Photo Courtesy of the Krazy Coupon Lady
Kmart is running a mail in rebate promotion this week: Receive a FREE $10 Prepaid Mastercard when you purchase $25 of P&G products in 1 transaction at Kmart. This is a rebate form that you can find in-store usually by the products that are included in the promotion. I noticed this particular tearpad is only for your purchases at Kmart. Here is a nice scenario that take advantage of Kmart Super Doubles and a high value coupon:
Deal Idea
Buy six Tampax Pearl $4.39 each
Use six $2/1 Tampax coupons from 3/7 P&G insert (five will double one will not)
Pay $4.34 plus tax out of pocket (Thanks Saving Addiction!)
Then submit this receipt for the mail in rebate offer available and get back one $10 prepaid Mastercard gift card. This is a good deal if you have many multiple coupons. I don’t, so I think I will do this:
My Deal:
Buy three Pantene Hair care $4.49
Buy two Tampax Pearl $4.39
Buy one Oral B Cross action toorthbrush $4.xx?? (anyone know the price?)
Use three $2/1 Pantene coupons from vocalpoint doubled
Use two Tampax pear coupons doubled
Use one Oral B coupon from 4/4 P& G insert not doubled
Pay somewhere around $5 and get back $10 Master Card gift card
Sounds like I am getting a good deal. Better than plain free Pantene at CVS actually. What’s your plan for this deal?