Last week I had a chance to drop off one of the Leapfrog Library Kits donations to the local Bookmobile Service. According to the ESLS website:
Mission of Bookmobile Service
The Bookmobile serves residents of all ages and abilities in the Eastern Shores Library System at locations where people are likely to gather providing popular materials in various formats for recreation, information and education needs.Role of the Bookmobile Service
Primarily, the Bookmobile provides popular materials in various formats and reading readiness materials for children. In a limited capacity, it provides reference and programming. The Bookmobile operates in cooperation with other libraries in the System. Due to its limited capacity for reference service, it encourages the use of other libraries for specific library needs. It promotes and encourages future library use among its customers.
I am very excited that through this donation to the bookmobile even more children will have access to these materials.
Thanks for watching!