Guess who has done it again? Our very own CSWM coupon fairy! That’s right! I got a nice stack of these McDonalds coupons in the mail today to share with you. 10 of you will have a chance to win 8 coupons for a FREE 12oz fruit smoothie or frappe at McDonalds. I really like the banana strawberry one over the berry one and the frappes are yummy too
To enter to win just
- leave me a comment sharing which flavor smoothie or frappe is your favorite or which one you would like to try.
These coupons expire on 8/15 so I need to get them out to the winners ASAP. Therefore this will be a 24 hr giveaway that ends tomorrow at 3PM EST.
Thanks CSWM Coupon Fairy!
My favorite is the Mocha…i’m addicted. I’m in mcDonalds everyday so some free ones would really help out.
I like the berry flavored smoothie.
the mocha frappe is my favorite because I’m addicted to chocolate and coffee. I drink them every week
I like the strawberry banana smoothie!
I absolutely love the mocha frappes.
I would love a mocha frappe!
I love CSM, and I love mocha frappe!
I will try them all! I love smoothies and frappes!
I’ve only had the mocha frappe but it’s yummy!!!
I love CSM, and I love mocha frappe – yum!
Always liked bananas so i’m going to take your advice and try the banana strawberry. No frappe for me.
My family loves the berry flavored smoothies.
would love to try strawberry banana smoothie. Love both the frappes.
i like the strawberry and mocha frappe…
I love the wild berry smoothie!
Strawberry banana
I love the mocha frappe!
Amy Lauren
I like the berry smoothies!
I love the Strawberry banana and I would love to try the Wildberry
Wild berry is delicious!
I would like to try the strawberry banana smoothies!
I love the mocha frappe!
I would like to try the wild berry flavor!
i love the mocha!!!
I am a fan of the caramel frappe.
The mocha is my favorite! Yum
I would like to try the Wild Berry Smoothie. Thanks!
I like strawberry banana and berry. Thanks!
mocha frappe….
We also love the Strawberry Banana, but my daughter loves the Wildberry. I would love to win these.
I would like to try the berry smoothie! I’ve already tried the strawberry banana and it was pretty good!
love to try strawberry-banana smoothie…. sound yummy to me….
I love the mocha frappe!
My favorite is the caramel. I do love the mocha and the fruit smoothies too though!
I ABSOLUTELY love the strawberry banana smoothie…..that is…when I can drink it all by myself!!! I have a 3 year old son and a 1 year old daughter who, for some reason, think, that anything I have belongs to them….I wonder why??:-)
But they LOVE the smoothie, and I love it too, well the little bit that I’m able to drink!!!
I bought a berry smoothie and my 4 year little boy did not want to share with me that smoothie. He just love it. I love to win the coupons…
I absolutely love the mocha frappe and I don’t even drink coffee. Guess I like it so much because of the chocolate.
I like the caramel Frappe but would lke to try the Wild Berry smoothie- haven’t tried the smoothies yet!
I love the caramel frappe, a perfect treat for a warm summer day
I love the caramel frappe!!!
I’m loving the Strawberry Banana smoothie absolutely delicious. . . yum yum!
I can’t wait to try the strawberry banana
I would love to try the frappes! I have tried the mixed berry smoothie and I ADORED it!
The only one I’ve tried is the caramel frappe and man is it oh so good!!!!
I think the banana blueberry is the most yummy of them all!
I REALLY want to try to Berry Smoothie!!! Haven’t had a chance to get one since we recently opened our own business I make sure I dont spend any extra $$ till we are on our own feet again
Hope I get one! 
I love the wild berry flavor!
I haven’t tried the smoothies yet but I love the Mocha and Caramel Frappes
My favorite is the wild berry smoothie. I’m addicted!
i love the strawberry bannana smoothie
I would try the berry smoothie!
The Mocha Frappe is my favorite! I’m planning to get one today when I head out to the stores!
Love the mocha frappe! Want to try the smoothies next…
I love the Mocha Frappe’s
I went to McDonalds last night at midnight to get one, I wanted one that bad! LOL Horrible for the diet, but a girls gotta do that once in awhile…right?! lol
I like both flavors of frappes, probably the caramel better in the morning and mocha for later on in the day! Haven’t tried the smoothies yet–hoping to try both flavors in near future!
Mocha Frappe and the Wild Berry Smoothie!
The mochas are delicious!!
I really want to try the strawberry banana smoothie. I do have one free coupon (came in my newspaper) but I can’t go with 2 kids in the car. LOL
Fingers are crossed.
I would like to try the strawberry bannana smoothie.
I love the caramel frappes!
Love, love, love the caramel frappe!
