How cute is that ? Super cute, right? I am sorry, I know I am very biased. But that’s my little one, Tali, rocking some cute fashion choices when she came with me to Blissdom conference in Nashville, TN back in February.
Traveling with an infant (and Tali was only 4 months) can be very challenging. I was very apprehensive about the whole trip and about how we would do while there. While planning for our trip there I realized that I didn’t have a stroller to use with Tali. The stroller I had for my two boys was very much used and abused by them.
Bumbleride was gentle enough to offer to send one of their Bumbleride Indie 2010 strollers for me to check out and for my Tali to stroll in style while at Blissdom.
So what did I think about this stroller?
Easy to assemble: how do I know this? Because *I* was able to put it together! I never have the patience to read instructions or dexterity to put anything together but I put this one together and it was easy. My husband is so proud!
My favorite stroller features: One button harness makes it easier for moms to take out or snap in the baby. Adjusting the backrest after baby takes a nap is easy and smooth and all it takes is pushing down the adjuster. My husband and I are stoked about the large storage basket underneath the stroller. We carry stuff for three kids and it all fits happily in there. The stroller is also very easy to maneuver even with one hand which is something that I have to do often as there’s always another child’s hand to hold. Finally, my husband was very happy with the inflatable tires and suspension system that make for a very smooth ride.
Lightweight: Built on an aluminum frame, despite the look this stroller weighs 20lbs. It folds up easily too, and it fits in the trunk of a car with no problem.
At $450 this is not a cheap stroller by any means. But I believe that at times there are other elements to consider. When I was looking for a new stroller for Tali I asked many other moms and a lot of them mentioned having more that one stroller. That’s not me. I was looking to make a one time investment and get a quality stroller that would satisfy my needs. I also believe that the definition of value is personal, so what may work for my family may not work the same for you. You can, however, still get a good deal on this stroller by shopping around and see which one of their dealers is offering a promotion at the time you decide to make a purchase.
Win It!
If you like what you see, Bumbleride has been gentle enough to offer one Bumbleride stroller to one of my readers. If you would like to participate in this giveaway, this is what you need to do:
- Leave me a comment sharing what features or functions do you find most important in a all terrain/urban/ light jogging stroller?
For additional entries you can:
- Become a Facebook fan of Bumbleride and share the following with your friends: “I just entered to win a Bumbleride Indie Stroller click here to enter too “
- Follow Bumbleride on Twitter and share the following: “I just entered to win a @Bumbleride Indie Stroller click here to enter too via @commnsensemoney”
This way you can earn up to three entries. Just please remember to come back and leave me a separate comment for each additional action you have taken (leave comment, share on Twitter, share on Facebook, etc).
If you are reading this entry via email updates or via RSS reader please CLICK HERE to visit my blog to enter. Emailing me is not a valid entry for this giveaway. This giveaway is open to residents of the United States and Canada only. Please enter only if you are 18 years or older. This giveaway ends on 4/4/2010 at 5PM CST. At that time I will close the giveaway and select one winner randomly.
Thanks to Bumbleride for offering to send a sample of their Indie stroller for me to checkout and one for one of my readers to win. This post reflects my thoughts about this product and has not been edited in any way by Bumbleride.
I think that air filled tires are the most important thing in a stroller. Love the bumbleride!
The ability to withstand a thorough cleaning.
The cleaning and the storage plus ease of maneuverability are what I’m looking for in a stroller
I think the most important features are 1) being lightweight and 2) ease of turning corners. I soooooo would love to win this. My newborn and my extra muffin top would thank you profusely! Then I would have *no excuses* for not getting out around the neighborhood to jog.
Maneuverability is key – easy to steer and able to navigate through racks while shopping, for instance. Thanks for the giveaway!
I think the best features are that it is light weight and also the smooth ride from the inflatable tires!! How cool!!
The most important feature is a wheel that can rotate and swivel allowing a more gentle ride for the baby and on the mom. As a Physical Therapist I believe ease on the body is very important! This feature creates movement in the stroller with great ease!
My SIL just researched this stroller and is excited about getting one for her little guy expected to arrive in 2 months. In looking at strollers for me- weight and ease of use are important to me.
Obviously safety is most important but durability ranks high for me. I’ve read some great reviews on the Bumbleride – what a fantastic giveaway!
I love that it is a light weight jogging stroller!
I became a fan of Bumbleride on facebook.
The number 1 feature in any stroller for me is safety. I like how this one seems to have your little girl secured so snuggly!
I really think storage and easy pushing are most important to me!
Fan of bumbleride on Facebook and I shared with friends.
Following Bumbleride on Twitter!
I like the one-handed steering feature. When you have other little ones, it is a must.
Following Bumbleride on Twitter and I tweeted
Glad it’s back up!
Definitely needs to be able to withstand a good jog on sometimes uneven terrain/allow me to get on and off curbs easily.
I’m a pretty tall guy, so i like a stroller that’s high so i don’t have to hunch over to push it.
Safety. I don’t care how well it works unless I know how safe my child is.
The air filled tires that can swivel are the best feature!
The wheels make a good stroller.
I follow on FB
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ease of turning and also folding up for transport.
Comfortable for my child, easy for me to put up and break down, & durability
How light and maneuverable the stroller is, is the most important to me. To have actual tires on it is a bonus.
Easy and safe to swivel for both users.
Love, love, love and very important that it would be easy to maneuver with the swivel front wheel and the lightweight frame (I’m small and definetly need that feature!)
Thank you!
I like that it is a lightweight jogger. The stroller I currently have is not good for that. I also like the fact that it is lightweight!
I would love to win this for my 6 month old girl.
I want the stroller that is light weight and easy to maneuver. Oh, also, it should be easy to set-up and easy to fold.
Lightweight! If I can’t take load/unload it from my trunk with ease, I won’t use it.
Being lightweight and easy to move around corners.
Definatly love the air filled tires!! Makes a HUGE difference!
I am a fan of Bumbleride on FB!
Needs to be lightweight and easy to maneuver.
2 of the most important features I want in a stroller is 1) it’s lightweight and 2) I can maneuver it one handed.
I am now a Facebook fan of Bumbleride!
I think the most important feature would be that it is light enough to maneuver easily, yet sturdy to last. Now if it would only clean itself.
entry 1 – being lightweight and the front wheel being able to pivot are my biggees. we purchased a jogger once that didn’t have a pivoting wheel and was rather bulky … HATED it.
Just having a nice lightweight jogging stroller would be great. I really like the air filled tires too!
entry 2 – i follow bumbleride on twitter
Well, to tell the truth, im not sure what i want in a stroller, i will be a first time mother any day now. My baby girl is due april 1st and i am so excited to take her outside this summer, and possibly jog, so i hope if i win this stroller it will be everything i need, i was told something that is lightweight is the easy to bring around
entry 3 – i facebooked (fanned and shared)
Being able to turn the stroller in a very tight space is important and being able to fold it down for traveling is important also. Thanks.
Ease of steering. I don’t want to get an arm workout if I don’t feel like it!
I love the air filled tires… Makes travel over varying terrains much easier. Of course the light weight is always a great thing too. And the one handed handling is imperative…we moms are always in need of at least one free hand for something!!
Maneuverability and storage.
The wheels–both size and ability to turn– is really important. We live in a hilly area near a lake, and I’ve tried out so many stroller that just don’t cut it! I want it to be easy to manuver, otherwise, I’m not going to be motivated to walk!
Fan of bumbleride on FB and shared with friends.
Wow!! How awesome?! Some important features to me are definitely weight, the fact that you can push it around with one hand would be amazing! Storage also, I have two little ones now and we are wanting/working on number 3 so I think that the storage underneath would be key! Thanks for a great giveaway!
A great lightweight easy to move stroller is awsome!
The best feature would definetly be the easy manuvering and of course it has to be light weight. That is such a cute stroller – nice summer colors. LOVE IT!
The most important feature to me is maneuverability oh and maybe a cup holder or two
One-hand steering! My old stroller is too hard to turn even with two hands! I soooooo need one that I can run with!
I would have to say the most important feature is adjustable handles to accommodate people of different heights.
I love strollers that have roomy storage and they have to have padding to make it comfy for baby.
This stroller looks awesome. I think it is very important to have a stroller that folds up nicely because the trunk of my car is very small. Also, I think it is also important to be able to fold and unfold easily, because with my son’s stroller I never did figure out how to fold it. Also, the large storage compartment is nice because like you said with three kids , it’s hard to pack light!! Thank you Bumbleride and thank you Mercedes!!
I would LOVE to have a jogging stroller and the colors of that one are soooo pretty! I had a baby 6 MONTHS ago and still have yet to lose the rest of the weight, so this would be ideal! Especially with spring right around the corner
This is a “supreme” stroller. I appreciate the quality. I appreciate the lightweight. I love the maneuverability. What a great find. I’m wishing for . . . this great stroller. Thanks for the promotion
The important features to me are: portability, turning radius, child harness-support, and adjustable handle bars. Thanks for the giveway!
Cool stroller! I think a swiveling front wheel is pretty important for a jogging stroller. I’ve seen some joggers without it having problems. Thanks for the opportunity to enter the contest!
Ease in steering, not too heavy, and in ease in folding for storage. These are my top 3 musts when strollers shopping. Would love to win!
being lightweight and folding easy are definitely the 2 most important things for me!
I’m a fan and I told my friends to enter!
oops, I meant I’m a facebook fan.
The most important feature to me is safety!
I look for the stroller to be easy to fold so that hubby isn’t intimidated and also compact so it fits in the trunk of the van!
all terrain and easy turning. I am always outside and rarely in a mall so the durability would be key. this would be awesome!
facebook fan as well
I’m following Bumbleride on Twitter and tweeted:
I love how easy it sounds to fold up. With three little ones, an easy and fast fold up is key to keeping the tantrums at bay!
Has to be lightweight!
The most important feature is being lightweight!
I’m a Facebook fan of Bumbleride and I posted a message on my wall:!/profile.php?v=feed&story_fbid=107001439320765&id=100000877298034&ref=nf
The feature I like is that it is easy to turn!
I’m following Bumbleride on Twitter and tweeted:
Thanks so much for the chance to win – I’m heading on a 12 hour trip with my toddler to visit my parents, and we don’t have a really manageable stroller for the journey. I would be ecstatic if I won.
This is awsome. The lightweight, shock absorbing over potholes and rocks is a definate plus.
I will become a mom in August of this year. I’m so excited but also nervous. I’ve been relying heavily on the recommendations of others for what to purchase for my little one, so thank you for this post. What jumped out to me about the Bumbleride is it’s lightweight and easy to maneuver with one hand. Thank you.
Love the design of the stroller. But it is important that the stroller is lightweight.
I love that the stroller is lightweight, and that the tires can wheel through anything.
Ilook for good wheels that will take the bumps in the sidewalks well and one that looks like it will hold up for a few years!
What a great giveaway! I am a runner and so I look for the ease in which the stroller turns and of course storage
Being lightweight for better movability is most important to me!
The colors, the fact that it is so lightweight, the ease of steering- the list could go on and on- this looks like such an awesome stroller!!!
i really like the one button harness….i just tried strapping in a friend’s little fellow, and it was like a puzzle!
i like user friendly! 
i tweeted
Lightweight, easy maneuvering and good storage are some of the features I look for in a stroller and this Bumbleride Indie stroller seems to fit the bill. I would love to win it! This is an awesome giveaway!
awesome giveaway!! I love a stroller that is easy to manage. . both in assembly & everyday use. sounds like a great stroller!!
The fact that it’s lightweight, and the colors rock! So cute!
Easy maneuvering and lots of storage space is important to me!
