OK, this giveaway is a bit selfish on my part. See, clean floors are a bit of my obsession. Clean floors make me happy and dirty floors stress me out. As a result I have always been on the hunt for the solution to help me get clean floors. With two dogs and a baby that that will be crawling soon, this solution needed to be safe for them.
I have been using my Bissell Steam mop since September of last year and I have never been happier. I just love it and I love it so much that I think you should be given a chance to win one. Maybe it is because I think is the thing that could make any mom’s household work easier and who couldn’t use that, right?
So, in this giveaway one lucky reader will win one Bissel Steam Mop Deluxe. This is what you need to enter this giveaway:
1) Share with me what part of household work makes you happy: maybe it’s the look of folded towels in your linen closet or smelling freshly laundered clothes. I don’t know, hopefully there is something that brings a smile to your face when you are getting your chores done.
For additional entries:
2) “Like” Common Sense with Money on Facebook.
Leave a separate comment for each additional entry, you know the drill. If you are reading this entry on your RSS reader or email newsletter make sure to CLICK HERE to enter this giveaway. Emailing me is not a valid way to enter this giveaway. This giveaway is open to residents of the US 18 years and older. This giveaway ends 4/29 at NOON EST.
Disclosure: This giveaway is sponsored by me.
I love the smell of a clean house! Growing up my mom would always make a big pot of soup (caldo) and mop all the floors in the house while it cooked, so when we came home from school all we could smell was Pinesol and soup, it was great!
I follow you on twitter @jsalazar04
a clean sink makes me smile!
I LOVE clean sheets – I seem to sleep so much better on fresh smelling sheets!
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Washing windows______!
Well there is nothing like seeing through your clean windows after the sun shines on them after you have cleaned.
I LOVE washing dishes-there is something very cathartic about it
I love vaccuuming! It relaxes me. Weird, right?
I like to clean floors. Hate dusting.
I follow you on Twitter. I also love getting into a freshly made bed. Mmmmm, the smell of clean sheets.
I love having my kitchen counters sparkling clean without any clutter on them.
Thanks Mercedes for this giveaway!
I like going into the kitchen to see the counter and sink clean with no dishes. Also, I love the smell of the bathroom after it has just been cleaned.
I “like” you on FB. Vaccuuming, freshly made beds with clean bedding.
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I love a clean sink ! No dishes, no crumbs, just sparkling clean!
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Whenever my house is vacuumed I feel like its so much cleaner and it helps me relax and also take time to play toys with my son on the floor!
Personally, my house is not clean until the kitchen is spotless. Unfortunately, my hubby does not agree – he always does the front room first. lol
I think a clean carpet is my favorite, I have two dogs and they both track mud everywhere. I like a nicely vacuumed carpet followed by a deep cleaning. Even better if my husband is the one who did it
I love a freshly made bed…especially in the spring when the windows are open and the breeze coming through.
I like to see the ‘vacuum’ lines in the carpet when I vacuum!!
This is an awesome giveaway! Thanks!!
I like when my kitchen island is clutter free from all the kids papers and things they throw up there.
I love the look and the smell of a clean home. It is so relaxing to me once everything is done. Then I can focus better on other chores in life.
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I love to see things lined up, almost to the point of crazy haha… I love the DVD’s lined up perfectly, the remotes, books… etc…
I love it when the floors are all spotless!!! No clutter, and squeaky clean. I can relax only then!
I am following you on twitter – and I retweeted your post on this!
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I need clean floors. I have two kids and three cats and can never find an easy solution to keeping them clean. This will definetly help!
I ‘LIKE’ CSWM on Facebook !
I like neatly folded towels and linens in my kids’ bathroom! It’s a small room and small closet…and active kids! They do a pretty good job of keeping it neat….now if all their clothes could make it in the laundry basket!
I love seeing my children’s rooms clean! I like knowing they can be calm and orderly when they are in there!
I love a made bed. There is just something calming about a made bed, even in the midst of chaos. I also feel very accomplished if my table is cleaned off, unfortunately it always seems to collect piles.
A clean kitchen makes the whole house seem not so messy! (Which is quite a feat as a mom of 4 boys 4 & under!)
I love clutter free countertops in the kitchen. Any piles stress me out but once the kitchen is cleaned up I am happy!
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I like having everything picked up and cleaned the night before so that when I wake in the morning I can enjoy my coffee and not feel overwhelmed by the mess that needs to be taken care of.
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p.s. anyone know if this machine is good to use on laminate floors?
i love the sight of a clean & spotless carpet.
Clean floors make me VERY happy!
I love the feel of freshly made beds, with clean sheets (I probably wash our sheets TOO often). When the beds are made, it inspires me to have the whole house match!
I love putting away freshly laundered towels in my linen closet and scenting them with a little lavender linen water.
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It makes me happy to come into the house and it smells clean!
I love clean floors, but I really love when everything is picked up and put away. I’m completely happy and in awe of my house for those ten minutes before the kids pull everything back out again!
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I love the smell of clean laundry that is dry from hanging it outside.
Cleaning the toy room! Getting everything up off the floor and put away makes me feel so organized. Of course it stays that way for all of 10 minutes, but still makes me feel better for those 10!
I am now following you on twitter!
A cleared off kitchen counter…a messy, cluttered one makes me crabby/stresses out!
What part of housework do I like—when my husband helps me on his day off on fridays get everything done. But I really love having the floors clean–kinda been an obsession since our children where born
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I like sparkly clean windows!
I “like” you on FB. Thanks!
I love clean floors, toys in their box, dishes all done, a sparkling kitchen, freshly laundered clothes and a vase of fresh flowers on my kitchen.
If only they would stay that way for a while
I LOVE getting laundry folded and put away–the look of the empty clothes basket makes me so happy. Of course, something else that now needs washed is usually added very quickly.
I am a facebook fan.
I’m a subscriber! Thank you!
I LOVE crawling into fresh clean sheets at the end of the day!
Oh my goodness, clean floors are the Hope Diamond in my house! I too have two dogs…gigantic, shedding, drooling Boxers…and a crawling tornado in a diaper. I also have two older children who play sports. I am always on a mission to keep the wood floors and the tile clean! It seems like an exercise in futility, but that doesn’t stop me from trying! My husband laughs at me and swears he married his mother!! lol
I like the way the sheets and towels smell after they have been washed!
I love clean floors!!!! I like you on Facebook as well!
I love folding sheets, fresh from the dryer. My husband is the clean-floor fanatic and he would love this steam mop!
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I like you on FB.
I love clean floors but get frustrated trying to keep them clean!
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I’m a facebook fan.
I feel better after I vacuum.
I LOVe vacuuming now that my parents got me one that works. My floors and carpets are pet hair free.
denise_22315 at yahoo dot com
i love the smell of a fresh cut lawn
I love the floors to be clean, i.e. free of sand (we live in Florida) and really love the way everything sparkles when it is freshly dusted.
I love the look of a clean bathroom!
I follow as wiscmom24 on Twitter. Sorry for the typos above my twins are acting crazy and I am trying to do two things at once.
denise_22315 at yahoo dot com
I love the smell of fresh laundry – especially baby clothes! I cannot relax until the house is clean. Thanks for the entry!
I love when I get the house cleared of clutter; toys put away, kitchen counters cleared, etc. I feel at peace when there isn’t a mess to look at!
I love the feeling of a clean house in general. I hate almost every act of cleaning, but there is nothing like glancing at a spotless kitchen or hopping in the tub in a shiny clean bathroom!
It gives me deep satisfaction to see all of the laundry cleaned, dried, folded, and put away. It actually gives so much satisfaction, that I go on to clean the rest of my house.
I love the smell of a clean bathroom.
I definitely would have to say that nice, clean floors are my fave! My little toddler is always trying to find new ways to make a mess with something, so I have to make sure to keep it nice and clean for her! It also makes the house smell clean and fresh too
And I “like” you on FB!
Love when the house is dusted and smells clean from top to bottom
Clean floors make me happy!
I LOVE clean sheets!!! Also, I enjoy swiffering my wood floors because you can really see what you just cleaned off the floor!
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I enjoy having my kitchen counter clean and no dirty dishes in the sink!!
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I love a clean house but I especially love it during springtime when I can finally raise all the windows! There’s nothing like a clean house getting ‘aired out’ and smelling like fresh springtime!
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Nothing makes me happier than a clean kitchen counter! Thank you for the giveaway!
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I love the look of my sons’ clean play room, because it means that I might have some quiet in the living room, lol.
I liked you on Facebook! Thank you!
I like the lines on my carpet after a good vacuuming!
I LOVE clean floors and clutter free rooms. This mop would make the clean floors part so much easier!
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I love walking in bare feet across my newly cleaned floor.
I love a clean house. I like it to be clean all the time.
I follow you on twitter.
I love “Vacuum” marks on the carpets and a shiny clean kitchen sink!
A clean kitchen and freshly vaccuumed floors make me feel great!
I love to cook for my family. The best reward is to watch my son eat all the veggies with a big smile on his face!
every morning in spring and summer i sweep the outside steps and walkway and then rinse them off with the water hose. it makes me feel like an old lady but i kind of like it.
I follow you on twitter. TriciaPotts
I like cleaning anything that as a wood finish . This includes all my cabinets, entertainment center etc.
I love when all the laundry is finished, there is nothing left in the basket and the closets are full with nice, hanging shirts and pants.
I am also a fanbook fan, love getting your updates!
A freshly wiped, clutter-free countertop does my heart good!
I love having fresh sheets on the bed and the smell of chlorox clean-up that I use for many things.
clean toliets are the best!!
Love having clean floors too. We have laminate floors in a large portion of our upstairs and they look beautiful (like real hardwoods) when they are freshly cleaned. Just wish it was easier to do.
I liked you on facebook.
i love the smell of clean laundry and the feeling you get when your whole house is clean and everything looks and smells good!
A clean sink with no dishes and a sparkling bathroom. Thanks for the giveaway.
i follow you on twitter!
Clutter free living space makes me happy.
I love clean clothes. I love the way my family looks in nice clothes that have ALL the stains out!
I like going to bed with a clean kitchen and clean living room. That way, when I wake up, I can start my day fresh….not finishing what should have been done last night.
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I am one of those rare people who truly enjoys cleaning. My favorite room to clean is the kitchen. Though mopping is my least favorite physical chore, I get the most reward from it because of the huge impact it makes. A nice clean floor changes my home’s entire smell and it also draws people to it. It makes for a great place to chat with friends, do homework, cook, etc…
i follow you on facebook! i check your site atleast 3 times or more a day…..can you say obsessed?!!!!?lol!
I love the look and smell of the clean house.
Clean sheets!
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I love a no clutter house.
Dust busting the floors and highchair after dinner
Clean Windows too!
I like CSWM on facebook.
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I like have beds made. There’s just something about climbing into fresh sheets, freshly made bed that is snuggly and peaceful.
I love having everything off of the kitchen counters. It makes my kitchen sparkle. I’m starting to learn how to keep clean floors. But with a toddler he’s really good at finding what I missed!
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I love when all the rooms are “picked up.” No toys on the floor or shoes in the hallway!
