Social buying is all the rage these days. They garner the power of the masses to get people the best deal possible.My favorite thing about social buying and sites like Living Social is that they offer local deals. Sure the deals that can be redeemed online are awesome. But I love the local deals better because they are for good and services that help me save money and support my community.
Sign up for Living Social now to check out the deals available right now near you. Sign up for their email notifications so you know what deal is offered every day. There are some things that you may not need at the very moment the deal is available but that when you do is good to know you got it for less thanks to living Social.
Win It!
One lucky Common Sense with Money reader will win a $125 credit on their Living Social account (so make sure to create one if you don’t have one yet).
Here is how to enter:
1. Leave a comment.
For additional entries:
- Follow me on twitter and tweet the following (copy/paste): Stop by @commnsensemoney for a chance to win a $125 credit to Living Social. Go here to enter #wingiveaways
- Like Common Sense with Money on Facebook.
If you are reading this entry on your RSS reader or email newsletter make sure to CLICK HERE to enter this giveaway. Emailing me is not a valid way to enter this giveaway. This giveaway is open to residents of the US 18 years and older. This giveaway ends 11/15 at 3PM EST
- Balancing Beauty and Bedlam
- Bargain Briana
- Coupon Cravings
- Frugal Coupon Living
- Mommin It Up
- Moms Need to Know
- Passion for Savings
- Saving Cents with Sense
- Southern Savers
- Stretching a Buck
- The Savings Lifestyle
This giveaway was sponsored by as part of Win Giveaways Back to School Bash. This Post was written by me and was not edited by the sponsor. Read more on my disclosure policy. Find more information on the terms for this giveaway on the Win Giveaways Facebook page.
What an awesome giveaway! Good luck to all
Ohh Living Social! Love it! Thanks for the opportunity!
I’d love to win! I’ve been a member for a while, but have never purchased anything! This would be great to get me started!
I follow you on twitter and retweeted
I like you on facebook!
I subscribe to your daily e-mails
I love LivingSocial!
Count me in, there are some awesome deals on there.
Pick me! I love the daily deals sites. just bought a living social deal last week!
Great giveaway! I’d love it!
Would love to win this!
I tweeted about it.
Facebook Fan! (Sheila Hickmon)
I liked you on FB
This would be awesome to win.
I follow you in a yahoo RSS reader
Email subscriber
fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
I follow you on FB.
i get your e-mail updates
would love to win
Just signed up.
great giveaway– I would love to win this
facebook fan
Email subscriber
i am also an email subscriber
I have loved the deals I have bought with LivingSocial so far.
I subscribe via RSS.
love living social…i live in san antonio, and this site gives me the chance to see some sites and “fancy” restuarants for less! good luck all!
I would love to win, thank you!
Love living social! Great giveaway!
I would also love to win – I’ve found several deals on there that were really awesome!
Wow this would be great for a special ‘date night’ with my DH.
Like you on FB
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Great giveaway! I am leaving a comment, following you on Twitter, re-Tweeting and I follow you on Facebook as well
I love Living Social, but have never purchased anything yet. This would be great!
And I am a follower!
I do enjoy Living Social. I just bought today’s deal!
Wow!! How awesome!!
I like you on FB!
I’d love to win this!
This would be great to win — thanks!
thanks for another opportunity to win a great prize!
Would love to win this!
Would love to win this.
I like you on facebook.
I subscribe by RSS feed.
Awesome giveaway & Site
Thanks for the giveaway!
massage, massage, massage
rss subsciber
I would love to win this
I liked you on fb
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Would love to win
Would like to win.
I am an email subscriber.
Great giveaway!
this is a great giveaway
i get ur emails
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i like u on FB as Amber Lusk MacDonald
i follow and shared on twitter as Amber01sw!/amber01sw/status/1739462950256640
Love LivingSocial!
I subscribed via Google Reader!
Thanks for hosting such awesome giveaways!
I would love to win this.
Follow you on Twitter!
I would love to win this.
I need this
I am an email subscriber
Cool prize! I would love to try this out and get something great!
Liked you on Facebook!
I’ve made Living Social purchases – would love the credit!
I love being your RSS subscriber!
Living Social sounds cool! I’d love to try it!
Thanks for the chance to win!
This would be awesome!
I tweeted at you!
