If you visit other frugal blogs you may have read about the 11Mom’s project. Walmart selected 12 moms to videotape their money saving tips. Today Walmart launched this new channel on their website and you can view all of the videos submitted by the twelve money saving moms in one place. Click here to visit the website. Walmart intends this to be a community so you can submit your own money saving tip and even your video!. The video submission is still on the works but the website says you could win a year of free groceries.
Walmart also provided these moms with a flip camera to giveaway to their readers. If you haven’t, you my want to stop by ClassyMommy and FrugalUpstate to sign up for their giveaways since they end today. But don’t forget to stop by DealSeekingMom to sign up for her giveaway that ends on September 7th. I have already signed up for these giveaways but since I am rarely so lucky I am saving to buy my own camera.
So, what do you think? if you have a blog would you be submitting your own video? how about a money saving tip, you don’t need a blog for this one. Should I submit a video?