I am obsessed with clean floors…this would be awesome! I follow you on FB!
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I love clean floors as well! Not to mention no Clutter!
I LOVE coming home to a clean smelling house.
I love clean floors as well! Not to mention no Clutter!
I Like you on Facebook too!
With five children, a husband, and a dog, anything clean makes me smile!!!!! We love our laminate flooring, and this would be so helpful to me as a busy mom!
I love freshly vacuumed clean floors, a clean kitchen counter, and to have all the windows opened on a nice sunny warm day.
I also am obsessed with clean floors! HATE to see them dirty
my favorite part has got to be when my husband says ‘thank you’ to me…
just makes it all worth it!
I love the look and smell of freshly vacuumed carpet! And A Clean bathroom. With 5 boys a clean bathroom is always good!
I love the smell of a clean house!
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I’m one of your fans on FB- is that the same thing as “Like”?
I love the look of an empty sink and a shiny floor. I have one of these and I cannot say enough good things about it. I would love to win one for my mom!
A clean bathroom!
I like the smell and look of a clean bathroom and knowing that it is clean for my little ones to play
I love when my whole house smells like Lysol and Febreze! From the kitchen, to the bedrooms, to the bathrooms, and even my husband’s den……everything smells fresh!
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Housework is what I do to wind up with a sparkly, clean and organized house, which leads to inner rest for me! I *love* sitting on the couch with a good book or my fave magazine as a reward for having ‘done it all,’ and can look around at the fruits of my hard work.
I love the smell of a clean room, especially the kitchen after I cleaned using the Method lavender surface cleaner…it ALMOST makes me want to clean everyday!
i love doing laundry. especially baby clothes
smells great!
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A clean kitchen makes me smile!
I am a total sucker for a clean house-and with two dogs it is hard to keep up with the hardwoods!
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and now i like you on facebook:)
I love the smell of a clean bathroom!
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I love washing the dishes with hot water and mixing pine sol in with the dish soap.
The soapy, piney smell and the hot water is almost hypnotic!
I love the look of my sink when the dishes are done: one empty side, and one side full of clean dishes drying on the rack. *sigh* happiness
two little boys make a clean floor an essential!
I love folding my kids clothes. They are always so cute and they make me realize why I do everything that I do. It’s all for them!
I’m a kitchen gal – (okay, maybe even a little OCD when it comes to my kitchen) so I’m happy when it’s clean.
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I like the clean smells of a nice clean house!
Favorite part of cleaning/housekeeping: when the laundry is done and put away!
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I follow you on twitter.
a clean master bedroom, it’s so nice and relaxing!
The babies clothes all perfectly clean, stainfree and sorted for those that still fit him. And the smell of my Purex 3-in-1 clean clothes, especially with the $1 off coupons on their website. Makes a pack of the $4.86 at my Walmart.
I follow you on Facebook.
I love seeing all of my laundry hung and folded! It feels like I’ve actually finished something on my chores list.
I love the smell of clean sheets and lines in the rug after vacuuming…but then gets mad when I see shoe marks on them….
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I “liked” Common Sense on FB.
Lines on the carpet after it’s been vacuumed! That makes the whole room seem clean.
Folded laundry in piles according to item. Now it’s putting them away that stinks!
I love vacuuming, it looks so nice when your done
I like on facebook…thanks!!!
And finally forced me to join twitter!
I like when my living room is all dusted, with no dog hair!! & sprayed with apple febreeze!
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I “like” you on FB, too…. (I like you here, too! Ha!)
I love having an organized desk…although it is hardly ever organized. It stays nice for a few days after cleaning.
I love it when I crawl into nice clean sheets and made beds…
I love it when the bathrooms are clean! Watching the dirt (whether real or imagined by me) wash down the drain and the tub sparkle brilliantly afterwards makes me smile!
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I love vacuumed carpet…at least it feels and looks clean for a few minutes!
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The track marks from a newly vaccumed floor!
Fan on Facebook
I love it when I get all the laundry washed, folded, and ironed, then I can relax
I “love” you on FB!!
(I would love this prize too. With 3 kids, my very light colored kitchen floor is always a mess!)
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My favorite part about cleaning is adjusting all of the pilows on the couch just they way I like them. Of course, they only stay that way for 5 minutes until a husband, dog, or child come and toss them on the floor. But that 5 minutes brings me such joy!
I “like” Common Sense w/ Money on FB!
Having a clean kitchen is the best! My kitchen is very open so when it is clean, its amazing!!
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I love having a clean refrigerator. I feel good having healthy food in a clean place for my family and myself.
Nothing makes me happier than a fresh made up bedroom, how relaxing at the end of day to come into a fresh bedroom , clean and bed made! Thank you for your website very helpful yips
*Tips…not yips ,oh my typo!
An empty hamper with all the laundry done!
I LOVE the smell of laundry! BTW–Has anyone tried to use a steam mop of laminate floors (we have WilsonArt, which is similar to Pergo). On the flooring manufacturer’s website, it says to only use their “special” cleaning product, but I’m thinking that is maybe just their way of getting you to continue contributing to their business! I have a 5 month old who will be crawling in a couple months and I hate the idea of him crawling around on a floor with lots of chemicals! Anybody have any experience???
I, too, love a sparkling clean sink.
I love the look of a cleaned off dining room table and buffet. Sigh.
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I love all the beds to be made. I also love clean countertops.
My favorite thing is how good my house smells when it is finally clean
Washing dishes is the best thing to me.
It makes me smile when laundry is not only done, but put away as well.
In the evening after everyone else goes to bed, I clean up all my daughters’ toys and put all the books back on the bookshelf. Then I turn all the lights off and look at my living room. It’s the only time of day when this room is totally clean and it always feels great!
I like the way the rug gets vacuum marks on it, making it look especially clean. I also like folding kids clothes and then getting to put them away in their little drawers and on little hangars.
i love to de-clutter my house. It definately relieves my stress!
I love the way my house looks and feels when it is clean. It’s wonderful.
I’m a Facebook liker.
The smell of a freshly cleaned house does wonders for me. I also love the shine of clean floors and kitchen appliances gleaming!
I’m already a ‘liker’ of common sense with money on facebook.
I love it now that spring is here. I LOVE to hang my clothes and sheets on the line outside to dry. When I crawl back into bed that night after having hung my sheets up on the line, the smell is just heavenly to me!
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I like it when the kitchen counters are all cleared off and clean.
Also, clean bathrooms
I also like you on facebook!
I love a clean kitchen. The rest of my house can be a mess, but if my kitchen is clean, then I’m good. Especially clean countertops! Thanks.
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I already “like” you on Facebook.
I love seeing all of the hampers in the entire house empty! No more laundry to do! I also love to walk across a bre floor without stepping on crumbs.
I “like” you on FB.
I love finding “new” space in my house after a nice de-cluttering/cleaning. Helps give new life to my old (literally) house!
I love when the dishes are done & there I have clear countertops!
I already Like (love!) you on FB!
I want this. The boys in my household love to make dirty floors. This looks like a neat way to make them clean again.
Neatly folded laundry makes me so happy. My husband folds clothes lefthanded and does not sort any of it while he folds. It makes me want to cry!
My clean hardwood floors make me smile, and so does my clean new laminate kitchen floor. I’d smile even more with a steam mop! Thanks for the chance!
I LOVE seeing freshly vaccumed carpet…so fluffy & clean. : )
my floors need with, one grandbaby here full time and another one on the way
I love to come home to a clean kitchen – dishes washed, counters clean – all thanks to my sweet husband!
Hmm, I can’t really say that any cleaning makes me happy but I do look forward to taking a nice long bath in a freshly cleaned tub.
I love that 15 minutes between the time I pick up the toys in the living room until my toddler drags them all out again. Being able to walk a straight line is wonderful!
I love the look of clean sinks…followed by the look of clean mirrors and windows (although with two toddlers the fingerprints go back on the windows as quickly as they’re cleaned off…).
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I like common sense w money on Facebook. : )
I love crawling into nice, soft clean sheets.
We have two little kids and a third on the way, so clean is relative. I love to wipe down my white countertops — they’re the only thing I ever think gets completely clean!
My favorite thing about cleaning a house is seeing the “stripes” in my carpet that are made by my vacuum before someone walks over them!
Uncluttered and organized cupboards and drawers give me inner peace!
I also love cleaning out the vacumm… all that dirt off my floor!
I love relaxing on the living room couch, basking in the peacefulness after the whole house is clean, the laundry is done, and everything is quiet and clean. The sense of accomplishment and order is priceless.
Thanks for this give-a-way!
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I also have a dog and I have two children who don’t crawl anymore, well sometimes they do lol, so a way to easily clean it is a big bonus!
Keeping my family healthy and comfortable is what part of housework that makes me happy. We are putting in wood floors instead of carpet next month because of my husbands illness/treatment that has decimated his immune system. Having the confidence in Bissell’s reliability in worksmanship will increase my happiness as I clean the new floors and care for my husband at the same time! : )
i like clean sheet night and the smell of fabric softner
I like it when everything is put away and all the surfaces (table, counters) are sparkling clean.
I absolutely LOVE the smell of PineSol in my house!
Just started following you on Twitter!
i love when i get into my bed at night when all the sheets and blankets have been freshly laundered. it is the greatest.
#2 because I like you on Facebook
Hate cleaning, so love easy ways to do it!
I love being able to sit in the living room to see everything in its place and freshly mopped floors!
I like being able to walk around on the tile and not have the bottom of my feet turn black from dirt! Nothing like a squeaky clean floor!
I like it when the dishes are done and the floors are clean, especially since I have hardwood floors.
someone noticing
I LOVE the smell of clean laundry and I love sleeping in freshly washed sheets!
i like you on facebook too
I love the smell of clean clothes that come from my clothes line outside!
I love it when I’ve been able to do all the laundry, fold it AND put it away…it’s the little things in life that give me satisfaction! : )
What makes me smile
is when the chores are done and I can relax!!!
A clean table and fresh vaccum lines on the carpet!
I love an empty laundry basket!!
I love when I look around and see that everything has been put away/organized/cleaned up! I also LOVE the smell of freshly dried wash from the clothesline :-).
I follow you on Twitter @4MyLittle1
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We’re getting readdy to re-do our floors. Always wanted wood floors, finally, we’re going to have it done! This prize would come very handy for our new wood floors!! Thx for the giveaway.
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I follow you on twitter.
My favorite part of cleaning is the bathroom walls! I can’t stand the thought of icky walls and that I may accidentally rub touch them – hehe. So, it is the best feeling to clean them and know they are clean when I take a shower!
On twitter @ JazzwifeKNS
Seeing no clothes to foldin my laundry room makes me giddy.
i like you on facebook. love all the good deals
I like you on facebook.
I love the smell of fresh laundered clothes right out of the dryer. I have to get them out right away because I will NOT iron
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I love having a clean kitchen. Dishes put away counters clean. I love clean floors but hate cleaning the floors. This mop would be awesome for our hardwood floors and my three and 3/4 fourths children.
I love a clean kitchen! I am an email subscriber. The 29th is my birthday, what a great present that would be! Thanks for all you do.
