It is hard to believe I have had my smartphone for almost two years now. I am not much of a gadget person, but my smartphone has become a life savior for me. do you know who else loves my smartphone? My kids! That’s right! They want to play with it all the time. Downloading apps it’s sort of pastime for them. But you know what happens to gadgets in the hands of little kids, right? They get dropped a LOT.
Thank goodness for sturdy smartphone cases like those made by Case-Mate. Check out for example the Smartphone Bounce Cases. Made from impact resistant silicone it protects the phone but also it protects you. The case has been certified by the FCC as proven to reduce cell-phone radiation. Available in 4 colors: black, grey, green and pink. It is simple yet sturdy.
One of the hottest gadgets this year is the iPad. I am a bit of a late adopter I admit so I do not own one. But I have seen them and have been able to play with them. They seem so nice and it seems families have made them work for them very well turning them into video players, also virtual recipe books and so much more. This means that you probably need a nice carrier for it. Case-Mate makes the Venture Cases. They are not only stylish but also very functional. You can use them as sort of an easel to prop up the iPad.
If you have been wondering what to get a Hard to Shop for teenager may I suggest a DIY custom case. They can upload their own photo or select from gallery full or cool designs. I know if *I* was a teenager (wishful thinking there) I would want a case that stood out from the rest and screamed *ME*
Win them!
Case-Mate has graciously offered to let three CSwM readers to check out their products for free. Here is what the winners will get:
One winner will get a Bounce case ($50)
One winner will get a Nordstrom iPad case ($90)
One winner will get a DIY code ($40)
Here is how to enter:
1. Leave a comment sharing what’s your favorite gadget that makes your life easier.
For additional entries:
- Follow me on twitter and tweet the following (copy/paste): Stop by for a chance to win Case-Mate products . Go here to enter #wingiveaways
- Like Common Sense with Money on Facebook.
If you are reading this entry on your RSS reader or email newsletter make sure to CLICK HERE to enter this giveaway. Emailing me is not a valid way to enter this giveaway. This giveaway is open to residents of the US 18 years and older. This giveaway ends 12/13 at 3PM EST
For more chances to win, enter this giveaway at these other blogs:
- Balancing Beauty and Bedlam
- Bargain Briana
- Coupon Cravings
- Frugal Coupon Living
- Mommin It Up
- Moms Need to Know
- Passion for Savings
- Saving Cents with Sense
- Southern Savers
- Stretching a Buck
- The Savings Lifestyle
This giveaway was sponsored by as part of Win Giveaways Holiday Bash. This Post was written by me and was not edited by the sponsor. Read more on my disclosure policy. Find more information on the terms for this giveaway on the Win Giveaways Facebook page.
My cell phone definitely makes my life easier!
I like CSWM on facebook
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I love my iPhone.
I love my iPhone
This would be a great prize!
I subscribe.
I follow on FB.
I follow on fb
Can’t live w/o my phone.
Couldn’t live without my iPhone 4!
I cant live without my blackberry!
I dont know that it makes my life easier but i love my ipod
I follow on twitter @michellemonks34 and I tweeted
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I liked you on FB (michelle monks)
My iPhone has made my life so much easier. No more paper calendars and address books. No more scraps of paper with dates and phone numbers to be added to for-mentioned paper products. The fact that I can back it up on my computer in case (Heaven forbid) I ever loose my phone really helps too.
I follow you on Facebook too.
My smartphone makes things easier.
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I get your emails too.
I love my iphone- with all my apps that keep me organized
I follow you in my RSS feed
I follow you on FB
Follow you on FB
I love my SmartPhone
I can’t live without my iPod Touch. It is wonderful!
Totally rely on my ipad
google reader subscriber
I really like my iphone.
Gotta be my cellphone!!
I follow you on facebook as always.
I subscribe to your emails.
Totally need this, I rely on my blackberry
I can’t believe I lived most of my life without the benefit of a cell phone….that’s one of the greatest inventions!
I can’t live without my computer.
This is great!
I use my cellphone everyday!
My iPhone, most definitely!
