Back in August I was looking for beauty how-to videos to get some tips on how to help me use all of those drugstore make up finds. Youtube has actually a lot of these make up tutorials but I noticed that most of them were geared towards teenagers.
While I would not consider my self “old”, I will admit that I am past rocking most of the looks teenagers sport nowadays. In a struck of luck a few days later I received an email from Kristie over at Blushing Basics. Kristie says that there is only one rule in makeup: If it makes you feel beautiful, you are doing it right. However there is no reason why feeling beautiful should cost you an arm and a leg. Here is what Kristie has to say about using your drugstore deals to achieve a flawless look:
As a freelance Makeup Artist, I often purchase makeup. One way I stay within a reasonable budget is by getting makeup deals at CVS or Walgreens, as well as ways to earn ECB’s or RR that can be used towards your purchase. While drugstore makeup can be hit or miss, choosing the right products will allow you that flawless look. I have created a video tutorial highlighting some of those products, and explaining how best to apply them.
For even more tips you can consider subscribing to Kristie’s Blushing Basics blog or her Youtube channel so you don’t miss any of her tutorials. i love that she has a bloopers section in the end
Win It!
Kristie has bee been generous to offer CSwM readers the chance to win the products highlighted in the video. These products include, L’Oreal HIP Duo Eyeshadow, L’Oreal HIP Lipgloss, and L’Oreal Mascara. Plus you will also get a $15 gift card to CVS or Walgreens so you can keep getting those beauty items for less.
- To enter to win just drop me a comment sharing which is the make up item you can’t leave without: mascara, lipstick, etc.
This giveaway closes on 9/20 at 3PM EST and it is open to US. residents 18 and older. If you are reading this entry in an email or reader, CLICK HERE to enter this giveaway.
I always need to have lipgloss!
The make-up item I cannot live without is mascara….and also lip balm. You might not notice them, but they definitely help me to feel beeeeeeee-utiful.
I couldn’t live without my concealer – hides those dark circles under my eyes and the occasional blemishes I still get.
I can’t go without concealer. Covers up circles due to lack of sleep and other dark spots on my face.
I need my lipstick!
My lipstick.
Can’t do without my lip gloss and makeup primer.
mascara–and lots of it!!
Love my mascara and lip gloss!
I can’ t live without mascara!! My eyelashes are MICROSCOPIC!
I have to have my powder compact! I live in Florida and it’s easy to sport a shiney face w/o your compact for touchups!
(and after that lip gloss!)
Foundation or mascara. Never lip gloss always lip balm.
Two makeup items I really like is loose powder, and lipstick. The powder takes off the shine, and minimizes redness. The lipstick ( esp. in the pinks with a blue undertones) helps your teeth look whiter, and your eye more prominent.
I cannot leave without my mascara on. I love that stuff. It really helps in making my eyes look open and awake.
I think mascara makes a big difference!
Bad news – I leave the house all the time without any makeup. But I do love the cover girl perfect tip eyeliners. Glasses make the eyes hard to find!
i don’t leave the house without dusting on loose powder. just a little goes a long way.
I can’t live with out my liquid eyeliner!
I have two item that I can’t, can’t live without. 1. concealer-hides my sleepy eyes and those blimishes. 2. lipgloss (slightly tinted) my lips feel naked without it and they tend to look worn and tired like my eyes. So that’s my two items!
Must have mascara and lip gloss!
Can’t live without concealer – it would be too scary to the general public if I went without!
i can’t live without my lipgloss
I love my lip gloss!
For me, mascara is my bff!!
I need my foundation.
I need a little powder to fix the shine. I like a fresh glow, but not an oilspill…:D
I need my mascara for sure!
at a minimum i always wear mascara
Can’t go anywhere without foundation and some lip gloss.
I am a lip gloss junkie!
I cannot go with our mascara and my FAVORITE way to glam up my look is fake lashes
must have powder and blush. a little color on my cheeks is good enough for me
I don’t wear makeup on a regular basis, but have thought about trying to wear more now that there are more issues to hide. I do put on lipgloss once in awhile.
I couldn’t live without my foundation! I can’t leave my house without it on! I put it on even to go to Walmart:)
No doubt-mascara. Can’t go anywhere without a quick flick of it. Even my 5:30 am run with the girls-sneakers and mascara required. These blonde lashes make me look like I have no lashes without my mascara!!!