I would LOVE to win this! It seems like my floors are always a mess. I love to see nice clean floors! I also love when there is no dirty laundry to be cleaned or clean laundry folded in baskets to be put away!
I smile when I have clean floors!!! I have hardwood through the whole house, every room, even the bathrooms and when they are dirty it just feels yucky in the house. They really need to be mopped everyday, since I have one husband, 5 children, 3 house dogs, one cat and 3 hamsters (who like to throw bedding out of their cage)!!!!!! So with my crew if I can just keep the floors looking good and other things semi-organized, I am a very smiley mommy, even my kids notice!! Thanks for the amazing giveaway and this would me awesome for me to win.
I also like you on Facebook (and in real life)
It’s hard to pick one thing but if I have to clean floors is number one. We have a cat and keeping the hair up is a challenge. I just can’t not mention towels in the linen closet. My daughter used to make fun of me with my obsession that towels be folded neatly and all facing the same way in the closet. Now that she is married she has the same obsession. It’s true what they say. We do become our parents.
If my dishes are washed and my living room and bathroom are clean that makes me happy. The whole house could be clean but if the floor is dirty, it just ruins it for me!
I would looove to win this! I live in Florida so there is always sand everywhere! What makes me smile is to have a clean kitchen. My favorite thing is when I polish up all my stainless steel appliances to where I can see my reflection in them, because I know it won’t last very long (three year old with sticky fingers)!! Love it!
I am already following you on twitter.
I love nothing on the countertops. That means there are no dishes and the kitchen has been cleaned up.
I love the smell of the carpet after it has been shampooed.
I love to polish my antiques.
I love clean kitchen counters, free of clutter and junk! I also like a clean, sparkling bathroom and fresh-laundered sheets!
When my daughter had colic, the only thing that calmed her down was the sound of the vacuum cleaner. Ever since then, vacuuming is a peaceful time for me.
I already “like” you on Facebook lol!
wow, what a great giveaway!!
I love clean floors and clean sheets!!
I love getting into a freshly made bed. The sheets are smooth and smell great. It always makes me smile.
i follow you on twitter
I love the smell of laundry in the dryer!
I love waking in my bedroom and the bed is made and nothing is out of place! Makes me feel like at least something is in order!
I love the smell of clean sheets! I also love the look of organized rooms.
I love to do laundry! I hate to do my floors
They never seem to get as clean as I want them to be. I’ve tried mopping, swiffer wetjet etc. I’d love to try the new Bissell!
I love the look of freshly vacuumed carpets! You get so much bang for your buck. My husband recently surprised me with a Dyson vacuum and I get super excited when I empty the canister out every time and see what it’s picked up (I’m a geek, I know). Two dogs and two kids…you do the math!
I already like you on facebook!
My first day to visit your site and imagine my feeling when I saw this post and found a kindred spirit. We have 4 kids and HATE something to get on our feet. I run around with my vacuum and my husband loves his “Disneyland” broom and dust pan. We are the joke of everyone who knows us. I would absolutely love this handy piece of equipment. My fingers are crossed! Like the post before me … I also LOVE the smell of pine-sol.
OOH, winning this would make my day. I was just checking this out at Sam’s Club last night and debating whether or not to guilt my husband into getting it for me!
My happiest cleaning moment is looking at an empty sink, after I’ve finally finished washing all the dishes. I know I can finally go sit down and relax when the sink’s empty!
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I love when after all the hard work, my kitchen is finally clean. It just smells clean and looks beautiful (compared to what it looks like after I cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner!) This would be a blessing for us!
I love clean floors. The problem is that we have 2 miniature schnauzers and they are ALWAYS bringing in dirt, leaves, grass, etc. that clings to their “skirts”. My floors never stay clean for long… but I have been wanting one of these steam cleansers FOREVER and this would be just awesome! Thanks!
following on twitter: pixxxidust
I like it when all the laundry baskets are empty (which doesn’t happen very often and never lasts for more than a few hours–until bedtime when dirty clothes fill them up again!)
A clean kitchen–shiny sink, clean counter tops, and everything in it’s place!
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Clean floors are what I love, there is always a baby or child playing in the floor, or a sippy or bottle dropped, and of course toys in the floor.
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I like you on Facebook, too!
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I love it after I’m done folding all our clothes.
I feel so much better when the laundry baskets are empty and all of the clothes are neatly in drawers or hung in the closet. I am also like it when the floors are vacummed and the carpet pile is going in the same direction. When those two things are done I feel like my house is clean.
i love when everything is put away – no papers or books or shoes laying out – just very clean and organized.
I would like clean floors, if they ever happened!
The look of a freshly made bed – your bedroom instantly looks better!
I follow on Twitter.
My favoirte part of cleaning is folding clothes freshly washed with Gain…. LOVE the smell. Thanks for the entry!
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i “like” common sense with money on facebook too!
I like hanging my laundry out on the clothesline, and i like the smell of fresh crisp sheets straight off the line when you make up the beds!
nothing else like it!
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I like to empty the dishwasher (and sort coupons!) :).
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I LOVE walking across my kitchen floor barefoot just after it has been cleaned and feeling the smoothness on my feet. I have been wanting one of these steam mops for quite some time now as it is extremely difficult to keep the kitchen floor clean and sanitary with three kids constantly dropping their food and crumbs, etc…on it. Having a steam mop would make my life so much easier than having to constantly get out the old smelly mop and bucket – which is difficult to do as I have way too many little “helpers” who like to help mop and get wet while walking all over the freshly mopped floor.
There’s nothing better than freshly cleaned floors.
I LOVE the look of a sparkling clean and fresh smelling bathtub!
My favorite household chore is vacuuming. It can be good exercise and everything always looks better and neater when the rug is fresh.
I “like” you on Facebook too!
When it comes to house cleaning, there is nothing else that makes me happier than to get into a bed with clean sheets at the end of the day and watch tv. Ahhhh….
I like the feeling of accomplishment I get when I get it done-to be honest -I am a procrastinator
Just “like”d you on Facebook!
I am happy when my house is organized, and clean!
I know this sounds wierd, but I love a clean bathroom. No matter how clean the house is, I have to know the bathroom is clean!! And the smell of fresh laundered sheets on my bed! I think I sleep better!! Thanks for the chance to win the steam cleaner. I know I would love this for my floors!!
FB ‘liker” -Julie A Scott Laws
I love a clean bathroom. Nothing more gross walking into a dirty bathroom. I like knowing that no matter what, if my kids are going potty or if a guest is coming for a visit, that I know there is a clean bathroom that they are walking into.
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i love a clean bathroom. with everything clean and sparkly, i can go as my private little oasis and spend some quality time with me.
I love the smell of clean laundry right out of the dryer
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wow i love cleaning my floors, cause i love to walk in my socks. really could use this. i Like on facebook
I love a freshly vacuumed floor!
I’ve got your on my tweets!
I love taking a long soak in a freshly cleaned bathtub. It’s my reward after a long day of cleaning up everything else in the house!
I love a clean kitchen! Cleared counter tops, empty sink, and freshly mopped floors.
I LOVE seeing my dark carpet clean. I vacuum at least 3 times a week. It’s my way of relaxing. Weird, huh?
I love clean bathrooms!
De-cluttered surfaces (like the counters, tables, etc.) make me happy! When everything looks clean I like how it makes me feel… ahhh!
I love the smell of clean sheets when I’ve just washed all of the bedding. I always sleep really well that night.
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I love the slight smell of dishwasher detergent when the dishwasher is running. It means the hard part is done…at least for a little while!
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I’m already a fan of yours on facbook.
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Definitely the kitchen floor & dishes!
If the dishes are done, and the floor is sparkling, then my house is FINE! We have no storage space so things are always laying around. I can’t fix that. But that clean floor & sink make it all OK!
I too am floor obsessed but what really makes me smile are clean litter boxes!!!!
i love a clean sink, no dishes, pots or food around
It makes me happy when everything is “in its place” – I can’t stand having stuff all over!
I own a cat rescue and currently have 10 cats in my house, no one needs this like me!! lol
I love being able to enjoy a newly cleaned house – the smell of lemon furniture polish, and no dust!
I love walking into my house after a day of cleaning. It smells so fresh and clean.
I love waking up on monday mornings to a spotless house because I spent ALL day sunday cleaning!!
I like decluttering – just picking up all the random mail, receipts, and stuff that gets left throughout the house.
I “like” CSWM on FB!
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I am always relieved when the pile of dishes in the sink is gone and the dishwasher is doing it’s job. I had given up on the floors. I would love to win this steam mop. I could smile at clean floors again. Two year old twin boys sure can mess up your floors!
My favorite is clean floors too. I’ve never done a giveaway before but this one definitely spoke to me. Thanks for doing this!
I love clean sheets, and clean floors both freshly cleaned carpets as well as hard floors. I have been looking to buy one of these for a while.
I’m following you on twitter.
I love the sound of the house “humming” … the dishwasher running, washing machine cleaning, vaccum running, etc. Totally relaxes me.
Thanks so much for your blog … LOVE it!
With two cats and a dog, I love when the tile is swept and the carpets are vacuumed– no hair tumble weeds make me smile.
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I’m agree with you, the BEST is when you enter to my house, and you see the floors, completed clean, shine, and smelly,thats the reason, that at home noboby wear shoes, only barefoot, or socks, so could I keep the floor clean longer.
I can’t stand clutter on floors, cabinet, tables. So if those are clutter free I’m a happy mama!
I love the time that the living room is clutter and dust free and the carpet is vacuumed!
I love the smell of clothes when they first come out of the dryer!
I love it when all the dishes are done and the kitchen counters are clutter-free. It is very short-lived, but it brings a little zen to my life!
Also I follow you on facebook
My favorite is when my husband does the cleaning, even if it’s just something little like picking up after himself.
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I love the smell of CLEAN sheets! and a CLEAN smell when you first walk in the door
I love to see clean dishes, clean floor, and definitely neat bed…
I love clean floors too! I’m currently using the mope I bought in college some 9 or 10 years ago and it is seriously falling apart. I’d love to dry something new and better!
Boy would I LOVE to win this item. Washing floors is my second least favorite chore…washing dishes by hand is number one! But I do love the way my house smells after I’ve cleaned and the feeling of a clutter-free zone! I love to light my favorite lemon lavender candle and call it a day!
my favorite is clean fresh new sheet for my bed:)
I like it when everything is put away and all the surfaces are sparkling clean.
Clean sheets are the best…and seeing the smile on my 2 year olds face when I take her minky dot blanket out of the dryer!
following @kate_brockmeyer
Oh how I could use this cleaner!!!! I love hardwood floors but I don’t like cleaning them by hand. There is nothing that makes me happier than getting the closets and cabinets organized. It just makes me feel like my house is super clean!
My fav thing about cleaning is getting into bed with freshly washed sheets!
I am now following you on twitter!
I love the look of freshly vacuumed floors and I actually LIKE to vacuum too.
I love clean sheets on a freshly made bed (and then sleeping on them). This is very timely as I just this morning was wanting to research and buy a steam mop for our hardwood and tile floors (they are out of control dirty right now). Regular mopping is getting old and never seems to work well. Thanks for the giveaway.