Thank you
I have a 2 1/2 year old and a 10 month oldso, I like strollers I can use for them both.
I’m 32 weeks pregnant, and have been researching strollers. I love to run, and to be out and about, and it has been driving me crazy to think that I was going to have to buy 2-3 strollers for all the different situations. So buying 1 quality one, sounds perfect!
It needs to be lightweight and easy to pack in the trunk of my car!
Personally, I like a stroller that is lightweight, washable, durable, and folds up easily.
What a great giveaway!! With my 2nd baby coming in July this would be great to win!
I definitely need something light weight that works for the smaller babies.
I would like something sturdy, but lightweight. And compact so that I could easily get it in and out of the car.
I like a lightweight stroller that can move easily…this would be awesome to win! Thanks!
I need serious wheels to deal with snow and brick sidewalks that have lost the war with trees and frost
The large wheels for easy maneuvering would probably be the best feature. I also like a backrest with quick positioning.
What I look for in a jogging stroller is the break down capability. I have four kids and I need a stroller that will fit in my van and break down easily.
What I look for in a stroller is durability-so many are so cheaply made-and the ability to roll easily on any surface, from the mall to grass to sandy beaches.
Light weight is very important and shocks to reduce the bumpiness of the ride would be nice. The path that I run on isn’t all that smooth. Also, a good cover to block the sun from reaching my child.
I love the basket underneath! It also seems quite compact and that is definitely a help when maneuvering with a baby and other children.
The most important feature in a stroller for my husband is big wheels! He says it is so he can take the baby anywhere, I think it is because he is a guy and’big wheels are more manlly!
I am looking for one that is light weight, easy to fold up and compact. Also good storage and easy to steer
This looks like a great stroller! I love the one handed pushing option, looks very maneuverable. Weight is also VERY important! 20 lbs. doesn’t sound bad! I love the idea that it seems appropriate for all uses…park, mall, jogging.
Features I look for: comfort for child (is it cushiony enough), is there shade for kid, storage, height of handle bars, ease of maneuverability, weight, and whether it reclines (for sleepy baby :)).
I love strollers that glide easily. some of the cheaper ones just don’t manuver very well! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I want a light weight stroller that is very durable and easy to use. This looks awesome.
I look for something that is easy to fold, compact, yet comfy.
I shared on Facebook!
I look for ease to maneuver, comfort, and safety features. I would love to have a jogging stroller!!
I look for easy to fold and lots of basket space. With 4 kids, I need all the space to store stuff I can get.
I love the size and weight of the stroller. I have been looking for an all purpose stroller for my little one and have yet to find one that I like in my price range. This one seems to be just what I was looking for!
The most important feature I think is the storage underneath! I need a place to put a diaper bag AND my purse!
This stroller looks awesome! I’m one of those mom’s with several strollers and they all drive me crazy!!! I love that this is a quality, all-in-one model and with a new baby on the way a new stroller would be great to have!
I also posted this on my Twitter account! @funluvinmum
My son & daughter-in-law are avid runners. This would be a perfect jogging stroller for them.
I’m about to have my first child, so I definitely need a stroller! I am worried about finding a stroller that will fit in my little Mazda Protege trunk
I really want a stroller that I can steer with one hand too
I would love the one hand control. With 6 kids and new one on the way this feature would be the most important to me. I am also in the market for a new stroller.
Sounds like a great stroller. I like the wheels and storage. And look comfortable too.
The turning ability is key for me!
I also shared the bumbleride on facebook.
I prefer lightweight strollers that are easy to fold up.
I love the big wheels on strollers. We live on a farm and do many things outside on not so smooth surfaces. The big wheels help so much. Thanks for all you do!
I love this stroller! A 5 point harness is a must for Samantha, she likes to try to jump out of everything!!
I have 5 children and I need a lightweight stroller that my older children can push! This one looks great! I would love to have a nice new stroller as I have alwasy only had hand me downs! Thanks and love your blog!
The things that I look for in a stroller are: that it is lightweight, easy to maneuver, and how comfortable and safe it is for my child.
Ease of assemble and lightweight. Definately make or break features for me.
I love a stroller with a non-fixed front wheel and plenty of space for gadgets, like cell phone, water bottle, keys and diaper bag room!
It MUST be lightweight, and one-handed steering is very important!
I shared on Facebook!
I became a fan on FB, and shared the link on my homepage.
I love that you can steer this jogging stroller!!!
The most important feature to me is the ease with which you can push. I often need to push with one hand while multi-tasking. And this stroller is beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win.
Lightweight and comfortable for my tall husband to push.
I think it’s important for an all-terrain stroller to actually be all-terrain. My stroller is great for using in a store, but if I go near gravel, it’s terrible to push…..and it’s supposedly all-terrain!
I became a fan of Bumbleride on Facebook today!
Oh my gosh, I have been checking this stroller out lately. It is great because it is so lightweight, has the one button harness plus a basket to carry things. I love it.
For me, the basket’s a big deal — I need it to hold my diaper bag, sometimes a lunch cooler and whatever other detrius we collect throughout the day. And I need it to be easy to get things in and out of.
I also appreciate a one-hand fold, because when do I ever have more than one hand available?
I love strollers that can fold up easily with one hand, big wheels, that are easy to push. Shade, is also a must, and a big area for stuff down below.
I am following Bumbleride on Twitter now!!!
I have never had one of these strollers but would love one. It has all the things I’m looking for, safe harness, rubber tires, easy assembly, smooth ride for the kids, easy maneuvering and the large under basket is a huge plus to hold things for the kids.
I think ease of getting the child in and out is a MUST! As well as turning easily (I always seem to have another hand to hold too).
I like that it is light-weight, extremely durable, and has big wheels.
I need it to fold up compactly and easily to fit in the car.
I became a FB fan of Bumbleride.
I love a good basket underneath, and one that is easily accessible! Lightweight and easy to fold and store is a must! Looks like a great stroller!
I love the sturdy wheels. That is what wears out on the strollers we have had in the past. Looking for a new one- this one would be great.
The most important thing to me is being able to actually use the stroller. Is it easy to maneuver? Fold? Will the baby be comfortable? If the answer is yes, we are all more likely to use the stroller and it is worth the investment.
cool! the one button harness would be wonderful for this slightly-rusty grandma to use.
I agree, your DD is adorable!
I look for ease to maneuver, comfort, and safety features and this stroller seems to have it all, including storage- sweet!
I shared on Facebook.
I like to shade the baby and tires that can make it through gravel.
I became a fan and posted on Facebook
I love a stroller that is lightweight and compact but sturdy!
Lightweight is a must for me….and easy to fold into the trunk for traveling. Thanks for the chance to win!
A stroller that is lightweight and easy to push one handed is a must! Also comfort for baby is very important! This stroller looks awesome!
I love the easy to push with one hand as I have another hand to hold as well! And, the large storage basket is a plus b/c I feel like we take the whole house with us everytime we leave.
i look for a stroller that can fit in my trunk and a big storage basket.
I am a facebook fan
For us, we need a stroller that can fit in to the trunk of a car since we don’t have an SUV or other large car. Having one that is easy to fold is important too, since I’m usually juggling more than 1 kid.
Crossing my fingers!!!
I think the ability to go to all kinds of terrains is important. We like to hike and go through forest preserves where there aren’t always paved walks. Also, the mobility of the front wheel is also important for an easy push. My husband believes the wheels are very important, but to me being light and easy to open and close are very important things.
I love that I would be able to put it together!!!!
Follow you on Facebook and email. Became a fan of Bumbleride and suggested to friends.
Love the jogging aspect and easy fold up of a stroller
My friend has the double version of this stroller and I love how easy it is to maneuver, even with 2 kids in it! So my most important feature would have to be the wheels and how easy it is to get around
A stroller that is easy to push and is lightweight is a must! Comfort for baby is also very important!
I want a stroller that is easy to fold-up and lightweight.
the most important features in a stroller to me are to be fairly lightweight and easy to handle, yet still have a decent amount of storage.
I like a stroller that is lightweight, so that I can easily fold it up and pop it in the back of the car. I also love the big basket– there is always so much stuff to carry! This stroller looks fantastic, we were looking to replace our older, clunky stroller… Thanks!
I love the 5 point harness. I need one of those so badly for my 2 1/2 year old that doesn’t stay still for a second. Stroller trips are always a nightmare.
The all terrain feature sounds wonderful.
I would LOVE to win this! My favorite feature is that it is sooooo easy to maneuver! Thanks!!!
I love that it is lightweight. You always can use a lightweight stroller.
The harness part has to fit tight but be comfy!
just became a fan on facebook and shared the link! Thanks so much!
well first the swivel front wheel is great, and just having it be all terrain is great. it is convenient wherever you go….in the neighborhood, in the park, or on a trail. my everyday stroller does not do that too well. yesterday we went to the park to get family pictures done and pushing my son over the gumballs that had fallen on the ground was not good…it probably felt like an earthquake to him. bump-bump-bump-bump-gumball-gumball-gumball-bump-bump- haha…we just took him out and carried him
I am following on twitter and I tweeted about this.
Just became a Facebook fan!!!
I have a bad back so it’s important to be able to lift the stroller in and out of my trunk easily. Thanks!
Being light weight, and easy to maneuver with 1 hand is key for me…. I always have to have 1 hand free =)
I would love the easy steering with this stroller!
woops, almost forgot I….Follow you on Facebook and email and Became a fan of Bumbleride and suggested to friends. thanks so much!!!
I twittered and tweeted!!!
Easy to steer with one hand!
I joined as a fan and posted on Facebook.
it must be lightweight when i job i dont want to feel like I am pushing forty kids around when i only have one!!
I am always looking for stroller that has some storage. I became a fan on facebook! Thanks
I love that it has great under storage! I also like that it is lightweight!
It is very important for a stroller to be lightweight and to fold easily!
I love that it is a lightweight stroller!
First Tali is adorable as usual
I like that the stroller is easy to maneuver with one hand so you have the other one to hold my son in my case
mdavid28 at gmail dot com
I need a stroller that you can maneuver with one hand and also one that will go over gravel. And, since our baby number 3 is a surprise, I need a stroller since I gave all my baby stuff away, yikes!!
I became a fan of Bumbleride on Facebook and shared with my friends.
I’m a facebook fan and shared the giveaway.
Michal Peretz David
I have a jogging stroller that has been used almost daily for 3 years and am looking for a new one. This one looks perfect!
I became a fan on facebook and shared the link on facebook!
I follow Bumbleride on Twitter and twitter about the giveaway
In a jogging stroller I want something light and easy to control with one hand.
I’d love a stroller that is lightweight and will fit easily in the trunk of my car.
Lightweight, easy to push through roads with some gravel, and tough enough to withstand daily use.
I am following Bumbleride on twitter and shared the link!
It needs to fit into my van and be easy to push.
It needs to be easy to store and easy to get baby in and out! I also like the idea of it being easy to switch positions for baby with ease, especially if they’re napping
Became a fan and shared the link. Thanks for the chance.
The most important feature for me is that it has large well made wheels. I hate using my regular stroller outside because it gets stuck on every crack in the sidewalk.
I would have to look for a big basket and how easy it is to push through the fair. All those cables on the ground are always a challenge.
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Most important to me is that the stroller is easy to navigate through stores and isles with ease.
I need to be able to push it with one hand!
Became a fan on Facebook
Became a fan and shared on facebook.
I need a lightweight stroller that is also able to stand up to a buy lifestyle. Anything that fits in the truck of my small car is just a bonus! Thanks!
Inflatable tires would be terricfic..I’ve looked at some w/ foam type tires and living inthe country w/ gravel roads foam would not hold up or have a long life..inflatable sounds like a win win!
