Here are a couple of freebies you may be able to snag at Kroger & affiliate stores after coupons! I have posted about free plugins at various stores in the past but here are new deals:
Glade Plugins Scented Oil Warmer – $1.19 (Price cut thru 7/15)
Use $1.25 off Glade PlugIns Scented Oil warmer
FREE after coupon!
Depending on your store’s doubling policy you could get Plum Organics for free!
Plum Organics Baby or Tots Pouch – $1.00 (Price cut thru 6/17)
Use 50¢ off just one Plum Organics Baby or Tots pouch printable (will double to $1.00)
FREE after coupon!
Thanks Coupon Katarina!