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I get your emails!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Cool Giveaway
I am a facebook fan
Awesome prize
Thanks for the chance to win, love this site
Facebook fan
Twitter follower and tweeted!
OMG, love Living Social, thanks!
Google reader subscriber
Thanks for the chance to win,t his would come in handy this holiday season with money being so tight, most appreciated!
i would love to win!
I love Living Social, thanks!
I would love to try this out. Thanks.
I am subscriber to the Common Sense with money
I like you on Facebook
Sounds like a cool site, would love to try
I wanna win!
This giveaway rocks, thank you!
I like you on FB
I subscribe in Google Reader
I’d love to win this! Thanks!
I like you on Facebook
I subscribe to your emails
I can’t lie, I’ve looked forever to this Holiday Bash forever!
I haven’t tried social buying yet.
These social buying sites are great! I sure would love to try this one.
Thanks for the giveaway
Yay!! Living Social!
Also, i just “liked” you on FB!
would love to win!!!
following & tweeted!!
Great giveaway!
Like you on facebook!!
Get your daily emails!!
Thanks for such a great giveaway!
Twitter follower (@brokenw) and tweeted message.
Fan on facebook.
E-mail subscriber.
I’d love to win this! I’d love a good restaurant deal anytime!
I follow you on twitter. ID: Lyndadawinda
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
Hoping to win this giveaway.
I would love to win this!
I tweeted this giveaway!
I “LIKE” you on Facebook! ID: Lynda Castillo
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
What a great giveaway.
I follow you on facebook!
I’m an email subscriber.
I subscribe to your rss feed!
I’m a subscriber via RSS Feed (Google Reader).
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
I would love to get this for a spa discount! :o)
Thanks so much for the giveaways! I’m a fan on facebook
Would love to win this one- thanks for the giveaway!
Let me win!!
would love to win!
I love Living Social, I have the app on my phone.
subscribe rss
I love Living Social! I was so excited when they launched in Tucson!
Fan on Facebook!
Thanks for the chance to win!!
I subscribe to your rss!
Following and tweeted!!/mae_01_sw/status/1764074710892545
I like you on facebook! (Mindi B)
This would be really nice to win
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I subscribed to your email.
I would love to win this
I am an email subscriber
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Liked on Facebook and Twitted!
I would love to win this. Thanks for the chance!
I follow you on Twitter and tweeted. Thanks!
I liked you on facebook. Thanks!
I subscribe to your email. Thanks!
I see Xmas shopping in my future…enter me for the Living Social giveaway please!!!
awesome giveaway!
I follow you on Facebook
I am a subscriber
Got to love the deal from those social buying sites!
I Like Common Sense with Money on Facebook.
I subscribe to Common Sense with money via email or RSS feed.
Awesome! Thanks for the opportunity!!
Would love to win!
would love to win!
This would be a great indulgence.
thanks…I buy gift vouchers from Living Social!
I’d love to win this! I liked CSWM on FB!
this is such a fun blog…
Wow – would love this.
Would love this for the holidays. Thanks
Fun Giveaway!
I am a facebook fan.
I subscribe to emails
I have never heard of them, but checked it out and it sounds very interesting!
awesome! I would love that!
what a great giveaway!
I “like” you on Facebook
Awesome giveaway. This would make for a great date night w/ the hubby, or a gathering w/ friends. Mahalo.
Super fun!!!!!!
I subscribe to Common Sense with money via email.
I like you on FB
subscribe to your rss feed via google reader
Such a great giveaway!
I tweeted
This looks great…we would love to win.
I’d love to win
This is great!
I love Living Social! Great giveaway!
I’m an RSS subscriber! Thanks!
This would be a great christmas gift
Love these half off sites!
I tweeted the giveaway
I subscribe via feed reader
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Like you on facebook
Awesome giveaway!
I am a fan on facebook!
I subscribe to your email!
What a great giveaway! Thanks for giving all your readers the opportunity to win!
Great Giveaway!
Thanx for the chance!
I definitely want to win this!!!!!!!!
your fb fan!!
I’m a google reader
The deals on Living Social always look so good. I hope I win!
email subscriber!
I lovE your blog.
I would love to win this!
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I am a fan on FB
I would love to win!
This is a great giveaway
I get the emails.
like you on facebook
I like you on FB
twitter follower & tweeted
subscribe in google reader
Another great giveaway!