Love the colors too..awesome!
I like strollers that are easy to use; lightweight, easy to fold and actually usable.
my stroller has seen better days! Pick me!
I think a stroller that is safe for infants and toddlers by being made with durable materials and no wobbly parts is most important. Then I look for something that is easily maneuverable, lightweight, and fits inside my trunk.
Bicycle tires are a must for our “off-road” family! Also, storage is a close second! A lightweight stroller would also be easy to get in and out of the car by myself. And, of course, it’s SUPER cute!
Safety is the most important thing for me. The ability to naviagte easily and being lightweight are also important.
Easy to pick up/lightweight, easy to push, comfortable, good storage.
I became a fan on facebook and shared with my friends/posted the link! Hope I win!!!
Easy to store and light weight. Very important stuff!
Must be lightweight and have sturdy secure straps!
sounds like all the features are amazing but I love the one button strap and ease of storage
One front wheel that does not get stuck. I can’t tell you how many times I have had to kick my front tire on the stroller to get it to free-up and turn. Maybe it is time for a new one, we have used this one with 4 kids and baby number 5 is due in 9 week:) It would be just what I would want for getting back in shape this summer after baby is born.
I would love to win this stroller! My daughter is pregnant with our first grandbaby and dosen’t drive so she will be using a stroller a lot! She will need a lightweight and easy to manuever stroller.
I just signed up to follow Bumbleride and tweeted about the contest!
Must be sturdy- sturdy build and sturdy straps! Must be able to glide easily on all types of roads. Thanx.
following on FB and shared with friends
I love a stroller that is sturdy enough to be used for walking/jogging yet small enough to easily maneuver through stores or any crowded area. I would rather invest in one stroller that can fit every aspect of my life than purchase multiple, less expensive strollers. A stroller needs to be easy to handle and simple to collapse and put in my car. I also love a large storage basket.
Easy to manuever with one hand would be great! You can never have too many hands when dealing with kids!
needs to be easy to handle
It needs to have inflatable tires so it can easily maneuver through the old sidewalk and cobblestone paths of our community!
I would have to say something that is easy to put together/take down and one that actually fits in my trunk normally! Since my family does a lot of traveling by car (we don’t have a minivan) we need something that doesn’t take up the entire trunk space.
it needs to be easy to fold, soft to sit and sleep in, and cute:-)
I would love this stroller! I have a 6 month old and this would be awesome. The Dr said I must start walking and jogging for health reasons. I have been looking at different strollers but being a 1 income household makes it tough. Please. Please. Please.
Have a great day and I totally love your site!
Pivoting front wheel, easy to push, and lightweight.
The one button closure on the harness sounds appealing to me. I have a stroller where its a four step process to get my DD strapped in and a two step to get her out. Its a pain sometimes.
It needs to be lightweight and easy to push.
Big tires and easy to maneuver is really important – we live in a hiking/biking mountain town, so trails are abundant, sidewalks are not!
Thought the comment was closed last night, phew! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I’d say safety first, then light-weight, easy folding, and comfy to sit and sleep are the main things I’m looking for.
shared on facebook:-)
Being able to hold the baby while putting it away, so it has to be lightweight!
In my opinion a couple of important features in an all terrain stroller are: maneuverability and light weight.
I need a stroller that is easy to store and manuevers down the aisles easily!
It needs to be relatively light weight – I hate fighting with a stroller trying to get it into my vehicle!
It needs to be easy to put together and light weight.
I love a stroller that is easy to push with one hand, folds and stores easily and moves well over all terrains!! Pick ME!
The swivel wheel is most important to me! What an awesome giveaway!
I follow you and Bumbleride, and tweeted about the giveaway:
wowwwwza!!! What a great give-a-way!! I am a facebook fan too!
following on twitter and tweeted
FB fan and shared with friends!
I am following on twitter and tweeted!
How awesome! Lots of storage is important for my purse, diaper bag and of course that toy that we can’t leave home without!
Storage…storage and more storage…. I would LOVE this!
I must be able to stear with one hand!
Follow on twitter and I retweeted.
Would absolutely love this!! I want a new stroller so I can walk, but can’t justify buying one when I’m unemployed!
This one looks great because it has a swivel wheel on the front for easy turning!!!
FB fan and shared with friends on my facebook page
I like that it looks so durable and safe for my baby.
I like the idea of this stroller being lightweight and able to fit into the truck of our car easily. Also it would be nice to have a stroller that is able to be used for all situations instead of having a bunch of differnt ones. Thanks for having this giveaway and good luck to me.
We are thinking about baby #3. With 3 kids, I would love the storage this stroller has to offer. I like the way it seems to sit baby higher off the ground.
I would love to win this stroller. It would stay at Grandma’s house for use when my grandson and grand nephews visit from out of town. It would make everyones trip easier if they didn’t have to pack a stroller! Thanks for the chance to win.
This would be great and lightweight= easy to push! Thanks Mercedes.
Love the swivel wheel. Baby #2 will have a new stroller.
Have a baby girl just transitioning out of car seat / stroller combo. We consider the maneuverability and storage space the most on these strollers. Thanks for the contest and thanks for all the helpful savings.
The things I think make a stroller great are: keeping your child safe, storage underneath the seat for the diaper bag/purse, a cup holder to keep the parents drink in, and I think a tray for the child (that is in front of where the child sits) to hold treats or a drink for the child make a well-rounded stroller. And the price needs to be reasonable.
I would have to say the one-handed steering would have to be my favorite feature! Nice!
It is so stylish!
This looks very safe and like it maneuvers well.
Oh wow, if I win I will be in heaven. lolol. I so need one of these!! The most important feature has to be that it’s lightweight, and holds my little one well.
Thank you.
I would love a stroller that turns easily and folds up easily! Thank you!
Having a stroller that can easily turn and be controlled with one hand is great!!
the ride is most important to us!
It’s important to me to have a lightweight stroller. This looks really nice!
i just shared on facebook…
Easy steering/turning and a smooth, gentle ride are a must!
I look for a stroller with a front wheel that rotates so your shoulder is not sore after a run or walk. Cup holder that is big enough for a water bottle and big storage underneath is a must.
and i became a fan of bumbleride…
Became Facebook fan of Bumbleride & shared with friends!!
I like strollers that fold easily and compactly.
Good tires are important to me as we live in the country and I would be using it on bumpy pavement and sometimes a gravel road
I loon for a stroller that is light weight and folds easily and has a swivel front wheel, large cup holders and good storage space.
Storage is of course important. Second to that it ease of folding. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought about giving mine the old boot-kick to get it to close. I rarely take it with me in the car anymore because I’m afraid I’ll have to leave it behind when I can’t fold it to fit it back in.
This stroller sounds like a mothers dream come true! Lightweight ~ won’t break your back getting it out of the vehicle. Easy in, easy out ~don’t feel like you are trying to figure out a puzzle when belting your baby in. And air filled tires just shouts QUALITY!!!
I love a jogger with a swivel front wheel!
I would think light weight is a good feature
I like a stroller to have storage and cup holders.
The feature I would love to have on a stroller, but sadly have not had, is easily maneuverable. Plus, lightweight would be great also.
Steering is key to me. I have a jogging stroller that does not steer well at all.
I became a fan on Facebook.
I’ve never heard of this stroller before but it looks fantastic! My favorite feature is the adjustable handle…I don’t like having to bend down to reach the handle since I am tall.
I love the fact that they are so versatile. We have used one in the rough roads and sidewalks of Costa Rica and also in the mountains of TN on hiking trips. They will go places not other stroller could withhold!! Thanks for the giveaway. Hope I win!!!!!
I became a FB fan and posted the message “I just entered to win a Bumbleride Indie Stroller click here to enter too “ .
I love the all terrain feature. I hate having more than one stroller.
I am a facebook fan of Bumbleride and shared the giveaway with my friends.
The adjustable handle is a must for my husband and I. Thanks for the chance.
I followed Bumbleride on Twitter and retweeted the phrase.
ideally, stroller would be easy to navigate 1-handed
I tweeted.
Wow! So neat! I think the top feature is–making me the awesomest godmom at the baby shower! Ha! Seriously, I don’t have children, so it’s hard for me to say, but I would guess that being lightweight, having rugged wheels, and a comfortable grip would probably be the things I would look for first.
I also became a fan on facebook and reposted the link. I have a bunch of pregnant friends right now, so I hope they all spot it and enter.
i love all terrain. we live in a hilly area with lots of chances to hike and that is so important to me.
this looks like a great stroller! thank you!
i just became a facebook fan!
I need to be able to have a stroller I can jog with!!!!
I love strollers that are light weight and not so heavy to push. I also want one that can be cleaned up easily. I’d love to have one for my 7 month old for us to enjoy together!
My daughter sooo needs a new stroller. I think this one sounds awesome. I love the fact that it’s Lightweight and easy to fold.
Features I find so important in a jogging stroller are that it glides & turns easily and smoothly, has a large storage compartment or basket for all the necessary baby gear (diapers, sippy cups etc), and DEFINITELY an adjustable backrest like this one has. Every Mom knows once your baby is asleep, we do NOT want to move them to0 much to get them to a comfortable sleeping positition, so lowering an adjustable backrest is an easy transition! This bumbleride looks AMAZING! I am so thankful for the chance!
I follow Bumbleride on twitter (and follow you too!) and shared the giveaway with the tweet:
My twitter name is: hgarland
Its important to me if the stroller is easy to guide, preferably with one hand and also if the material for the seat doesn’t feel harsh to my baby’s sensitive skin
i’m due w/ #2 in october, and hated my graco. i would love an easily one handed manueverable stroller!
For me, what I like in a jogging stroller is the front wheel turns and light weight.
I think a great stroller needs to have nice tires (no plastic, please), be lightweight, and steer nicely. And of course it needs to be comfy for the kiddos
Ideally it would be a comfortable smooth ride for my Abby Grace. This looks like an awesome stroller and I would love to try it out!
being able to push-one-handed and being lightweight.
The most important thing to me is that it’s lightweight and durable.
Thanks for the chance!
I like a stroller that is easy to pop open and fold up and that isn’t too heavy. This looks like a wonderful stroller!
Oh my gosh! I want this so bad! My favorite feature is the bicycle-like tires that can handle any terrain. We live in the south, where they don’t think it’s important to put sidewalks everywhere. If they do have sidewalks, they are usually covered in pinestraw and other junk, or in disrepair, so it’s very hard to muscle a stroller along. I love walking outside for exercise, and I also like walking to Walgreens and CVS and the bank and other errands – being able to walk helps us live with just one car. I am just drooling over the Bumbleride!
I love my jogging stroller for its ease of maneuverability. I wish it would collapse better.
I need to be able to use it with one hand, it needs to be lightweight, and it needs to be easy to fold up / pack up quickly.
i became a fan of bumbleride and shared with friends!
What I like best about the all terrain strollers is that I can get in shape while teaching my son the importance of exercise at a young age. Hopefully I can get him into good habits from the start unlike my couch potato, junk food loving parents! It’s so hard to change your outlook on life to a healthy one when you were brought up to sit in front of the TV all day! I’m trying to make it a point to bring my kids up with a healthy lifestyle and this would really help out a lot!
i look for a stroller that is light weight, easy to control and has lots of storage.
I shared on Facebook!
I’m in need of a new stroller. My last one was so big and bulky and barely fit in my trunk. I need something to make my life more simple. Hope I win. Thanks
I am a Bumbleride follower and just tweeted!
One that is easy to maneuver
Easy to manuever is important to me and lightweight.