I would like to try the Caramel Latte since I love caramel!!
I have not tried it yet but here all the hipe about the fraps!
Banana Strawberry is the one for me!!!
I haven’t tried any of them yet…but a mocha frappe sounds yummy!
Oh I liked the Mocha Frappe’ Which I tried on my birthday last Friday! – It would be awesome to win a free coupon to be able to try the smoothie.
I love caramel frappes!
Definitely the mocha frappe. Have a couple a week! Mmmm…
Banana Strawberry is the one for me!
I love the Mocha Frappe, but if I won coupons I would like to try the wild berry smoothie!
I love the Wild Berry the best!
I so love the berry ones, they are very refreshing, especially living in the south, they help cool you down!!!
LOVE the mocha Frappe-haven’t tried the berry yet!
love the berry one!
Never tried this before. This would be a great chance to try them ALL!!! Thanks.
I’m a strawberry banana girl all the way!!!
I really like the caramel frappes but need help fueling the addiction!
one strawberry banana – w/o yogurt , please
I love the carmel frappe & also the strawberry banana smoothie!!! thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Berry is best!
MMM…mocha frappe, but I also really like the wildberry smoothie. I get 4 papers, but that week my parade was mysteriously missing in 3 of the 4…hmmm…
Love the Mocha Frappe!
MOCHA! For sure! I could drink these EVERYDAY if I could afford it!
I like the straberry banana smoothie AND the caramel frappe!
I love the caramel frappe but I would love to try one of their smoothies!
I have not tried the smoothies yet, and I dont drink fraps, but i am so excited to try the smoothies. I would LOVE to win!
As “frugal” as I am I have a real sweet spot for the caramel frappe’s! I have one at least once a day and these coupons would be great!!! I would like to try the new berry smoothie!
I absolutely love your site and check it everyday, thanks for all your work with the good deals!
I bet the banana strawberry one is great!
I think the berry smoothie will be my favorite, but I will try them all!
I would love to try the berry!
i would love to try the mocha!
Berry smoothie is delicious! Thanks for the opportunity!
I love the caramel frappe! I wish it was suger-free, though!
The berry smoothie is my favorite! I love your site–lots of great deals!
I LOVE the caramel Frappe
I love the berry smoothie!
Hi… So excited that you are offering this… I love the Mocha Frappe.. is there anything better than Coffee & Chocolate???
Caramel Frappe is the best!
I like the berry ones best!! Thanks for a great giveaway.
Mocha Frappe YUM!
I like the caramel frappes and my boyfriend is wanting to try out the new smoothies!
I love the Frappes! They are the best for beating this heat!
The mixed berry smoothie!
The berry smoothies are great, but my kids like the banana ones. If I won some certificates for free ones, maybe we wouldn’t have to fight over which kind to get. Or even share… :0)
mocha or caramel for me, and any of the berry ones for the kids. i wish they had a brownie one
I would love to try the strawberry banana smoothie!
thanks coupon fairy!
I like the strawberry banana ones as well… and have avoided looking up the calorie count! (o:
I love the strawberry banana smoothies! MMMMMMmmm good
I love the caramel frappe!!!!Yummy….
I love, love, love the strawberry banana smoothie…it’s yummy
I like the carmel frappe.
I’d like to try the banana strawberry smoothie.
Yummm! And thanks coupon fairy!!
banana strawberry sounds great! thanks for the chance
I’d like to try the strawberry banana.
strawberry banana is so yummy!
I’d like to try the berry smoothie.
Thanks for the chance to win.
I love the mocha frappe
i love the frappes + our daughter loves the smoothies!!!
I preferred the strawberry-bananna flavor! YUMMY!
I have become addicted to the Berry one. Can’t pass up a McDonald’s anymore!
I like the caramel frappe and my husband likes the strawberry-banana smoothie.
I like the strawberry banana smoothie!
Love the mocha! These are the only things that I will buy from McD’s!!!!
I lOVE the berry flavored smoothie!!
I have tried both the Mocha and Carmel Frappes but I haven’t tried the smoothies yet.
Oh yum! I’d love to try the mocha frappe!
Oh, I love these treats! I have tried each one and I must say the caramel frappe is my super favorite…..however, the berry smoothie was delicious…..and that mocha was so scrumptious…..oh, my, maybe I don’t have a favorite after all. This is a great way to get all those antioxident-rich berries in the kiddos and me!
my email address was incorrect…..Jennifer #127 has email address……
The mocha sounds good!
I have not tried the smoothies but the Strawberry Banana one sounds yummy. The Mocha Frappee is my favorite!!
I LOVE the mocha frappe! Dessert and drink all in one! I would drink one every day if my waistline could afford it! Yummm
I’ve tried the wild berry smoothie and it was great! I’d love to try another kind for free!