Eye shadow… so many colors and exciting things to try but even with just a little color, my whole face brightens up!
Mascara…definitely brightens up my eyes!
Hi I can’t leave the house without mascara- usually good old Maybelline
Mascara is a must here!
Gotta have my lipstick/gloss at all times. I keep it stashed in various places so I am never far away from a touchup.
Mascara all the way.
my eyeliner!!!!!!!!!
Foundation or tinted moisturizer
Have to have mascara
I need my lipgloss!
If I’m not going to bother with my whole makeup routine I do at least put mascara on.
Got to have my favorite lipstick!
i cant go with out well a face i need to put one on every dayand well if i had to pick just one i say it would be my eye liner
i could not live without blush. if i can’t put anyhting else on because i am rushing, then blush makes me look more wide awake.
I can’t live without my brown eyeliner!
Thanks for all the great tips! For me, it’s lipstick
I can’t leave without mascera. I look naked without it.
Foundation…because I need it!
my eyeliner
I cannot leave the house without applying a primer (or moisturizer) with SPF. Gotta protect your face!
lip stuff – lipstick, lip balm, lip gloss, etc.
I go through different phases with which makeup I like. One I always come back to is revlon colorstay foundation. It helps even out my skintone and there’s so many color swatches, which helps when you have pale skin.
I can’t live without mascara. My lashes are blond tipped, sparse and short.
Might not really be considered makeup but I NEED my facial moisturizer.
Powder with foundation in it! And chap stick!
I love eyeliner and lip gloss they make me feel great with little effort.
I can’t leave withouth mascara and lipstick….
I can’t live without eyeliner and lip gloss!
I never leave home without mascara and eyeliner
I can’t live without mascara or eyeliner!
Mascara. I don’t look awake until it’s on!
.Lipstick is the only thing I usually wear.
I can’t live without my concealer or my mascara. I have dark circles pretty bad so concealer is a must have:-)
Mascara for sure..
Concealer! Who really has perfect skin??
Mascara absolutely. No one notices your gigantic zit if your eyes are sultry (well, maybe they notice it a little less).
I already follow blushing basics and I love it!! So many great practical style tips.
I LOVE my eyeliner!
I always wear foundation
I always wear mascara and eye liner.
I can NOT live without eyeliner!
Undereye concealer!
I pretty much never leave the house without foundation, next would be mascara.
Lipstick. Thanks for the chance to win.
I always have to have mascara!!!
Mascara the older I get the fewer lashes
I can’t live without my mascara!
I need my foundation
I can’t live without my mascara!
Have to have my eyeliner and mascara.
I can’t live without loreil mascara-this product opens up my eyes and highlights my best feature.
TY pjames330(at)aol(dotcom)
I would say foundation!
I must have lipstick!
Mascara. My hair is super blonde and my eyelashes match – meaning they are basically invisible if left alone…
So mascara for me
thanks for the give away!
I need all the help I can get …..I Have a hard time puttig on my face before I leave my house…winning anything would be GREAT
Lip balm is something I use every day, even if I don’t use other make up!
I can’t live without my foundation and mascara.
I can’t live without LIPGLOSS!!!!!!!
Gotta have that mascara!
I need lip gloss! Or chapstick! Or lip balm! Something for my lips.
I have to have mascara and a touch of blush and lip gloss/lipstick!! thanks for the giveaway!!
Mascara, definitely!
I can’t live without concealer. I’d look like a zombie without it. Greatest thing in the world to cover dark circles under the eyes…that and the reflecting capabilities of glasses :).
The one thing I cannot live without is mascara! Nothing makes your eyes pop and look brighter than a great shade of mascara.
I can’t go without foundation. My skin is so uneven without it. Mascara is also necessary because of my blond eyelashes.
I like me some blush
Definately my foundation.
I can’t live without blush
I don’t leave the house without mascara! I have no eyelashes without it!
I don’t wear that much make up but normally wear eye shadow.
Chapstick…need to have it!
~eunice b
tigergal01 @gmail .com
I don’t wear lots of make up, but the one thing that I never leave home without is lipstick.
Cannot do without the lipgloss!
I love foundation!
I haven’t left the house for any reason – including childbirth – without mascara for more years than I can to admit to!
I pretty much never leave the house without mascara! My eyelashes disappear without it.
I feel so much better if I have some lipgloss on!
Mascara and Burt’s Bees Lip Balm are both my must haves.