I live in an area with no sidewalks so everywhere I walk my son, Otto, is bumpy terrain and grassy. My graco stroller does not handle so great in these conditions, it also doesnt allow me to jog with him (to help shed some of this baby weight). A lightweight easy to maneuver stroller capable of traveling over any terrain would be my perfect stroller. Sure would love to try this stroller : )
Maneuverability is a key attribute in a stroller. thanks
I just became a fan on facebook and shared the info
Email subscriber.
I also am now following on twitter and tweeted the msg
The qualities I find most valuable in a jogging stroller are the ability to guide it one-handed, light weight for easy lifting in and out of my van and the ability of the tires to drive over rough terrain.
I became a fan on FB and shared about this great contest.
I think the smooth ride and easy maneuvering are key features. I also love the one button harness feature. I also find it key for the seat to sit back far enough and the back to adjust enough that even early sitters without complete control can be comfortable.
I like my strollers to be lightweight.
Became a fan on Facebook and shared!
I love that it would be light weight!
This is my kind of stroller. It does not appear to be big and bulky, it looks safe and comfortable; and it seems like a good stroller for walking. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
I find it important that a jogging stroller be able to go across rougher terrain
I’m a fan on Facebook and posted the phrase
I follow on Twitter and retweeted the phrase
most important would be the lightweight factor
Easy to close & open. RSS reader
Definitely easy to open and closed. I am very challenged in that department!
I love the adjustable handle, how light weight the stroller is, and that it can be used for everything!
I need a stroller to be lightweight and easy to fold up and put in the back of my car! This one looks awesome, thank you for the opportunity!
The safety belt used on this looks extremely safe. I also like how light the stroller is. Great Giveaway!
I became a facebook fan.
the comfort of the baby is most important to me.
Baby’s comfort is most important.
This stroller looks awesome! I’m not sure if my favorite feature would be the ability to steer with one hand (always have to be holding a preschooler’s hand, too) or the good suspension to be able to use this as a jogger, too.
Look at all of these good mommies saying that the baby’s comfort is most important! To be honest, maneuverability is the key for me. I have to be able to dodge obstacles on the sidewalk and still keep up with my 4 year old!
I just became a fan on facebook
My daughter is going to be having her 2nd child in Nov. This would be a great gift.
We really want lightweight, and something hubby doesn’t feel embarrassed to push around! We are expecting our second in a few weeks. we would LOVE this!
I posted on Twitter!
I posted of Facebook as well.
A lightweight stroller is very important to me
Our family is very outdoorsy and loves to “hike” the light trails at our local parks (and when we go on vacation). So the best stroller feature would be of course durability and also a good suspension so we aren’t bumping our son around as we walk.
Features I find that are most important to me are that it’s easy to push, has space for diaper bag, etc. and that its comfortable for the baby.
I am a soon to be first time mom… my husband and I have been out test driving strollers
I love the seat belt on this one! It looks so safe. I am sure that the large jug of laundry soap my husband has been putting in the test strollers to simulate a baby wouldnt even fall out with seatbelt! I am a runner and am looking at what is the safest for my soon to be new runner partner. AWESOME give away~ My fingers and toes are crossed to win!!
Became a facebook fan and posted on my status!
Most important to me is a light weight, easy to maneuver stroller that keeps my baby comfortable and secure.
I need a single jogger as my oldest is too big to fit in the double, thanks! Able to use one hand for pushing sounds great!
Easily portable, comfortable, keeps baby secure, and nice storage compartment…
I want a quality harness and a compact stroller.
Most important thing is safety and the ablity to swivel and lock the front wheel.
Hi Mercedes – cute photo! I look for something lightweight, easy to fold up to store in car or garage, easy to clean fabrics and surfaces, safety and comfort of buckles, sun visor and storage for my purse, keys, water bottle. Thanks!
I need a stroller to drive wonderfully and be able to hold the essentials for a walk or the mall without tipping over. Also to be a height that works for both my husband and I. I also have to have a stroller that will recline so baby can take a nap more comfortably.
Thank you!
I’m a facebook fan
I want to be able to use my stroller both for walking/jogging and for going shopping. This looks like one awesome stroller!
being lightweight is a feature I look for
Wow! This stroller looks great! We were just looking into trading in the old full-size stroller for something easier to push. Seems like the third wheel on this model would make things easier. Thanks for the chance to win!
For me it would be that the stroller fit in my car as the first priority and then the comfort and safety of the baby second.
Having a 5 month old and a 3 year old, lightweight is key for me. I need to be able to lift it out of the car with ease. Sounds perfect!
It needs to be lightweight…it’s hard enough just running, not to mention having to push a heavy stroller!
for me it has be able to the weight, it has to be light i have medical problems so the lighter it is the better, but it still has to be sturdy and this looks like it is!
I posted on Twitter!
Became a Fan on Facebook and posted about giveaway!
became a fan of bumbleride , and shared , on thier site(accident lol) and on my facebook also
following bumbleride on twitter as tracisme123, and shared/tweeted
I love the idea of being able to easly steer with one hand! Also that it is light weight.
i think lightweight, easy manuvering are more important and also my baby’s comfort..!!!
I subscribe via email and love my jogging stroller even though it’s on it’s last leg. I think that the ability for the child to sit up is important – as my daughter gets older she likes it les and less when she can’t be front and center seeing what’s going on.
A lightweight, comfy, trendy stroller! Looks amazing!
Looks great! My Jogger is looking sad after three kids!!
The most important feature in a lightweight stroller for me is folding and unfolding easily. I have todo that so ofen as we get in and out of the car that I don’t have the patience to fumble with strollers.
Being lightweight and maneuverable would be very important to me, as I always have my arms full!
I want a stroller to be lightweight. I need to be able to lift it.
My baby loves to go for walks. I like a stroller that is very easy to maneuver around and over some bumpy terrain. I would love to be able to walk more places than just the sidewalks in our neighborhood.
i really like the adjustable handle height from 32-45″. I am a tall woman and get a sore back from leaning over short strollers. Also i like the inflatable tires for a smooth ride, a must for napping babies
I just shared with my friend on Facebook
thanks for the giveaway!
I look for a stroller that is sturdy and yet very portable and folds up well. This looks great!
The durability and longevity.
The stroller has to be easy to fold/unfold. With an infant and a toddler I don’t have time to struggle.
I love having an easy to use brake as well as a nylon brake strap. I would love a single jogger for when my older daughter is in school.
I need a stroller that is easy to steer and portable.
A lightweight stroller that is compact and also has easily accessible storage compartments!
The most important thing about an on-the-go/jogging stroller is that it’s lightweight and EASY TO TURN. Thanks for the chance to win one.
lightweight, easy to manuever, easy to fold up, easy to set up, nice sun shade, great for walking on sidewalks or on dirt roads.
Definitely needs to be easy to fold and unfold–I get so frustrated sometimes when you can’t figure out or remember how something folds up.
I am in desperate need of a better jogging stoller ! I can barely steer the one I have now, I had better control with my triplet stroller ( but I don’t want it back !LOL)
I would love to have an all terrain stroller so I can venture off the sidewalk with my little one!
I have the most delicious little bundle of joy! (Biased as well, lol). She is ,however, quite the little cunkster (9 months and 25 lbs…….wow)! I love every square inch of her fluffy little rolls, but she is not easy to carry around! I have a bad back so I wind up carting her around in an umbrella stroller. This works well, but it does not manuver all that well! I would love to be able to roll her around in this stroller. I love the idea of it being lightweight and also the single tire in the front would make for easy outtings! Thanks so much!
I need a stroller, so badly. I have a toddler and an infant and it gets so hard to steer the huge hand me down one and hold bags at the same time. I have no storage and it is so bulky to put in the back of our small suv.
Important features for me would be to have a lightweight stroller that I can use jogging AND for outings. It seems like too many jogging strollers are just too bulky for everyday outings and with our budget so tight we just can’t afford a good quality jogging stroller AND everyday stroller. This would be a wonderful blessing of both worlds of strollerdom.
I became a fan on facebook and shared!
I’m a fan on face book and let all my friends now I entered to win the Indie! *keeping my fingers crossed*
I love easy folding time and huge basket! we always have lots of goodies we need to haul around!
Important features for me would be to have a lightweight stroller, easy to fold and unfold and a nice sun shade!
I like a front wheel that can be loose (turns easily) for walking, but can also lock for when I jog.
Became a Facebook fan of Bumbleride and shared!
The stroller definitely needs to be lightweight and easy to maneuver!
Following Bumbleride on Twitter and shared
A stroller that’s easy to fold & stow as well as unfold & use would be perfect! The lighter it is, the better, too!
Following Bumbleride on Twitter and shared.
oh! i just started running again and i need this so i can bring my baby running with me! it has to be lightweight and easy to push while jogging! thanks
A friend of mine has one and loves it. This stroller is very easy to steer and maneuver around. I love taking walks and I know I would enjoy it completely.
Easy maneuverability and easy to fold
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I love a stroller with strong wheels that can go anywhere! The wheels need to make it on the jogging trail, on the concrete, across a field at a festival, or just on the sidewalks around the neighborhood!
With baby #6 its all about the ease of the whole stroller, lighweight, dependable ,safety harness, stylish, and comfort. I want the most for a long life stroller.. Keeping my fingers double crossed on this one
Ok I just became a Fan on Facebook and Twitter and posted my status.. Thats 3 entries for me yay me
I need a stroller that is easy to fold, lightweight and can be used ANYWHERE! My family loves going on walks, but surprise- God didn’t put sidewalks all over nature
being able to steer one handed is very important!
I’ve just taken up running and would LOVE a stroller that I could use while running. I’ve just been running with my regular stroller…and well not great to push nor ride for my baby. I love the style of the Bumbleride and the safety features.
the stroller has to be compact and easy to fold… dark colors
Biggest factors are that it is easy to use and doesn’t weigh a ton.
I became a fan on facebook ( and shared it with my friends!!!
I love having a swivel front wheel! It is soooo much easier than a fixed wheel.
I really think having a stroller that is easy to fold up is wonderful as well as big storage! And that it is easy to push around. Had one that was NOT easy to push and it was terrible to use!
I am following bumbleride on twitter (…sorry I have different emails for everything!)
Thanks so much!!! Oh…I hope I win I hope I win!!!!
I think a stroller should definitely be of great quality and have passed very stringent safety tests because it carries precious cargo
But it also shouldn’t be too bulky or too difficult to manuever.
I want this!!! I am so excited to be pregnant with number 4 and let’s just say our stroller has seen better days! What I love most about this stroller is the storage. Very important to have a place to stash everyones stuff! Thanks!
I became a facebook fan and shared!
The most important feature would be a swivel front wheel. I currently have a jogging stroller where the front wheel is stationary and I can’t stand it!
I love jogging strollers! I think weight is really important because I’m a wimp and can’t lift heavy objects.
the most important thing for me for a jogging stroller is a front wheel that locks and does not wobble making it difficult to stear
I think the most important feature is the comfort of the baby. This stroller looks great!
This stroller appears to be light in weight and easy to handle, even as the child gets older and weighs more. This would be perfect for my grandson who is 3 but still in need of a stroller when we attack an all-day trip with him. It folds down easy and is easy to store. All of these are positive qualities. I would like very much to win it.
I need to have a stroller that can be pushed with ease with one hand. With three kids on the go, baby #4 has to follow along and sometimes there is only one hand left! Also lightweight and easy to fold top my list.
The fact that it is a jogging stroller too! I have 4 strollers and they are all difficult to deal with. I will give mine away if I can have this one that seems to have all of the features I need. Plus, I need to jog and lose some of this baby weight so I can start feeling better about myself! Thanks for the chance to win!
