I know that these days most of us are trying to reduce the amount of junk email we receive. But if you have signed up with Kraft First Taste, VocalPoint or General Mills Psst campaign, you know that signing up with companies can have really good pay offs when they send you samples, coupons and other promotional discounts.
Although probably you don’t shop for toys on a regular basis, signing up with toy companies can bring you savings. A lot of the toy makers sell toys on their own website and they regularly email those signed up with them promotional discounts. You will also receive updates on new toys, this is actually information you can use to determine whether older versions of certain toys are being phased out and if you can expect to find that now old toy on clearance at the stores soon. You may also receive emails with special sweepstakes they may be having and unfortunately toy recalls. Here are a few of the companies you can sign up with: Hasbro, Leapfrog, and Step 2 among others.
What I do to handle with this is that I have a “junk” email account. This is the email address I use in every promotional campaign I join, freebie I sign up for or company I sign up with. This allows me to be selective with what emails I open to read, since I only do those I am interested in at the time. I also don’t feel bad when I do a massive delete of messages because I know there won’t be any important email messages in the mix.
If you have stores or brands you are loyal too or shop often, consider signing up on their websites. It could lead to greater savings for you.