Not sure if I got through before… Love the mocha!
I want to try the Strawberry Banana Smoothie! I LOVE the ice coffees.
I like the berry flavored smoothie yummy!
My girls and I love both the Smoothies…yum!
Love the Caramel Frappe!
I love the wild berry smoothies! Would love to try their frappes!
I have only tried the Strawberry Banana, but I love it so much that I probably won’t try the others.
I have only tried the caramel frappe and berry smoothie. Would love to try the other 2 though!
My favorite is the caramel frappe! I would love to try the berry smoothie!!
I love the wild berry smoothie. It is so yummy!!
I’ve tried the berry and thought it was yummy! Thanks!
the mocha frappes are the best!!!
Only tried the banana/strawberry smoothie and love it but would love to try the others.
I’ve never brought myself to try them yet but I definately would if I had the free coupons…I’d like to try the smoothies!!!
I would love to try banana strawberry!
I would like to try the strawberry/banana smoothie…
I am drinking a wild berry smoothie from there as we speak. Yum.
I LOVE the Mocha Frappe but would love to try any of the smoothies!
Wild berry flavor!
My favorite is the caramel frappe! This would be a fun treat for the office ladies to enjoy.
Wild berry smoothie!
Both hubby and I love the wild berry flavor. We had a coupon for a free on and then printed the coupon for $1 off and now we’re hooked…help us keep our addiction, frugally.
I haven’t tried them yet, but I would love to try the Mocha. I know my three daughters have been asking me to try the Fruit Smoothie! Maybe we’ll get lucky-yumm!!
I would love to try the caramel frappe!
The strawberry banana is SOOOO good!!!
I;d like to try the mocha. Thanks for the chance,
I would love to try a mocha frappe!!!
Love a caramel frappe
I love McD’s Coffee! I really love the caramel frappe!!!! Free ones would be great!
I love the Berry flavor smoothie….it”s a real pick-me-up. Would have a smoothie everyday if I could.
Love the mocha frappe!
I really like the wild berry smoothie! thanks,
I love the carmel frappe but would love to try the fruit ones too!
I LOOOVE the caramel frappes! My best friend and I are addicted to them
There is nothing better than sipping a frappe while couponing (well…not much any way! lmao) 
I have not tried any, yet. I would try the smoothies before the frappes though. You all make them sound sooo good, that I will have to try one next time my family and I go!
I like the mocha frappe!
anything berry for me! thanks for the chance! ~r.
I would love to try the caramel frappe. Thanks!
I love the Mocha Frappe! Thanks for the chance!
Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com
The caramel Frappe yum
Mocha Frappe !
I love the mocha frappe
I LOVE the caramel frappes, they taste great!
I want to try the berry smoothie.
wonder i can squeesze in…
i love the mocha frappe…
Strawberry banana-yum!
I would like to try the Strawberry Banana!
I’m a strawberry banana girl. I’d love to try the mocha frappes, though! I’d love to win!
Yummy mocha frappe
Just tried the strawberry-banana one today…yummy! But when I need a caffeine fix, I definitely love the mocha frappes!
The strawberry banana is awesome!
Mmm….I vote for the berry ones. BUT my husband loves the caramel frappes….so when he’s really sweet or does something really nice, I surprise him with one. So I would love to win this! =)
I love the mocha frappe. Tried the others but they pale in comparison.
Oh, I haven’t tried any yet and I’d probably love them all!
I love the Mixed Berry flavor. Had one yesterday:)
I love the strawberry banana smoothie and the caramel frappe!
My favorite is the caramel frappe! Thanks for the giveaway!
I have tried all the flavors of the Frappes and Smoothies and I like the Strawberry/Banana Smoothie best!
I love the Mocha Frappe and really want to try the Wildberry Smoothie!
The caramel frappes are yummy, but I like the straw-banana smoothie too!
Mocha frappes @Mickey D’s rock my world!
I haven’t had any of them yet, but I hear they are good! I would love to try the strawberry banana one!
I think I had way too much strawberry banana growing up. Now it’s Wild Berry for me all the way!
Wild Berry Smoothie is yummy! Have tried strawberry banana, it was OK. Would like to try to carmel frappe.
My kids love the Strawberry Banana! Every once in a while, our local McD will mail out coupons for free smoothies. My kids only get them if they’re free, so they’d be sooo pumped if I won!
My favorite is the caramel frappe. Hope I win!
My fav is the delicious Wild Berry and w/ zero grams of fat too! Thank you!
I love Mocha frappes!! Yum! And I love coupons!
I love the strawberry banana!!