I have to have my lipgloss. I feel naked without it.
I love the mineral powder :). It’s the best!
Need lipgloss
Definitely my Revlon complexion foundation…gives me that dewey complexion!!
Mascara for me
Definitely need mascara to perk up the eyes!
Lip gloss to moisturize and accent!
Mascara and lipstick are both super important to me!
Some mascara, bronzer, and a little lip gloss go a long way!
I cant live without Mascara! Thank you!
I don’t wear a lot of makeup, but I don’t feel put together without mascara.
It’s a toss-up – mascara and lipstick. I don’t think I’ve left home without either in the last 15 years, so I’m not sure which is more important to me!!!
I cant live without eye liner , mascara and chapstick . Those three things are very important to me.
Foundation and blush! Even my hubby will ask me if I’m feeling ok if I don’t have them on:)
mascara. i don’t feel like all my makeup is on without it
For me it’s under eye concealer and mascara!
lipgloss and press powder
I can’t go anywhere without my mascara and mineral powder foundation.
I CANNOT live without concealer… I have the darkest under eye dark circles ever, and concealer is the only thing on this planet that comes close to erasing them……
Foundation: you’ve got to start out with a clean(looking) slate.
Wouldn’t be caught dead without mascara. Even a small amount helps.
I absolutely HAVE to have my eyeliner! Not a lot, but without it, I feel undressed.
I can’t leave the house without mascara!
Oh I love mascara and lipstick.
Mascara is the key!
I have to wear waterproof mascara before I leave the house.
I need mascara! I feel like I don’t have my eyes on without it!
I love my liquid eyeliner!!!
lip balm–especially in the winter
Mascara, I have really short thin lashes!
I can’t live without lipstick or lipgloss. I love it!
I love my lip gloss & concealer—it would be scary if I went out of the house without them.
I can’t live without my lipgloss/lipstick. I need to keep my lips moisturized.
I don’t generally wear make up except for a light powder. It helps get rid of the shine after I apply moisturizer in the morning.
Lipgloss … need it!
I got have my foundation and eyeliner! without these i look pale!!
Mascara! It gives my eyes a much needed lift!!!
Definitely rely on mascara to help my eyes
Love to accentuate with blush and bronzer!
I can’t go anywhere without some foundation!! My natural skin is so blotchy that I just don’t feel right without smoothing out the look of my skin!
(eyeliner is a very close second!)
I can’t go anywhere without the bare essentials! Chapstick being one of those! I’m totally addicted!!
Lipgloss or lipstick!
Mascara and eyeliner
I agree with the concealer. I have black holes under my eyes and have to cover them or else I look like a zombie!
Luckily I’ve found one that blends with my skin well without having to slather on foundation.
Such an awesome post Mercedes! I have always been looking for something like this to help me with my makeup. I guess I mainly use lip gloss.. but that’s because I didn’t know how to apply all the others!
Foundation and some kind of chapstick.
I can’t live without sunscreen!
I don’t leave the house without my Avon glimmersticks eyeliner!
Got to have my lip balm!!
My lip gloss, always.
I couldn’t live without my mascara.
I need my lipstick.
mascara i never leave the house without it
I would have to say lipgloss
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I can’t live without lip balm.
Have to have my foundation…and brow pencil!!
The make-up item I can’t live without is L’Oreal mascara…I have tried so many different kinds (even the crazy expensive kinds) the only one that I can wear w/out making my eyes water is L’Oreal.
I can’t live without mascara and eyeliner. Without them, I look like I’m about 16 years old, but with just a few quick seconds of work, I instantly look closer to 25.
Blush is essential to my look.
Have to have lip balm!
of course, my blush and brush compact for rosey cheeks!
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I can’t live without lipstick. Keeps my lips moist.
Lip gloss to moisturize and add color, plus I can use it as a touch up blusher–that plus mascara make be look alive!! Even better, they are often on sale. I love the products at Ulta for lip gloss…
I never leave home without using mascara. It just opens up your eyes even when you’re wearing no other makeup.
I never leave home without some kind of lip balm, even if it’s just chapstick.
Need a good peach-toned concealer to hide my really blue-ish undereye circles!
I am a makeup person- so usually I wear it all- foundation, powder, eyeliner, shadow, mascara and lipstick but on Sundays I let my face breathe and on my weekly trip to the market I wear only mascara and lipstick- if I HAD to choose one- I would say lipstick-
I feel like I need mascara and lip gloss to finish my look, but my most importan item is powder. I just throw on my bare essentials powder foundation and I feel so much better.