I live on a gravel load, so the inflatable tires would be great!
all purpose use! A jog on a nice day, but also to use going into stores and easy maneuvering around congestion on streets and shopping.
We have a gravel lane in the country and I would LOVE the inflatable tire aspect. My stroller is 6 years old so I would love an upgrade for my newest baby. Thanks!
I have three kids (one is 12 months–the others are out of the stroller age) so I need all of the one-handed, light-weight action I get. I’d love to add my four-legged wonder mutt, Dudley, to the equation. If there’s a stroller out there that can handle my motley crew, bring it on!
I would like to share what features are most important in a all terrain/urban/ light jogging stroller: I love the one button snap harness, the large storage basket, and the swivel front wheel!!
I have been notoriously rough on strollers….for whatever reason, I think a stroller should be tough enough not to have a wheel bend and fall off while being pushed across the yard….I also think a stroller should be well-made and have big wheels, and be able to position a baby/child so that he/she is comfortable…and from the look on baby Tali’s little face, she’s plenty comfy! Glad you loved it, and I would love one, too!
I need a stroller that is easy to maneuver and easy to fold up- bulky strollers that don’t turn well mean that I’m more likely to bump into things! (I’m a bit of a klutz anyways, but the bulk just makes things harder)
I want a stroller that is secure for a little one but also easy to fold up (like you, I’ll soon be travelling with an infant)!
I need a stroller that is lightweight. I hurt my shoulder with our huge clunker!
most important feature – not just fitting in the back of my car (ford escape), but not taking up the entire (rather large) expanse of trunk real estate!
I love this all terrain! The air tires make it a dream to push and the swivel wheels make it turn on a dime, pushing one handed. The adjustable footrests mean great stroller naps and the huge basket means it works for our all day outings with 3 kiddos! Please oh please let me win!!!!
A stroller needs to be lightweight and easy to maneuver. I have two older kids as well and I need to help them out while pushing the stroller!
I twittered for you!! Fingers crossed =)
Posted on facebook too!
I look for a few things in a stroller. Light weight, easy to fold up, and the most important is that it is easily maneuvered.
Lightweight and folds up easily are the most important function for me.
I just became a fan on fb and put this as my status….I just entered to win a Bumbleride Indie Stroller click here to enter too
The most important things to me are that it’s comfortable for the child, works for infants or toddlers, turns easily, and folds up without major difficulty. (Kind of a long list!)
I need a stroller that is lightweight and durable. My last one broke just after the one year warranty expired.
I bought new tennis shoes. I hope to win it so I can go explore the nature trails around here !
Easy to push and rides easily over grass, small sticks, etc.
Safety first easy to use and light weight.
I like the fact that the stroller is light weight and easy to manuver that is so important and so i the basket in the back to carry things.
I want a stoller that is lightweight, has a big storage area underneath, is easy to open and fold, and is safe. Thanks for the giveaway!!!
It needs to be sturdy and easy to put into my car. Cup holders are cool, too
I would love to have a stroller that can be steered with one hand!! My current stroller is big and bulky and I’m almost running into something or someone when I’m out shopping. The stroller being light weight is also a huge draw! Would love to not break my back next time I want to take one of the kids for a walk or jog.
I saw this on facebook and decided to come and check this out and I was so impressed at how easy it is to handle. To think, I have 6 kids and can push it with one hand so easily impressed the fire out of me. Also the storage underneath that it holds and how easy it can fold up and fit in my trunk! This must have been made for me! haha ( or for wonderwoman maybe?) I like it!
Following Bumbleride on twitter (WendiP) and tweeted:
The features that I love the most about this stroller are the basket and the inflatable wheels…my current one has terrible wheels and a TEENY basket. I seriously don’t even use the basket cause it’s so useless! I would LOVE this stroller!!
I posted on facebook and became a fan!
I think an important feature in a jogging stroller is first off safety and second i like the swivel front wheel.
This has been facebook posted too!!!!
An important feature for me is seat adjustability. I also like something sturdy, but lightweight, and of course – safe!
We also became a fan and I changed my FB status :o)
I like have a stroller that is lightweight and easy to turn!
Followed on Twitter
I like the big basket. I also like the bigger wheels.
Tali looks like a little doll… Literally very perfect and beautiful.
The most important thing I want in a stroller is the ease of maneuvering and turning, one handed when needed.
Also need easy to fold and get in out of car.
My current stroller is not maneuverable one-handed, and it only works well on level pavement. I’d love one that is more versatile!
A stroller needs to be lightweight and easy to maneuver. I would love to have a jogging stroller! We like to take lots of walks!
I would love to have a easy to move stroller! And also one that folds up easily!
WOW. what a GREAT giveaway. I am a new mom to be. and i have been looking allll over for the perfect stroller. I dont want a big bulky one. but I do want one that will grow with my child it really seems like bumbleride has thought of it all. just perfect!
crossing my fingers. this is so great!
thanks… steph
The features I look for in a stroller are: lightweight, plenty of storage (not only to store the diaper bag, but shopping bags too, of course), higher handlebars (I am a little taller for a girl), a smooth ride, and a great quality product. It has to be built well for me to want to invest in a product (which this looks like it does just that!).
I will be a first time mom on April 4 (due date) to a baby girl and am excited to be able to go on adventures with her outside. I need to use a stroller that is easy to manuever and is also a smooth ride while I also try to get back in shape while spending time with my daughter. With so much to learn as a first time mom, I don’t want to mess with a stroller that creates more problems than I need.
Oh my goodness do I love these strollers and wish I had one for our upcoming trip to FL!!! Manuverability (is that a word?!) and rubber swivel wheels (NOT plastic!) are a must for me! Maybe a cup holder
I would love a stroller that securely holds my baby! Also, lightweight enough to fold up and store in my van. We love to hike so I need a stroller that rides smoothly on dirt/gravel trails.
I want something that is easy to steer with one hand, has thick smooth wheels that will go over most all terrains, and is easy for me to break down and put in my van myself. This looks like it could be a fit and winning it would be awesome!
Facebook fan!
I would love this,The ride as to be smooth fir the child,light wieght and the steering ability.Thanks
The best feature of a stroller is one that I can have for free! Thanks for the giveaway.
Trying to juggle kids and every thing that goes with it can be scary. The Bumbleride Indie 2010 stroller is light weight which for me would make my life easier. It looks like it can hold items but also be able to use it for exercising and feeling secure that my child would be safe. I really think it looks good too.
A stroller needs to be lightweight and easy to maneuver. Thanks for the giveaway!!
A lightweight stroller and EASY to fold up. Who wants to waste time fighting a stroller in a parking lot, especially when it’s raining!
I like a stroller that is easy to fold!
I just became a facebook fan. Another entry . . . oh how I hope it’s the winning entry.
Wow. A stroller! I think the most important thing for me, is easy of getting in & out of the car. I had a large stroller first & it was SO cumbersome – & eventually it got a gimpy wheel. My later purchase has been wonderful. Lightweight & travel friendly.
This stroller has long been on my wish list. It’s the perfect stroller for city, suburban, and dirt paths.
I love the 360 degree turning wheel. May sound silly, but I know that would just make life easier!
I’m a fan of Bumbleride on Facebook! =)
The weight of a stroller is really important to me.
I am now following Bumbleride on Twitter. Can’t wait to read your updates.
The adjustable handle is important so my hubby and myself can both be comfortable pushing!
I love that it is lightweight and that the front wheel swivels.
I am a FB fan and I mentioned on my wall!!/profile.php?v=feed&story_fbid=108185745867679&id=100000138772747&ref=nf
I tweeted.
I love how the Bumbleride Indie is lightweight and yet still durable. It’s all about quality, and Bumbleride products definitely have QUALITY. I love that it’s easy to store, yet has the capacity an “everyday” stroller would need. Storage space, cup holder, etc. It’s absolutely an absolutely wonderful product and I could see my little man enjoying long walks or light jogs with his mom and dad. =)
This looks like a fabulous stroller! Very versatile and the all terrain is practically a must!
The feature I like is that it has a 360° swivel front wheel with inline locking option which would make turning much easier for me.
How easy it is to take out and put away is important.
I am a Facebook fan of Bumbleride and shared the following with my friends
I would love to win this stroller for my neice. She would love this stroller
I like that the stroller would be light , i would love to have it
i place the comments on my facebook page
Durability, storage capacity, lighter weight, and ease of handling are my biggest needs! I have twins who are almost 3 and a 10 mo old- so we have had several different strollers, and the doubles weigh a TON! If I can’t lift it into the mommy-van, it won’t work for me!
I love that it is lightweight and compact when folded up. I can definatly see myself using it a lot this year with all the traveling I will be doing once my husband deploys.
I think the most important feature is comfort, but a VERY close second is the ability to close and be stored in the car!
I became their fan and posted a status required. You can find it with my email address I used for this.
Wow, this looks awesome! Steer-ability has to be high on the priority list of features.
Love the fact that the stroller is lightweight, easy to fold and has storage space too! Would love to win!
The most important feature in an all terain stroller has to the the maneuverability. It needs to be a smooth ride for my little one. This is a feature that all jogging/all terain strollers should have. That being said, the second most important feature is storage and ability to travel with. Many jogging strollers are not easy to close and store, and thus do not make good strollers for those of us who only want one stroller to serve many purposes.
The lightweight feature and also easy snap in are what looks best to me!
Lightweight is important for me as well as the steering ability!!!
lightweight stroller with ample storage space underneath.
ooh, the ability to fold up – not all jogging-type strollers do!
thanks for the contest opportunity!
I would love this stroller. I love that it is lightweight and that the front wheel swivels.
I am having such struggles with our stroller right now! I really need a good one! Manuverability is the most important right now. We’ve got two young kids and I need to be able to handle the stroller with the baby in it while I’m holding on to the toddler. I just bought a double stroller, but it is terrible. Once I get the toddler in the front it’s too heavy to turn, there is no traction either, so that doesn’t help. And even our old single stroller is pretty bulky and hard to deal with when there are two kids. Long story short this stroller would get a lot of use at our house!
I’m expecting my first child, so I don’t have a lot of prior experience, but it seems like stability going over different surfaces would be important. Light weight would be good if you had to go upstairs when you got where you were going.
durability! I have been pushing other strollers along when a wheel all of a sudden pops off! IIKES!
I love that it has a turning front wheel. I’m constantly pulling mine to the right. My upper body gets a better workout than my legs!
I would love a stroller with the 360 degree front wheel. My little man is getting heavier and our current stroller seems much harder to push.
There were many things as I was looking for my stroller. You are right… what works for one family may not work for another. I really wanted something that was durable, light enough for everyday use but also be able to be used as a light jogging stroller…. and don’t forget a chic and stylish- look! I believe the BUMBLERIDE is just that!!!! love it… just ordered mine but hope to win another one! =)
I really love the lightweight feature of this stroller. It would make traveling a lot easier.
I love the lightweight feature of this stroller.
I tried to tweet on their site but I couldn’t cut/paste. Any reason why? I will try again if you let me know what I am doing wrong. I did tweet on my twitter. DADDYSSWEETPEA56. Thanks for this great offer.
I love the versatility of this stoller. So handy!
I tweeted!!! =)
How cute is this stroller? It’s definitely on my wishlist.
I am a sucker for stylish strollers…plus the fact that it is ultra lightweight is an added bonus!
I am a fan of facebook!!! Love it!
Just became a facebook fan as well!
Fashionable and functional!! Sounds perfect!
I need a stroller that’ll hold a baby, plus have room for storage on it. And it has to be easy to fold up & not take up a whole lot of room in a vehicle.
