’t have any of it!
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I don’t have extra clothes in my car. When I did it seemed like they had outgrown them.
I never winterized may car this year and need almost everything, though I do have some of the regular emergency items in my trunk. At the very least, I usually throw a shovel in my trunk for the winter and I haven’t even done that yet.
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holy molly….i am missing all those you mentioned…..not even the basic torchlight…..better start getting prepared for this bitter cold week ahead.
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I noticed you included waterporoof matches to melt snow for drinking water. Here in the Pacific Northwest we do not always have snow to melt so I keep two or three gallons of drinking water in my car. Also, if you have an infant (we care for our grandson) some of those single serving formula packets would be great to have too as well as extra diapers and wipes.
I don’t have an extra set of clothing in my car. I guess I should get on that, and start making my own personal emergency supply kit!
I usually have bottled water (that is now frozen) so I guess I need to get the matches and a can.
Jumper cables are missing from my emergency kit.
I’m missing just about everything on the list. Clothes, cell phone charger, food
I need to find a car charged for my phone.
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My car is missing 90% of the items listed.
I have blankets and a charger & matches, but what’s missing is extra clothing and a brightly colored flag. Thanks for this great practical post!
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I’m pretty good, but I don’t have matches (afraid the kids would find them) and a change of clothes for everyone (which seems a bit crazy when you have a larger family like we do).
I am missing several items from your necessary winter essential kit such as food and water, cat litter, shovel, tow rope, bright colored cloth and Garmin. I am a widow and travel all the time by myself. The State Farm Roadside Emergency Kit would be a wonderful thing for me. Thanks for the opportunity to win one.
I don’t have food in there, but I do keep a granola bar or two in my purse at least…guess I should work on that.
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Oh boy – I only have an ice scraper in my car! And we’ve had plenty of snow here in NC!
Thanks for the great giveaway! I know that a GPS would help me be less directionally challenged!
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I’ve got nothing! Tsk tsk tsk.
There are several things missing from my car for emergency situations. I’ll be adding high-calorie, non-perishable food & a tow rope to my trunk.
Thanks for the giveaway!
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I subscribe to the newletter. I could probably add those emergency thermal survival blankets.
I could definitely use some extra clothing and wool blankets!
I need to add a can & matches to melt snow
We are missing almost everything.
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I am missing everything but the cell phone and charger and the ice scraper. This is sad because I live in Michigan and we always get a lot of snow!
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Although I do have a blanket in my car, I never thought to put an extra pair of clothes in my car! And perhaps some socks as well.
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I need to add most of those items to our van! We have stow-away seats, so I’m going to prepare the items and place them in the stow area that isn’t used for the middle seats our children sit in. Thanks for this safe reminder!
I also need most of these items. Probably the most important is a change of clothes, and some blankets.
Thanks for another great giveaway!
I would have to say most of the stuff on the list is missing but one thing we have most of the times is a hat and gloves This would be nice to win. I am going to put a blanket in the car and try to round up some other things that you mention. Thanks.
my mom always tells me to keep socks in my glove box lol
I need to add some extra clothes and blankets to my car still.
Thanks for the chance!
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We are missing the food and clothing. We have everything else. I’ve tapped into my car kit more than once living in Colorado!
I read u via e mail. I have only the blanket and medical kit in my car.
I am not ready at all ! I’m ashamed to say, the only things i have is jumper cables and flares…..
I don’t have a blanket or clothes. I live in florida so the snow gear isn’t necessary.
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Im missing the tow rope
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I need to put some clothes in the car for teh adults, I have some in their for the kids though.
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we need food and water in the car
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I hate to admit it but I am missing every bit of that stuff! Thanks for the warning.
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I do not have anything! We live in the south but with all the snow we’ve had lately, I’m glad you posted this list!
The only item in my car is a blanket!
I need jumper cables in my car.
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We are missing the extra clothing, food, tow rope, and matches.
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extra clothing and road salt
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Although I live in FL, we have had some pretty cold temps lately (below freezing). I really should have a blanket in my truck. This was a staple when I lived in the NC mountains. Don’t laugh! I scraped ice off my windshield this morning in the sunshine state…
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I don’t have any of these things, but it is a good list to get me started.
I do not have any extra food or clothing in my car. However I do have a couple of blankets that I keep in the trunk.
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blankets and a cell fone charger thanks for the giveaway minsthins at optonline dot net
I am missing a cell phone charger and portable car battery charger.
I am a FB fan (Mari Doug).
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We are missing quite a few items: extra clothes, matches, food, tow rope, etc.
I’d love to win, especially living in MI where the winters aren’t always so kind!
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I did everything that I’m supposed to do to enter the road safety kit giveaway. Ihave 5 kids and could really use this I hope I win.
We do a lot of road trips in the year so a GPS would definitely be helpful. Thanks!
Don’t have anything! Especially need a GPS!! I do carry around a lil pet food and treats for strays when I can afford to or get it free =). Thank you for the chance to win!
I have a blanket and jumper cables, but that’s about it.
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I need to put some bottle drinking water and snacks.
We don’t have blankets or a cell phone charger in our car – and, after my husband got stuck in the snow pile up last night for 8 hours, I’m thinking we should add that to our collection.
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