You guys! I am so excited about this freebie! If you have read “Girl Wash Your Face,” follow Rachel Hollis on social media and have been watching her morning show every day, or listen to her podcasts, you are going to be just as excited! TODAY, February 6th, Amazon Prime Members can watch the Rachel Hollis Made For More Documentary for FREE! This was released twice in 2018, in select theaters throughout the country. I’ve seen it, it’s awesome. Like, so so awesome! I am pumped to be able to watch it on a platform where I can take notes, pause, rewind and soak it all in!
This version of the documentary will also have the free 30 minute preview of Rachel’s new coaching series, that was included in the most recently released version in theaters. So head over to Amazon and check it out now! Not a prime member? You can sign up for a free 30-day trial or you pay around $4.99 to view it.