I like to have bronzer and eyeliner. (I know you said one, but they’re equally important.)
Hi I could never live without Mascara or actually any makeup really BUT if I had to pick one it would be Mascara
My MUST have is lipstick, I would not feel dressed without it!
I think the makeup item I cannot live the most without is mascara. As eyes are the “windows of our souls” and almost all of our expressions can be seen in the eyes, I think people’s true beauty is enhanced by this. Mascara just helps makes your beauty more visible for others to read and reflect. Thank you…
Would have to say it is lipstick!
As much as i love all my make up I really think for me I need my lipgloss. I wear glasses so when I do my eye makeup it gets a little lost behind the lenses. So I have to make sure my lips look great. I probably have about 10 different ones in my purse. Its a little bit of a sickness lol
I can’t live without mascara and moisturizer, of course. Thanks
Recently mascara became my #1 beauty item.
I cannot live without pressed powder! My skin is very oily so this is a must for me. Would love to win this. Thanks for the chance!
I’m still stuck in the 80’s, so I can’t live without my eyeliner.
Mascara is a lifesaver!
I can not live without eyeliner!! I never leave the house without it!
my l’oreal double extend mascara with lash boosting serum. Amazing product!!!
My must haves: #1 is lip gloss, closely followed by blush. A little bit of each and I appear much perkier.
Definitely my lipstick.
I do not get dressed – any day – without eyeshadow and blush.
HI,,,,I dont want to leave home without mascara on my eyes..even if theres nothing else it opens up my eyes…..if a second choice..lipstick!!!!!
I have really lipgloss and concealer! Just had a baby and I need all the help I can get! haha! Thanks!
Wear lipstick all the time–can’t do without it!
lipstick does the job for me!
Have to have lipstick or lip gloss!
I need mascara because my eyelashes are so thin.
I use foundation blush and vitamin E lip gloss.
Foundation is the one thing I can’t skip.
I cannot leave the house without eyeliner and mascara on – at least a little bit
mascara always makes me feel wide awake and put together
concealer for sure!
I cannot live without my Covergirl Lash Blast mascara… the best mascara out there!
I always need chapstick. Not necessarily makeup but I can’t live without it.
I have trouble with acne so I’d have to say my concealer is a HUGE must!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I’m hard pressed to say one over the others. At my age (no not telling), I need the lipstick. Just feel more presentable when I have it on. Thanks for the chance to win!
I can’t leave home without a little bit of mascara. It makes such a big difference!!
Lipstick is a must have for me.
Can’t live without eyeliner!
Tinted moisturizer has become my gotta have staple…oh and subtle pink eyeshadow!
I’m a new mom and I’ve often found myself in the car halfway to town with no makeup! I get the baby ready and his bag packed and then I forget to go back in the bathroom to fix myself up!!! I always try to have liquid eyeliner and mascara on! It makes me feel pretty and like I got it together!!!
Loved the video. I can’t live without my concealer.
I can’t live without concealer!
Can’t live without lip gloss.
I feel completely naked without at least eyeliner and pressed powder. Thanks!
I always feel better when I have my eyeliner and mascara on.
I cannot live without lipgloss…
I can’t live without concealor for the dark circles under my eyes!
Mother Nature gave me lashes and rosy cheeks others spend a lot of money on. My favorite item is tinted moisturizer
Though I will admit to a lipstick addiction too.
I won’t leave my house without sunscreen.
I can’t live without my tinted moisturizer and lip balms.
Thank you for the great giveaway!
I am a lip gloss girl for sure
I’m a mascara junkie all the way.
Can’t live without mascara!!
can’t live without mascara
I never leave the house without eye liner. I look like I’m ill without it and even my family will ask if I feel okay if I am walking around without it. If I could only have one makeup item – eye liner would be it!
I like to have mascara on when I get out and go run errands.
Mascara is a must!
I’m generally a full-makeup-seven-days-a-week kind of gal. But I guess foundation would be most important to me to even out the blotchy skin. Thanks for offering this giveaway!
I can’t live without lip balm. I don’t wear makeup every day but I don’t leave the house without lip balm with SPF on my lips.
Mascara, no lip gloss, no concealer. Do I have to choose just one??