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Oh what a great give away! I love the whole business of cleaning! It is SO refreshing to have a clutter-free living room and bedroom and a spotless kitchen and bathroom.
I am a twitter follower. @CrystalGB
I would LOVE to win this! I am getting my wood floors installed in the next few weeks after dilligently saving for the past 3 years. I also have two kitties and one has allergies very badly so this would be great to use in order to clean and sanitize.
I am a freak when it comes to cleaning: some of my obessessions include I HAVE to have lines in my carpet, my pantry, fridge and all cabinets have to be ‘faced”, meaning I can see the label and its in perfect order.
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I love having the dishes done and the kitchen clean. It gives me a warm fuzzy!
I enjoy the smell of a clean bathroom!
I just love the smell and look of a clean house
I like your fb page, too
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You are being followed on twitter! https://twitter.com/firemomma35
I love a clean kitchen! It is the center of our home. And family dinner is our time together, and so if the kitchen is clean, it is so much more peaceful.
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I am a clean floor freak too..love clean floors!! I have been hunting for the right solution too..hopefully it’s a steam mop!!
Freshly mopped floors and scrubbed showers make me very happy! There is nothing like a shiny floor and tub!
A clean and clutter-free table make it somehow easier for me to breathe. It’s just a nice place for my eyes to rest when the table doesn’t have bills, spilled juice, and regurgitated food all over it. It’s a rare but lovely site.
I look the look of a clean kitchen…sink, floors, and countertops!
spotless floors and all dishes cleaned and put away makes me happy!!
I like you on Facebook.
I love a clean bathroom.
Pushing the GO button on my Roomba makes me happy. I have 3 dogs (and a toddler and crawler) and all hardwoods —so roomba works hard for me. Nothing better than clean floors, for a few seconds anyways….
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I once heard Oprah say she wanted her towels to look folded in her closet like they do in th store. I was so happy with myself because mine do! Yay! Now everytime I put towels away I smile that I have at least one thing in common with her!
I like you on Face book…
Clean, spotless kitchen…indication am done for the day..no more cooking..no more dishes…makes me stress free…can relax…! ( I make a big mess when i cook
I love it when there are NO dishes in the sink! I also “like” you on facebook.
I love clean floors and hate messy ones, too. Clean floors in a clean kitchen – ah! Not too frequent with five children, but pleasing on those rare occasions.
clean sheets are my favorite
Love clean sheets
I follow you on Twitter!! I like getting notices when away from computer via my blackberry!
after dinner, when sitting at tv or my crafting table…fav time is when dishes done, counters wiped down & everything in it’s place!!
I love knowing everything is spiffy & ready for a new day!
Entry #2 for “like”ing you on FB!!
My favorite part of housework is seeing the empty laundry hampers! Now if only the laundry fairy would visit my house…
I love to start my day by making my bed. It gets me off to a good start to know that one thing I have done will stay done until we go to bed at night.
I love the smell of fresh clean sheets. It’s nice knowing that after a long day with four girls that I can climb into bed and dream about the smell of Downy, love it!
I love the way I Feel after the house is spic and span!
Also, I’m a twitter follower (@ProudPatriot07)
I like coming home from a chaotic day and seeing everything in its place. It doesn’t happen every day, but it is a worthy goal to keep working toward! This would certainly help…
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Am following you twitter plus on FB…
I “like” you on facebook.
I love the feeling of clean counters in my kitchen!
And, I’m a facebook fan (or I “like” you now- previously it was fan I think?)
i follow you on twitter @bindrid1
I like sleeping in my freshly made bed with clean sheets!
Actually a clean floors also make me smile, which is a rarity in our house with two small children. No matter how many time I sweep in a day there always seems to be food lingering on the floor. We clean the floors and the don’t seem to stay that way for very long.
Folding laundry
I love the orderliness (is that a word?) of it. I love that it can be done quickly and you have a nice neat pile of folded clothes when you are done. Plus, I can fold laundry sitting in my bed and watching TV!
I like when my towels remain folded even after my husband uses the facilities.
I already follow you on facebook but clicked ‘like’ for this entry!!!!
I love completely cleared off kitchen counters, it really makes my day!
I like a clean kitchen, with clean countertops and no dishes in the sink. Everything in its own place gives me peace of mind.
I love having a clean floor. I feel so much better knowing my floors are clean with my youngest crawling/walking/playing on the floor!
I’m a facebook fan.
Like you, I love the feel of clean floors. With all hardwood, I hate tracking dirt from place to place. It finally ends up in my sheets at the end of the day which is the worse. I’ve heard terrific things about the steam mop and would love one of my own! Thanks so much.
washing the last dirty dish, putting it away and then wiping the counter. The effect rarely lasts for more than a few minutes but it is satisfying while it lasts.
I am a facebook fan!
I love clean floors. My steam mop just burned out last month.. The steam mops make cleaning floors such a pleasure.
I am avid follower on twitter & facebook! I love love LOVE having a clean bathroom!
I follow you on twitter
Oh how I’d put this prize to good use!
I LOVE the smell of laundry; folding it is another issue, lol.
For me, nothing beats a clean kitchen.
We have mold issues and when my bathroom grout is mold and mildew free I feel like the bathroom is properly cleaned.
Follow on e-mail, “like” on Facebook. I like emptying the dishwasher.
I love the feel of clean, squishy carpet after you vaccuum it. =)
I like having everything picked up – no clutter for me!
Hi, I just love a clean house. I ove it when the floors are so clean you can eat off of them.I also love the fresh clean smell and therefore a steamed kitchen and bathroom would help to give it that fresh clean smell.the green way of cleaning with vinegar, baking soda and steam is perfect. Okay, alright so if the house can’t always be organized at least it can shine and smell clean.I will follow on facebook,(Cassidy McNammara),a facebook fan.
i love cleaning with products that are safe to use around my kids…a little vinegar and water never hurt anyone and it gets the house clean too!
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I love the smell of clean towels and sheets!
I just love cleaning the tub!!
following you on twitter.
I love the feel of clean sheets! And call me weird but I really like to dust!
I love freshly dusted furniture…makes the whole house smell nice and clean!
When I look into my kitchen at night, with the counters bare and the dishwasher humming away, I go to bed knowing at least one room in my house is clean!
I love it when I can get the house clean on Thursday night and I come home Friday after work knowing I don’t have to worry about it over the weekend.
I’m a twitter follower, and RSS feed also.
I also “Like” your website on Facebook. =)
I love a empty clean kitchen sink and a clean laundry room (that means laundry is caught up :)!!
I love a clean kitchen. Counters have been wiped, everything that can be is put away, and there are no dishes in sight.
I like you on Facebook! (and just because
I like the smell of the dryer from the vent when I dry my clothes.
cleaning makes me happy too..any house chores that doesn’t require ‘thinking’ makes me happy…=)
I enjoy a clean kitchen and so at my free moments, I love to just clean the countertops and floor. Nothing is more satisfying to me than a clean kitchen!
I follow you on twitter.
I hate doing it, but I love clean bathrooms!
I love seeing the bottom of the hamper….even if it is for a brief moment:) I have tile through out the main area of our home, and don’t enjoy mopping, but I’m sure having a mop like this would make it much more pleasurable! I’ve been wanting something like that for ages!
I love the look of a freshly mopped floor!
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My favorite thing is hanging my laundry outside on the clothesline…it’s so relaxing!
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I always have a smile after changing the bed sheets – nothing beats slipping into clean linens at the end of a long day!
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I “like” your Facebook page too!
keeping my desk clean
I like you on Facebook and my favorite part of housework is vacuuming. I don’t know why but I actually enjoy it.
I am a fan on facebook too
I love all the great deals you share
It makes me happy when our beds are made. It rarely happens, but wow, everything looks so nice!
I love it when everything comes together and you walk from room to room and love where you live. Doesn’t happen very often to have it ALL done ALL the time. I really like a clean kitchen though.
I can’t stand getting into an unmade bed, so I have to make it before I can get back into it…
I’m a floor person too. Can’t stand clutter or stuff on my floors. I also love to clean counter tops and clutter free of dishes.
It’s the clean house smell that does it for me!! That smell lets me know that for the next few days (or hours) the dog hair is at bay and won’t be covering our baby or our clothes!
Clean floors are the first thing I notice, but I can’t stand a dirty bathroom. It was my job to keep the bathrooms clean when I was growing up so maybe that responsibility was instilled a little too thoroughly!
I follow you on Twitter.
I love seeing the kitchen clean and in order – counters wiped, dishes washed and put away, everything neat – after we’ve wrapped up post-dinner. It looks wonderful for the rest of the night, and is so nice to see first thing in the morning!
I love to use my washer my hubby found and fixed up (front loader $50) and I also love to fold towels.
Ok call me crazy. I like to see my baseboards on the steps and around each room clean and dust free!! LOL !!! I know it is weird, but after the carpets are cleaned and vacuumed, I love to make sure the baseboards are dirt and dustfree. It makes the room look cleaner to me. Unreal right!!!
I love those days when the house work is done by dinner time so we have extra family time in the evening.
The beds are made and the sink is empty. Those things make me feel good.
a clean bathroom makes me feel great…that’s the one area that I hate to clean the most, so I start there and feel so great and motivated to clean the rest of the house.
Clean sheets and a clean bathroom with no hair on the floor!
I love having NO clutter!!!!!
I love the fresh smell of the house right when you plug in the airwicks! I love it!
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Clean laundry!
I love a shiny tub – when it’s freshly cleaned. Counters too!!
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Having all the dishes washed AND put away. I can’t stand a full sink and kitchen counter!
I am a Facebook fan.
A clean kitchen makes my day. If everything is clean and put away I have room to bake!
the chore that I always lag behind on is folding laundry that’s done and putting everything away where it belongs. When I see empty laundry baskets is when I have a bog smile on my face !
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I “like” you on Facebook and I also get emails.
One very important thing that I like is when I do something, I do it right the first time. I cannot stand working on something and then having to do it again because it wasn’t cleaned right the first time. A fresh made bed and a clutter free kitchen make me smile for days. Thanks for asking.
I friended you on facebook.
I love to do laundry!
I’m with you, clean floors make me happy. That and a squeaky clean kitchen sink.
I love cleaning the kitchen.
I love the look of freshly vacuumed floors. It helps my worn out carpet look a whole lot nicer!
The smell of laundry just folded from the dryer brings joy to my day.
I have to have my countertops empty and clean…. if there is a coupon stack or mail it must be filed away or I am not happy!!
I love the clean smell of a freshly bleached kitchen!
I love being your fan on Facebook!
I already follow you on twitter.
I love it when all the beds are made up with fresh Snuggle-scented sheets/comfortors & when the whole house is freshly vacuumed (I love vac tracks, call me crazy if you want!!) and mopped.
I also really love it when the windows are open with curtains blowing in the breeze!
You just can’t beat the scent of SPRINGTIME & a clean home!
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A made bed makes me happy even if there is laundry on the floor and stuff all over the dressers. If the bed is made I feel like the room is half done and it’s a snap to finish the rest.
follw you on twitter
I like clean and organized closets.
I love seeing my baby play on clean floors…. the mop will help.