I love carmel frappe. I drink it almost everday on my way to work so would love to win some free coupons.
I love, love, love the mocha frappe!
I love the mocha frappe. Haven’t had one in awhile, would love to win!
Thank you!
Ohh! Yummy.. I really like caramel frappes and berry smoothies. Can’t decide which is the most favorite..
i would like to try the caramel or mocha frappe…they look yummy! =)
carmel frappe is the best!! love them
i love the strawberry oneeeeee! its yummyy!
would love to win those
Haven’t tried them yet, but I would like to try the Mocha one. Sounds Yummy!!
My wife loves the smoothies and the frappes!
Thoughtful giveaway, would love to try a smoothie any flavor!
Mocha looks awesome
my favorite its the carmel frappe! Would love to win this the only bummer would be the calories!!
The Mocha Frappe is delicious! If at all possible I try to run through a McDonalds drive thru EVERY Saturday and grab one!! YUMMY!
I love the Caramel frappe..will love to win them
I’d like to try mocha
I love the strawberry banana smoothies….I am pretty sure my hubby is addicted to them and may put us in bankruptcy buying them every day!!!
I love the mocha frappe!
Love those caramel frappes! delish!!
My kids and I love the strawberry smoothie!!
Mocha is definitely the best!
I love the berry smoothies!
I love the mocha frappe
I love the strawberry bannana smoothie!
Love the mocha frappe, but would really like to try the smoothies!
I have not tried the smoothies yet but the Mocha Frappe is heaven! I think if I won I would try the smoothie though.
I love the berry smoothie and my son loves the mocha!
My wife loves the caramel frappe, so refreshing
The mocha frappes are delicious! My hubby and I usually split one in for a little pick me up!
I love the caramel frappe!! my fav!
Mocha frappe is my fave!
I love the mocha frappe…. Hope I win!
I haven’t tried any of them yet but the strawberry banana one, I know my kids would love!
I havent tried them yet but would love to try the strawberry one.
Caramel Frappe- taste like starbucks at half the cost
strawberry banana for sure
I love them all…in order the strawberry banana, berry, then mocha. They are delicioso!
Mocha frappe is my husband and daughter’s favorite! They love chocolate!
My husband and I shared the mocha frappe last week. Delicious!!! I would love to try the strawberry banana one or another mocha frappe!
I love the caramel Frappe! Thanks for the giveaway!
Berry, berry, berry! But I still do love them all!
The berry smoothie is great! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the caramel frappe! Thanks for the opportunity!
The wildberry smoothie is my favorite!
Love the berry one!!
I love the berry ones best!!
Caramel frappe. Yummmm!!!
The mocha frape is the best one.
The Caramel Frappe is the best and very addicting…love it!
I have only had the mocha frappe and L.O.V.E.D. it! I would love to try the berry flavors as well……money is super tight so a little freebie would brighten my day.
I would love to try the mocha frappe!
caramel frappe. tastes just like starbucks. so delicious!
the wild berry smoothie is the best!!
I love the strawberry banana, would love to try one of the mocha Frappes.
My fave is the carmel frap, got it for free a week ago tanks to the free coupon in Parade.
I love the caramel frappe
OMG the caramel frappe is the best. I can’t get enough of them!! I don’t live that close to a McDonalds’s (go figure, right?) but once a week I make a special trip a few miles out of the way just to get one all by myself. My way of pampering!
My husband ♥’s the Strawberry Banana Smoothie, but I ♥ the Berry and the Caramel Frappe!!
I would like to try the Berry Smoothie. Thanks!!
Our favorite in our house is the banana and strawberry! my daugther gets done dancing and its a great treat on the way home!!!
Mocha Frappe…thnaks!!
I would try the berry smoothie. looks delish!
I can’t get enough of the caramel frappes!
I love the mocha frappe and would love to try the banana strawberry smoothie!
I get the strawberry banana smoothies. They rock! Do want to try the frappé though!
I’d probably go for the strawberry banana smoothie!
the caramel frappe is yummo!
The berry smoothie looks good!
Definitely the strawberry banana!
Gimme gimme! Mocha or Caramel/Vanilla, thanks.
My daughter and I love the mocha frappes, and my son is hooked on the berry smoothie! Thanks for the chance to win!
I love the smoothies!!
The mocha frappe is so YUMMY!!
I love the carmel frappe or the Strawberry banana, it dsepends on if I need a caffiene fix or not :]
melissa.raab (at) yahoo (dot) com
I love the strawberry banana smoothie!
I love the berry smoothie! It’s very fresh and I can’t get enough of it.
Wild Berry Smoothie – YUM!
Me Mocha, me mocha!
