Looking for access to more printable coupons for Kelloggs products? Or maybe back to school lunch or everyday snack solutions? Kelloggs has created the website Snackpicks to provide you with this and more. Right now you can have access to the following coupons on the site:
- $1 on 2 Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain Bars
- $0.55 Murray Sugar Free Cookies
- $0.75 Keebler Grahams Crackers Sandwich Bites
- $1 on 2 Keebler Club Crackers
- $1 Kellogg’s Cinnabon Bars
- $0.75 Cheez-It Whole Grain
You will need to register to have access to these coupons. Also, if you have printed them before on Coupons.com, you can still print again on this site. Thanks MommySnacks!