This is a great prize for Christmas shoppers.
Would love to win!
I subscribe via google reader
Thanks for the giveaways
I follow you on twitter and tweeted!
I like you on FB
I subscribe to your RSS feed
A Great Giveaway! Thanks,Mercedes.
Email Subscriber!
“Like” You on Facebook!
LOVE Living Social!
I tweeted!
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I subscribe to emails!
Thank you for introducing me to Living Social. I never knew.
I’d love to win this!
Like on Facebook.
Subscribed to RSS feed.
I always want to try the daily deals and can just never fit it into my budget…. hoping to get this one!
facebook follower!
email subscriber….
I was really late to the daily deal thing, but now I like it. There have been some great offers lately of places we spend money anyway (like our favorite family restaurant).
I tweeted:
Thanks for the opportunity!
I follow on facebok. Thanks!
Great giveaway!
I’m subscribed by e-mail
I follow on facebook! Thanks
Yay! Living social!
Thanks for all the giveaways! I would use this one to get a day spa pass….and take my friend as a gift to myself as well as her!!
I would love to win this. Really like daily deals!!
I would love to win this! I love a great deal!
Great Give-AwaY!
Would love to win this. LivingSocial is a great daily deal site.
I follow you on Facebook!
I subscribe to your email.
A massage sounds lovely!
Would love to win this!!!
I like you on facebook
I subscribe to your emails
This would be a great gift.
I would love to try out some of their Boston deals when I head there a few times a year.
Great giveaways! Thanks!
twitter follower micaela6955 tweet
I am an email subscriber!
facebook fan
email subscriber
Wow, it would be so great to win $125 to living social!
This sounds like a cool site, I’d love to win the credit.
Amy Lauren
i hope i win this!
email subscriber
I LOVE Living Social daily deals! My hubby and I are going on a white water rafting trip this Spring thanks to LS.
i “like” you on facebook.
would love to win!
I subscribe via e-mail to CSWM
I also follow by FB
I would love to win this.
I would love to win this prizepack, thanks mercedes
I would SO love to win this!!!
I follow you on twitter and tweeted this giveaway
I like you on Facebook
i subscribe to your email
Ohh, I love this!
Would love to win!
thank you for this!
Great Giveaway! Would love to win!
i like ya on fb
i would love to win this… mmmmm
I get your emails
we are fb friends
email subscriber
I “like” Common Sense with Money on Facebook!
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I am a email subscriber.
Thanks for the chance to win a great prize!
I follow you on twitter and tweeted.
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I subscribe to your e-mails.
love to win it!
What a great giveaway!
This would be wonderful!
I would really like to win!
just signed up for your email newsletter! looking forward to following you!
I subscribe by google reader.
never used this before. thanks for sharing!
Great giveaway!
Love it!
subscribe by e-mail
like you on fb (jd drenchek-scavo)
Great giveaway!!!!!!!!
I subscribe in my RSS feeder!
I’d love to get a massage!!!
Love this time of year and all these great deals!
This would be great for Christmas gifts.
Great giveaway…thanks!
I follow you on FB
I tweeted!
I would love this!
I like you on facebook.
Great Giveaway
I like you on facebook
I recieve your emails
Living Social giveaway sounds very interesting. Not heard of it before.
Followed you on twitter.
Did 2 of the 4 things
Oooooooo, I’d love to win this one. Sounds F-U-N!
I signed up
Liked you on facebook and also tweeted the info.
I subscribe to your daily e-mails.
Awesome giveaway!
another good one!
I would love to win! Please enter me.
I am a facebook fan.
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i like you on facebook
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i like you on fb
Would love to win, thank you.
Pick me, thank you.
Wow, thank you!
FB fan, thanks.
How cool is this?! Thanks for the chance to win!
I ‘like’ you on Facebook!
I have you on my RSS feed!
i’d love to win this
i tweeted
i follow on facebook
i subscribe to your emails
I love the daily deal sites!
I’d love to win
Would love to win
Oh, I would so use this for a much needed spa and pamper day. Thanks for the great giveaway!
facebook fan already.
Happy email subscriber too.
love to win this
This would be such a treat!
I’m a facebook fan.
I love to win .. pleeeeeeease.