The caramel frappe is wonderful! I think it’s pretty close to Starbucks in taste.
i love the new smoothies also, the strawberry bananna ones are awesome!! who would have known that MD would ever have any of this stuff.
I’d like to try the berry smoothie.
My husband and I just used the two coupons I had on Saturday. We both got the Berry smoothie and really liked it. Plus, I’m pregnant right now, and it’s been soooo hot! I would love to get to drink more of these
I tried the Staw/Bana the other day….AWESOME!!!
I would love to try the caramel frappe. My boyfriend and I tried the wild berry smoothies, and liked them a lot.
My favorite is Mocha Frappe. Am I addicted? I hope no
I like the mocha frappes.
I love Love LOVE the caramel frappe! I would love to have a couple dates with my husband to enjoy them:)
would love to try the berry one!
I love the caramel frappes. Good thing McDonald’s is a 15+ minute drive away, or I’d be in there once a day for those!
I am addicted to the Mocha frappe and I also love the Berry smoothies. It depends on the weather as to which one I am ordering. They are both soo good!
My favorite is the caramel frappe
I LOVE the Strawberry Banana!
I love the caramel frappe – SO good! Haven’t tried the smoothies yet, but they look delicious, too!
Caramel Frappe!!! Love, love, love it!
I loved the berry smoothie it was my very first smoothie
I absolutely love the caramel frappe
I love the mocha frappes! They are very addictive.
I love the Berry Smoothie..but would like to try a frappe!
Anything chocolate!!!!
I love the caramel frappe and my daughter loves the mocha frappe.
I LOVE the caramel frappe! I could drink one every day!
I love the caramel frappe, but my husband makes “yummy sounds” over the strawberry smoothie!
I would like to try the caramel frappe.
I love the berry smoothie!
My favorite is the caramel frappe !!
I would like to try the starwberry banana that you mentioned….sounds yummy!
I love the mocha frappés. They are so good, but expencive. I would love to win these coupons!
I would like to try the banana strawberry one smoothie.
I love the caramel frappe and my daughter loves the strawberry banana
I think the Wild Berry smoothie would be my flavor of choice!
Hi Mercedes! My favorite is the mocha, yummy!!!
I would love to try the smoothies! My favorite would have to be the caramel frappe!
I would like the try the strawberry banana, yum!
I like the mocha frappe. thanks
I love the Caramel frappe. Have yet to try the smoothies.
We like the Wild Berry at our home.
I personally love the strawberry/banana smoothie!
DH loves the mocha frappe.
DH & DS love the carmel frappe.
little guy loves the all!
obviously, we could use all of them before the expiration!
I like the strawberry banana smoothie. Tried one last week with a freebie coupon I had from the paper a few weeks back. Yummy…
We all love the caramel frappes in this family = and with four of us drinking them some free ones would be much appreciated!
strawberry banana is one of my favorite flavors
I like the wild berry one, and DH likes the straw/banana one! mmmm
I just gave up coffee, so I’ll be trying the berry smoothie
The strawberry/banana smoothie is delish!!
Caramel frappe are my fav! Love them. Hope I win these
The mocha frappe is my husband and my favorite…what a fun couple of dates this would be…instead of sharing one, we’d each get our own.
thanks for sharing!
~Eunice B
rsmile2u @dejazzd .com
banana strawberry
I luv the berry one!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!
Caramel Frappe! Oh how i love ’em!
I love the Mocha Frappe’s!!
Ooohhh! This would be awesome!
I like the mocha.
I really like the caramel frappe’s!
These would be for my mom who’s on a strict budget, but who I imagine would love to treat herself to a mocha!
I LOVE the mocha frappes!!! I havent tried any of the smoothie ones yet so they might be good too but I always want my coffee drink
I like the strawberry banana smoothie.
My favorite is the mocha frappe! I love them!
I love the strawberry banana smoothie and the mocha frappe.
I love the mocha frappes! Would love to win this!
I like to Carmel Frappe and the Wild Berry Smoothie.
I love smoothies and I can’t decided if I will try the strawberry banana first or the berry…. they both sound so good
That was so nice of the coupon fairy.
I would love to try the berry smoothie! Yum!
I would like to try one of the smoothies.
Funny story, I was 6 months pregnant and went to McD’s for an ice cream cone, well after seeing the caramel frappe, I got that instead. when it was 1/2 gone did I realize that this is coffee and had caffeine in it. And I wasn’t going to throw it away as it ost $4. That night for an hour and a half, my baby was going crazy. It was like the karate kid was in my stomach. I haven’t had one since either as I’m breast feeding and I would hate to be up all night with him.
Love the mocha frappe!!!!
I’d love to try the berry one!