I am a FB follower
I have subscribed to your site:)
I get the RSS feed
My favorite gadget is my iPod. I would be lost without it!
gadget that makes my life easier is the camera phone b/c i love taking pictures of my babies but i never have the camera- but we always have the phone with us.
tcogbill at live dot com
my iphone
My HTC Incredible phone is my brain, it keeps my day going!
My laptop makes my life easier.
I follow on RSS Feed, Twitter and Facebook! Thank you so much for all the savings this Christmas season!!!
Also an email subscriber.
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tcogbill at live dot com
I am an email subscriber.
My cell phone is a life saver.
I like you on facebook.
The new iPod touch 4G definitely makes my life a lot more easier!
I am signed up for your emails.
Some of my favorite gadgets are in my kitchen! Like my hands free can opener!
I follow you on Facebook
I follow you on FB
I follow on twitter @anslee
I follow you on facebook.
We love our smartphones! The Droids are the best!
I love my PC food chopper.
I would probably say my cell phone. If I lose it I don’t have any numbers in my head
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I have already liked you on Facebook
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Love my cell phone
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Ipad makes life easier.
Gotta have my cell phone!
I love my iPod touch
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I’m a facebook fan
Does my programmable coffee maker count? Because that thing is amazing!
I subscribe via google reader
I love my blackberry
I am a fb fan already
I already follow you on twitter @butterflies0218 and tweeted this giveaway
I am a RSS subscriber
My smartphone is my favorite gadget! It helps keep my life on track lol
My cell phone–I am an email subscriber.
My blackberry makes my life easier
I like you on facebook.
im an email subscriber.
I would have to say my cell phone is a real blessing.
I follow on twitter.
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Cell phones make life so easy!
My cellphone makes life easier
i’d have to say my cell; i recently found an app that tracks baby feedings and such…so much better than writing everything down.
Cell phone case Subscribe via e-mail
It has to be my cell phone. Can do almost anything with it!
I subscribe to your RSS feed!
I follow you on FB!
I subscribe to Common Sense with money by email!
We got a Roomba last night! I have a feeling this will make my life EXTREMELY easier.
Can’t live without my iphone
i follow/like on facebook
i subscribe via rss
I couldn’t be without my laptop.
I would have to say my cellphone!
i would have to say my cell phone. for sure
I subscribe via email.
My iphone subscribe via e-mail
I would have to say my computer.
My favorite gadget is definitely GPS. You just cannot get lost
I Like Common Sense with Money on Facebook.
My favorite gadget right now is my smartphone. I just got it yesterday and I keep finding new things to do.
I am subscribed to your feeds
cell phone makes my life sooo much easier !
I love my iPhone! Plus, I need a new case! I got a new phone, and I’ve been using my old case, which doesn’t really fit right…
I love my I phone!
My iPhone!
My netbook.
how did we live without cell phones?
I follow you via RSS
Definitely my laptop. I do everything on there!
I like you on facebook.
I subscribe via google reader.
I would have to say my smartphone and my laptop. Now my phone can do some of what I used to drag my laptop around for (surf web, for example). I would love to have an ipad. Then I would never drag the laptop out of the house again, except for a long trip, I don’t think.
Thanks for having the giveaway!
Thank goodness for my SmartPhone -I teach school and can’t access my home email from school, since everything is blocked -I’d never know what was happening on Farmville without my phone :)!!!
I subscribe via email. Love it!
Thanks for having the giveaway.
I love my laptop, can’t live without it!
cant live without my iphone
My favorite gadget really isnt a gadget but an appliance. I love my microwave and dont know what i would do without it. I have reached a point where if it came down to some family members or my microwave, the microwave would win hands down. I know i should be ashamed to say it, but its the truth. Thank you in advance whether i win or not and wishing you and your family a happy, healthy, loving and peaceful year with many more to come.
I have to agree with you on the smart phone, it saves me a lot of headache and crying while on the road!
oh I love the bounce case! love my iphone! thanks!
I like reading your blogs, finding bargains and using coupons, makes life easier
excel to keep track of things!