As a Florida momma, having a good sun visor is key. I love the look of this stroller. BTW, your little Tali is adorable!
Versatility is definitely important in a stroller. I would love to be able to use one stroller for all of my needs.
I just became a fan on facebook and am sharing with all my friends!
this all terrain feature would be great for taking my niece to the park with my children, the rocks on the playground are awful to try to stear through
I like these type of strollers to be able to fit in the trunk of a car and also go “off-road” on trails!
Lightweight and not cumbersome, as well as features that are easy to use, harness, turning, etc:)
I’m a father of three and would like it for the lightweight feature.
Shared on facebook:)
Shared on Twitter.
Shared on facebook.
First of all… I am in love with this stroller!!! As for features, maneuverability and a smooth ride!
I just became a fan of Bumbleride on facebook and posted.
I just have to have this stroller! I love it!
I have learned the hard way that the most important feature for my family is a smoothly transitioning back rest.
I also really like the inflatable wheels.
It would be great to win this stroller! I could definitely use it!
LIGHTWEIGHT for when I am hauling it thru the airport:)
An all-terrain stroller has to have a great shock system. I walk on bumpy roads and need a stroller that cushions my babies!
Shared on FB
I live in a hilly area so my stroller needs to be lightweight and SUPER easy to maneuver. If not, I’m not easily swayed to go out to workout and trust me, I NEED to get out to work out!!!
Shared on Twitter!!!
My sister has a stroller just like this one…I’m envious of her, and would love to have one for my 10 month old!! Thanks for the giveaway!
I just love this stroller!
The inflatable tires ,the storage basket and the weight of the stroller are all awesome
light weight!!!
I think the most important feature of any jogging stroller is a swivel front wheel. My husband got me a double one without it and I hate it.
I think what’s most important about a stroller is that it’s easy to use! As busy parents, who has time to figure out another contraption??? Especially when your baby is fussy or sleeping and you want to make a smooth transition. This stroller looks awesome! I really hope I win!! Thanks for the giveaway!
The most important feature for me is how big the stroller is. We like a stroller that isn’t too big so that it will fit in our car trunk and not take up all of the space.
I added to Twitter!
I added to Facebook!
Easy to pull out of the trunk and pop up with one hand, while holding the kid in the other. Yes it can be done, you may have to use a foot/leg, but we do what we have to
Most Important Feature…VERSATILITY. I’ve owned 4 different strollers in the past 3 years, and none of them do it all. I think this one might.
I became a fan and shared on facebook.
I just shared on Facebook
I love lightweight stollers they are so much easier to get around than those big bulky full size strollers. Also love stollers that can recline easily for sleeping babies.
Size, weight and ease of opening and closing. Would love to win and try it out!!
I like something that is light weight and that has plenty of storage room in the bottom for all our stuff! Also something that is comfortable for my child! Thanks for this AWESOME giveaway!!!
I am a fan of bumbleride!!!
Most important to me is having a light stroller that rides smoothly while still fitting in the trunk of your car. This looks like a great stroller!
THe most important feature to me is that it is easy to steer.
Easy folding and very durable.
I just had my first little one and I’m finding that a stroller that handles smoothly is key. I need a stroller that can be pushed using just one hand, if need be, and I need one that is a smooth ride for my baby while supporting her back. Thanks for a chance to win!
My stroller priorities are: compact and lightweight. I need to be able to fold it easily and lift it without throwing out my back. Hopefully this might fit the bill if I win it.
I would LOVE to win this! I LOVE that it is a jogging stroller and still light weight! The basket looks much larger than most. I love the colors of your stroller (and your little one is a doll!)
I need this really bad. I just started jogging trying to lose the rest of my baby weight. This way my little man can go with me.
I love that this stroller is so lightweight and has a front wheel that swivels, this would be perfect for our family!
I love the large storage basket! I always seem to be carrying so much stuff and there is never enough storage space. STORAGE, STORAGE, and more STORAGE makes me very happy (smile).
I became a fan on Facebook!
How do you pick just one?!?! I think the easy one hand pushing as my 3 year old CONSTANTLY runs away so I need my other hand! The storage basket rocks too!
I became a fan on facebook! Crossing my fingers!
I would love to win this for grandchildren and other new babies that I watch. thanks!!!
Durability and the ease it opens closes. I always seem to fight with my stroller.
The most important features for me would be: lightweight and good suspension so it’s easy to manuveur. Thanks for chance!
I follow bumbleride on twitter (@caotto7446) and tweeted:
I would love a durable lightweight stroller. My boys tend to be on the bigger size and I have to have these big heavy strollers for the weight, I would love somthing light to pull out of the van.
The biggest requirements are light, easy to manuever, and not too large!
The most important thing for me in a stroller is that it is light and easy to maneuver. The fact that the bumbleride has a front wheel that can rotate 360 deg would make that very easy to use anywhere. I love how simple and easy to use that stroller looks, yet it’s super sturdy.
I became a fan and shared with friends on facebook.
lightweight! We travel a lot.
It needs to be pretty compact when folded – we don’t have a ton of room to store a stroller.
I prefer a lightweight stroller and I love that the Bumbleride Indie only weighs 20 pounds!
Things I look for when considering a stroller is weight, if its not light I won’t use it often; how compact is it (my trunk OPENING is tiny!); I like to have a cupholder for myself and/or child; it must have storage since I rarely have extra hands; it must lay back so when a diaper change is needed its easy and convenient; and it must be able to withstand uneven ground, struggling with rocks or uprooted sidewalks isn’t a battle I choose to take on.
Manuverability is a must for any stroller in our family!
lightweight, safe, and comfortable for baby! i hope i win this one
I find the manuverability of a stroller as most important. If I can’t move it, it just doesn’t go anywhere!
It’s gotta be compact! Not much storage space and don’t want to take up too much room in the car when traveling.
easy contol and manuverability, especially for a jogging stroller
Lightweight and ability to lower it when baby takes a nap and storage area.
Ease of set up and calapse is essential. I also have to have straps my kids cannot work their way out of.
I shared on facebook
Lightweight and maneuverability are essential!
Its got to be easy to maneuver, I have a stroller now that just sits in the garage because its a pain in the butt to steer and use. And fold, or set up. Its crap basically.
Storage space for the kids’ stuff!
I like a stroller that is easy to open/close. Of course safety and comfort are important too!!
The front wheel must be able to move! The ones that are set in place are the worst! And enough space for the kids to be comfy.
For me I need to not be stepping on wheels if I’m going to walk or jog with a stroller. Nothing irritates me more than tripping on the stroller!
BTW your little on is such a cutie pie!
Shared on Facebook!!
Love lightweight strollers that are still cute!
I love great sun coverage and easy fold up!
I just became a fan of Bumbleride on Facebook!
I just became a fan of Bumbleride on Facebook!
I have the single Flyer right now and for a regular stroller I LOVE IT!! My husband and I are actually thinking of looking at an all terrain stroller now that our son is a couple months old and can now handle more of the trails. We need an all terrain stroller for the tires. It will be so much more comfortable for our little guy and the idea that we can have a fashionable stroller that works no matter where we go is terrific!
Comfort for my child and lightweight!
I am a fan on Facebook and shared this link with friends!
I now receive Bumbleride tweets and have shared this amazing contest with my friends!
My favourite part of any stroller is how it drives. I think it’s so important to have a smooth stroller – for baby and me. I also love fun colours!
A stroller that is easy to push my grandchildren in
What I look for in stroller is a sunshade that gives great coverage, a swiveling front wheel! I really hate the wheels on other jogger/all terrain strollers that dont swivel, a seat taht can hold my large 2 year old and my newborn! (We have had so much trouble finding a stroller that fits our tall 2 year old), large storage basket for all of the MANY things I feel I need to carry with me =), easy to carry, easy to fold and put away, comfortable ride for my kids, and Id really like to be able to attach my infant car seat to my stroller.
Seems like the Bumblreide has all of the features to meet my families needs. This stroller has come highly recommended by so many people that Im convinced it must be as good as it sounds. After going through somany other stroller that, well just plainly SUCKED, I think we may have found one that will last a long time and be worth every penny! FINALLY.
We want to buy this stroller, but it would be AWESOME if we’d win it! I’ll keep my fingers crossed!!!
I just added you on twitter [already was a fan on faceook ;)] and im sharing this with my friends and family! If i dont win, maybe they will?
I have fallen in love with the whole package. The wheels are what got my attention (I live in Alaska and we hit lots of trails) but I love the size, weight, pivoting front wheel, adjustable handlebar (I am tall and this is a must), and the modern colors. I have read every review out there and they are almost all glowing, I only found one really negative one and I do not think she would be happy with anything. I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hope I win one…a seagrass one…or maybe pink one or wait the spice is pretty cute.
Need an easy to manuever, lightweight but durable stroller… not to mention easy on the eyes!
Pick me! I wrote my first complaint letter over a horrible stroller and I want/ need a great one!
I like the stroller to be comfortable !!! I also like when there is lots of storage underneath and I always find cupholders are very convenient for me. Safety is obviously a big issue too.
Thank you!!
I follow bumbleride on twitter and tweeted.
i became a fan of bumbleride on facebook and shared it with my friends. (Summer P.)
Lightweight, big storage, looks comfy, and the one click harness… it would be great if I’d win, our stroller is about to fall apart…
It has to be lightweight!!!!
a one handed fold, canopy coverage, small grocery run capacity, and a smooth ride on brick sidewalks.
What I would like in a jogger is lightweight and the ability to turn easily.
The ride is the most important thing to me; that it is a comfortable ride.
I need a light stroller! I am so sick roght now – due in Oct. This would be awesome!
I tweeted it!!
I became a fan on FB and posted about it!!!
Comfort has to be the 1st thing i look for in a stroller lightweight but sturdy
Follower and tweeted
Durability and maneuverability. Durable because with my first child, and a set of twins on the way this stroller is going to get a lot of miles. Daily walks with my two dogs and to the local markets makes for a lot of time using the stroller. The easier it is to steer and get through the busy streets without fighting against the stroller wheels makes my life much happier and less stressed! It is the little things that count.
I love how easy it looks to manuver, the great colors and all the standard and additional options. I hope I win the Indie for my 18 month old daughter.
I just shared on Twitter!
I just shared on Facebook!
Anything that can support a baby’s head AND that isn’t hard to push sounds like a treat!
I love that the stroller is easy to steer with one hand! A lot of storage is key as well.
The features I look for a in stroller like this are in manueverability….pushing/steering with one hand is very important as I too have a small child to hang on to. Also, manuevering around in a store is a big one…nothing like having to pick up and scoot your stroller around displays. I have a double jogging stroller and it’s big, bulky and doesn’t steer well at all. Every 5 seconds or so, I have to yank it to one side to keep it from going off in some direction…definitely NOT a relaxing walk or jog experience.
I follow bumbleride on twitter and tweeted:
something that’s easy to push & turn, has a good recline, & a nice large canopy.
As a mother of twins, I am jealous that I could not have owned a double stroller of this sort! For a mom who is quick to return to the BBB= Before-Baby-Body…lol..this stroller seems to be soo easy to help out with that! The easy features are so important for a Mom on the go! I would be honored to win this!
What I look for in a stroller (and am currently lacking in the one I have) is easy maneuverability! Some strollers seem like they turn easily when you’re pushing them around in the store but once they have weight in them (a child especially a toddler) things get difficult! I know the Bumbleride Indie is a dream since I was able to test one with my 18 month old in it so that’s why I’m hoping to win one!!!
I just shared on Facebook too!!