I’d like to try any of the Frappe flavors to get me off of the other more expensive blended drinks….they can get addictive…smh
Mmmmm, strawberry banana!
Love the mixed berry smoothie. Yum!
Haven’t tried either yet, but i would love to try the mocha
The mocha frappe is my absolute lifesaver! Not only is it good, but it helps me when I start to feel a migraine coming on!
I like the Wild Berry smoothie.
I love the caramel mocha frappe!
Caramel. Yum!
I have heard good things about the Mocha Frappe and would love to try it!
I love mocha but would like to try smoothies too if I win.
my kids love the carmel flavor – it is a great treat!
love the berry smoothie! so do my 3 kids! fun treat every once in awhile.
Caramel frappe
I love the Mocha Frappe with Caramel and Chocolate on top! I just recently tried the Banana Strawberry Smoothie and enjoyed that as well.
I really like the Mocha…have yet to try any of the fruit ones.
I love the Mocha Frape! It is so rich and sweet, a perfect anyday treat
love this frappe deal
I like the Berry Smoothie flavor the best!
I love the caramel frappe-just hold the whipped cream, I work too hard on the treadmill everyday to totally indulge!!;-)
mmmm…..strawberry banana smoothie…..sounds DELISH!!! hope i win!
yum! Coffee Frappe!
I like the berry one.
I would be so happy to try the mocha frappe!!
I didn’t get the coupon in my paper a couple of weeks ago, so I have yet to try them. I think I would like the berry one.
I love the caramel frappe, soooo good.
I love the berry smoothie! I haven’t tried the others yet.
I like the Wild Berry smoothie
Mocha frappe for me! Sounds delicious!
I love the strawberry and banana smoothie!
wild berrie smoothie for me!
I have tried the berry smoothie and it was yummy! I have a very good friend that loves Frappe’s…he’s addicted to them and spending so much money a week on them. I think winning these would be the greatest gift for me to give to him
I agree Mercedes, the strawberry banana is much better than the wild berry! And it’s my favorite!
I’ve only had the berry, but it was super yummy!
Wild Berry is good!
I love them all but I have yet to try the strawberry banana smoothie
We liked the berry smoothie!
I LOVE the berry one!
I would like to try the Frappe!
My favorite is the caramel frappe. I have been getting them at Mickey D’s instead of Starbucks because they are cheaper there.
we love all of them
Thank you!
I would like to try the mocha or if there is a latte one that would even be better:~D
I’m addicted to the caramel frappes. yummy!
Wildberry is my favorite… but i’d love to try the Strawberry Banana!
I love the strawberry banana, it is so yummy!! And tastes so good in the Texas heat!
I love the Mocha frappe. Ive tried the strawberry/banana smoothie, its ok but may be missing something… I’ll stick w/ the frappes. thanks for the chance to win a bunch of them!! love it.
the strawberry banana is my favorite
i like the berry smoothie one
I would love the Strawberry Banana!
Mocha Frappe. Chocoholic all the way.
I would love to try one of their Frappes…and would share the coupons with my family & friends too!
Love, love, love the mocha frappes!
love the mocha!
I agree. I love the mocha frappes! They are my pick-me-up/indulgence treat.
The caramel frappe is a nice treat .
I like the strawberry banana smoothie.
Mocha frappes are SO yummy!
Mmmm…love the mocha frappe! Would love to win some coupons!
I love the Mocha Frappes!!! What a wonderful break in the day.
I love the caramel! All that whip cream!!!!!!!
I like the berry smoothie!
The berry smoothie is really good.
I like the caramel frappe!
My fav is the banana strawberry smoothie!!! thanks for the giveaway!!
I’d love the carmel frappe!
I love the mocha fraps and my daughter goes crazy over the fruit smoothies.
I like the berry smoothie. Bananas are for banana bread :).
I love love love the Mocha Frappe! It is my Friday treat
I’d like to try the mocha frappe
would love to try the wild berry smoothie
Strawberry-banana is my fave. I want to try the mocha frappe.
I love the mocha frappes!
They are all yummy…. ! Hope to win. Thank you.
I have never tried any of them. I would like to try the wild berry smoothie most.
I would like to try the mixed berry smoothie! Im not a mcdonalds fan, but these sound delicious
Strawberry banana!!
Yum! I have tried both smoothies and the strawberry banana is my favorite!
I am perhaps in love with the Caramel Frappe, I mean, just a little bit…ok…really it’s more like a crush =)
Love the mixed berry! Love it even more when it’s free!
my absolute favorite is caramel frappe
I like the mocha but I would like to try carmel. Thanks for the giveaway.
I haven’t tried tham yet because my mother in law stole the coupon from the newspaper!!!! Grrrr!
