If you have been thinking of getting a Kindle, I wanted to remind you that Amazon sells the Kindle with Special Offers for as low as $114 for the WIFI one or $139 for the 3G+Wifi one. Not sure as to the offers you will get? have been keeping tabs on these offers and so far I see some very attractive offers. Here is the latest one that reader Betsy shared with me:
I got a special offer on my Kindle for $20 off $40 of beauty products on Amazon. Lots of products qualify, including Olay. There are also Amazon coupons for some Olay products. The Kindle offer must be sent to your email by 12pm July 23 to get promo code. The promo expires Aug 23. This will combine nicely with the $20 rebate!
Other offers have included:
- $10 for $20 Amazon.com Gift Card
- Save up to $500 off Amazon’s already low prices on select HDTVs
- $1 for a Kindle book, choose from thousands of books
- Spend $10 on Kindle books and get a free $10 Amazon.com Gift Card
- 50% off Roku
I think this is something to consider. The one with free 3G looks like a better value to me since I am on the Internet all the time