Sorry guys! I was too late and they are out of stock already!
There is a crazy deal on a Hand-Held Food Saver right now. You can get one, plus 10 bags and 2 containers for $4.95 shipped. Here is how to get this deal:
1) Shop Foodsaver through ShopAtHome to get 6% cashback.
2)On the Foodsaver website search for FSFRSH0057-000 at the Food Saver site. It will come up as $29.99.
3) At checkout, enter promo code U0FV85FS which will bring it down to $4.50 plus give you free shipping.
I hate to say “hurry” for this deal but I was busy making challah bread (YUM!) so they may be running out of stock, who knows!
Thanks She Saved and Coupon Geek!