Oh well, I would love to try the berry flavor.
Mixed berry
I would love to try the berry one!
I’m addicted to the caramel frappe. Thanks for your generosity.
My family loves both flavors of these smoothie. It is really hard to chose a favorite. I guess I would have to say I like the Strawberry/ Banana Flavor.
The berry smoothie sounds yummy! I hope I win.
I like the strawberry one more than the berry too!
I have not tried these yet but I would love too!!!!!
I am completely adicted to the mocha frappes. The caramel are pretty delicious too.
Wonderful! I have already tried the berry smoothie and it’s a bit tart… I’ll try the strawberry-banana… and with these coupons get one for my kids too!
I haven’t tried any of them and finally would be able to with all those coupons :-)…it’s hard to pick!
Loooove the mocha, but I haven’t had a smoothie yet. I’d love to try one (especially if it’s free)!
I love the Frappes. Nothing better than coffee-flavored-anything!
The mocha is to dye for! Smart move on McDonald’s part to put free coupons in the paper. They’ve gotten me addicted and now I actually PAY for them!
I really like the mixed berry!
Wild Berry Smoothie– it’s great on a hot summer day.
I have not tried any .I would love to try a smoothie.
Had a sip of the wildberry today when I got the free one for my son, would love to try the strawberry banana for myself!
So far I’ve only tried the Wild Berry smoothie and it was very good! I’d love to try the others though!
It’s 103 degrees in Oklahoma; a smoothie would hit the spot to cool me off!
Ooohhhh! I really wanna try the mocha frappe! Yum!
I love the mocha frappe and would love to try the caramel!!!
I tried the banana strawberry out with a friend recently. It was very good!
I like to try the caramel frappe!
I like the strawberry-banana but my fiance likes the berry one.
My fav is Mocha!!!
There was an article on the news the day after the coupons came out in the parade magazine in the newspaper that McDonalds was not honoring them because they were afraid they would run out and didn’t want to have to take the harrassment from people
I love the mocha frappe!!!!
I LOVE the caramel frappe’s! Hope I win!
I love the carmel frappes. yum
I love the mocha frappe!!!!!!!!!!!
I love the strawberry-banana smoothie!
mocha all the way !! love it !!
thanks for the give away !
I love the strawberry-banana smoothie!!!
Caramel Frappe. mmmmmm. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
Strawberry Banana is my favorite! I still haven’t tried the Frappe yet, but that will be on my next trip!
I’m lovin’ the mocha frappe. But my hubby is partial to the smoothie, so we’ll probably share the coupons
I love the caramel Frappe. Had one this morning.
MMMMM….. I am now addicted to the mixed berry smoothies!
The berry smoothie is my pick!
We love the Mocha Frappe! It’s the best of all!! So is Common Sense with Money!
I like the strawberry banana
I love, love, love the mocha frappes!
Wild Berry is so yummy!
definitely the strawberry banana smoothie!
I would like to try the berry flavored smoothie!
love the mcfrappes, would love to try out the smoothies! my favorite is the mocha mcfrappe, but would love to try the strawberry banana smoothie! sounds yummy
The strawberry banana is delicious! Would love to try the frappe.
Mochamochamochamochamocha frappe!!!!! YUMYUMYUM!!!
It’s my 1 guilty pleasure, and I try to make it last all day long (not always easy to do!;)
The wildberry smoothies are awesome!
The caramel frappe is my favorite!! My husband loves the mocha though!
I have not tried any of the flavors. I would love to try them out for free.
I love the Strawberry Banana fruit smoothie.
The Mocha frappe – my hubby and I both love them! I tried the berry smoothie last week. It was good, but not as good as the mocha.
i like the strawberry banana smoothie
I’d try to try the banana strawberry.
The banana strawberry smoothie is my favorite! Last Sunday our family stopped for them after we got lost for over an hour when we tried to go visit a church and there was a bridge out and a detour! We held our own little church at McDonald’s with smothies. : )
I tried the caramel frappe and it was good, but I’d also love to try one of the smoothies!
I tried the berry one. I would love to try the strawberry bananna
I’d love to try the banana strawberry. My daughter tried the frappe & loved it. I haven’t tried yet.
I like the berry one but never tried the strawberry banana.
I love their Mocha Frappes! Thanks for the givewaway!
I haven’t had one yet but would love to try the mocha. These would come in handy since I’m trying really hard not to spend any money this month besides the necessities.
Caramel Frappe!! Mmmm Mmm Mmmm!!! Thanks for the giveaway!
I’d like to try the strawberry banana frappe.
I love anything berry! I’d love to try it.
we love the strawberry banana smoothie!
