Okay, I know that there are many, many of us that are working from home now. I have been working from home for years and I still struggle with my productivity sometimes, so I know that all of the newbies out there are probably struggling too. So, how can you make the most of your situation and how do you get yourself being more productive during your time at home?
Learning how to be more productive when working from home can level up your professionalism and might even lead to more business opportunities.
How to be More Productive When Working From Home
Create an office or dedicated workspace
It’s hard to work in chaos. It’s important to have an office or a space cleared out in your house that is dedicated specifically for your work. It can be an entire room, or something as small as just a corner of your table, but it needs to be a place where you can focus on your responsibilities.
Set Your Working Hours
Home or not, you still have to focus on your work and you still have to work for a set number of hours.
That means that even if you have family at home, you need to let them know that your work hours needs to be as distraction free as possible. This is especially true if you need to make phone calls or have video conferences.
Tune out Distractions
Turn off the TV, close the door, put a note up if you have to. It’s incredibly hard to work when you are surrounded by distractions at home. It’s hard not to let the kids and the sounds of the house distract you from the work on your plate. Figure out a system that works for you and go with that.
Everyone has a different way of dealing with distractions. For example, I happen to be an early riser anyway, so most of my work is done before the rest of the family wakes up and I have no distractions at all, but once the rest of the family is up and the day has begun, I explain how much time I need to finish the rest of my day and they do their own thing for a couple of hours without distracting me, so we have a good system worked out.