I followed you on twitter and tweeted about the giveaway at
I would love to get a spa deal
I tweeted @imaladybug2
I am a fan on FB
I subscribe to your newsletter
I love group buying sites!
I like you on FB!
I’d love to win this! Thanks for the opportunity!
I like you on Facebook.
I subscribe to your RSS feed via Google Reader.
Thanks for the opportunity!
I’m an e-mail subscriber
This would be really fun to win!
I like you on FB.
I subscribe to your emails.
Never heard of – thanks!
like on facebook!
Waiting for the Living Social deals to come to the Lehigh Valley pretty soon! This would be awesome to get (date night with hubby)!
I would really like to win this.
What a great giveaway!
I love these sites! I hadn’t heard of this one! Yea!
This would be great! Thanks for the giveaway!
I just tweeted about this! @bcv812
I follow via google reader
Love this giveaway! Thanks!
I “like” you on facebook!
I subscribe to your RSS feed!
I would love to win !
I subscribe to your RSS feed
Really nice! Thanks … would be awesome to win!
Thanks for the giveaways! So cool!
I like you on facebook
Thanks for the great give away!
FB Fan and Email subscriber. Thanks for the giveaway!
I’ve never tried Living Social but would love to! Thanks for the opportunity.
I follow you on twitter and tweeted.
Thanks for the giveaway!!! We love to go to the theatre and watch movies or even watch movies at home so I would definitely look for good deals on movies!!!
I’m a Facebook follower!
I would love this for some mommy time
I’m an e-mail subscriber!
I like you on FB
I subscribe via email
I’m new to Living Social but I’m sure I could find something I would LOVE!! Thanks for the giveaway…your AWESOME!!
Sounds great. I am not signed up yet, but will now.
I subscribe to your email.
I like you on FB too
Great way to try new things!
I like you on FB!
I like you on FB!!!!!
I would love to win this for myself! My daughter keeps me busy so doing something for myself would be nice
I can only imagine how many great things I could get.
This could definitely get some neat gifts for Christmas, I think local deals are so much fun!
I follow you in my google reader.
I “liked” you on facebook
I follow you on twitter
This would really help my holiday budget!
Cool giveaway!
thanks for the giveaway
i like your site on facebook
i’m a rss subscriber
This would be great for Holiday shopping!
I follow you on Google Reader.
I would love to win
great giveaway
Great giveaway -thanks alot!
I would love to win this.
I am a fb fan!!
What a great giveaway!! Thank you!!
Thanks for this awesome chance!
I’m a Facebook Fan
I’m an email subscriber.
I’m a facebook fan!
I am a fan on Facebook
I receive emails
I love sites like this one!
Hope I win!
Like CSWM on FB.
I really like this giveaway…cool!
subscribe to RSS
This would be a great treat
THanks for the chance to win!
i subscribe
I subscribe via RSS
What an awesome giveaway! I love using Living Social!
fb fan
I subscribe via RSS
i subscribe
Thanks fro the chance to win
would be soooo great!! and just in case this double post I already “Like” you on FB and get your e-mails
Thank you for all the fun giveaways!
I follow you on Facebook!
I would love to win this!
I am a facebook fan
I also subscribe to your daily email
I would love to win! Thank you!
I like you on Facebook!
I subscribe to your feed!
Can’t wait to see if I win
facebook fan
email subscriber
I just heard of Living Social recently and winning the credit would give me a good opportunity to try them out.
I’m a FB fan.
I receive your emails:)
What a great contest, thank you!!
What a great giveaway!
Facebook fan
What a neat giveaway!
just a quick comment
I like you on facebook
I subscribe to your emails
Hope I win!
I would love to win
i follow u on FB
This would be great!
I like Common Sense With Money on Facebook.
I subscribe to Common Sense with Money via e-mail.
This would be great to win!
I llow your blog via google reader.
subscribed to your email
Fun giveaway!
I subscribe to your site via RSS feed.
I would love to find a good discount on salons
I like you on facebook.
I’m subscribed via email
Would love to win.
love to win
i subscribe
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i tweeted
I would love to win!
I subscribe via RSS
This would be great for mom =)
I would love this!
I am a liker on Facebook!
I am an email subscriber!
Awesome giveaway!
I’m a facebook fan.
I tweeted about this on twitter
i like you on facebook
i receive you daily email
I live in DC and this woud be awesome!