To have a clean kitchen after dinner! Love it!
I “liked” you on Facebook!
What I like best is a clean, sparkling kitchen. Something about that job done just feels so good!
I LOVE a clean bathroom.
I follow you on twitter as cosnowkitten.
My favorite part of housework is when it is done and the house is all clean. Usually it is after the kiddos are asleep so that it will stay clean for a few hours!
I absolutely love cleaning my bathroom sink!
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There is something about clean windows that brings a smile to my face.
The suns rays bounce of the sparkling glass looking for a place to rest.
I sit in the recliner and sit back and enjoy the view~!
I love the smell of a clean home, but also enjoy when all the clutter is put away and everything feels organized.
I love clean dishes. I feel a sense of accomplishment when the dishes are out of the sink! : )
I like a straightened up family room :). With 6 of us, 5 at home all day, it doesn’t stay that way for long. I think the whole atmosphere of the room changes when it’s really picked up.
also a facebook fan!
I’m a “like” on your facebook page
Clean kitchen!!
I love laundry when it comes straight out of the dryer! However, I do not like folding it.
I love the feeling of accomplishment when you get finished cleaning your house – especially the smell of the fresh clean scent — I also love putting the laundry away – that last step makes me very happy!
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I love it when my front room and kitchen are nice and clean because that is where we spend most of our time. My family helps with the dishes after dinner, so that makes me the happiest because I’m not doing it all by myself! There’s nothing that makes my day better than waking up to a sparkling clean kitchen!
I too love the smell of fresh laundry as it comes out of the dryer. I hate to put the clothes up though.
I love fresh sheets – and a clean kitchen floor is a bit of my obsession too!
I love having clean bathrooms and kitchen. If those are done, everything else can be a total disaster and I won’t care.
I am also a Facebook fan.
I love it when I can look around and see a clutter free house and then I know everything is in its place and I know right where it is
I love a tightly made bed with fresh sheets, catching up on the pile of clothes to iron and neatly folded t-shirts and organized socks in the drawer.
I like walking barefoot on my tile floors without feeling dirty stuff on my feet. I also like how happy my wife is when the house is clean!!!
I love the way a freshly scrubbed house smells!!! Makes me happy inside!!
I love fresh clean sheets on the bed. Even better if they are still warm when crawling into bed for the night. Thanks.
I love clean sheets. They are soo refreshing..
I love the lines on the carpet after a thorough vacuum!
I love to go to bed on clean sheets. I also like to have a clean sink in the kitchen when I go to bed but that doesn’t happen too often:)
I love the smell of my freshly cleaned house!
That would be the perfect solution to the mix of floors in our home!
I love when the kitchen is all clean, no dishes in the sink, counters all clear and clean, floor all mopped.
I am a fecebook fan!
I love a clean counter and kitchen area.
Hmmmmm house work??? No I love it when my bedroom is completely clean-bed made (with fresh from the dryer sheets), room dusted, closet organized and the floor vaccumed!
I follow you on twitter: @VanessitaS
Love an empty laundry hamper. If I’m behind on laundry, I feel that everything is behind!
I love clean sheets, especially after they have been hanging out on the laundry line. It reminds me of my Grandma, and I love my Grandma!
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I love clean kitchen counters!
I ‘like’ you on Facebook!
Laundry isn’t my favorite thing. But I get through it by thinking how blessed I am to have a wonderful husband and 4 beautiful daughters to do laundry for!
Clean floors! That makes me smile. Our driveway is dirt and all the dirt ends up in the kitchen. No one ever wants to take off their shoes. When I get it clean its the best feeling in the world.
I know I’m a little strange, but I let the house get a little bit messy during the week and go crazy on Friday afternoons and clean it up. If I keep it perfectly clean all of the time, no one notices and it isn’t as satisfying, but if it goes from messy to clean, it feels like a real accomplishment.
Or is that just my justification for being a bit lazy…?
I love it when the laundry is done and put away.
“Like” you on facebook:) I’d love to win!
I follow you on Facebook and would love to win the steam mop. Our house has 70’s linoleum and short of hand scrubbing every week, I can never get them fully clean.
I LOVE clean windows!
(I follow you on Twitter and Facebook.)
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An empty hamper makes me smile. Love it when all the dirty clothes have been washed and put away properly.
face book “like”
I LOVE when my kitchen sink is clean and shiny! It just seems to make the whole rest of my kitchen looks good.
It makes me happy to sit on the couch at the end of the day in a clutter free room.
following on twitter “racergrl79”
I love it when the whole house is done. I enjoy the smell and the look of everything. I take it all in for about a day, or two. By then my kids will have it messed up again!
I love the smell of clean laundry, and going to bed with clean sheets!
I love the smell of a clean home. I go crazy with my Freebze. Another thing I love is when I vaccum and all the lines are going to same way.
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I do follow you on Twitter
I like you on facebook.
I am like you-I love clean floors. I vacuum at least 2x a day!! LOL
I liked this on FB. I wasn’t sure if I had to leave a post here saying that I did that, or not.
I love it when I tear down the beds and wash all of the sheets. It is so liberating to tear them apart (helps with stress). I then can’t wait when my family returns home and comments on how nice their rooms smell from the clean, crisp sheets (especially when they were hung out to dry). I open all of the room windows as well to increase the nice outdoor smell. My young daughter even thanks me for giving her great smelling “new” sheets. It really lights up my day. I remember my mother doing the same for me and how it made me feel as a kid. I had no idea that it could have meant so much to her as well. Thanks for the memories!, I like you on facebook as well.
I LOVE folding our freshly laundered bath towels! LOL I love when they come out of the dryer all warm and smelling good. I just want to wrap up in one!
I love hanging laundry out in the summertime!
I like you on FB!!
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It makes me happy when everything that I bought with coupons is nicely organized on the shelves! (:
I have to say I’m with you on the clean floors…we have wood floors throughout our home and I LOVE the look of shiney clean wood!!!
Clean floors are my favorite.
I’m a Facebook Fan.
I love to vacuum. It feels like you’ve really accomplished something when you see all those lines in the carpet! It’s also a great feeling to see an empty hamper too…I just don’t think about the fact that it will be loaded up again in a day!
I also “like” you on FB!
I love a clean sink…..but laundry comes in a close second! I love clean floors; just don’t like to be the one to clean them!
I love the fresh scent of a new load of laundry.
I now follow you on twitter…..but I’ sure don’t know what I am really doing over there!
i love the smell of laundry that has been hanging out on the clothes line. love folding them.. and also the smell of murphy’s oil soap.. that i clean my woodwork with.
My favorite thing when cleaning is a nice pile of clean diapers and clean baby clothes. They’re the easiest chore to do – and the cutest! I always feel accomplished with minimal effort.
(least favorite is getting cat hair off the couch…but you didn’t ask about that
And I *Like* you on facebook, too!
I love hanging my laundry on the line smelling that fresh air and putting them all away and I get a real sense of accomplishment. Thanks for the opportunity!!
I am a “like” fan on Face Book…don’t tweet though…can’t afford it.
I love a sparkling clean kitchen countertop.
I love seeing all of my kids’ toys in their containers and put away!
I “like” Common Sense with Money on Facebook.
I like when the bathroom is completely clean.
I love really organized tupperware!
making the bed makes me happy. i feel good everytime i see it.
I am happy when my black kitchen stove is glistening! Free of cooking spills and finger print smudges… which lasts for about 5 minutes. And the rule at our house is… as soon as the stove is cleaned… somehow… there WILL be a major spill!
I’d love to win this one, because anything to make cleaning my floors easier would be great!!
I love that moment when the chores have just been done and everything is clean and neat. It makes me feel like I did something to make our home even more inviting.
I follow you via email. Your posts are always so helpful.
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Having my bed made ,no dishes in the sink, and the floors swept twice daily makes me happy, We have 5 dogs. So, sweeping the floors often makes me happy. Thanks for a great offer.
The best night’s sleep comes when fresh, clean sheets are on the bed. I slept great this past Saturday night!!
I love vacuuming, and seeing the clean carpet! I also like looking at my closet when all the clothes are clean and hanging up (my closet is color coordinated, so it looks like a rainbow!)
I love the fresh scent of towels.
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Although, I obsess with a clean house too…I tend to obsess more on clutter, just can’t stand it!!! There is a saying cluttered home/clutter mind…I believe it…so, I don’t stock pile either…no space.
But, I would say a couple of things help me feel good about housework…one is tending my many plants…, I love scrubbing fresh fruit/vegs and putting in bowls/vases around the house…fresh flowers too, ditto on the clean floors, as I have wood and I love to go barefoot…so the floors must be squeaky clean; lastly, it would be putting my sheets on the clothes line…love that smell…then, crawling into bed…awe luxury. Thanks…another great give-away!!!
I am unable to twitter…not sure why…I suspect it is because we have dial up internet. I am hoping this can count as an entry…Thank you.
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I love clean bedrooms & sparkling clean bathrooms. With 3 kids & 2 teenage girls a sparkling clean bathroom is destroyed within 15mins. I love the smell of a freshly cleaned bathroom. I also love spring time when cleaning house I let the windows up & let in fresh air. This brings back so many memories as a child when my mom would clean & curtains blowing so relaxing.
I love seeing my bed made. I love cleared off counters in my kitchen with all dishes done and put away. Clean floors are so nice, but I don’t have a fun toy like this to clean them with.
I like making all the beds every morning, when the bedrooms are neat and tidy it makes me feel good. I also love having my kitchen clean, something about not having things on the counter and dirty dishes in the sink makes me feel good. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I’m not always crazy about doing it, but I always like when it’s done – We have wood floors everywhere and I like it when they are really clean! All under the couch and rugs, and the baseboards dusted (when I’m feeling really ambitious)
I love a clean stove…when I can cook on a sparkling cooktop it makes me so happy!!
I love a clean floor too and an empty, clean sink
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The only thing that makes me happy about housework is when its done!
Clean floors make me smile!
I love when my kitchen counter is cleaned off and neat……. makes me feel a little better about my kitchen!
I love it when all the dishes are done and the stove is clean. I especially like it when my husband has done it.
My favorite part of house keeping is when the laundry baskets are empty, and all the clothes are put away.
I love a sparkling clean sink. At the end of the day, if all the dishes are done and the sink is shiny — I’m thrilled! (PS — I’ve been dreaming of the Bissell steam mop! Would love to win.)
I love the feeling and the look of my floors after being cleaned (once a week by hand). I have 3 little ones and they do not stay that way for long, lol. The one household chore I don’t enjoy is ironing. Thanks for the giveaway and the wonderful site.
My on is learning to crawl, so a clean floor gives me the good feeling, knowing he is not getting all icky!
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I love a freshly made bed!!
I love the way my carpet looks, feels, and smells after it is vacuumed!
I love the way my house smells like dryer sheets when I do laundry
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I love changing the sheets on my bed. Nothing is more satisfying than the fresh smell and feel of clean sheets after a day of housecleaning.
I absolutely LOVE a clean bathroom. My mind works better if the toilet is sparkling and the tub shining. What a great giveaway!
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I love alot of things, but especially fresh line dried laundry!