I love the caramel frap. It’s a good blend of coffee and caramel. I never had the smoothies yet, but I hope I win to try one.
Mocha frappe, no whipped cream for me!
I Luuuuuuuuuuvvvvvvv the wildberry smoothie.
All of them!!! If I had to pick, it would be mocha frappe!
Love tbe Wild Berry Smoothies…delicious!
I would be berry happy to try the berry!!!
Mocha! Mocha! Mocha!
I want to try the berry!
I really like the berry smoothie and the mocha frappe. Thanks for the chance to win some free.
I think I would like any of the frappes. I can’t remember what types I’ve tried.
I love the caramel frappes!! My husband & I are addicted!
Love anything with coffee!
I would like to try the banana strawberry smoothie!
All of the flavors are great! Such a perfect pick-me-up to start my day. I’m a secretary and we’re getting ready for the start of school.
Berry for sure.
mocha frappe. . . no whipped cream. love it on these hot, humid IA days!!!
I would really like to try the mixed berry smoothie!!! Since I work with the general public I tell everyone about your site!
I loves the strawberry banana smoothie!
My daughter love the berry smoothie but I love the mocha frappe!!!
Strawberry-banana is definitely my favorite. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
my favorite is caramel mcfrappe or strawberry banana smoothie
Mocha frappe’s are my favorite!
I could be down for some Frappe’!
Strawberry banana
wild berry smoothie! *yum*!
I love the Banana-Strawberry Smoothie, soooo yummy!
Love the wildberry smoothie, but would love to try this Banana-strawberry smoothie. Sounds delish!
I Love the carmel frapp but I have been dying to try their smoothies…………
Its all about the carmel frappe!!!
wait they have smoothies now!:! I want!
I love their mocha, of course! Mocha everything is love.
I enjoy the Mocha Frappe & Wildberry smoothie ! Mmm mmm good!
Strawberry banana….. yummy.
The Strawberry Banana Smoothie and the Mocha Frappe. Yummy
I love the Mocha Frappe. Hmm, hmm good on these terrible hot days!
I like the berry smoothies.
I really like the mocha frappe but have been wanting to try both of the fruit smoothies.
I’d love to try all of these! Carmel frappe sounds delightful.
I love the caramel! It is so creamy and delicious. I would love to try the berry one with my free coupon!!!
My favorite is mocha!
i would love to win these i love the cameral frappy . I have never drank coffee i was like not my thing .Well that Sunday came around me and my Mom went to Mcdonalds and now i’m hook .I love the frappy now melissa j. chunchula al
We love the caramel frappe’s and the strawberry banana smoothies!
I would like to try the berry flavor!
tried the berry smoothie yesterday, it was great!!!!
i’d love to try the strawberry banana smoothie! thanks for the opportunity!
I LOVE the mocha frappe!! Seriously delicious.
The caramel frappe is my favorite!
I absolutely LOVE the Caramel Frappe from McDonalds! I haven’t tried any of the fruit smoothies yet, I think I’d like to try the Wild Berry first. Thanks so much for this giveaway!
I have not tried one yet! would love to try the caramel frappe!!! thanks for the chance to win!
My goodness… what a decision!!! Thanks for sharing.
I like the strawberry banana smoothie and the caramel frappe!
i’d like to try any of the frappes.
I love the wild berry smoothie:)
I love the caramel frappe’ so much that I can’t make myself try any of the others…
I haven’t tried any yet, but know I’d love the berry one. My family prefers strawberry when we make smoothies at home so this would be a guilt free indulgence! lol
My favorite is the Mocha XD
I LOVE THE CARAMEL FRAPPE!!!! Refreshing on a hot day….. Thanks for sharing CSWM coupon fairy! Good luck to all…. Hope I win
I love love love the mixed berry smoothies and I am overly obsessed with the caramel frappes! These coupons would be great to win!
I LOVE the mocha frappe!!
Love the caramel mocha!!!
I love the strawberry banana smoothie!!!! Thanks =)
I like mocha-hope I win!!!
I like strawberry banana!
I like the caramel frappes!
Thanks Coupon Fairy!
If I won I would split them with my husband. He loves the Mocha Frappe and I would try the smoothies.
I love caramel! Delicious!
like the berry smoothie
I absolutely LOVE the caramel frappes. The taste reminds me of when I was little and my mom would put caramel in my milk so I would drink it. Its always a happy memory for me.
Caramel is my favorite !!!!!!!!!
Always reminds me of dulce de leche. LOL
I’m aching to try the strawberry banana smoothie.
I like the berry smoothie.
I love the berry one, it has more anti oxidants
I love the Mocha frappes! Yum!
I have only tried the berry one. And I love it.