Living Social ROCKS!!!
I’d love to win this! Thanks for the chance!
I’m a subscriber with Google Reader.
I “liked” you on Facebook. (Thrifty Sarah)
I tweeted about this giveaway:
first time hearing of company would love to try
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
like on fb (michelle b)
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
email subscriber
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
thanks for doing this…would love to win this gift
email subscriber
I already liked you on facebook
I’d love to win!
I subscribe via RSS.
I would love to win this! Thanks
I would love to win this!
Twitter entry:
I subscribe via RSS
love living social
This is an awesome Giveaway! I love their deals
I follow you on twitter @bukaeyes and tweeted!/bukaeyes/status/2508422293487616
I like you on Facebook (Betsy Hoff)
I am an Email Subscriber
RSS Subscriber
awesome giveaway
subscribe to your feed in google reader
I can’t help but like these daily deal sites.
I tweeted @bsteen77
I subscribe via RSS
I like you FB
facebook fan of yours (Anne Jolly)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Tweeted about it on Twitter.
I am a fan on Facebook.
I subscribe through an RSS reader.
Another fun giveaway! Thanks for all you do!
I like Common Sense with Money on facebook.
Such great giveaways you guys are doing!
I would love to win this
subscribe to emails
fan on FB
Id LOVE to save on the Living Social site when going to movies or other outing with the kids! thanks!
Email subscriber!
Like you on Facebook!
eileen r.
tweeted this!
This would be great to win.
I would love to win this giveaway. Thanks!
I am a fan on Facebook. Thanks!
This would be amazing!
subscribe via rss
Like on facebook
I would love to win this and purchase a spa package to treat my Mom ;o)
I also follow CSWM via e-mail ;o)
I’d love to win this!
I tweeted
I subscribe via Rss
i like you on facebook
this would be so great to have for the holidays!
I could get some great deals.
I would love to win…Thanks Mercedes!!
I shared this on twitter…
I am a fan on facebook…
I am an email subscriber
I like you on fb.
I would love to win this prize.
such a fun giveaway
tweeted giveaway
facebook liker
email subscriber
I LOVE living social!
Faithful FB follower!
I would love to win this so I could buy myself and my sister in law a spa treatment!!!
I subscribe via email.
I am a fan on facebook.
I follow you on FB
I subscribe to your emails!
thanks for the chance to wn
Thank you for doing this!!!
I love living social! & of course this blog!
living social has great deals
This would be nice to win.
Would love to win this for my family for the holidays
Follow on twitter and tweeted @michellemonks34
Love the chance to win a great prize!!
Facebook fan (Michelle monks)
Subscribe to RSS feed
Great giveaway
I subscribe via email.
Yay! Living Social rocks!
Follower on FB
Already an email subscriber
Follow you on Tweeter:
Hope I can win this .. thanks for giving me a chance to enter this giveaway!
living is better with living social
went to big bear bed & breakfast with their discount – so nice and comfy
go to many discounted restaurants that are yummy
now they have more trips
please let me win the credit so i can go more
thanks much
What a fun giveaway!
Thanks for the holiday giveaway, nice to win one
I like Common Sense with Money on Facebook.
I love living social!!!
i’m an email subscriber
i like common sense with money on facebook
This would be great to win!!
I am also an email subscriber.
I am en email subscriber.
I “like” you on Fb.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I tweeted this giveaway.
I want to say thank you for taking the time to put together such a detailed list of freebies and opportunities. You have one of the most thorough lists I have seen on the web, the format is easy on the eyes, and the items mentioned are valuable. I’ve never for a moment regretted signing up for your emails or reading your blog. Thank you!!!
i would love to win
i tweeted
i’m a facebook fan
This would make for a great date night with the right offers.
I follow on twitter and tweeted the giveaway.
I am a fan on Facebook.
I am an e-mail subscriber.
I am a new confirmed Email newsletter subscriber.
I subscribe to both LivingSocial and Common Sense with Money!
great giveway
email subscriber
This would be awesome to win!
I am a facebook fan
I love group buying sites, thank you!
I receive your emails
I like you on facebook
wow cool site
i tweeted!/purplelover04/status/3558885822570498
im a fan on fb name erica best
im following yahoo
I’ve seen some great deals here and hope to win this so I can take advantage of them!
facebook fan
email subscriber
This sounds awesome! Thanks so much
I purchased something on Living Social this week! How nice it would be to spend $150 on future purchases without anything out of pocket.
