New Target Printable Coupons: SpongeBob Theme

Planning  a SpongeBob Birthday party anytime soon?  Or maybe you have a SpongeBob fan at home?  Target just released the following printable coupons. Use them quick though, they all expire 8/26:

B1G1 American Greetings dinner pocket plate FREE WYB (1) American Greetings SpongeBob dinner pocket plate
$1/1 Colgate SpongeBob toothpaste or toothbrush
$2/1 Hasbro SpongeBob game: Operation,Cranium, Connect 4, or Sorry
$3/1 SpongeBob DVD
SpongeBob video game – $5/1

You can print this coupon using the Target Coupon Generator.

There are quite a bit of toy coupons for some decent toy deals. I am putting together a compilation of all of them so you can enjoy them in one place.