No question…having a swivel for the front wheel makes a WORLD of difference. Our last jogger stroller didn’t have that and it made for some difficult exercise routines. lol! This stroller looks fantastic!!
I became a facebook fan & shared!
1. The feature I need most is something that will work on the concrete in town and on the gravel at home. We need it to ride smoothly on ANY surface!
Entry #2: I shared this on Facebook!
Oh my gosh, I love these strollers! Some of the most important features to me are extra storage underneath, a comfy seat and a good sunshade. Nice looks are a big plus!
Just fanned and shared on Facebook too!
I like a stroller to be easy to push and steer
With the birth of #3 2 weeks ago my husband and I are looking for a single stroller or double stroller that will manuver well in a mall or jogging trail. We have a 4 year old and 3 year old as well and comfort for them is really important. We have had a ton of styles and so far have not found a winner. I need to be able to have stability and control while pushing as well as storage space for diaper bag and juice/snacks.
A very important feature for me would be maneuverability, and a nice sun shade. There is plenty of sunshine where I live.
I like that it’s lightweight and can still hold so much!
Easy to fold, large seat, good canopy, and great push are what I’m looking for in an all-terrain stroller (& I’m in the market for one right now!).
What I’m looking for in a stroller is easy maneuverability! With the weight of my toddler and previous neck surgery years ago due to melanoma, having difficulty pushing a stroller is very uncomfortable and out of the question! The other must feature would be a very large sun shade for protection.
Just became a fan and shared on Facebook too!!/profile.php?ref=profile&id=1390414680
I look for easy maneuverability.
The features that I find most important in a stroller are easy maneuverability, safe and secure ride for my infant and/or preschooler, and an adjustable handlebar so it’s ergonomic for me to push. So many other features that I find important but these would be the top three, I think.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I just twittered about the giveaway on your website.
I absolutely love the Bumbleride Indie. My friend who has twins has one and her stroller is such a smoother, easier ride than the Bugaboo stroller. The Bumbleride has a larger canopy to block the harmful rays from the sun and it is so easy to push. Babies look so comfortable riding in this stroller, I wish I could travel like that. I would love to have a Bumbleride…I am currently selling my stroller,s so I can purchase the 2010 Bumbleride Indie.
The fact that the handle moves for differing highths!
Tweet and follow!
I think the most important feature is a swivel front wheel for easy turning.
I would love to win, thanks for the opportunity!
I shared on facebook!
Something that is easy to push over bumps and uneven ground, and one that is easily transportable!!!
I just shared on Facebook!!/profile.php?ref=profile&id=725120257
In a jogging/ urban/ all terrain stroller I look for functionality and practicality. I wanted to make sure the stroller was able to maneuver one-handed easily, be able to turn from a everday stroller to a jogging stroller when needed (swivel wheel unlocked and locked), be able to allow me to maneuver the backrest and legrest easily for the comfortability of my children, able to open and close the stroller without difficulty, find a color that suits me, large canopy to guard my children from sunlight, and a space to put my drink, keys, and cellphones. Fortunately I found all of these listed about and more with my 2010 bumbleride indie twin.
Would love a new stroller for baby due in November, mine is horrible!
I look for one that is easy to maneuver, has good head support, and a good seatbelt. Great giveaway!
The most important thing for me with a stroller would be that it can easily be used any where. From going to our local park to going to national parks to going to the State Fair.
really looks light and easy steering. Most of all looks pretty safe for baby. My daughter sure could use this, she is preggo right now :0)
I need something easy to maneuver
I look for a stroller that is versatile & can be used anywhere! I love easy handling & smooth rolling. Love those strollers & would LOVE to win one!
I just shared about this give away on my facebook!!/profile.php?id=100000673509535&ref=mf
That picture of your daughter is super cute
To me, the most important features are being lightweight (I’m not very strong) and sturdy.
the most important feature of a stroller is lightweight and comfortable. i love to win one. thank you
Bumbleride strollers are amazing! I love how comfortable they are to push and how my little ones are always happy to have a ride.
i love that it is easy to handle & lightweight!
just fanned & posted message on facebook
the rotating wheel in the front it TOTALLY mandatory…i have one that doesn’t, what a pain
Just became a fan on FB…it would be so cool to win!!!
Because I live in the country, I need a stroller that is easy to push in the grass and on bumpy roads!
That stroller sounds great- the fact that it is lightweight and can support an infants head is wonderful. Sounds really easy to steer.
I’m tall, so the most important feature would be an adjustable handle bar so I’m not kicking the back of the stroller. Thanks for a chance to win.
I just became a fan on facebook and shared that I entered.!/profile.php?id=1071429562
I just tweeted.
I just became an FB fan, and the most important feature to me is being lightweight and durable. The Indie is beautiful!
That is my favorite feature too. I love that it is one button harness, it takes so long to get them in the stroller, this feature is nice.
I just started running and would love to be able to take my son with me! This stoller is awesome!!
I am a fan on facebook and now shared the giveaway!!
Besides how beautiful these strollers are, I love that they are so easy to maneuver in small spaces- yet you can lock in the front wheel and take them off road. So handy!! So i guess that is what features I look for most since I like to walk around town, but also like to go hiking.
We dont have a stroller yet, so I would LOVE to win this.
I am looking for something that is easy to use. With already having one little one and another on the way I need something that does not take a lot of time to use.
I think maneuverability and stability are important. btw, your little girl is so adorable!
DId it on facebook
I love that its so light I have 2 little ones and I hate my big heavy stroller so much I never use it. I am hoping you might give away a double stroller.
but anything would be great!!
I just became an Facebook fan. It is important to be stable and durable.
I am already a Facebook fan; does that count for an extra entry. It is important to be stable and durable.
It needs to have wheels and shocks that can withstand sidewalks that are not flat due to the trees pushing up underneath them. I live in an old neighborhood..
Lightweight!! Thanks for the giveaway.
Most important to me is safety. That encompasses easy in and out, easy maneuvering, won’t catch tiny fingers, etc.
Safety is the most important feature! Then I’d want something gives a good smooth ride so that my child isn’t bouncing around in the seat while I’m taking her for walks/jogs.
What a great giveaway! I value how lightweight it is and you can steer it one handed! (as opposed to our old stroller:()
I think the best features of any stroller are lightweight, easy to maneuver, & can fit in my trunk!
Most important features for me would be easy to navigate and ease of getting in and out our vehicle.
Easy to maneuver, and easy to set up are important things in a stroller. Thanks!
I love that it is sturdy and easy to adjust with a sleeping baby. Mostly I would say the smooth ride and ability to push with one hand. I have 4 that are 5 and under and need a stroller that is quick and easy for one hand pushing. Gotta keep up with my 5 year old on his bike, and usually have my 2 year old on me!!
I love that the bumbleride is all terrain. We live out in the country and walk a lot of dirt roads and uneven surfaces and it would be great for that.
Became a facebook fan of Bumbleride and shared with my friends.
Just became a fan!!/mariahoisington?ref=profile
Became a fan and posted on facebook!
I want something comfy for my kid! Her comfort is the most important thing for me!
I love something that’s lightweight, since I’m always hauling it around with us! Maneuverability and stability are really important for me on running trails, and good wheels that don’t skip. Thanks for the offer!
I think that the most important feature is to be lightweight and easy to maneuver. I really wanted an Indie when I had my LO 17 months ago – but it was out of our price range!
Love the maneuverability (sp?) of it and of course the look and function!
I’m a fan on facebook!
I would LOVE to have this for my 5 month old and I think the big storage is a must!
I love how light weight this stroller is. My daughter would look sooo cute in it!
and I’m a facebook fan!
Wow – even a Daddy wouldn’t mind pushing a cool looking stroller like that around, that’s definetly my favorite feature!
The stroller needs to be easy to move/maneuver. The stroller for our first was not (due to budget) and I found myself always having my husband push it, because it was irritating to me! Thanks for the great giveaway… I really hope I win!
As odd as it is, I think the tires and the handlebars make or break a great stroller. As a tall woman, I need to have a higher bar when I’m walking/hiking/city strolling. The tires also need to be reliable and rugged for all the miles I put on them. Thanks!
I just entered on Facebook the folowing comment : “I just entered to win a Bumbleride Indie Stroller click here to enter too “
I like that you can steer it easily with one hand. Perfect for mulitasking
The most important thing to me is that it is lightweight and easy to steer! It’s no good if I can’t steer it well!!!
I just followed on twitter and tweeted!!
To me the ability to maneuver with one hand….priceless! Also the ride is SO important. Our storller now lacks in both of these departments and makes walks a less than enjoyable experience. I lost my job months back and so we are struggling (like so mnay others) and can’t afford to buy a new stoller. I have eyed the Bumbleride for awhile since I heard so many moms rave about them. This would be a true dream to win! Oh and I just started running and would LOVE to take our daughter Savannah with me…how fun for her and a nice distraction for me!
I also just became a facebook fan and posted about the giveaway!
Thanks for the opportunity!!!
One of the most important features on a stroller is the weight. I need something lightweight to load in and out of the car and to haul up the stairs!
I am an avid runner so the ride and maneuverability are a must!
I also became a fan on facebook and posted to my profile.
Now a FB fan and shared w/friends!
I would love to win this stroller—I have an 11 week old…I like that it appears compact with a front wheel that spins easily! Hope I win.
Ease of being able to close it/open it up with baby in hand is important!
I love a stroller that has a smooth ride.
I’m Super Excited about the 2010 Indie! For me an extended canopy is a must and also an adjustable handle for height since my DH is like almost a foot taller then me
I also became a fan on FB and shared with friends!
The features that I love about the Bumbleride are the all-terrain capabilities combined with the smaller footprint for manuevering in stores (and compatabilitywith our carseat!).
It has to be lightweight.
I LOVE that this stroller is functional, stylish, AND, most importantly, lightweight. Perfect! What a wonderful giveaway! If I were to win, my three month old son, Charlie, would certainly be riding in style!
I find versatility to be most impt in an A/T stroller. I love the Indie bc it is great on the trails out here in CO, but also great for the mall. I hope to win!!
I just tweeted: I just entered to win a @Bumbleride Indie Stroller click here to enter too via @commnsensemoney
I am a nanny for my sister’s 3 kids. It would be nice for me to have my own stroller to keep in my van and use instead of the bulky one my sister has. I like that this one is lightweight too. My husband and are are planning to start a family soon ourselves so we would love to have this as an early shower gift
Thank you for the opportunity to be entered in this contest!
I just tweeted: I just entered to win a @Bumbleride Indie Stroller click here to enter too via @commnsensemoney
I love a lightweight stroller that still looks good. Plus my daughter would look super cute in this one too! Your little one looks adorable in her stroller.
I am expecting my first, so I can’t give first-hand knowledge of what I want/need in this type of stroller. However, I know that I am looking for something that I can easily get in and out of my car, something that can go everywhere that I want to go, and (of course) something that isn’t going to break the bank!
Thanks for the chance!
It has to be easy to push and fold! Lightweight is a plus
“I just entered to win a @Bumbleride Indie Stroller click here to enter too via @commnsensemoney”
easy to maneuver is a must!
I’m a fan on facebook and just tweeted!
My perfect stroller would be easy to push — and stop (I have a rambunctious Lab to walk too!). It would be comfortable for my child to ride in, hold the million things babies (and their moms) must have and be easy to fold. I’m looking for a stroller versatile enough to get me from the newborn stage to the toddler stage while looking cute, holding up on runs and trails and surviving all sorts of bad weather.