I’m a follower on twitter! (mrswalker731)
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Clean floors are the best! I love the idea of a steam mop…no chemicals!
I love the feel of clean sheets! I also love when I finish all the laundry!
I love the smell of clean laundry!
I love the look of a clean kitchen. I’ll happily labor for hours doing dishes, drying and putting them away, sanitizing the counters and back splash, wiping down the stove top and knobs, sweeping and moping the floor….I love, love, LOVE the look of a clean kitchen
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I’m a fan of vacuuming. Weird, I know. But I have cats, and on the carpets we do have (we have mostly hardwoods) you can see their hair something fierce. I love seeing the difference the vacuum makes!
Seeing all of the clean laundry hanging back in the closets – and no empty hangers!
I love clean floors too!! I think I sweep forty times a day. I also like knowing that ALL the laundry is done and put away if only for a couple of hours!
Clean counters… definately! There’s nothing worse than walking into the kitchen in the morning to messy, cluttered counters.
All the laundry being done.
I love a clean kid’s bedroom, even though it may only last a few minutes!
A shiny sink! Great way to start the day!
I love folding my little girls’ laundry because their clothes are so cute!
By Friday night need to be dome with house cleaning.
I like folding laundry that just came out of the dryer.
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I usually save the socks in a basket till i have a bunch then i fold them all. i feel really good after cause socks are the worst job ever. just to match them when you dont wash them all together and have more than one person in the house. plus i never buy the same kind so they all look different.. silly me.. thanks for your time and hope you have a nice day.. i love your site.
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I love having cleaned floors where I can walk barefoot during the summer and not having a feeling that dirt is stuck to my heels.
I love when all the laundry is washed and put away.
I love a freshly vacuumed floor!
I love the smell of a clean bathroom. I wish the bathroom fairies would clean it more often!
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After I get done cleaning I light candles! Thats my favorite part to sit back and everything looks good and smells good!
I love clean towels fresh from the dryer.
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I love the vacuum lines left in a clean carpet!
I love when I get all of the bathrooms clean!
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I love to vacuum but hate to dust! So, this would make me very happy!
I love the look of my freshly vacuumed floor! Nothing beats having a vacuum that WORKS and having no crumbs/dirt from one corner of a room to another!:)
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I love seeing a clean kitchen sink!
I love the feel of clean sheets but a steam cleaned floor would be pretty great too!
I love to clean the floors. I can’t stand dirt on the floors!
I Love Clean Sheets!! Walking into a bedroom and smelling clean sheets makes me smile, if I had the extra time I would wash my sheets daily, I love that fresh tucked in feeling when I crawl in at night!!
Having a shiny, clean bathroom makes me happy!
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I love changing bedding…there is nothing like fresh sheets. Also to vacuum. I do it almost daily. When I was prego and nesting multiple times a day….my hubby even told on me to my OBGYN b/c I was supossed to be on bed rest!
I love the smell of a clean bathroom. With 2 boys in the house, it can get stinky.
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I love the way my living room floor looks after I’ve vacuumed. There is just something so delightful about the lines it leaves. Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway!
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As I finish the mopping on the fully cleaned house, the smell of the pine-sol from the floors makes my achievement real!
My favorite part in housecleaning would be hanging clothes out on the clothes line. It gives me five minutes to clear my mind in the quiet. Sometimes the kids are screaming outside in the background, but it is still nice. I just add liquid fabric softener and the clothes are actually soft after blowing in the breeze. My laundry gets done quicker (I can hang three loads outside) and I fold them while I am taking them down so they get put away quicker. A little bit of sunshine makes the day brighter!
The sight and smell of a clean bathroom is what brings a smile to my face!
I love when my kitchen is sparkling clean, and my cupboards are all cleaned and organized!
I love the feeling of having all the laundry clean and put away!
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I love clean floors and clean bathrooms!
Clean laundry!
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I like it when the laundry is done and put away.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I really like a clean refrigerator ( inside, outside, and underneath)
I love a empty, clean kitchen sink!
I actually enjoy cleaning as it allows me to reflect on the accomplishment of owning a home and having a family to take care of.
I follow you on twitter.
I love clean bathroom faucets and sinks.
As old fashioned as it sounds I love to starch and iron shirts, I love the smell and I can zone while doing it.
I love the way all the wood in the house glows after a good polish. That was my chore as a kid and it makes me smile to see the pretty grain of the wood (plus we make our own polish so if the kids get t it before it dries I don’t ahve to worry).
I love seeing a clean kitchen floor, it makes the whole kitchen look better.
humm…. an empty kitchen sink… I dont like to have a pile of dishes in the sink, so when they are all done, i can relax and hit the sack!
I love freshly cleaned sheets! They make for the best sleeping.
I love when my bedroom is perfectly clean…so relaxing!
Freshly vacuumed, cat fur free carpet. With four cats, it doesn’t last long either.
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I love an empty laundry basket! And full drawers!
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I love a clean bathroom and a clean kitchen. I can’t cook in a dirty kitchen. I like to leave a lit candle in the room after I clean. Then when the whole house is clean there are pretty candles burning all over and the house smells wonderful. (I know all that about not leaving a candle “unattended”. ha)
Thanks for having the giveaway. I have hardwoods and tile, very little carpet. That machine would be wonderful!
I love to vacuum my floors. I feel if the floors are dirty my home is dirty and we can’t have that! I also use a lot of Glade to keep the house smelling great.
I love when the laundry is all done and when I’ve just gone to the grocery store and it’s all put away!
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clean sheets are most fabulous
I like the sight of freshly pressed shirts lined up in the closet!
I don’t love any housework, but a newly vacuumed carpet really does make a room look clean! Thanks for the giveaway!
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I love the look and smell of a super clean kitchen:)
I love a freshly made bed with clean sheets and the quilt and the good decorative pillows that don’t make it back on the bed everyday
Clutter-free kitchens!! Thanks-
I follow you on twitter – thriftynewlywed
Clean floors make me happy too. Clean windows, baseboards, counters, bathrooms, and playrooms also make me happy.
I love when the clutter is cleared!
just liked you on facebook!
Wow, you’re getting more readers day by day-congrats. I hate doing laundry because our washer and dryer are in the shed behind the house so I’m in and out on wash day.
a clean bathroom makes me smile.
I would have to say that when there is no clutter on the counters!!!
I just liked you on fb!!!
I love the smell of freshly washed clothes.
I love to fold laundry because it is the only chance I actually get to sit down in front of the television.
I love the look and smell of a freshly vacuumed house.
I love to looking at an organized closet after its done, with crisp ironed cloths and everything stacked neatly in its place.
My favorite part of household work is seeing the fruits of my labor!
Clean carpets make me happy after they’re freshly steam cleaned
I love seeing my desk all cleared off and ready as a launching pad for cleaning everything else!
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I love to see my clean livingroom!! Makes me so happy before it gets messed all back up again!
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love to see clean floors sparkle.
I love when everything is dusted. Having a five month old and two dogs makes it nearly impossible to keep with it. I’m lucky to get the dishes and laundry done each day!
I love when the floors are cleaned as well. I can’t stand walking around & having stuff stick to my feet, especially now that we are in a house that has tile & hardwood & I have a 28 month old & a 7 month old. It seems I am always sweeping or mopping the floors now days.
Tied with that is when the counters are all cleaned off – doesn’t matter if it is the laundry room, kitchen or bathroom counters – just love the feeling when they are cleared off.
Clean floors. No shoes allowed in this home!
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It makes me happy to have the dishes washed, dried and put away…then cleaning off the counter…ahhhhh a lovely site!!
I “like” your FB page! Pick me!
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I LOVE the smell and feel of clean sheets on my bed! Clean sheet nights are my best sleep nights! If I could I would have fresh clean sheets every night! Maybe one day.
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I don’t actually enjoy the housework part but I love the feel of living in a sparkling clean home so…… No clutter countertops and clean floors make all the difference in the world to me!
After spending all day cleaning, I love the smell and the fact that every room I walk into is clean and organized!
The one thing I like about housework is the sense of accomplishment when it’s all done and the house looks great!
Love the feeling of soaking in a freshly cleaned tub!
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what makes me happy about household work is knowing that I did something productive
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I love when ALL my laundry is all washed, folded, and put away! It doesn’t happen often…but when it does it puts a huge smile on my face!
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Jessica ‘Hagan’ Schwartz
I love a clean sink!
If my kitchen is clean, that makes me very happy
i absolutely love having bath towels line dried and stiff!
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Getting fresh bedding out of the drier and snuggling up with loved one-especially in the WI winters!
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I love the smell of a freshly clean house! Nothing makes me happier=) In fact, I may be a little OCD!!! heehee
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Love that feeling when I know everything (well mostly everything) is in it’s place and if someone dropped by, they would be greated with a clean house, this only happens once a week if I’m lucky, but it’s a great feeling!
My favorite part of housecleaning is the smell my dryer emits while running. It makes the whole house smell like Snuggle!
I love it when my kitchen counters are clean.
I enjoy having a load in the washer and one drying. I love multi-tasking! Thanks for sharing such an awesome giveaway!!!
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Spring cleaning puts a smile on my face. I love to open up all the windows so the air flows through the house and putting on some music to keep me going!
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I like being able to walk in my house and see everything exactly where it should be. I can not stand clutter …. but at the same time I hate organizing my counter. It is the catch all for everything…and it drives me crazy!!
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with 2 small children and a dog, i am always vacuuming. after i am finished, i spray an air freshener. that way, i can smell AND see how much better the house is!
I like the fact that I can sit down and not be making a mental list of all the stuff I need to do when I stand up.
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i enjoy dusting also!
I follow you on Twitter now too!
I love the smell of clean sheets
the last entry about dusting, i guess should have said i follow you on twitter. (sorry!)
and now i “like” you on FB, too!!
the wonderful smell of clean makes me smile! Anything that’s clean!
I love having clean smelling sheets and clean floors, both through vacuuming and mopping
The looke of freshly vacuumed carpet. I like to see the vacuum marks and no footprints.
I’m with you, dirty floors stress me out! I’ve been known to mop two or three times a day…which I will admit is a bit over the top, so I’m trying to curb that. I love the lines from a good vacuum…it makes the whole house feel clean even if it isn’t. And clean counters…no clutter on them.
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My favorite part of housework is folding warm laundry fresh from the dryer!
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Clothes fresh off the clothes line folded and put away. Especially the sheets!
I just love cleaning my room and have fresh clean clothes.
I Love it when all my house work is done. The whole house smells clean. I would Love to win this !
I love having my kitchen sink shine. Makes me happy!
I like a made bed.
The pillows and shams in place and the throw at the end of the bed.
The bed made makes me feel like I can get on with the day.
A clean floor freshly vacuumed.
I like the smell of laundry when I bring it in from hanging it outside.
Clean kitchen coutertops!
I’m a new woman when my kitchen is clean. It’s like a weight lifted.
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I like doing house work with my children, who are young! It brings me joy to see them helping out, rather it be taking a cup to the sink, folding a towel, or sweeping the floor. =0)
When every bed in the house is made! It makes me smile!