This would be a great one for Christmas shopping. Thanks
would love to win
tweeted this
like you on fb
feed subscriber
I love LivingSocial!
I follow you on Twitter & I tweeted the message.
I like you on Facebook.
I subscribe via Google Reader.
Thanks for doing the giveaways!
Thank you for the opportunity to win!
receive e-mails
Great giveaway
I would love to win this! Thanks for the giveaway!
I follow you on twitter, and I tweeted!
I like you on Facebook.
I am an email subscriber.
I would love to win this giveaway!!!
Sounds like a great deal
Would love this!!
I follow you on facebook
Hope I win!
We would make good use of this!
I am a fan on FB.
I love living social!
Love to win in time for Christmas
would be nice to win this
email subscriber
fb liker
follower and tweeted!/bbgurrl83/status/3927683352236033
I like Common Sense with Money on Facebook.
I’m an email subscriber.
Living Social is awesome… would LOVE to win this one.
I like you on Facebook!
Love Living Social and love this site. Thanks!
Living Social is great! Thanks!
I’d love to win
Thanks for doing all these giveaways – it’s really fun!
I follow your RSS feed
I follow your RSS feed
I would love to win this
I would love to try out Living Social.
I would love to win! I put it on my Twitter account as well! Christmas is so tight this year, I am looking at any way I can to make things stretch. With 3 grown kids (2 are moms themselves) and 7 grandchildren I am looking for deals like this!!!
Social buying – thanks for introducing the concept – I’d love to win this!
…and I have RSS feed
…and I’ve a friend on Facebook…
Living Social was just introduced in my city so I hope that I win so I can take advantage of some great deals!
Love this!
Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Facebook fan
Email subscriber
this would be really nice to win
I follow on fb
I follow you on twitter and I tweeted!
I follow you on FB
I subcribe to your emails
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! So much fun.
I love sites like this! Getting a credit to buy would be awesome!
I would love to win this! I LOVE these daily deal sites.
i am an email follower.
I like you on facebook.
Great Giveaway!
I love living social and would love to win this giveaway. Thanks…
Please enter me in the giveaway
I like you on FB
I subscribe to the RRS feed
I recently set up an account with LivingSocial
I’ve been wanting to try using my acct. on Living Social, this would make it happen
we love all the great bargains to be found at this site .. would love to win this !
Living Social is one of my favorite deal sites!
I follow you on FB
Love the website!!
Great website!
Awesome giveaway.
I am a Facebook fan.
I am an email subscriber.
Great website and giveaway!
I subscribe via Yahoo Reader
I would love to win this.
I am a FB fan.
I subscribe via email.
Thanks for the entry
I like you on FB
I love Living Social , it makes treating yourself affordable.
Already a Fan on Facebook.
I subscribe to your site by email.
I subscribe via google reader
I would LOVE to win. I am also a fan on FB and receive your daily emails!
I would love this!
I would love to win this!
I would love to win this Thank You!
follow you and tweeted
like you on Facebook (jamiejudy)
email subscriber
I already use this site, LOVE IT. Would love to have a credit!
Wow, what an awesome giveaway for a great deal already!
I am a facebook fan also
Would really like to win this giveaway.. thanks
I love Living Social!
I would appreciate winning this prize!
This would be great!
email subscriber
great prize!
Me, me, me please!
I would love to win this.
I am a facebook follower.
I subscribe to daily emails.
What an awesome prize!Thanks for the chance!
This will come in so handy. I’ve gotten multiple Living Social deals already….and I’m not done yet!
Tweeted on Twitter @Holyscrap Thanks!
I get daily emails.
I tweeted about the giveaway.
would love to win!
I’m a facebook follower. Thanks!!
I’m an Email subscriber. Thanks again!
follow on fb
follow via email
Would love to win this!
Thank you for all the deals you share!
like you on fb!
subscribe via email too!
I’d love to win.
follow you on facebook
subscribe via email
awesome giveaway!!
This credit would be great to win!! thanks !!
I’m a facebook fan
I just bought my first Living Social deal of the day & would love to win this gift card to buy more
I would love to win this!
Would love to win this.
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Hoping to win this. Would help this holiday season!
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