Favorite gadget got to be the one I use the most, my nook.
My i-phone!
My Smartphone!
No question–my iPhone!
My EVO smartphone makes my life easier.
I tweeted this giveaway.
I am an email subscriber.
I “like” you on FB.
My husband and I just got a Roomba last night. I think this will make life a lot easier!
I love my iPhone and iPad both!
I follow you on fb. My BB definetally makes my life easier
My smartphone has made my life easier this year.
I follow you on Twitter and promoted the giveaway.
I like you on Facebook.
I’m an email subscriber.
Not sure if this qualifies as a gadget, but I can’t get along without my Onstar!
my cellphone has made my life MUCH easier!
I love my Ipad. It is just a fun thing to have. A case for it would be great. I still haven’t taken the plastic off yet. Kind of like grandma’s couch. I don’t want anything to scratch it or get it dirty.
My ipod makes my life easier. I love the calendar, listening to digital books as I drive, playing games when I have to wait, taking notes and much more. I also agree with Susan about Onstar. I love the hands free phone, turn by turn directions, and the last 2 times I locked the keys in my car they were a lifesaver.
My iphone makes me life easier and I am slightly in love with it!
I like you on facebook.
I love my smart phone.
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I subscribe via email.
My favorite gadget is my iPhone! Love it.
I’m a FB fan
I receive your emails.
Favorite gadget would be my phone.
Thanks for the generous giveaway. Nice to win one..;-)
My computer
my computer but I also love smartphones actually anything you can look online with
follow and shared on twitter as Amber01sw!/amber01sw/status/12667998984732673
i like you on facebook as Amber Lusk MacDonald
i get ur emails
My GPS is my favorite gadget
I subscribe via RSS
Twitter entry!/goobler08/status/12673838919720960
Love my blackberry. Going on 3 years now. Only problem is that I am clumsy. DroPped muy blackberry in my soup once. Yes true story. Wonder if this case is soup proof. !
I subscribe to your newletter and like on FB
my computer
I follow you on facebook too
my laptop
I love my IPod and dont know what I would do without it.
def my laptop
My cell phone makes my life easier!
I like you on facebook!
My computer is a big part of my life, and keeps me well-informed.
My favorite gadget for organizing is my netbook. I prefer it to my smartphone, despite the size difference.
I am a subscriber!
would love this!
It’s a tie between my laptop or my cell phone!
I like you on fb
I subscribe via RSS
Definitley my computer!
got to be my cell phone….
Boy, that’s tough…cellphone or netbook. I can’t decide.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I am an Email subscriber
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I would say my laptop.
I follow your feed.
Follow on FB.
Definitely my phone! It has my calendar, contacts and much more!
My iPhone and my Macbook Pro make my life easier!
I tweeted about the giveaway.
My computer makes my life easier.
I like CSWM on Facebook.
I am a facebook fan too.
nikki hatfield wilson
RSS subscriber.
I am an email subscriber too.
I absolutely live for my iPad, with all of the applications and user-friendly style of inputting. I just received the Droid X from my hubby as an early Christmas present and it is inching its way into first place…love them both for different reasons so hard to choose.
It’s a tie between my laptop and my phone now that I finally have a data plan!
Definately my laptop and printer so I can save, save, save!
I follow on Twitter & sent tweet about giveaway
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My Iphone
i likes you on facebook!
i would like something to help organize me!
love my blackberry
I ‘like’ you on Facebook, and I shared.
I follow you on Twitter, and I tweeted about your giveaway.
I adore my ever-dependable HP laser printer!
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Without a question my laptop.
Email subscriber.
I follow on facebook.
Since Im a student I would have to say its my laptop. It’s almost like oxygen to me:)
I liked you on FB
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email subscriber
I would love to try out a case for my phone!
I’m subscribed via email.
I’m a Facebook Fan!
my laptop has been my favorite gadget
I use an app on my iphone that is a sound machine. The white noise puts my 3 month old to sleep and helps her stay asleep when we’re in noisy places.