I hate to clean, but when I do, it’s the clean bathrooms and kitchen that I like the most. Would love to have the steam mop to get the bathrooms and kitchen floor super clean.
Hello, my name is Courtney and I’m a cleanaholic. I am obcessed as well with clean floors! I love, love, love the smell of a clean house! This mop would rock my cleaning world!
Thanks for such a GREAT giveaway!
Everyone in the house knows, when the house is clean, Momma is HAPPY!
I love to do dishes…it seems to relax me!
I love having clean, neat counters, with no dirty dishes around the sink, etc. A dirty kitchen drives me crazy.
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I love after a full day of cleaning and washing all the sheets in the house to just sit down and smell how clean everything is…..It makes me :-)…..
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Nothing like crisp, clean sheets!
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I like to jump under the covers after the bed is made, even if I’ve just finished it.
Once the housework is done I love that fact that everything is neat, clean, in its place & in order!! The messiness that usually goes along with my house needing to be cleaned drives me crazy!
I already follow you on Twitter! @anneg72
I love everything just straitened up, even if it is just nice piles over the place!
And I “Like” Common Sense with Money on Facebook!!
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Oh Mercedes, I don’t like cleaning. Okay, to be honest… I loathe cleaning. But, what makes me feel all tingly inside is after the cleaning when my house smells fresh. Especially in the spring time when I can open the windows and the breeze comes in. I also really like a clean bathroom and having the laundry all folded and put away. Just so you don’t get the wrong idea…I do clean. I just hate doing it. Especially since my baby arrived 21 months ago. I don’t want to take any more time away from her, but a clean house is an absolute necessity when there’s a baby in the house.
Phew, that was a lot.
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OMG this would be an awesome mothers day gift for me!!!! Seeing my floors clean and my bathroom spic and span is what puts a smile on my face not to mention having the clean smell around me is such a relief.
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I love the feel of clean sheets! There is nothing better then getting into a bed of clean sheets after a long day!
I love the transparency of clean windows! The tree leaves and sky look so much better when my windows are clean! It’s invigorating!
I love thelook of freshly vacuumed carpets! nothing beats a clean floor!
I love to sit back and enjoy my house after it has been cleaned. I also like to walk across my floors barefoot when they are freshly cleaned!!
Although I love the creativity of cooking, it makes me happy to see a shiny kitchen that is in order, after I clean up from a big meal.
I just love having a clean room. Our room seems to be grand central station and it is hard relaxing if it looks like it is grand central station.
I rhink that when the carpets are freshly vacuumed that the house always looks cleaner than it really is!
I just love the site of a clean house with everything done. It’s like the ultimate breath of fresh air. It’s almost like your home, for one brief moment, is one of those homes in magazines (before your kids start throwing Cheerios back on the floor ;).
I love a clean counter and a scrubbed out sink. Sparkle gets me every time.
I love the way the whole house smells once its clean, can’t beat it!
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We have all white sheets….LOVE THE SMELL of clean “bleached” sheets!! ahhhhh!
I like the smell of having a clean house at the end of the day!
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I like you on FB.
Fresh Sheets
Warm clothes fresh out of the dryer
The smell of a clean house after dusting
I love the look and the smell of a clean home. I get so stressed if the house is cluttered!
I love being able to use “green” products to clean that don’t harm the environment and still keep my house looking good. Baking soda is the best!
Shiney dishes ready for food make me smile
I love when my whole house is clean so that I can do very little to keep it up. Really destresses me.
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Being done!!!!!
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I love the smell of bleach, so I don’t mind doing laundry or cleaning the bathroom! Thanks for the chance to win.
I hate to clean I need help PLEASE
I like a dirt free floor, but hate dusting!
I love the look of a clean countertop in the kitchen.
I actually like to vacuum. I also think it makes a room so much cleaner looking when there are vacuum lines on the rug.
I love my kitchen looking spotless. That’s just heaven.
I *LOVE* clean windows! We have a dog that always puts her nose on our low windows and a toddler who loves to put fingerprints all over them, too. I love to clean them and marvel and the shine! My fave!!
I like when the laundry baskets are empty and my closets and drawers are full. I can SEE what I accomplished.
i love when the whole house is clean and then i can just sit back and relax and look around at all the work i just did and know it was worth it. It’s a refreshing feeling.
I love when my kitchen floor is clean and nothing sticks to my feet!
I love it when my Kitchen is clean and fresh. I always take a deep breath and smile when I walk in and the sink is sparkling. A clean kitchen and bathroom always makes me smile ( as crazy as it may be).
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I love the look of an orderly house, knowing it is clean without it being overly obvious with the smell of cleaning items.
No clutter makes me happy
I love to change the sheets….. clean, crisp sheets make for a good night’s sleep!
email in profile.
The part of housework that I enjoy is when everything is completed and I am able to enjoy the house being clean! Sitting on the sofa, looking around the house and saying to myself it looks good and clean!
It feels good when all the counter tops are free of piles.
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email in profile.
I love a clean kitchen!
I follow you on facebook too!
I love the sound of a running dishwasher, something is getting clean and I don’t have to do anything!
I love the look of an organized closet. If I could put a chair in the closet and spend the day in there, I would!
I do like clean floors but my favorite is when everything is picked and there is no clutter. With four kids this is a rare in our house.
I like it when the dishes are all washed and drying, the counter is cleaned off, and the kitchen table has no clutter on it.
Hmmm…with 5 kids and a puppy…having *any*part of my house clean is a GREAT feeling!!
I’m a follower on Twitter… @roseatwater
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I also appreciate a clean floor, I use murphys oil and have used it on every floor including tile which is in our entire house now. Emmmm luv that smell.
I love it when everything has a place and there is not clutter! My coupon piles were outrageous so I bought a 7 drawer organizer for them. The filing system didn’t work for me!
I follow you on twitter (crystalclearsav)
I like a clean & fresh smelling bathroom. Also, freshly dusted tables make me happy!
I follow you on twitter (WendiP).
I like you on fb, but I was a fan first lol!
I love a clean bathroom!
I love to see my kitchen cupboards all organized and my dishes looking pretty after I have washed the dishes!
Hmm…The thing I like the most is the look of an empty laundry basket! Very Rare! =)
I also liked you on Facebook!!
Nothing beats walking into a kitchen with clean counters and an empty sink!
we just remodeled my kitchen to include a dishwasher!!! with 4 kids I’m thrilled to have this luxury. I just love not always having dishes (clean or dirty) on the counter. I love to load and unload it. I wonder how long it will take for me to dread the unloading of it. I couldn’t imagine complaining about it any time soon. The floors are getting recovered next year and we plan to go with hardwood floors. I’d love to have a steam mop before that big change too. You’re great! Wish me luck!
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It makes me happy to have a clutter free home!! All that junk mail, paperwork, newspapers, magazines and coupons to be all sorted, organized, caught up and taken care of! :o)
I love it when the chores are done and I don’t feel the pressure of knowing there is something I need to be doing. My time is freed up for reading, or playing or creating. I have had my eye on this for a while. I would love it!
I love clean floors.
FB fan.
I like clean laundry.
Facebook fan
I “like” Common Sense With Money” on Facebook.
A clutter free counter top makes me happy.
I follow you both on Twitter and Facebook, and this blog is a DAILY check for me….. I’ve also sent your link to COUNTLESS other couponers in training…. LOL
My favorite part of housework is…….. when my kitchen is Clean……. counters are unclutters and freshly wiped off, the floor is mopped…… just gazing at a clean kitchen waiting for the floor to dry is one of my “weird” little sense of peace moments………. and moments is all it lasts with a 6 year old son and a big horse of a dog! LOL
I like it when all the little tiny toys are all picked up from throughout the house and it is safe to walk…haha!!!
I love the scent & feel of freshly laundered bedding, still warm from the dryer.
I now “like” you on Facebook. Can’t believe I didn’t already like you there before!
I don’t mind doing the laundry — getting all the clothes finally picked up off the floor and put away!
I used to be a fan of you on Facebook, but I guess now I just “like” you!
Love it when the coffee table is clear … maybe because this so seldom happens!
I love when things are “done” – at least for now – like not having a single piece of laundry in the basket, or having a completely clean kitchen with no dirty dishes.
I also like you on Facebook!
Would love to win this!!! PICK ME PLEASE!!!
I love when I get into bed after putting on my freshly washed sheets
Love clean bathrooms! Such an accomplishment…
I like seeing empty laundry baskets!
I love when my floors are spotless.
I have hardwood floors through out my whole house because of my daughters severe allergies. I love the look of the floors when they are clean but it takes so long to mop them. This would make it so much easier to keep on top of it! I love the look of clean floors most!
The best part of housework: after the job is done I can be thankful that I have a house to clean, that I am healthy enough to clean it, that I have a husband who apppreciates its being clean and that I’ve saved money by doing it myself. Life is good!
I love clean sheets on the beds! My 11 year old son always notices because he likes it ,too. Love your website and all the infor you provide!
I love the feeling of having a clean home. Knowing that I worked hard to make my home healthy and clean for my husband and two children (ages 2 and 1) puts a smile on my face!
Love the smell and feel of clean bed sheets.
I love an organized clothes closet with ironed shirts nicely stacked.
I don’t know why, but I love a clean toilet. Probably because it never lasts long…
I love the look and feel of a room when everything is put away neatly, in its proper place. And the room is clutter free.
And I “like” you on Facebook!
I love to vacuum! I hate to iron clothes. I light candles once a room is clean- so refreshing when I go back in that clean and clean smelling room.
There’s something great about walking into a freshly cleaned house. Unfortunately with 2 dogs and 2 little boys that does not happen enough for me – but I try!
I just love the look and feel of a clean house. Of course, it never lasts but it’s satisfying for the first few minutes before the kids destroy everything again. Thanks for the giveaway!
I feel more relaxed when my house is clean. When it is in disarray it really stresses me.
I like to make sure all the dishes are done each night.
Dusting is a stress reliever and makes the whole house feel clean and fresh.
I love it when my pantry is clean, organized and there are no dirty dishes anywhere!!
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I love the look of freshly vacuumed carpet. I like all the lines to go the same direction and so I start in one corner and work my way through the house. It never fails that my 2 year old will go running through before I’m finished, so gone are the days of enjoying it for at least a few hours. But I admit that little footprints are definelty better.
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Clean floors definitely!
I “like” you now too. I hope I win! With two babies and WHITE carptet (I’m not even kidding about that). I’m constantly spot cleaning. Oh and I didn’t even mention the two fluffy cats who are puking constantly now that it’s warmer and they’re shedding. I spend a good hour of my day, every day, spot cleaning my carpet. Fun stuff.
I love the smell of a clean home and I love knowing that it is clean when my child is crawling all over it. It makes me happy!
I love having clean kitchen counters!!
A clean and organized toy room – I rarely get to see it though!
1. I love seeing the lines in the carpet that the vacuum leaves LOL I love the smell of freshly laundered sheets when I curl up in them at night. And, I love walking in to a clean, bright kitchen first thing in the morning with a fresh pot of coffee waiting on me!
I love doing the laundry because it goes fast and makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something.
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I like it when the dishes are done and the whole kitchen is sparkling clean.
