Here is a variation of the hot deal I shared with you last month. Right now, VS is offering a free mystery rewards card with any purchase. The value of this rewards card is at least $10 but could be as much as $500. You don’t know the value you get until you get the card and check online. Here is a deal you can grab through Wednesday. VS is offering free shipping on Sweater purchases until then plus you can get a free lip gloss set with sweater purchase. So in essence you can buy a $12 sweater and get a free lip gloss set. Plus you also get a VS rewards card that is for sure $10 in value. All of these shipped free! Here is what you need to do:
- Visit Victoria’s Secret and add one of these sweaters to your bag (you can add any other sweater if you like but this one is the cheapest). but there are nice sweaters for $19 too.
- Head to checkout and use the following three codes
LIPGIFT10 Free Lip Gloss Set with Sweater Purchase
WARMSHIPVSFree Shipping & Handling with Sweater or Sweater Dress Purchase
When you get this order delivered it will include the free rewards card. For sure it will be a $10 value but there are other values also, as much as $500. Here is what the lip gloss set looks like.
One more thing you want to check out is that Victoria’s Secret is offering 7 panties for $24.50. Just select from the included models and use code VS7PANTY at checkout.