My favorite life helping gadget is my iPhone!
I receive your daily emails!
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My cell phone with unlimited internet!! Can’t live without it!!
following & tweeted!
Like you on Facebook !!
Get your daily emails !!
I recently got the iPad as a gift and love it! I am finding so many new uses!
love my phone………..
I love my iPod. The music takes away my stress which makes my life easier .
I have an Android and it’s cool.
I subscribe to your emails.
I’m a fan on facebook.
I couldn’t live without my iPhone! Although I have a 2 and 3 year old and I think they are on it more than I am!! Have you seen the talking Tom Cat app??? My kids LOVE it!!
I love love love my kindle! It makes things so simple, all of my books in one little gadget
I follow you on twitter and tweeted! @blessed1indeed
I follow you on facebook!
I am an e-mail subscriber
i love my dvd player.. corny but i love it!
I love my just plain old simple cell phone. Make a call, get a call, maybe even voicemail. However, there are 3 ipad touches in the house! DH and kids!
This would be great! We are getting an ipad for Christmas.
I subscribe~
I am a new FB follower!
It makes traveling easier
I love my smartphone, makes hopping on the web so easy.
My Smartphone so i can get on the net anywhere
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Definitely my smart phone. Can’t live without it now…
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Love the giveaways!
my phone!
like cswm on fb
rss subscriber
I want it!
I love my ipod!!/MrsH620/status/13047040061743104
I subscribe via email.
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I love my iPod.
My blackberry!!!!
I tweeted this giveaway!
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Don’t know what I would do without my cellphone!
I like you on facebook.
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I love my smartphone.
I’m an email subscriber.
I love my iphone.
Love my ipod nano. It really helps pass the time when I’m waiting to pick up kids!
I am a FB fan!
I am an Email subscriber!
I couldn’t live without my cell phone although I am in the market for a new one.
I like you on facebook.
I subscribe to your RSS feed through yahoo reader.
I follow you on twitter and tweeted.!/bobbysgirl703/status/13263752702988288
My iPod touch is great. Didn’t know I needed one till my hubby got me one.
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my microwave, especially since my stove is broken
I tweeted.
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My smartphone!
Like on FB.
Subscribed to RSS feed.
This would be awesome! My kiddos sneak my phone all the time & a great case would be so nice!!!
I really am glad I got an android phone. It’s been so useful.
fb fan. Sounds like an ideal gift for that hard-to-shop-for relative. Thanks for the giveaway. Good luck to everyone and a Merry Christmas and Happy, Blessed New Year!
my cell phone
I am an email subscriber
Bounce Case
i am a fan of common sense with money on facebook
i subscribe to your email updattes
My cell phone!
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Can’t live without my food processor!
I would love not to worry about dropping my electronic devices.
I need my cell phone!
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this would be great for my husband.
I think my GPS unit makes my life easier when traveling.
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Tweeted about it on Twitter.
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I subscribe through an RSS reader.
my cell phone
email subscriber
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Hope I win!
My smartphone definitely makes my life so much easier! Not sure how I lived without it!
I tweeted the info above
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My cell phone.
I like you on fb.
My DVR definetly makes things easier
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My crock-pot makes my life easier. Dinner can cook itself while I get other things accomplished.
I like you on FB
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I couldn’t live without my cell phone!
I “like” you on facebook
My Ipod!
love my gps
My favorite gadget would be my ipod.
I am also an email subscriber.
My cell phone!
I subscribe to this blog’s RSS feed.
My i-pod touch is wonderful!
I don’t know what I would do without my computer, gps and ipod touch.
I love my ipod – ready to get an ipad!
I am friends with you on facebook
I follow you on twitter – and retweeted about this!
i receive your newsletters – thanks!
My phone is my favorite gadget
I receive your emails:)
fb fan
i love my ipod
im following yahoo feed
im a fan on fb name erica best
i tweeted!/purplelover04/status/14240841656705024
I signed up for your daily newsletter via email.
My favorite gadget is my iPod.
My favorite gadgets are my laptop and my cell phone.
I am an email subscriber.