Vitacost has a nice discount sale going on on Arrowhead Mills products. Some of these organic and gluten free products are on sale for as much as 40% off. If you have not claimed your free $10 Vitacost Credit you could get a good deal.
But first claim your credit by following these steps: Just sign up for a Vitacost account. Then wait for an email from them with your free $10 off coupon code. Use this code to get $10 off ANY order. Credit can’t be applied towards shipping.
With your free credit, checkout the Arrow Mills sale going on. Here is a deal idea:
Buy 4 bags of Arrowhead Mills organic popcorn $2.68 each
Shipping adds $4.99
less $10 credit
Pay $5.71 out of pocket.
That’s like paying $1.43 per bag. Amazon has the [easyazon-link asin=”B0036Z3ULM”]same product for $2.53 per bag when you buy six bags.[/easyazon-link].
Thanks Hip to Save!