Here are the best Back to School deals available at Kmart during the week of 7/25 through 7/31:
15 Cents
- 2 pocket, 3 prong folder
25 Cents
- RoseArt 24ct crayons
- 4 oz Elmer’s school glue
50 cents
- Paper Mate pens in blue, black and ssorted colors (limit 4)
- Pencil boxes
- RoseArt 12 ct colored pencils
- Filler paper 150ct wide or college ruled (limit 4)
- Selected Fashio pr Licensed portfolios
- 300ct Index cards
- Fine or ultra fine sharpie 2ct black
- 90 ct Post-it notes
- 2 pack G2 pilot pens (use $1/1 coupon) to pay $1
Happy Savings!