I think the Bumbleride Indie has all of these (and more — the fact that it comes with the adapter and pump is huge!). So even if I don’t win, which I REALLY hope I do — I’ll be strolling with one in few months when this baby finally comes!
ease of steering is most important to me. when you are wearing a baby, pushing a toddler and keeping track of 3 other children, its hard to have to fight with a stroller that wants to go another direction than you!
shared on facebook tweet
I just shared this on Twitter (@laurenandscott). THANKS for offering the contest!
A stroller must look good and push/turn easily. Both accomplished by Bumbleride. I hope I win!
it really has to be lightweight and easy to fold for travel.
facebook fan of bumbleride.
amy warren
twitter fan of bumbleride and retweeted.
Best features of an all-terrain are: front swivel/lockable wheel, HUGE canopy, full-reclining seat, and all-terrain tires.
Am a follower of Bumbleride on Twitter and tweeted: Stanleytwins
Am a fan of Bumbleride on Facebook and shared with friends: Stanleytwinsanity
Definitely has to be very lightweight!
Twitter entry
This stroller looks lightweight and very easy to manuver. We live in the country, so this would be awesome for hills and uneven ground. The ease of putting in the car trunk sounds great.
Facebook fan of Bumbleride
ease of the turning and wheel abilities is the most important. Right up there with storage.
I also need the ability to fit through the doorways:) Of course with a single stroller you can easily – so I guess that fact is more for the double stroller:)
I like the idea of the lightweight feature and the new security bar that they just came out with this year! I would love to win this and give it to my daughter for my grandbabies!
Am a fan on facebook!
The most important thing in a stroller for me is function. it has to be light weight, be able to fold up easily, and manuver well. and it doesn’t hurt if it looks good too!
I’m following on twitter! And I tweeted!
The most important feature in my opinion is safety. Next to that ease of use. This is a very attractive stroller!
love lots of storage and easy steering-would LOVE this stroller!!
I follow you on facebook & send a message to all my friends!
Most impt-nice smooth ride, space underneath and a cupholder for my coffee
Re-tweeted your giveaway on twitter- @colleenanne29!
The most important thing is that it is lightweight and easy to carry and fold up..
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
I need a stroller to be light and easy to get into the van!
I’m a fan of BumbleRide!
A jogging stroller needs solid tires and needs to be able to handle any terrain! Our Chicco stroller broke on rocks. I bet a BumbleRide could handle any terrain!
tweeted it! I want to WIN!!!
now following bumbleride on twitter and shared
I think it’s really important to have a stroller that is not only easy for Mom to use, but is comfortable for your child! That’s one reason I love the 2010 Bumbleride – it allows your baby to look out and sit up (they aren’t forced to lean back like they would in a BOB) and also the sunshade provides protection for their delicate eyes! (especially important during hot TX summers). The ease of use and smooth ride is equally as important, of course. And I love the colors it’s offered in — all look so sporty and sophisticated, especially the black.
As a godmother of a beautiful 6 month baby girl, Kristin Deneece, I find that the most important features of a stroller (like the Bumbleride 2010) are: (1) easy to open and close – not a lot of time available when out and about with Kristin to fumble with the stroller; (2) lightweight with storage area for Kristin’s on the go bag; (3) ability for the seat to fold down for a nap or upright to be right in the middle of everything going on; and (4) stylish – with such a beautiful goddaughter – her ride has to look good.
I definitely think the best feature in a jogging stroller is being lightweight! Plus, I know my husband would say good inflatable tires are a must have!
Following Bumbleride on Twitter and Tweet:
I’m a fb fan and shared with friends!
Ease of use and so easy to take a quick stroll. Especially at the beach.
Right now, I have *4* strollers!! I have so many because I can not find one that has all the elements I need. I would like a large basket, air filled tires, easy fold and not huge and bulky in my car….and of course cute!! that’s my perfect stroller (love the sounds of the harness on this one!)
I am a fan of BumbleRide on facebook! Love that this is lightwight and easily portable!
Portability is the most important!
Yo quisiera ganar este stroller. Por el momento la economia es muy mal y no hay para comprar una stroller asi de carisimo. Si yo ganaria Este stroller seria como ganar la loteria
Hello, Hello! Just loove the Bumbleride family of strollers but that Indie just up and stole my mama strolling heart!
While its all terrain functionality, air filled tires and one handed maneuverability appeal to my mommy senses, lets face it…its YAY factor for me goes to its..
Deliciously awesome fashionista colors and youthfully modern edgy style…allowing any Bumbleride proud mama of secretly gloating on the playground mulch “my stroller is way cooler than yours!!”
“YAY for the Indie!” as I am jumping in mid air like those old Toyota commercials =D
Marrying the functionality of a jogging stroller to the fashion forwardness of the baby world= getting our lil ones out in the sun, rain, snow, sand, and introducing them to the all terrains of life in style!
…got two words for ya Bumbleride, SHEER GENIUS!
I love the AIR FILLED TIRES for jogging and a great CANOPY to keep the sun out of my boy’s eyes. An endless supply of snacks in the SNACK PACK doesn’t hurt.
I love that its lightweight and fashionable!! My lil one would look so very cool strolling around in it :)!!
The lightweight feature is what I love in this stroller.
Hope I can still win if I say that I think I like strollers that have an interchangeable seat that can snap into a car seat base….
I absolutely love the jogger stroller and I need one so I can get out there and WALK with my toddler! I like that it is lightweight! tndrhart2(a)aol(dot)com
I became a fan of BumbleRide on Facebook!!
Tweet Tweet! I tweeted about this giveaway!
The lightweight feature is what sold me! =]
I need this soooo bad!!!
THanks so much!
i tweeted! =]
I’m a facebook fan of Bumbleride and also shared the giveaway with friends on my status!
I think it’s important that it can fold up compactly to fit in my car.
The most important thing to me, when it comes to strollers is that the stroller is light weight and that the tires turn “on a dime”. The cheap ones can be a pain and the tires often lock up.
The Bumbleride strollers are well worth the price tag:)
I love the lightweight feature and the air filled tires for a smooth ride.
Lightweight and easy steering~ That looks like an awesome stroller!
I think the most important feature with a stroller would be that it has to be lightweight and good safety rating!
I am a fan of bumbleride and posted!/FunSavingMoney?ref=profile about the giveaway to my friends!
I am following on twitter and just tweeted about the giveway
I love the wheels-seems very easy to turn and steer
love it coz it’s lightweight, steers easily & looks very nice! hope i’ll win!
I think this stroller is AWESOME!!! I LOVE that it is light weight and easy to steer which are the two key parts of the stroller!
I would have to say the comfort. Baby must be comfortable or he/she will not want to ride in it!!!
Lightweight is a must! One with extending handles is always a plus for dh
Well with six kids I have never found a stroller with everything but my biggest thing is ware and tear. I want to know that I am buying something that will last for more thena a year.
I like one that is lightweight and easy to manevuer around.
One that my wife can fit into her trunk, lightweight and a large basket to be able to fill with diapers, snacks, etc, for those long rides in the zoo and park.
Something lightweight and comfortable for my grandkids would be the ideal stroller.
We want a Bumbleride Indie because we think it is the most versatile! We are outdoorsy people, but aren’t really looking to jog with baby, so we just wanted something that could handle all sorts of terrain. I also appreciate that it’s lightweight and folds pretty compactly. Love this stroller and would love to win one!
Maneuverability is big for me. I do not like have to rock the stroller back and forth to get the wheels in the right position to start moving again. :^(
Oops, that should have said “having”.
Followed on Facebook
I think tires are one of the most important parts of any stroller.
The most important features for me is that a stroller be lightweight, easy to fold up and get in and out of the car being that I have a back problem.
Happy Easter all!
Shared on Facebook – just not sure what link to copy for comment
that it is easy to maneuver
I think the most important features are that it rolls easily and that it is easy to put together.
I love the fact that is lightweight, And easy to maneuver..lets face it us mommies are true multi-taskers we need a fully functional easy to use stroller.
I became a fan on facebook and shared the link on facebook!
Just became a fan on Facebook!! My first grandchild will arrive this year!!
My top features would be rolls easily and can maneuver with one hand.
Just became a bumblebee fan on fb and shared the giveaway in my status.
My comment should have read “Just became a Bumbleride fan on fb and shared the giveaway in my status”. Is it obvious that it’s late and I’m tired?! lol!
I look for ease of use and light weight. A big storage basket is nice too!
I love a stroller that is lightweight and easy to maneuver. A nice look is always a bonus too!
I like my strollers to be light weight!
Thanks for the chance!
I’m a facebook fan now
I’m a twitter fan too!
I love everything about it.My sister inlaw has one for my niece and claims it to be the best strolller ever.I am now expecting my first little one and would love to win it.I have my fingers crossed.Tank you for the chance to win.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
Finding a jogging stroller that takes corners with ease and can handle bumpy and rough surfaces can make going for a run exhilarating. I would love to win this, so my little family can go for runs together.
Im a Bumbleride Twitter followerr! YAY for entry number 2!!
Bumbleride, Bumbleride, contest wish and entry #3!
I became a fan of Bumbleride on Facebook and shared with my pals on Facebook & Twitter ..
Here’s to hoping =]
Best wishes to all!
I think the most important part of a jogging stroller is the suspension and wheels. You can’t have Baby bouncing all over the place when you hit a rough spot!
I think the most important things for me are the ease of steering (especially one-handed) for when we go to crowded places or to a flea market with grandma & grandpa, and also the amount of space it will take up in the car or SUV. This looks like an awesome stroller!
I think the ease of turning is important.
Since I am due with baby #11 in June, we have been through many different strollers. I have never had an all-terrain one since we never could afford one and we lived in the city where it was not needed. Since we have lived in the country, I have realized the benefits of having one. We use our stroller mostly for our yard. My older children love to take the babies and toddlers outside and a stroller really comes in handy. Our yard is on a slant and it is bumpy. Also walking the nature trails around make it so difficult to use a reg stroller since they are sand or gravel. Also the strain on the frame makes them wobbly. I think some of the best features are the pivoting front wheel and the big inflatable tires( definately a must). Also the harness looks great and much safer than the regular lap strap on most. I have seen my baby being flung side to side to many times while trying to push them through the grass and rocks. I like that it reclines for an infant also. My strollers also have to have a big shade to cover the baby, I cannot stand when the shade does not cover them all the way. O
I think sturdy durability and the ability to grow with the child are very important!
Thanks for the chance!!!
Its been a long 16 years since we’ve had a baby in the house. Our daughter is 16 and our lil guy is now 5 months! Thank goodness I stumbled upon Bumbleride in my quest to find the right stoller to suit our adventure seeking family.
I have to say that the bumper bar played an important role in the deciding factor. With our woodsy hikes I felt it would make our son (and us) feel more secure knowing that he could actually hold onto something as he’s strolling along beside us through all kinds of terrain.
The second would have to be the extended canopy. The afternoon sun can really pound down and those extra large canopies really do some major protecting (especially if you might forget that sunscreen). Might sound like little items compared the great air filled tires and suspension but just as important imo.
Thanks for those changes in the 2010 models Bumbleride and for the great give away!
I tweeted and shared.
Im a Facebook Fan of Bumbleride and shared…thanks!
Mercedes, I need this stroller!
I just became a fan on facebook!
Safe, rugged and easy to use are my top feature musts!
A stroller needs to be lightweight & able to be maneuvered around easily.
The air filled tires and the fact that the seat can lay flat for our lil ones is a MAJOR plus!
Became a fan on Facebook & shared =)
The easy maneuverability is a definite must when on all kinds of terrain
Being a tall person, I think the most important thing for me would be not hitting my feet on the wheels or the bottom of the stroller while jogging or walking around with it. Also, the weight of it is important because we travel a lot and being able to tow it around with us easily would make life beautiful!