With the changes to manufacture coupons and grocery store coupon policies saving money at the grocery store is becoming harder and harder. However, by know grocery store sales cycles you’ll know what grocery sales to expect for fall. This will allow you to capitalize on your savings and grow your stockpile with all those necessities for the cooler months ahead!
One important piece of information you need to know about grocery store sales cycles is that sales come around (typically) every 6 weeks. However, if the product is seasonal you can expect the item to be higher priced if it’s available in the off season. So keeping a Price Book will help you notice the sales cycles for the items you purchase the most.
Now another tidbit you need to know is that products get marked down as they are about to expire or as a new “replacement” product is coming out. This allows the grocery stores to make room for the new item that’s taking over! When you combine a marked down (or clearance item) with a manufacture coupon you’ll maximize your savings and want to stockpile.
As the cooler weather begins to drop against most of the United States you’ll begin to see canned and frozen fruits and vegetables come on sale. You can also expect to see great prices on canned goods, soups, quick and easy breakfasts that will make the back to school transition a little easier and items for school lunches.
As November appears it’s the big Turkey sale! All grocery stores will fight for your dollars on your Thanksgiving Turkey and often great prices along with promotions. If you have it in you consider purchasing an extra bird or two. You can cook the turkey and slice for lunch meat sandwiches or freeze to use over the next few months. During the Turkey sales you can also grab sale prices on all the fixings that is typical of your Thanksgiving Day feast!
The best time of the year to purchase baking supplies is in the Fall! You’ll begin to see super low prices on flour, sugars, pumpkin pie filling, baking chocolates, cream cheese, pie crusts and everything in between. If you are a baker, now is the time to stock up…did you know you can keep baking chocolates and butter in the freezer?!?
The year comes to an end with continued sales on everything baking in December! You can expect to pay less for cookie mixes, ham, spices, nuts, and many grocers will offer great prices on meats and cheeses. I like to buy shredded cheeses and keep in the freezer. I’ll pull a bag of cheese out from the freezer once I run out in the fridge! December is also a time when you see lots of appetizer type foods on sale. These items would include sour cream, crackers, party trays, sparkling juices and pop to help your New Years party be a great one!
Now that you know what you can expect to see on sale this Fall be sure to keep an eye out for coupons to combine with the products that you’ll soon be purchasing. Not to mention all the summer items will be on clearance and a great time to stock up on summer supplies for next year!