When my house is clean, I can relax and feel good about relaxing because I know I am caught up with my cleaning list for a while! I also find that a clean house helps me feel more peaceful because the daily clutter is gone.
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I love a spotless kitchen, everything put away, shiny sink and clean counters
i like the smell of laundry right after it comes out of the dryer
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I LOVE a wll organized pantry! I go in there just to look at how pretty it is. I know it’s silly but when everything is all lined up it just makes me happy.
Oooh, I would love one of these!
I love holding the warm clothes just out of the dryer.
I love when everything is clean, including shampooing the carpets. Nothing better than that fresh smell at least for a couple of days.
I follow you on Twitter as rachelflavin
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I really like to do the laundry. Love the smell of clean clothes.
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Having my home clean and organized gives me a sense of calm. Have tried several types of floor steamers and haven’t been satisfied. Always have to go back over the wood floor. Would be great to win one the does the job right the first time!
I love it when my kitchen counters are clear of clutter and my sink is empty of dishes.
I really love the smell of the clothes when I take them out of the dryer. I’ve never worked for a department store but I do enjoy folding my clothes as if I were living in one.
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I’m also following you on Facebook ^_^ Gracias!!!
My favourite is clean floors. Even when you declutter the floor, it still looks terrible until it’s mopped or vacuumed. Once it’s clean, everything looks perfect. Plus I like being able to adhere to the 5 second rule without worry.
My husband tells me it’s odd, but I just love cleaning the toilets each week. In a house full of boys, going from so dirty to clean and sparkling just makes me happy. My husband should just be happy that he doesn’t have to do it!
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I love having a kitchen that smells clean from the citrus spray!
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I like to do windows!!!!!!!!!!
A clean kitchen table and counter make me happy – I love to walk in the back door, into the kitchen and see that – it used to be a “catch all” but now everything should have it’s place, that is not always true, but when it is cleaned off, it makes me happy.
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Vacuumed carpets & a clean kitchen floor make me very happy.
I love seeing an empty clothes hamper. There is something satisfying knowing every item of clothing or linen is clean and put away. Mission: Accomplished!
I love to have my bedroom clean and uncluttered.
There is nothing that brings a smile to my face as a just vacuumed house – floors and carpets – and washed floors! The whole house is free of dog hair, crumbs, bits and pieces of who-knows-what and the floors are clean – not for very long, mind you – but, at least, for one moment in time, it’s clean and I’m happy!
the fact of having a clean house with a cat, dog, baby and husband..and it still looks good after im done makes me happy. not to mention the fact that it just smells clean and fresh everywhere you walk…and its germ free for the baby who should be starting to crawl within the next few weeks.
I am quite happy and content when I am cleaning the bathrooms. I like to see the shining mirrors sparkle once clean with tmy reflection. I like organizing everything nice and neat.
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I love the look of all the clutter removed..either discarded or put in it’s place….Makes ma a happy camper.
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i love it when my house is clean when company comes!
I love the feel of towels when they come out of the dryer.
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Hanging laundry on the line to dry! Mmm!
Having my laundry scheduled, and folded on the day that I intended makes me happy.
I follow! @laurareamsdavis
“Like” you on facebook, and already “fanned” you. I hate mopping floors, and already asked for a steam mop for Mother’s Day… I know weird!
Folding the laundry has now become my favorite household chore beacause y 15 month old daughter helps me. Even though she cant fold the clothes she very good at taking the clothe and attempting to put them away. Needless to say, her drawers are a mess but it makes me laugh everytime she helps!
bringing laundry in off the line especially in the fall when the air is clean and crisp, the laundry smells heavenly
i follow on twitter under lynnc50
I follow you on Twitter! @mosquints
i am a facebook fan under cooklynn50@yahoo.com
I love it when my husband comes home and says, “You must have been busy. The house looks great!” He is not particular about our home, having come from a home where his Mother loved to cook and love on her family—but definitely did not love to clean. But, I know that I feel like a queen and he a king when it is clean, when we wake in the a.m. and walk on a floor that feels so smooth and grit-free. He gave me another brand steam mop for Christmas before last, because I reeeeaaallly wanted a steam mop. It worked great for about 6 months, then quit. I could not get a refund because the store discontinued them. I hear Bissel Steam Mop is tops!
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I may not have everything always vaccumed or dusted, but I always get rid of clutter! I hate when stuff is out.
Hi Mercedes!
I always wondered if you were a clean floor freak~whenever I was at your house your floors looked amazing!!!
What do I like about housework? I like an organized linen closet with all my towels folded neatly and all my surplus freebies tidy and straightened!
When I am finished cleaning I love to sit back with a cup of coffee and just feel good,look at how the house looks and that fresh clean scent!
Makes it all worth it and I love a clean house!!
I like when the dishes are completely done!
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Mac and cheese and apple pie … YUMMY!
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I love the floors when they’re freshly mopped! None of my husband’s big splashes in the kitchen (he’s a messy chef), no stale cheerios for my 2-year-old to find, no crumbs sticking to my bare feet, because I’m starting sandal season as soon as possible!
Clean sheets. I always sleep better on fresh washed sheets!
facebook fan!
Thanks for such a great give away! What makes me happy is being done with my never-ending pile of laundy. From start to finish, having it washed, dried, folded, AND put away.
I love when everything is organized and clean. Especially if I can finish all the wash and put it away. But it seems like with a family a 5 that there is always wash to do.
I’m a fan on facebook too. Did the like thing for extra entry.
A clean kitchen makes me happy. The house could be a wreck, but if the kitchen is clean, it’s all ok! thanks!
I follow you on twitter – idahojill
I like you on facebook – Idaho Jill (that sounds bizarre…)
I thankful for my washer and dryer, so I don’t have to do it by hand/manually. I think we all take it for granted but I love my new set and actually enjoy doing the laundry (except the folding). The machines these days can do it so quickly and anything that makes my job easier makes me happier.
Walking on newly vacuumed carpet makes me smile.
I love clutter free counters and surfaces!
A clean house makes me feel so much more calm and collected.
I love when my house is clean!
I am on facebook w/ you!
I love it when i get the kids play area clean and organized! and of course that joy is very short-lived, lol!!!
i am a facebook fan!
A sparkling clean bathroom, complete with fluffy folded towels and fresh flowers.
Sadly, this almost never happens.
A clean bathroom makes me smile! I love when the sinks and the mirror are sparkling – and when the mirror is clean I can then smile at myself!
I love to listen to my ipod and dance around the house while I clean! It makes me super happy when my hubby compliments the house when I am done cleaning and I love the smell and the feeling of having a nice , clean house!!
I love doing laundry!
I love having clean windows! The sunlight seems to shine through perfectly just after they’ve been Windexed.
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I love a clean sink because what bothers me most is a sink full of dirty dishes.
My favorite part is seeing clear and clean floors at the end of a good day.
I love clean counters! A blissfull 3 hours from lunch clean up to the end of the school day and the clutter begins again!
There is nothing better than climbing into a bed with freshly laundered sheets!!!
I just don’t know why i wasn’t named clean,i love fresh , deodorized and clean,I always liked to clean and be clean since i was young.There’s that earthy scent about clean better than any fragrance.Fragrances cannot mask dirt and dust.There is nothing cleaner and greener than some vinegar and water and a good steam cleaner.there is nothing cleaner than a bathroom and kitchen and carpets that have been steam cleaned.you not only see the sparkling clean rooms and can smell the freshness but you know the smallest particles of dirt and dust and allergens have been disolved using a stem cleaner.My dog tracks a lot of dirt onto my floors,and mopping is not enough.
( facebook fan i am )
i love doing laundry. it helps me destress!! i bought this exact steam mop for my mother in law for xmas this past year. target had it on sale the day after thanksgiving. i live in southern indiana & was spending the holiday in ohio near lake eerie. i went to target at 2am waited in line to purchase this product among others. i got the last steam mop they had. my mother in law love love loves this item. she says it is sooo much better then the shark she used to have & better then the eureka she had before that.
I love the look of a clean kitchen. It doesn’t even have to be perfectly clean. But a scrubbed sink & clean counters is a great thing.
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I love it when the whole house has been cleaned! Although it only usually lasts until the kids get home!
The part I like best about cleaning the house is when I am all done!!! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!
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Keep the great tips coming!
I love the smell of the house when its all done! I can relax and when its all done!
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I love the little kids’ socks a lined up in their drawers. It’s nice when I know I won’t hear, “mom, I have no socks!!!”
I love the smell of a clean kitchen and the smell of food being cooked on the stove. Yum!
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The best part of any chore is my house smelling clean afterwards. I love the smell of my house after i clean up. especially my laundry
chantal cooper
chantalgiardina (at) yahoo (dot) com
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chantal cooper
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chantal cooper
chantalgiardina (at) yahoo (dot) com
I love to hang out clothes in the sunshine. I did forget them last weekend during our rainstorm so that got an extra long rinse cycle!
I’ve been wanting a steam mop for awhile since we have vinyl floors, 4 dogs, 4 cats, and 4 grandchildren tracking in dirt!
It’s sitting back after its all done! Just installed laminate flooring, this would be great.
Great giveaway!
I love the way my kitchen looks when the counters are cleaned and sparkly! It makes my entire house look nice!
A clean shinny floor of course!
My husband loves pot pie…so it would give me a night off! I’d add the croissant dinner rolls and chocolate chip ice cream pizza. yumm….
I am obviously not awake this morning and didn’t realize which page I was on! I love having my floors clean! All the pet hair vacuumed up!!
I am obsessed with clean floors too! I also love a clean and tidy bathroom which is really difficult with 4 bambinos!
Wow…I have a house full of hardwood floors and really wanted one of these … I never think my floors are clean unless I am on my hands and knees so this would save me !!!! and it would be nice to get it from one of the best informational coupon sites…I will keep my fingers crossed!!!
Clean counters!!
I love when all the laundry hampers are empty and there is nothing left to wash! It doesn’t happen very often
I love it when ALL the dishes are washed and put away. I would love to when the prize! We have a 9 month old son and something to make cleaning the floors easier would be great!
* win
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I love the smell of a freshly mopped kitchen floor.
This would work great on my tile floors and save my knees for the gardening and God!
I love the feel of a clean bathroom. clean floors, toilet, sink and shower makes this momma happy. I love the smell of a clean bathroom as well.
Clean grouts makes me smile.
A freshly made bed is my favorite thing!
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I love a clean house too!!!
I love everything to be put away. No cords out, nothing extra on the counter., computer put away. and I do love clean floors!!!
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I love the look of clean feet. Just knowing the floors are clean makes my heart flutter.
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I like finishing the housework so I can do something else!
Fresh clean sheets on my bed and just vaccuumed carpets!!
I too am obsessed with my floors . Not only do I have 4 cats but I have a crawling baby boy so I have a daily battle with cat hair, drool, discarded food from the high chair and whatever else they all decide to leave on the floor for me! Love the look of clean wood floors.
A well vacuumed carpet, kitchen floors well mopped, fresh smelling house, clean and fresh smelling bathrooms and clutter free kitchen counter!
My favorite family moment is sitting together reading a book before bedtime.
I always wondered if these steam cleaners worked!